tzndrr s svrEtrczs agrxrnen*. ar appticatrfc law Borrower tthatl pay do arltosar# of alt mortgage itts;rranct prcmiutrrs in tht
<br />marsrtr prmidtd under paragraph 2 irercnf,
<br />4ny amounts disbursed isy bender pursuurt to this paragraph ?, with tnterest tfxreon. shalt become arfdiiiartal
<br />inttcdacss ~f Barrosa•tr sta;urtd by tfsis Mortgage. I;nkss Borrower and f~cttder agree to rnher terms of payment, such
<br />am#xIn#s shaft be payab#e upon natsce from [.ender to Harrower requesting payment thertof, a:ed sttal# bear inttzt.t from ttre
<br />slate of dtsbursement at tht sxhe pavablt from firne to time on rnrtstandEng principal arttdtr the Noce unless ptyn#ast of
<br />inserts! at such .-ate wan€d be can#ary to appiicabte )aw, in which event such amourMS shall tzar interest at the heShta# t~
<br />ptrmissi~e under applicable law. NMhing contained in this paragraph 7 shaft require Lender to incur any espertse or take
<br />arty action tscseunder.
<br />it. Iaapectiar. Lerrder may make or cause to be triode reascmabte eatrics upon artd inapectiom of the Property, provided
<br />that i et~cr shalt give Aarrower notice prior ±o any such inspcetion specifying rcasemablt cause therefor related to bender's
<br />interest in the €'ropctty.
<br />"'s• Ctsrederraa#or, The prnctxds of any award ar claim for damages, direct ar ransegtxrttial. in connection with any
<br />condemnasinr.- ar other Las in4 .of tt~ Prapcrty, err part thereof. or for conveyance in lira of cnndemnatian, am hereby assigned
<br />and shat! fie paid tcs Ixndcr.
<br />in the event of a faros taking of the Pmpetty, the procetds shat! be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess. ;f any, paid ro Aarrower In the event of a partial taking of the Pmpeny, unless Borrower acrd Lender
<br />atherwist agrce in wrong, there shalt tee applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the prccttds
<br />as is aquas to that prcrpartian which the amount of tht sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking brats to the fair market value of the Property imtriediatety pncu to tto date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Aorrower.
<br />If the Property is atsandoned tsc Borrower. ar if. after notice by Ixnder to Aotrawer that tht condemrar offers to make
<br />an award nr stint a c#aim for damages. Barrrnver faits to respoetd to under within ?t3 drys after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Linder is authorized to collets and app!}• the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property nr m tits cams serurttd by this Mongagt.
<br />Unless I.endtr and Aorrawer otherwise agree in writing, anv such appiiration of pretceeds to principal shall tort extend
<br />or postpa:tc the doe dare n! stet rrronthly i;tstailmenM referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such insta!lmcrtc.
<br />18. Serrowtr Nd Rdeaee>a. Extension of site time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgagt grontatd by I.ettder to aay succtssnr in interes# of Aorrower shelf oat operate an release. in any mantrer,
<br />rite stability of the arigtnal Aottoirrtr and Borrower's successors in interest. ixnder shall not F,e rcgttired to commence
<br />{x...,~.~.;:.,~ oral ~ ; - suet~r,:~ r,r .eftrst ro esiend t+me for paymtni or othttwist modify amortization of tht sums
<br />secirred ttv this Ma?ttgage by rcnaon aF any demand ntade by the origirrel Aorrower and Harrower-s sttccc,+tsctrs in interrtt.
<br />I I. Frxbeanaee by l.rrdetr Not a iVadhrer. Anvfeirt,taranrt by [,ruder in exercising any right ar remeady hcretmdcr. ar
<br />c:athtrwise affrterdcd by applicabit law shall nett he a waiwer of ax prcr:lndc the exercise of a,ny such right or remedy.
<br />'list procurcrtsent cif insuranet ar the t?ayrrment c,f taxes riot ntior liens tar charges by Ltndrr shall nor tx a waiver of Lenckr's
<br />right to accrlttait the maturity tat the indebtedness socured by this Mortgage.
<br />IZ. RrCAnedk~r Cntrrgfwairr. .411 nemedits prav,dtd in this Mortg'agt Tenn distinct anal c^umuPativr, to any other right ar
<br />nrmcdy under ilrls Mortgage mvr afforded by '{aw ar cqui#y, and may boa eatrciscd canvurrtnrlrr, initepertdcntly or successively.
<br />i3. Slstttttssaasr and aftellgas tdadstsit Jeirt aced Severd f3rbAlfyt f'aytiem. Tttc covenants and agrccmrnts htrein
<br />a.antairod shat! hind, and tilt rights hereunder shall inure ro, the respeetave succtssnrs and assigns of !.ender and Aorrower,
<br />sulsject to do provisions of paragraph s' hereof .4I1 covenants and agreements of Borrower shat) f,t tams and ovate!.
<br />"CPre captions and loadings o! the paragraphs of this Mortgage arc for convenience only and arc nut to set used io
<br />an±trprct ar dt8nt the prawasianc loreo£.
<br />!4. Naice. Except for any nonce rcyuirttd under applicable law to be Ktven in another manner, ial am• notice to
<br />liarruwer t,rovidtd for in this Mortgage shall F,t gaven by matting such notace by ;erufied mast addressed sa Borrower at
<br />the Praprrtp ~lsidmv car at ouch axher address as Barrxwrer may designate by notice ro 1 ender as provided herein, and
<br />.n any natece to Gender -nail +~.;• gaG4n t,y _erutird rnaal.:~ttr:m rert:pt rcyueated, to fender's address stated herein nr to
<br />s<Fv^~ -. +.*.~r..k :- .. ~s,ratr ~r •s~+#ic~c #,-~ Barr.wrr ~.ts I+resvss:tewi trcrcrn ~Rnv n,stice nrovt<!ed for in *his
<br />@ift=rtgage siaali [€nrcuY t:z ~,a wr t*ztrt graven to ikirn~,rwcr i:,r Lender wtterr , oven in the manner citsignated herein,
<br />!~. !,f#dforsn. Gave r
<br />trtartgatg,ri rtsfag I.awi Sevcrat4~lBlW. his lotto tiki nrortga{at if mhlrr,[4 unrforrn ~'i3Ytnani4 f.°r n3 ~fnal
<br />~+~~ s+~1 tr.r~.,ar,.9~rc~a .~,~»~zs ;,,hh iiinrresi yariatwns by tursnYrcuon Iso err~irisrnutt a unifrrrxrt scx:urdy instturrtent Levering
<br />real x r~rty n,; _ *~r_'.,.r,_ all ty e,~-~r°°d f'=- thn ~~ ~., tt*e ;u*.-€srlRetisse ir: which tf~ Fr~g~rtv ~- ,..s:at<~. r tF,z
<br />ewer- rhea array ; r ;ssr+n siauae of this Mortgage .+r tbe- Notc aunttfiHas with aptalic~~abk law.such oonflictrshafl not~atiecK
<br />;.r~L~lo - sat3... -r -- - ,,, Res - ~;~icre wheels ::eta t,e ~,avtn e.ifert °witiioa.rt tlst conRietinpf provision. :Ind to rttis
<br />' ----..~~. ~ ~-• .T ~'.'~~:~ea., v ~ - •' --tie ._ra >.~s-iarzd to ist scvztahle.
<br />!6./ 9errawer'a Caslry. E3orrowtr~+'halt t,e funushtd a canforfncc{ copy of the Note and r,[ this Mortgage at the time
<br />wf txtxutiatt ,nr after rrxnrdaiwrt lsertt,f-
<br />I7. TYrtaatsr of the Peofterty; Asrarapdee. tt all ar any part of the Propcrtr or an snterest tlxrcin is sold ar transferred
<br />by Horn?wet without ixnder's prwr written :srtsrnt. excitrding tat the creation of a lien or encumbrance subonhnate to
<br />tats MarRgagr:, ti?t the creattan at v purs•haac nt.ii,ey srxurtty interest fat household app{iancts, ir) a transfer hY deviat,
<br />descent :,r by s,prraiion of law srp,xr the death nt a ;o+nt tenant or rdi the grant of any teaschaid interest of three years yr loss
<br />:xx rnruainrng un rip#ron to purvhase. s_ersder rnay..ri Lender's e+pueue, declare a!s the sums secured by this Mortgage t.; be
<br />itnrtredealtly dais grid paya#tk i..;nder shall have ,s~sstved such option to accelerate af, prior to tttc salt or transfer, [.ender
<br />and t#se prtsati te, wh+xti the Prs,periy is ts, t?t si~i ,?r aransftrred reach agreement rte wneing that sibs credit of such l,ettir,n
<br />is setitsfaetara to Lender aiid that rho uI#trcat I?avahie un the sum, sraured by this Mortgage shall bt at sudh rats .+c 1.€rtdtr
<br />shall raayutsi. tf I.eieeter has wrrwed the ~+ptron to as:celtrate provrdtd in this paragraph t'7, and of Horrawer's suc.ceaaor in
<br />interest trio!, r;secuted a sstrrtttr ass.uttlpuars sgnwweot adapter! sn wtitiug by i.ena,ler, i.endur ,hail re{ease Borrower Iroat ail
<br />+a~bit~as.dt,h uo~€r th,a Mcw tg~t at.=d tf~ rvcxt.
<br />If f ens?tr esa~rr i±es sa••h +~ptirn to ac.tkrate 1 eanitr ~hotl ;Hari Aerrvuer rrrN i.e c,f ;r,;iekratinn ~ .r+cordan,:r .with
<br />par>grph `=4 h~rcti,1- Sac h nu#ace shall pruvade :c pcrwd s*t txu }ras than 3t1 days fraxn tPrc date rtu nosier is mailed withm
<br />which Horrosvtr ntay pay the xutris declared dtx. If 8orrowcr fat{s re pry such runts prior ro the expiration of stxh per?ud,
<br />Lcr#r re>,ay, wtthcwi furtttr rwttce r,r ddttan$ ou Ikrrra+_wer, ~nvc,i,t any rtmtsiits permaitrai try paragraph { 3 hereof.
<br />isltita-I..r?t#it•'i~M t-ovrtraia-rs. I3oi'rawer an.l (xaidtr furttttr cesyenant seed agrtc: as t;;ll ws~
<br />iii, •'-sr;Gie~ re~a,. Faca~t as ptwidad Ise partpltttpA t7 #teresnf, urn llprrawera brrarrA of any rovcosul ar
<br />west u! 9rswwer #a qdu Mme, ~ the cuaerrnlr io pay wbtsr drt aay srrmc serried by thia '4iartgege,
<br />I;aeat~ar ptriiaa rr atitw re(ra{) nwrAce ro llornwer ra pu:tried is pwtsgrapY 14 !tercel Ww~y~t 41t !!ar bserrb;
<br />tits t!s aer p'aVni-'a! !4 csre aacis t3eaatlq tat a dose, naN lase sleet 19 days irurn tlse date else wntke b rxriiM to derrawer,
<br />~! a brerckt meat be ctseei~ art/ #4J tlsat ht@rre to ewe twch 6rearh ria ax bKave the dNe spetilt~etd in the trrsftr
<br />! r ~! e# t soars rusrd tlsis Mom„ felarwrar b7i ~ and silt of tYe i swpa~stg.
<br />"f is tsti~tar sirtali frrissAar nsfeitm liarr,awer +iE fhtt ri}~M so treiaalata clam rrceietmior tswd tks ri#{bt to asvesY #r the tetrtliwure
<br />~ date Wass-eafestar~r ,s# r Aai+~rs+it ar aay +~#iaar delaatse +d Barmwa~r m accderrriow wt/ fweciarttae. if flwe btraelt
<br />is Aar rtsswat ur ur eve #br ukase apetl/kN it ibe asisitte, i.radet at I.trBer's ap4ioa tsray tlartrwe aB uC the saw s«~rrnt by
<br />114k ~ Las IM #rrM4yr dsw etas! ptyr'abie w irrsiser tlstarsar! rasa awry fawatleee by )rsdkirl proemadiy. l.crder
<br />t4st~ Ise oat u. reArrtes #a want ~ ttl! eayesatr rl l+atrscliaeers, rriciunAYq, bw rW Brr#ed ta, seatta srl datrtaeatary
<br />ar4datsttta rtftasstatas rrrW ~ taausrisa.
<br />t1, 11ass~oiewer°s ae kaYeotrte, ~iutwrthrtartd=i~ I r a ~Zsrat,:„~a .t ttw :u:r=s .a' tsi ty €hes 4tsutYagc.
<br />rcnrEr xtkali tiavt the ri~,t]i ra 7ss3e. easy priRir~iting6 tieg-vR t?p I-eraser to ti^nisx e rhr. 3i N~t~.,rr~ ;-- ` ~t.rr„fit ~. ~,rY t,e,~.
<br />