{ i ~ !+fi
<br />t~t:7~zaxt Ccn~t~a p'rs r`Iarrvwer grid IJtrdcr ctavFenant and agrtt as fa#iovvs-
<br />f. '+t of Ptr3sci~ai swa! fslxrtrM. fiorrowet shall p[omp!tfy pay whin due ttx principal of and interest on the
<br />tndebzttutzss e:-r,#enc`td try tht tiott. prepayrnent arsd rate cirargea as prrrvided in the tiote, and the principal of and inttreat
<br />art any P'ztturt Advaricet ses:ureri by this Mortgage.
<br />~ 1 for Ttana mid lasotrte. Sirb}tct ne applicable taw ar to a wriittn tvaivcr by Lender, 8arrowtr shat pay
<br />to I.estri~ ctrl the day rnonthly irtst:Brnexita of prirscpal oral irrteres[ are payaGle under the Nome, umi! [he Note is paid in full,
<br />a stem fGertin `Funds"} equa3 to ont-twdhh of the yaerly taxes and asatxsments which may attain priority aver this
<br />Mortgage, and ground testa ati the Property, if any. plus otratsrelfth of vtariy prtmitrm itrstalhnenta for honed insrrtanct,
<br />plus std-twelfth of yearly premitan ttxsiallmrnia for rnartgage insurance. if arsy, all as reasonably ts[itnated initially and from
<br />titer to titer by La:tader on tGe basis o[ assaamenta ars4 bills sled rtaumable estimates tlrereot.
<br />7'he Furls ;hall be Geld in an restitution the deposits or acctwnts of wttieh arc insured or gwranteed by a Fedtrai or
<br />sWtt agency i itrclttding Linder if Leader is such an institutrarr Y. [.~tsder shalt apply the Fonda to pay acid taxes, asse~ments,
<br />irtsttrar~e pretrriurrs and grorsd :~.:ts- Lender may eat charge for so holding seed apptring the Ftrtrds, analyzing said account,
<br />or vetif3ing and compiling said assesamtnts stud bilk. unless Linder payY Bottoatr intereest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />pa"mits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lendtr may agree in writing at the timt of exexutioa of this
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Farads stall be pall to Borrower, and unless suet agrtxmem is malt or applicable law
<br />requir,gs such interest ra Ire paid, Leader shall not he required to pray Borrower any inttrat or tannings aw the Futtds. Lender
<br />shah give ttr Borrower, without charge. an annual accauraing of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Fund err! the
<br />purpose for which each >~bit to tGt Fund was made. 11ft Furrds are pledged as additional ucerrity for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />tf iht amount of the FutxK held by Lender, togettrer with the futssre tnon[hly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the titre dates of raze, assesstnr~ta, iirstitatrce premiums and ground trots, shall exceed tht amount requited to pay said taxes,
<br />assesaotettts, insurance premiums aa-td ground trots as they fail due, such excess shalt be, at Borrowers option, either
<br />prtratptly repaid to Borrower or credtzed io Borrower an monthly rnstalltnents of Funds. -f the amount of tht Futtda
<br />h~ by Leader shall not bt su$3cient to pay taxes. assesamema, irrswatrce ptemrums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Borrower shall pay to bender any amount necessary ao make up the deteciency wt[hin 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by f.tnder to Harrower regtusting payment thertof.
<br />upon payrrrcnt rri fu11 of all Brans sceured by this Mortgage, t.tnder shad promptly refund to Borrower any Fonda
<br />Ixld by tinder. !f under puagrapG 18 hereof the Property rs said or the Property is otherwise acgwrcd by Lehr, Lcntlet
<br />sGtsfl apply, no later thsn imtaediaitiy prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Fuetda held by
<br />Ltr~er at the time of applicatitm as a credit agarnst the Burns sextrred by this Mortgage.
<br />~".s.-~"-~'s. 09 ! l~n:~ apptrr:ablt Saw prmrcics otherwise. aiS payttxnta received r;y Lender under tix
<br />Note and paragraphs I seed 2 hereof sGa#l bt applied by l.rndrr fiat rri payment of amtrunts payable to Leneier by Borrowtr
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, tttett to inttrest payaGle on rho Nrrrt. tleen to the princ~;ral crf the Nott, and tGun to interest and
<br />princspat on any Future a~tlvanrta.
<br />i, C'Gasgea; Liana Borrower shall pay all taxes. asstssmcnas sell rather charges. Mites sill impirtaiuans atiributsble to
<br />rht arropws[ry which may atrairi a praarity sure thrs Mangage, a'ttd leasehold paymttrts a>r gnaund rents, if any. in the mantasr
<br />pravidesi rrna'ltr paragraph : hereof ar, rf eat pard ra sstch mannntr, by Borrrrwrr making lrayttaena, when drm. di[ectly to Il[e
<br />payer thetto#. Borrosvex altal! lsruettptty #urniah to l..tirder all ntwces art armuttnts due uode'r this paragraph„ attsi in the event
<br />i3tar're+ssts slrasli make paynten: duertlr. Ilusrtaw•er ,hall 1'>rerittpcly turtash ac+ tender rc,:eipts eriafencutg sixh payments,
<br />Aorrower shall protaptiy diu:hstge any Iten which Etas prwnzy c*ver this Mortgage; pruv+ded, trial Borrower 1hal3 eat lie
<br />requrrtd to drschar$e any Stich lien au song as Barcawer shall agree m wntrng kr the payment ut the obflgation secured by
<br />sir:ti tree rte a manner acsxptable to i.entler, ar shat! in gcnxf faith contest such lien by, ur defend enturcement ut such lien in,
<br />regal proccrodinpss xhn:h operate to prevent tttr rri#urcertrent ut the I+eii orturinture ut the Ntaptrty or any part thereof.
<br />S. BRaard laaurar.~e. itarruwu shall keep the ampruvements now c>rstrng ur hereafter erected an the Property insured
<br />against lass hV hit, hazards tttciuded within the term "extended coverage"~, and such other hazards as Linder may require
<br />and in stxh anitnrnts anti tar aa~h pentxfs as t-ender may ergwre, pruvidrd, that I teller shall ntri require that the amount of
<br />such sovtra#gt cxcxrxi that amount of cuvtragt required u, pay the sumo stctanyrl by adaas Mortgage,
<br />aim trsurarr+:e ca3rrtc~r #araviding the insurance .hall !,x chaste by Ii~c'!xauwer xubtcct ao apprr,rai by !.eerier; prtrvatied.
<br />that sus [ appxrrval stroll nut t~ anrcastmabl'y withhtld All prtntrums a,n irasiiranoe pro#ictes ~aa41 be paid us the manntr
<br />praanded uits3er 'pata~etaph 2 txr~ef ox, of rust par~l =ta s,rch manrstt. by pert=owyt,, n:atrng paytttcri, wl~n =_t:te, ~sert3y to tttt
<br />itartrz°aur~e cartitat.
<br />•~ ins;a.t r *31~r~ _d rr~rS~~ ti:trc . s~a~ei flu: , !stets „-~a.tateiri . r l'.,rvc,r pea- .fall rr u.iuait a staauard rnart~age
<br />clause rfl fararr nt~at'id in form a+.a:apeaGlt to Ltitdet~ t.t.rtdex slmall Ita~~c the rtrdht to taald the p„li:._ n.t irtter~als t!tNt ee,f
<br />rtntr >~rrciwcr `,frai# prantpriy fetrnrsh as !..cadre ail rtwtntwai otriacaas Brit,! ail ra„t:ter#ais o[ pawl premnuns In ihr event of lows,
<br />t`~.`r~:-~ she.'-= ~.e pro„ram natia,e tc: tGe traturatra~t .~arxrtr Berl Leinter- ;_enler n?ay rrurhe proaP at loss tt nut made prr,mptiy
<br />by Btwrowetr.
<br />lstd+t~ !.cede[ and 8orruwet uthtrwise agra in wntrrrg, rnstuarice prticetds shalt bt appJstd to reswration or repair of
<br />tht Prapoty dattsaged, prori.leti such rcstorsiran ar regale rs es:oiwmrca!!y teasibie and the sts;urity ai this Mortgage +.
<br />trot thereby irttpaertd. !t such reaioratioa of report is n.y e.atxxttnaily feasible ur rl the set:iurty of this Mortgage wuuW
<br />tx itLpaired, tltt atuturans:e pras~cetts shall ire appired to tht swnn srcurtd t+} this Mortgage. with the exce,s, i( any. paid
<br />to f3orrtrwer. it the Property is abarrduiied hr Burrrrwer. •ar rt Borrower tads to resspund to I.errder within 3U days i rum the
<br />date tiatiae ss marled by i.ttt~r to B:3rrnwer that the ;nsw.rtks: ~arrae:r u;itts w settle a ::farm for rnautaer4e t+eiretitti, !.ender
<br />to atriAarittad to collect atu9 apply rite insrtrame prsrcteda at !.ender s uptruri either to rta[aratioet ur repair of the Properly
<br />or to the awns Bleared try this Martga~.
<br />1?itleai, Ixcider attd Burrower .Hherwrse agree an wntertg, any .such application of pru~eeds to pr:nc:pa! s?:al1 ..^.art exterxi
<br />err pastponw tht dive daft of tht trnmthly muallmantn reterrrai n> rri patayrapha i end 2 hcreo( .,r .hange the am.vmi ,Zi
<br />stu-h tnstullt~nts, if utwiar patr;lraph t8 heraot the Yropr,ny is acgwrsd c,y lxader, all r+ght, talc earl aa~terest r,f Fiore:wrr
<br />u7 ausl iu am artsuiarxr pctaeu~ scut sit asst! let tl~ priieesis thtraat ax~rrltrng tepee uamage to the Y~perty pear to the sate
<br />or a.yuaaruan trhall pass to Lettdtr :u she etieat .:f the surrss secured r,y the ',iurtgage unnstdrately t+ric+r t, ,rc~h sale ,r.
<br />scgrrisitton.
<br />6 l4aar~-.ra6lae stsd 141htlasrertwee o/ Pr.~ca,ayt Leaaelettk; ('ate Pkawsar C<a~lt tleve:bPnsrots. Itoreowat
<br />tdtail p the Yrapeaty ut }rswd ttpau and shall nett comma waste; xer pe:rnrrl intpaumtn[ or deteturratrori of EfiC Yrc>trerty
<br />.~ .
<br />. to ' ~=~p+7 '~rl.:, c~ psr;r;una at any lease ,t then hiongagc ca ern a teaxitc:id. ;t this Ricrrtgaye I, =,u e amt In a
<br />vt,.excaatruuunr art a plaretrad un;t eftseiirlasmetYt, 1t+.lrxrawer h 4l
<br />-°-'-`-`- . ~_ frrtotm al! „l Barre'•,rtr's csbligatecuts ...der ;;,e dccla:aa+.rri
<br />or ~~saats :a><atirij sir grrrtnrnrug the coxrdominoint ar pianurd t+ant devaispn~nt. ilte bY-Iaw> and tvguiauan. ui the
<br />rsurrJoxtsrtuune err planned oral i#evttloptrurnaa and cunstitueaii tltxurrrrerita tt a car><bcrrri:nium or planned unit dev-etoparcnt
<br />rrxtex rv txaesixtad by titxruaet oral recorded tage;iter with slits 4furtgage, the ~ovtnants arsd agrermrnts tit .ucfl truer
<br />shall! be xtticrtpisrated into serf alsai3 arnesrti and suprplemtni the covenants a+taf agteentents of rhos Murtgabr as rl the rider
<br />ra+trp a part Atrec~.
<br />~- ~Mtti4Mt rri hcriiw"a ~ If Harrower fasts to pettexm the rar~anls atxi agm€nxrts :untamed rri alnv
<br />krlawtgsgt, t.rr d any a;;iwra cx prcrcesdrn#1 s Ccxnttierx;td whsch mairnali} atfccis Ler_rairr+ rnter~-~t to the Y~,+pr:rts
<br />inc3uding. Fiat rnk firu:ted to, rmsititrit ik}triarn. ,rrudverw }. ~`adt cnatar.rttierst, ,,r r,trang<merr[` ,•r prrxeedmtts otnrei,+n$ ;,
<br />hMxk#trug+a ter dtza~dwaa, ahea E.ettsitsr as Larrarr's rrpira+n, upcxs €iatwe t<, Ift,rr+ewcr, errs} rreesr ,tr~tt nppcararnca, .?:sf,orsc +,+~tt
<br />xmsa ssal takt ssxch a;~ ~ n r~'txsgs'y t„ ptx+ttct is_=eeitt~s =rite+e~, +ani?tdini, ?nt err =em,ted ar-. dsiurkemrnt ,
<br />rasaattrair~ atictrreny's frets a=xi terry uptate tht Ptcaperig to rtrak,e repeats It I.cndet reytairrd ,}a,utKrge msuranca~ a+
<br />~a~-- -sf tsY~ ra`s~ ecrasw~r ~;txati i+4 thss Ainrtg, f~".rrmwcr s#~«ail i.ay t~ Lrearvunss sageetresi t, manttarn a,r,h
<br />irt~ iii -= yyat€il tarr:ir rteae as +=roe reatarrteraent f:rr .uc sr :rsurairrr a<-t,reinates tai n..c.,rxiaix;r wan Bor n,w tc's :enu
<br />