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'~ta:irrss G€3s~t4a?Y7s i3orra~rer and fxndcr Cw3venan=. and egret as fts}ler-s: Gt1"s+'- ~7 ~ { ~ `•" ~ t3 <br />f. ~gsasswt e~ >sd ice. Barntwer shall pramptty pay wieett due tfre prirtefpa! of and intrrtsi aNa the <br />i;adebtednesa evrdettetd My ilx haste. preQaytnettt and tart chargts ~ provided to the tine.:nd tfte pnrtctpaT of and 4nterest <br />'Ae arty f°uture ~ seC'ared {9y ~}!! ~. <br />~- Fiats Isr Tana sari ftooaaee. Stmt to appticabfe taw ar to a written waiver Nsy Lender, Bottower shall pay <br />to Lender ctrt :lx dap mont3vfp ~ "°- ~ws td' prirtei{3a# and ttueresi atx pavabie ttr~er tare ivott, unfit the Note is paid its fait. <br />a stmt (htrein "Fuetds"} wrquai to otwtwefft6 of the yearly taxis and assessnrettts which may attain priority ovtr tfits <br />Maxtgate, acrd gratutd rtMS oa tlrt PrtrpeRy. if arty, pith one ttvelkh of yearly pruaium itrstafirrte[tts fix hoard irtsarrattct, <br />pftrs ortc tvvefftM of yearly pre:mirtea itssfafimenta far m~tg~e irrsurartce, if any. aft ax rcasonabty estirtsated ini:;a;:v stud frotrr <br />:irne ±o tirtk My I..etxler an the basis of asstsaments and hilts attd reasonasbic estimates titeteaf. <br />7be Fronds shaft Ere hdd in an inatittniasn the dep<nib air accounts n# which am insured or guaranteed by a Fen:.rat or <br />stau agea~Y f inrttding f.ersder if Le4rder is saxh an imtitution) . Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said t:.xcs, asseasn:ents, <br />ir#€~-ironer prcmintrts arp4 gtomrd rt:tus. Letrdtr tnay oat ettar~ for sw~ Molding atuf applying tftc Funds. analyzing said acca:nt. <br />er arerilry~ng asd axsmpiting said asatssttatnfs amt 4nikt. urttess f.etrder pat's lforrower imeratt an the Ftutr:s and applitztble {aw- <br />permits f.cnder w males strclt a charge Boriawer sad la;ndet may agree in venting at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interest nn tMe Farads shall be paid to Bnttower, and unless such agreemartt is made or appficabk law <br />roquires such interest io tre paid, Lcrsd:r strait naN he rtgttircd to pa}° Barroavtr any interest ar earnings f>n the Furtds. Ltnder <br />shaft girt: to Borrower, withaHtt cMargn, an annuaF accounting vest the Funds .Mowing crt~its attd debits to ttte Funds a[td the <br />paupose for whscM roach debit to ttu Futadx was made. T'Me Funds are pledgewf as additionaf security for the sums stxwed <br />by this ~+lartgasge. <br />if the atnattnt of the Futtds (tt~ by Lender.-ugether with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the dtx dates of aaxa, assesarrtents, ituarrance premiums anti ground rents, shank extrxd the amount required to pay said taus, <br />aasesasstents, tit€urance premiums arrsf grotutd rents <s they fait dui. such eticecs sha}I 6e, at Narrower's option, either <br />prt~ptty repaitt w Barrowes or cresdited w Borrower nn monthl}' installments of Funds. !# the amamt of the Funds <br />tamed by ixndcr shaft riot ire ut26cirertt to pay taxes, asxssmenLS, msurartce premiums and grourtd rents as they fall dire, <br />Borravrr shall pay to I.tndcr say snrtvatttt trot-essarv to makt up the detictcnc} wuhrn 30 days rrom the date notice is malted <br />by fender to 19arravwer regtmteng payment tMercot <br />Upam payment an f[df of aft sums sexfrri*d My this Mortgagr I.rrtdrr shalN promptly rctund w Borrower any Funds <br />Nsc~ bg f.crrder. If ut~tr puagrapb 38 hereit# the Propert} r. ,old or the property as ottrefwtse acquired by Lender, tender <br />abort appiY, :to Nater titan rmascdiatcl prax to rite ,ale of the Property or its acyumuutt by Lender, any Funds he{d itY <br />Ltader at the ifrtx of applieamn as a :rcdrt aga4nSr the sums loured by this Mongag~c- <br />~> = ,. apF;~-ahle Na-=: pr.-t:tcica ctbc~..'rsc, sit pavrncv#s rescn•«i bs Lxtfdcr under the <br />T~icut tired paragrapMx T and ':itencwt~t~sha,llsivt a'ppN4td i» l,rniw'Ctr dzrst tut papmel'rat <uf amounts payutMle to Condor My &vrrw>wtr <br />urrdt:t paeagraph .' hereof. nlrtn ea ,ntee•enI pay:ah~ie ervn ¢l~e `si~am~e- iha•:n tea rhr t~:mtrwspai oC rMe tiittt, and then to inte~:rast and <br />pnrxspal w+r~ a:ny Future Advautras:. <br />~. <~ L3estri. B,rrn•as~w~rr ^rMal1N Neav rtl tr.r'.rs. snwes~smctats 16nwf +atfvcr -~har}yr, kirra*s and ;mivusiCrons atinbuiable fa <br />tNet Pregxrty vrfri~h may attain a preurary curt thou M1rfwer[gage, and taeastitaNall p«tytna:mat or N{rauatd rctrts. if save, in the nsanntr <br />prw~xval~ad unrax~:r paragraph ? BHCrtew:rf car.. tC nail pa:nd an aau:.ta anannrr.. ut}~ fFz+rrarw~c:m ma.krng payrmr~:nt, w'Me~m due, uinrectty tta the <br />payer tMeceaat Bxsrr+awear dtafN pntratnpvtNy fuerotah ao ft.t:nwler a0'I rrratlwres of anntvaantw dot :andtr this Nrvaraltraph, and in ths+ event <br />NGUrrnwa:r sllw~t maLc payntext dr':nmetNy^. Iga',rru,uaer sMaiY ~prwrm~ptip~ 'Numtvtsfa ao lcndrr ratietpin tvtdrnsing such pa}"moms. <br />tictrrt'trvtr 4ivaff praxnptN) diu;hargr arty ffcn »hteh has prranty e+arr this l4turtgagr. pr:,vidtd. that Born+wrr .haNl nut the <br />ra'yutred ',.'~ .i: x.ha, gt use ~uah iu: r, Kt icing .aa &7rrcwer .Marl rgrre rn uriring to the payment of rhr obligatrun rotated by <br />swM Nrrn ;n a manner acurpaaWr t~ ixndn..a ,Mail m g,rxt forth z:untrv such iron My. or drfenil enforcrtttent nC such lien in, <br />Ncgai praaxrufanga w'h~M a>€veratr t.r pnvrnt tMr rruorcetrxrif of the hire .,r tarie+rr4rc ui the Property or any pan thrra;of. <br />~- !l9aart llusrraate. Bwrrrowcr ,Mall i.eev tMt ,mproaemenn nou rt,snng or hrreatfrr eracied w,n ;hs Property insured <br />against #wxs M} fire hazards ,;tctu;h:d with+n the term ratendrd za.trerayr' snot ntwah .xisec hazards as 1 ender ma, royal:. <br />and sn such atrxtunts anal ta*r atrarz perrorrla as 1 utwfet may reyurre. N+r..,eide+N. that i ender shots rot muuirr that the amoum of <br />se~M coverage tcaarrci that a[rsniu[u :,. ,,,. stage rraNwaurtd aver p'as rise +u,=tie, '~e'~ar:arrd hw aMts !,rMl:uNl gagr <br />tm.r:~arx«:c :.,irrrer '~a~rx3tng ale inr:urarnt shafN "+r ..hw,-sera h-4 Harvrxtna+tr +ashiece t.r rp~ rw,vaN k=a i ender- provided. <br />dear such afepr"{tvaf 5'hatt cast an ,,eusea xtable~ u7ttthprid: ~ ~ tu'ranurntt* „re zannvfaaa':r p€+Neamrs ,MANN tar paid =in rhr manner <br />provufet'1 unwfrr paragraph = ire#'[xri ur. ;t nrJt ea:af :ra aur::M vrcaatrrten ".se 1#w>r¢:F,+wanr neal~tatg i.av.ttc;et: wi;?P dom. ,ar,~tiv °o lire <br />atavtirasc.~r a;tt~t~r- - <br />tt4 t~, rrarl~ ~ ~~~; ,v t:m~-v `~a~ ~ ~i 4~ ~ 4 rte: ,i..:«~ , ~tt~..;'.: t .:s„~:, ,inn, .a., „r.:. r~ - -~i;.,.aw;,; ,.aa,r.,tage <br />~r~faauw..n favrt',ut and ,n corm aaWtpii{We to Ncnder i.,r":rxyet duwkN h~uiea' IhVY uraMt ta, h.=+4a! wbr tx~ffarw n.4d .ciwtwak tteera~,N_ <br />aim r~?~:z ~~1: 4-tanp<#y .=`rarfsath: tzt Last~rs€t t~wrt~rvvad: i~~td~~t rr:i~i a~:N1 rnrc~ttyten~ zvt t~.rtl pf~e[nrurn„ i,~i :rhr c~~cm sHE Noun. <br />-:--.°- ~'r~:c'F yr t r~-c::er~ ~+.:°~ aa, !TK insiFFan~H ~arf:Cf Su4# t frii)fr i rr'q:t4'7' £f.3a +ii~~,t pit.-_ _ _ ,~'aS EI .5__ + .1 i$ pf.•in ptlt <br />by tixxnttwer, <br />k,nfaa6 l.tndet atsd N3ntte7wcr ofhen tar azrsm in .a;ltrttg irt+uran::r prow ee fr sha!i t+e appfttd r., rc,t.,ratiati .,r repau „# <br />the Prcaptrty dantuyttd, ptc*vrded awls rr~twwratiaq or rsparr ,s ec'orxmfe~aiiy teasidztr xnd rhr +.r.:uruY o! thre !4furigegr F. <br />overt t'.xreb} amfrawred. If suw:M raytarrau~xt ar rrpwur ,s navr turn=+tnwa{I+.. NwsaMtt tx ~i rhr xa. uxny tN thin bf uttgage waxdd <br />be +rrapatrcai., the mutranx prarw'r:rd. sMafl t,c applrti to tftr stuns +raurcal by this Mortgagr. w,th rhr esa'ess, if env, pouf <br />41 ~tirrt*vvrr It the Prop¢rta ea abat53ossed M Ii.xroa-er <v ,t Ffurri,wer ?.nis i„ rexponal r,ti ! at>,,frr within 3b day-+ lrom the <br />afe#t name a°. madaal Ns} f.,rttwkr to Baerrower [Mat tMt anvurana:r .arrrrr ,+iiets t:, ,toile .; ,lanes cur zrauratwe t>ettetits. t rnilei <br />4b sutMor:xzd [., :.rfitkt .tad rppty File utaut-ant:r praaceds at Lrauirr > „pteon eHirtr tax resturrucnt ,+t repair ul tMr Property. <br />u[ trs i~ sunev u:t.rttf My this 14ortgagc <br />[.'nieaa• 9_rrrdrr acrd Ba>rtuwrt OEhCt'Wrse np;rec an wntwng. rat 7te.h uppl~-atic+n of prkerda to pnutiit>ai .Matt [t.n estrnd <br />aX pa-t~laipc,rta< rMe due dit;,r .'r[ rttr nt+.m[hiv mauatNrtrent, ictnrred fo to parat{raph, .inu ~ here+N or a.hangc `Mr amount or <br />wch lasts#Im~en['s If eurdet paragraph !tt htrtwri rhr Property „ a~ywrrwl t„ I,rnuer. ,.ii r,gMa. tale ;aril ,ntrre,t at Fiaxtowrr <br />to r[w# a.+ ••• -sr aat,.r isdxs_x. soar v ' na! '.` it a - -~rc`tL tNsrfrut r-'~-- t ng it r+ •f ;a,a'e h' am Pre-~tt: p, sr to The a~ie <br />nr ~nwtas~at aha,i psva tie !.etta~r r; the eatrr.t ,•t Ilse >urns sti:urraf i+y M.± \i.,rtge[;c ,:rretaeil,ate+, N+[,='i °, ,,.rch ,ate .`r <br />~'n- <br />!+- lratratviNfaa art haiaarsatrce twf NPtrts~egr: Ltaaelwitiit C~; Ptraaati lied{ ilevelopwrrWt. FNurrirwci <br />shall I~r;Rp tht Prcyserty m gaud c'e~itur and shalt rnvt .ottsntit waste ax pernut tmpaarmrnt vex wfetrrrurauun uN tht NTraprrte <br />~~'' ^` °'~^^'F T ~ t;"~ }r~i>~a3~3 eh 3~'~ EE~Fi :: f€irlh ifiaF#ga~ r, ~n a tcilrrCiSntp 1( iheq ~{f ri~y{gC IS tNt d ,1f1ti It1 ,. <br />:.€'=a-a~~.t;,taut .,r a pfazarasti# Vut# a#t4trapr+*~ru. f3urruavrt +MaNi prrta.rtte ri3 .rt f1._srara+.r[ . „t,tega±~.~._ ._ e•?r. trx ;fc.:!o:st:a`.. <br />cx' ca~va;txanttr ~tratwttg <H gut~rrnsng tMr .a+€7aft?mtntum .-v i>taunrd ,rnat dereNoprnrr,t: the My-tau>ba~,artai rrKlNatw„~~, „i ;he <br />sx`srsk3rk3s!tw#tt:fr :fit uxm ctw--eCupntent, ,+mf ci,rzstuc:i.•nt a#G~untrsu, if , ::.,nafaemmtunt a=£ pd:tnuetif +:rru ,ie:-rs.q»:rrn! <br />trwler .a tttecf i!} fiorrtaw+~ aftd r,"s:wasYird u,getltar .huh ;i7„ 3fawtgage, the ,.o,rnanfa atcel agrt~mcnts .`i :, u:h r~zier <br />sis~7 #st incxsrpwxatcwi tttfsa and sfsali antettd arrwf ,upptenxat the covenants and agrettn,ents a,f rhos Murtgatfr an ,a tMc ir.Nrr <br />a #tart F~.- <br />'- p><sraetaiar of i~trtt#aa's .1RratsiNFS, if ~rrtrieL~r farts sit prrfw*rm rMe covenants auwi alp.€a,rrtrtnis a<+n[a!nrd rte iht, <br />~xaxtgafta, ast tf acv) :te:twust wN prtvtvASwkRgt rs .~arnntcu+caJ w'MtzM ruaturraffy ai#tces f.ettafrrs ntftftest m rhr Pnpene, <br />antkfstdsng, ibatt t#tt f}mrttd aG, aRattairm tflNUrtn. ntaa}1'~nS y. ~+.rdr rata?r F'CtnC11I. .3! ar r+tn~r}iteeitS e,t i)fi K'erdtnyn .',s.+{a elfla J <br />baaltrttp+t a'*f +kt.rderwt, then Linder at f,atxfer'v aptxatt, upaxt nartrar ;., tittrr,twrr, n,a, ^aakr su~M .rppsatait.e...a,.txr,.a ,:rah <br />atafris aced taa#ac 'wut:lr at„tesrta rs as nr5ctasasy an prirtca:t Ictedet • ,nta~rsv, _na.italmg, but Musa i,m,arai ;.. ,;,.ts;,r.,rnse-rva .,r <br />~y-~ taw Als;i cart}' uprat tfrr Ptteptris ~ sttafle r:,atra t€ N.endrr Fryer,;rO ,e.aMtt::<,¢r ,.,,„,.,r..r <br />ts"'-';n 4rE r ~. mat ~ta~ti t~ ?luv tdasrtgalfc ~4flurnrvrr siuei pee rhr t>ra-tnniin+ try „real ~.: ma3+ t - a ., <br />ir,~_ iR >~[ w7~tN3 rb?tsr trine as iia~ rC~ttTr4'ma!#i fat aa~:h .rt#1.r9tsrr irirrt]..°tzs ,, aa.w•5da+e.x H,:ry B. was, .:,nom <br />