-: (l~i~Q~3 ~t3itTGAG~
<br />'t°xis MQRT~sACs~ is tttade this......... ~.Y~=~... .. .....asy of...cietc~ss• ...................
<br />J 4 ..d!! . betwroen rbe !At~tgagot•, ... Char.T.sa .Barney, Hitter . asd. D1rrLl3s . lt.. 5i}„ttrsr . htasDaaci .mod. wife.
<br />...................... . ............... (herein "Borrotsxr"' ). and the Mortgagee, ..~~ . F~i¢?'q-,i
<br />.r.~v3~ti$gt . ,~ , A#~[oc3Ait3.4+P ........ . ..................... . a cotpcsration orgattiud a~ ez;,•ting
<br />urx~r the (tt+vs ot.. Itehr}~ca .............. ................ whose address is. 459.E . ta45~$sl S'4~'ML, .. .
<br />.. !~!~!.. ~$ - . fi8,2.32 .. . ... ........ ... . ....................... c herein "I.et>t3er"l -
<br />'Wtts. &stro,ecr ks ittdelx~i to Lender in tit'= principal sum nf. T~.i~ . Th?'!~ thout}apd twq .~t~i#'!ed
<br />. atbid .f3fEy, anti NoI3.OQ... -{535,25{3.4U)_ , [h,tlars. which indehtednccs is evidenca~ ay i3orrowcr's note
<br />deed. QCtAbeT. ,~~..19$fl.... ... (herein "Nctt€" i, providing fnr tttcsnthiy installtneim s,f principal and interest.
<br />with the balancs r>f the indetxec~nesx. if not sooner patd, due and payable an . . ki01-aadiOac .1, . 2fllfi ........ .
<br />-i'o Secutte to LCtuter tai the rrpayment cat the indebtedness evidenced by the Neste, with tntercat thereon, the
<br />payment csf a!i c,ther sluts, with interest thereesn, :uivanced in accordance iserewith to protect the seeunty of this
<br />:L4Wrtga~e. and the perforntattee of the cnvrnants anti agr:rments r,f 8crroarr hereto contained. and (b) the repayment
<br />of nay future ~vantx~s, with interesi thereon. made to 8asrrowcr by t.cnder pursuant to paragraph 21 hemof thetein
<br />"Ftuero Adraacrs"), Bocrovt+er dons hereby mortgage. ,rant and convey to !.ender the foliowtng described ptvrpecty
<br />h>r in the Cotmty 7# ... iidt+ir ................ . ... .Stun of Naixaaka:
<br />'Else lia#erly Ons iialf(£ 1/7) of the Hestsriy Ott half tW 1/2) of the Southerly
<br />Mme ifa.l.,f (s 1!2} of Block 1'tine t9} iat Mfntdol.ph's Addition to the City of t~raad Island,
<br />lilt,!.!, suety, t&iG2"#a1tA.
<br />F~-s i~ 6~ a~ i~t . # w2.a_x .: i. "T°. - - ~ ~ ~-t#"~~3£i z ,i~iiii
<br />i~tt ..
<br />.. ft84U~, .. i herein "f*rviscrtt -~ddreh,") . -
<br />k r~ a~ Gea,k
<br />7"ttil!#: 3h r~ ti~srvveilwnis now ~:r h4ruatker ~'rr::krd un thr tau{nup. -inrl _d! ;•~s¢mrnk~_ ri~hr..
<br />e~~-+~. •~!i~. -"`~ tom, mk7t~C '~ ::S3d~ ~a~ ;Y~1'2 7:.r ls:tl.i~:3. ::i~k4r. .z. r-rr- . :t is. aim --:
<br />fiatett?e>f Clow r,t 3ie[rali~r a#tac:~d to the prvpurty, ail ni whah, including repiat.cntenw .irsd aJ;fttn*it; tftercro. hail ix-
<br />eiiDD~E41 it>6 br a T+a6e4 a j7lrt r.~ tha ptt>'~rty arvtiraxi h~y tht~ Mrartga~ . aru! .+li „t ihr t.,rc:g.asakt. E+*~?the r Huh .ctrl
<br />~'tt tti~.' tlaz 4~ttii.3 tadldtc i! lets, IWtattgai to krFf ~ lcasehe3id t :tn.~ €texetn :'c#z°t-rGrd t;, ati the ~tjrt~{reel!' -
<br />l~trtY3aer+.~ta that iitsrrv+rers> ltlvvfttl#t +cisrxk rrt the ~;tgte !i: re't,y ;.,=nvv^,e.; n;e.i tv~3 itx• ~tght ;r, rnurtC-ter .
<br />,~ a ~„"'"~ the ~'T'=. `.it r~ ~.r ~^.~.rtt .. .323;.,d:....,.t'~-;... .~','.~3 .fin, .j:.:e. k~. .. a: r:+.-., ,.cE .~cee'na
<br />+±_u_~sv 3yy4 to t~ ~tte'~'+!'cY !~~~E. s} ~!2 .•k-~ 5'4n.. ..~ rE-.'~f~~.. _"-~. rL"h.t-. [ ".~.~ .. =.. 3..:i .~ .:~.,, ~_:i . . . ..........~-
<br />rY~if} `9[ "~l b,T:Y~irt3-F!G S.,A C3i~~Fi IIfTid t~. tS~T £"[~~~`E-~ : 4 dSF$' ;!Lt:. ;r1i.kF iF4n~- . ){ML.'• ~1- 5ir7:~ 1 = lll~ f _ ;r_P" ".f .f, iit~ !'l~lt~'(r
<br />t,=4 A ~r??Y €t..'"K^ }~trktt-~6 +~! r~it}t~trk .4£ ._....... _„'_.
<br />