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;~6 < ''Y fl fi `~ <br />~: ~pffi~at <br />s. La will PT~1?~?' ~y tl€s evi~tced lay said prmestias~y nets at tiro tunes crud m t6a <br />tAearran peovie~d <br />b. f.~e t~3' a3t taataa; aettta, watrx ratr;s, and' otirar giaveanmental or msamicipal eitar'gas; ~ <br />' for try- pa~i Ass art hem n9ttd~ br-seisbetore, r~ trrili psct3mptig t'~eliver the o~igi ~ei~9at <br />tfurefar to fire said mortgagee, <br />c. lie will past' s=uch expresses and tees as maY iroe itacnrr'ed in the pro[eeiiort and maintenance of said <br />property. including the fees rat any attot~v employed by tfte mortgages for the collection of any ur all ref <br />rite irtdabtedttesa hetefty secured, or far forerlnsare by mortxagee's rwtit, or t»urt pnteeedinga, urfn-any othu <br />litigation or prarceeding aBecting said prcuttrecs. Attorneys' ferx re. asonably incurred in any otters Bray shall be <br />paidisy the tnrartgagnr, <br />sf, For better xmcnrity of the indebtedneat hereby seeureA. upon the eequeat of the mortgagee, its attar <br />cessora or assigns, lee sisal} ezeeate anal deliver a supplemental mpr¢gage or moriptage.,a covering any additions, <br />itnptmexnenta, ar betterments made to the property herrinafwve dexribed .-nd all property acquired by <br />it after lire date hereof fall in form saris#actony to mortttag~ t. Furthermore, should mortgagor fait to cure <br />any defaarlt in tits payment of a prior tar inferior encumbrance on the property drescriba~ri by this irrsttvmrent, <br />mesrtgagter hereby aRrtee to permit mortgagee to cttrr each rfe#auf[. but mortgagee is not obligated to do so: <br />and st>*lt advances steal} became part of the indebtcdneas serttred by ibis instrument, subject to lire same <br />e:. '1"be rigirk~s created by this cunveyarnce shall remain iu fiafl force: utnd slfaretl during any poatp~onemcns <br />ur erxteets~ioat of rite timer. elf payment of the ixtrlrfatedreess rvidnnceal ba• naid l,-rnmiw~s..try ntaic or any part thereat <br />sxxettzMl het-:izv,. <br />~. lice will r^outinurausfy euaistain haaarr4 insuran;•s, of wusrilt tape ++r types nand in sua:lt amounts an tits <br />rnurtlgtagewe rnaa 'ream time Y'o tiros reelrzira zrrt rise improve°mreivrts ueaw or lterewafter on eiaid property, and <br />Dili pay pxutmptly wl.arr dtre any premiirrns therefor. Afl insurance sits}l be carried in eompasies acceptable <br />t,o taortgagr~e and the pa&eirrs and rtme+vala tlfseerof shall ba he=ld by mortgagee and have attachesd thereto <br />lam pasala~ Llamas is favor of a€€rd in term accmptabet to life murtitagce~ fn erent of lur. mortgagor will give <br />imt€easliate ttnticc is writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee may tusks proof of iraas ii not made pcornptly by <br />mortgtrgot; sad eaeft ituwranee eamgarsy ooneerned is herrebr autboriacd and dieeeted to snake payatt fear Duet; <br />lrasia ditpctly to ssaortgagee iturtead ref to ttxoHgagor and martRagam joistfy, and the itutura~e proceeds, or say <br />ivsrt thert~t, taaay ire stplalied by tttfs*~.a.,> a3 its esptiott ~ia~r to ti:a t.duc€ion ;af rho iraala'm`odn~aa iacro~ay <br />alaiF t~r~e~ air to rise x+~t+t~timi ~ ~i: ~r tt~ pry-rty rn'a,g r~ ~ayosf, In. ;rt=•~€ o>i Ersr~efuet,re u>r tfals <br />nxnrt{lage, ore otiser trrtartfer at rifler to sand grape»y in atxtinguiebntent ref tits indebtedtaaass rxeured hereby, all <br />right, title, aui interest of 'ties; rttortgaacar is sad t=? ark; ir~a~r~3re'_' ~-~la_ia~ t} ~_so fet•~ x4=11 ~,~ to t.'~ <br />frasr.rlaaar,r n£ ma+rx~ ': ;at ilaµ uptiurt zaf tfr€ aata.r Fag+'" rtsrte foe s=tar.=~il+~rs;.a f;ar ;a r:•furd, <br />~. lie will steep :ell itttildinas axed otleer imuruveau!tettt~ uts =s~irl prupa.rry its Aux.=I r ,,,,:. ,... 1 ~ts:,t=*'^,,, <br />._ .Rtr_.. ,.... .,t_... <br />will pertuit, s otunmii, ur sine:r raa waste, irrtpairorenE, deEeriorats.ta .ef said t,roxrts nr any r=_rt tlt3rmsa#, <br />i„ tr-.t e+;?~t of }sitars v€ rite mur€~agur iu ksr+ep rite lauildings un +:.aid premises and thcax: crested us said <br />p*er+tiarx, ur intprovenas'•ttL= therrots, in grx~rl repair. the msartga{tew may make sash repairs as in its diseretios it <br />may elrem necessary fur the proper preservation ifts•revaf; and the fn}1 amottat of each anti every such payment <br />shall lee itnmerlistely due .md passhle ;end sitalf be ~curesl by the lien u# ibis mortgage. <br />h. fie ecill not vuluntari}y crests or laenasit tri foe errand against the property subject to time nturtgsge <br />any lies ur liens inferie}r or ~ulaeriur i~~ ttte lien of ihix n:urit;sga with<>rat the written c~anunt of tleY ntcsrt- <br />gagee; and further,. its wi11 lve=cp atsd maistairr ibe name free from ibe claim of sit laersuns +upplying labor ur <br />materials for exsttsiructios of any sitd all fauildin{ts ur ititpr,.tvetnrnts naaw faeiug ere2trri ur w bs~ erected nn <br />said pmmises, <br />i, fie will rtui rent or asstf;tt ens prart of the rent of said ntorigat{cd pntiterty or denrulisly ur remove, <br />or sttlastatttiail.; suer :fur isuilzlinl: witlsuut tfar a+.ritt~•u reztts;~t:t e:f titc::e.,rtrrgrr. <br />[. -All awards of damantrs in eonnertios stint any rusdentnation f,rr pufslic use of or injury to any of the <br />grepcrty sublet is this msr€gagc are herr~v atesigned atad chaff foe paid to mortgagor, who ertwy apply tits3 <br />- -. -. -- ~° --=~ _.-. -_.~ - -~ -~-t~.. -~sd 3 ie. aaa~ ~rnr-~,~-sg~ a3 it°,~r::i~*r s#utfi.tsdv se t3a <br />natst: tt:r rise rurYgagt,.r, ku earcute attd dettver zalial acc;uitaanr_ra, tt:ter...>t asa•f tzt sgperl frxaa*a =se-• At;nis a~ar•?. <br />k, Tits nteartgag~ g~!all h<ve rise rigftt to isaslsee,t rite rtrurtga~cd pretni,e, at env ree~a3taalale tittle. <br />3, Fi~iauit ire any of the cotcn:rni>! ear cundiuas~ ef;tft~ ita~trnsterai Ear s=f the :s.,,. ,.r iaaat Frain=xrtt ;,«u=gel <br />f~r'~byaSaalT tc,tryrgitaat$ thrr,nayrtigargsrs rig3t# try pus_~,eavtart. ass, asrl Yojc nrettt zef rite property, at the upttun u( tite> <br /> or his aigraws` {it itt<ing agreed that tfrc tnuriga~,o; :shall }rave such rigid uniif d<=fazit:.:iron any xurir <br />cslyuit, t~tC ttixatt{tagce sltalf i3r,!rt?tu€ titz: utv:ier of ;elf of rise rrt»t<s anal isrotitb sec ruing ,after ,lrf3ult as ::ecus~ity <br />roe tfls ea3deftta~tlna*es saecztred itaerrbg, witfz the, right t : rnts<r up}5u said preaircrty for if:r. purirosr of r.+iicctiaaf„ Furls <br />ra~tt#e an+! prtts.'irp irtstrtttuent steal} oper;<4s as au avxiaargerxt,sf env retttalE rtes sale} ururva:n+ io titaat e~tertt <br />