<br />~-__ ~~
<br />~. ` tna€t~sgar coveaanta and a~arees tltst if ire rhsil fai3 txr pay said isirFriitedneaa oz any part-tbermaf wi€en.:
<br />titr6, at rlrail tat# to perfarnt any ravettant rsr agreexaent Erf thin _i€ratrament Err the gronrieasory no€e aeratreEi- it§~e}€is-fhb
<br />es~.tirr indebte€itteas hereby secured shall intnaediately becatitr due„ ~tatts§t~~i~ eol~eet~fe srithont not~;ee, pt [!tom
<br />air€i.>C tit! rnortgagec s~ attaigrta, regardieea of rttatnrity; anri the iiizirtgagee ar bier aasigres ~te~before ar seer esit`}~~'
<br />xaP~nat#€~~p,eMp without ai+Praiaemea€t {.tine mortfcagar fiavreg ~rva~ty*d and ~igutd to t he rno~ gegee ai~i<zgi3t~~ts:
<br />! t) at judicial sale pursuant to the prarisiane of ~ L_s'.S.t:. Zf)tli i a j : or
<br />(tt) at the +aptiaax+ or tl~ martgssgtx, either by attstiaa or i€v colieitalian of aeahtd, ~tiatits,'€air thsr `~ asd -
<br />-beat bid Expppiying with the terms of gale and manger of Psv€ssent riled ia.the pt~bii~ted nrstit~ a~_ , {~.;
<br />giving tour .s*ctlcs` notice of the tithe, terms, and plat! of sueii eat, bp_adveztiaeriaent not leas map ontte
<br />Ihtriisg a<~h of said tear wceka in a newspaper pnitlialrel ar deatriWttrtl in tlir. teiYnty in rrhieh atsiii<'pt~operty
<br />b astortted, sli !!thee notiux bmittg hereby waivr,d by the mort{[sgor f sad said- atartgag~ Ear any pttsavp oa
<br />imhalf ttf asi+d mortgagee, mag bid with the unpaid indebiedttt~ evidertad by said note), Said oak ahail be
<br />hand at or eat the property to be cold or st the Federal. eaunty, ar rity rourthouae far the roanty in whia;b tlxe
<br />property to iocata.d. The martgsaec is hereby authariud to eaa!rute far gild on behsii tsf the mortgagor gild to
<br />deiirer to the purchaser at such aak a eutTteient convevaace of raid property, whie6 conveyance shall captain
<br />raRsitais sa to the happening of the default open which the ramttian of the power of sak herein greeted
<br />dsrtdet gad the said tportgagar hereby coraststutea and appointr the mortgagee or any agent or attonaey of the
<br />Iraorigsgce, the sgettt and attarnev In fact of rs€d mortgagor to matke rtteft rtxttab; gad to ezaeute sod
<br />a>€rttveysace and hereby rovenanta and agreetr that zhe rerita4 so made shall 6e eSectuai to bar aA tgttity or
<br />rtght of raedemption, ho»teatcad, dower, anal :li other exemptions of the masrtgagar,-ail of which are here4ty
<br />eapressiy waived and ranveyed to the mortgagee; ar
<br />ittti tsia arty atiter appraprtat+r action porsaa»t to ~i~ Federal statttta^either in atato ar F'edersi
<br />carte! ar atlaervrtae for ritar dispaadtittaa iitf the prespcrq,y. .
<br />let ihr evE•gtt of s€ sale as Iter€sinairszva" f:rovided„ the rnartgap°„ar t:rr attm~ gserson in pottweasiatn ender €ha mortggagoe shall
<br />!beet! berotne and ire !teepee holding peer anal ~alitail fortlt+witlt ulaaiirer ltasaration to the purcttaaer at tacit sak or be
<br />awtattxntariay diattested, im ~accamiant„a +i.ith thrv~a lurovi~tiatae, gird! law atppiicalci~ t,a,ytentpmta h~aiding ower~ The power
<br />~~d sgenz~ ~her+~bro gtzap~~teti aurep, +r~atspled vriuh it~n itlteresB~, geed a~~rc~t~ 'ur~nn~mocaEak b~ dhd~th' hr atherwir!h; end ~lirt'~Kranted
<br />as cpmttiative to ebEa re€n~ewiien far e~aiSestioa ai ratd inrie6tetin~t tsrarviticd by law.
<br />~. 't'om prates ~ any sale ttd said ~rrEtperty in secorrisnrr with tbs. preceding paragrapbs shelf be applied fleet
<br />tQ pay eltt< costs ~e tzt of said ssEe, t~ eapearae interred by the mart{tssce for the pnrposs of proteMittt, or msirr
<br />raining said property, and rossaaable attor€teya" rarer; rreynEiiy; to {may tlx indebt€tln ,-ttrt-d herx by; and thirdly.
<br />to pay any attrgtiats or exresa to rise pentrm ar persetat itetallV entitird ti€ento.
<br />S. is the t:v~q €! faraptrrty is gold at s judicial ~logettrar talc ar pwsrtattt €o tits f,ow:z es# a;#i+c i"eetsrit€alststa
<br />grapteal, aa,i' i?yetit~ a~rr tutt,.s~ to yav tlm:,tot~t dotia;l"f .mod b~ u:a i . ~~t:,~t
<br />turiti p€^ia~.rr amq, tl~ r?tESStea wail titi€td a d lteier~ .=Ad e*r a mr~ a!
<br />y jtttigmeat far for at:arra:srt of the rszieruy tazlc=_._~
<br />5. Iti fire event fire ntatr,gagtrr Egli! to pay guy i' ederai, state, Qr local taz asacax»te»t, int:omr. tax or other tax lien,
<br />charge, fee, or other ezltettre citargrrti against the property, the atortgagE.r it hereby authorized at his option to pay
<br />Cite sat€ae< ratty game ao paid lay the mortgagee ritall be addeEi to and beer,ma a part of the principal amount of the
<br />indebtedg~s evsdenced ly said note, subj~t to the agree terttta a»d twnditiatts. if the marigagor chair pay aad
<br />dischargt= the intfeittrrdnesa evidcnceci by said ptroeniasory note, and shall pay such supra ami rhali .iischargc ail taxes
<br />atui iierta, attd the testa, ices, and expettaes of making, znfotrintG, and et;ecuting this »u.rtgago, theft this rmtrtgage
<br />€a€i~iiedd s~ aittderad.
<br />?. Thte coveoaata bet~sia uwtntsin+s.i altaU }rind, and the benefeta and advantattes shall inure to the reapcctiwo auc.
<br />~!'. ssstgns of ~ Parties h€+reto. ~heaaevcr used, the singniar autxtber shall inaelude tt€e pistrai, tl~ plural the
<br />i, anti t~.€aae-af Aay r athsii iaelnde aLl ga~srs.
<br />ii. lYa waiv»tr n~:any cayttnsttt herein ar of than oktiigation see;i€red hatreby ahail at any ti€tte the„reciter be held
<br />€p _Itr a. waiver of t~s iat'p.. }~. ~ or ,~= _;~~~` `
<br />,er~b~.
<br />'~. in sx~{ylitaeeee €vrt:t rt~teos i9lt.i td} at the hake aid fieg~alatiatts iii t.xe Bartell 13ttain~a Adati7~iiatratiop [13
<br />~.Fi,i4. 1k},.k~siiljt meat-ie ta3tm ractl gad rttforeed in acrordsnee with applicsbie Federal law,
<br />-tt. A traY3cia# dw r or~+", o j~;dh,~ant ha3r€ing nny proviseon os portzon of this inatrurtte»t invalid or un~
<br />eafurcczlt a slts6{ scot in say way impair or .preclude the entvrce€tteat of the r~tnatni r+svialotta or
<br />tiyiti»r»me»t. p pot#ira»a of
<br />
<br />