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<br /> <br />3. laic mo*t~a&or awvenante sad aitrees ifsat if he eha#f !eyi# to gay siriaf ittdebted»esor or artr pert the±re~` ` <br />~, or +ha## fail to pe_rfarm any coveasm trr aFteet»etst of t$zs iadrantest or;ebe pronxissory note secured e4~: t#tc <br />ett~areta~btednras hereby assured she## ti»medaate#r beeeasse tht~ piribf a asd ro#leilsLe._rorit4w»t »a3,jaet ate <br />i~lfari of the mortgattee ar assiptris, rr~ard#esa of maturity, ati~#:the rnor4~aFce or his as'igns sissy before or after ~ <br />arol~ aadd prapeny withi~tt apgsraiaemeat (the morttta~ttr ha ed~aet~-$said¢q~itOSt~agec s'~ t~#tta <br />t? at judiria6 aalr pursuant to the provisions of 28 C`r.C.4:. 2tXi# i a;r ; or - <br />(tt? at the eptioa of tb+c ~, either by ~ pr b; tw#ieitatie» of eiet#ei~ h~,'fatr she <br />#~ bid rxissptyieg ivitr`x sea tertatie ixf sa#t turd mtuiner of paytttest apeciFteei itttltts isbed nWiee ~~a#e. #: <br />~ivinp[ four vreeks' native of the time, terms. an$ p#orne of s»eb sa#ax #e9. ad>en! not leas thhaa o»ce <br />s#uri»~ each of said fops weeks in a trewspaper ptt#i#ished or distribuled in the county i» wkieh aai~~prapiatp <br />~ situatas#, a## o~tes »etia€ beis$F #ssteby waiv~# by the mori~a~ar (aed seed raffia. oar arry peeeoa ca <br />brha#f of sa€~d mertgr#flee, t»ay bid iwitb the tstpaid ia+~btedneas evidcnocd by said »ou~. Said sak a6a## be <br />he#d at or o» tfie prepertp to be ro#d or ort the Federal, rou»ty, txr rity tmtirt#iowe for the eoanty in which tht <br />property is #oereatad. The martaaate is hsKebv autlwriud to execute for and on behaN of the mer4~a6er and to <br />deliver to the psrrhaser rt such eak a suf&rieatt i-onveraatt of said property, which coneetataxe she#I eoataia <br />recitals as to the happcaiaR of the default upon which t#w exeeetioa of the pore: o! sade bereia greeted <br />depends; read the said iaort~syer herby eo»etitutac attd appointor rite tnttrtgaRee or aey agent or attarsey of the <br />meetgagce, the meat and attorney in fact of uid tnartgager to traulte sts~ secitala sad to eaente acid <br />~eareyasoe sad hereby ~venaats and nRrera that the trritaiJfs so wade shall be elteetttal to bar aR eapaity er <br />right of rec#er»ptiaa, #€ed, dower. and a## irther ~rxrrnptisuior of tfie aaortityter, a#l of ad»elt ate hereby <br />exprrrly waived and eonvered to the mortttaser: ar <br />f ttxi take asy other appropriate atYto» p»r~tant to state or Fi~dnsf_!~tate_t',itltei is state er Fedora# <br />ciinrt or ot~perwrise for pbic d,iaporitfioa ed tbie ps~upe~r%w. ~.. ~i.:.:..... - <br />fit she went of a safle as lureinabova pravidxd. tliir itiart~eayxQr ear env pror ~tit4ittor shal# <br />t#tea becoatae atad #in teaaatetor ho#di»a axer and rhail fiirtfiviish deliver p :Y`t#tZ"~vrt'Fteiec~ at aise"lr~aa#e or br. <br />suatiaaxa:ily v#i~ip~rf, in arrosdaiice wft#t the provaaiun:.if lair,:~#iea, tww',tt»anta haidiiiR over. Tfie power <br />sad agertey htrrelyq ~sastes; are Taupleii with as iintrrest sand sire irrnvenablKliv a'ltlath air atharwise, a»c# are era»ted <br />as Fii>laulative tax the n*isroadiiex for rcti#ertion of said indabtedn~iety prarvti#ed by iatw. <br />4. T#u g itf say sek rid said prepertr i» nxordaaae' with the preceditvg panysraphs ,diafi be appkied beat <br />to Eery tht sad at<~r~ase of saki sale, thr eay~a inc»rstd by the iser+.g:Ree for the f at protecting ar maia• <br />taiatng said pro#rsrtt: aed reaiiar>SSAfc iattarnxvs' fens; n«srand#y;, to pay the inde#steduess was-urcJ hereby: a»d thirdly. <br />to par sir eetrp#~ or rxeeas to thr petasui er iK #ega#l'~';ealit~ thereta. <br />`~. In t ~ ley ~ t sat s ~ fotvtelliha r air fittrsitant to the power n€ safe hereitruabeva <br />grarite~xEi and the praesa,d~i -ere sot mat to pa# the total i.~ asee4rsd lrt thin iaastru~nt evidesaed by <br />ua>i ate. tlse t!ii#l ~ e-aii34es# to a fim:~-aer , t for t#ta a»at,r.: thr <br />- '~ ~c'tr tt"starwts <br />to <br />6, # n tlsr rv~t t f tai peg say F,x.~ ~~.. _~ t,~r# €ror a~e~-~~ rest :~ fa~c v; vtbz~ i.gx #ieFi. <br />charge, tre, au other eapeuse charged orRaitxet thn ltaaprrty, the rmirtttager is hereby authoriaei# on hie opsion W pay <br />the sat~t. la»y auras su paid by t#wr rewrtgagnn idta## be adde9d to and beraete or part of the pri»eipri amount of the <br />intlabt~td»esa cvidenc~ed bj said taotE, siibjCet to the satire trrots a»d coni#itiotix, if the attortttagtxr aha## fxay and <br />disrltarge the iridebtei#rxess evi~raec 3 by said prn+uieaory torte, acid a#tri# pay eucfi euituY a»d eha#! ifiacttar~e a#1 tattca <br />axid lietria aatd t#sa costa, dear, axed expenses of tnaki»R, a»foarritag, and e_zceuti»g this mortRaRe, than thin t»oAgage <br />sb~tif'#€+t-eaaaelei# •ud rnsaeatl+xtrid. <br />T. The oatrestatala btena citataiees akell 4+ind xaad the lt;tsc6ts ,asd at3vanta ~t.## inure to the rcupective site <br />a sad resigpaa.~ 1lte parties berate. R'lgatarcr, the rint{+tlar n+ambee stall ine#nde the plural, the plnra# the <br />~le*r +~ the spas of Bitty rlM shal# inelnde all genders, <br />~` No +raiv~ ed tatty txxveataat herein tar of the obligatit~i ',sa~cur+ad hereby shall ^t any time thereafter be bald <br />~1ss t waireir of t#-e 9rerr9;rod ur of the nuts xKUrail heaa,~xr, <br />`- hz ~ wNlx settiuae lt)Y.# td) of tbs ~uka sad fEatgt~tstioas of the Ssnaf# $t~iattee Adiaiaistratian (#3 <br />~~`> ~1,#d! J. t>aa ~ is ~~a e~ a~oa with aftp#iaaAle #rederai htw. <br />~~# ` g3~f~t„ oe t -say ~iaisn at partitait of thin ittstrutrse»t i»vaGd or aa• <br />en{!R*eairl+}o nlta#f is any- Wray iuasiar ~ prarcitnle the enfesremeat of she reetaini hzv' <br />thk- iris~,:ttasatL tVli p uioeu ar potKia»s of <br />tae. s+Ai~ ita+rat ~ . ,-. <br />