~~ ~~~~
<br />L 'F$s t~ ~ a~restta setai~ttt
<br />a ~a t-ilt promptly pry tL,e ~ evidareed br atad ewep Haw at tits t6ttm sed ip tY~e ``
<br />asatrnet' tb~as
<br />b. ~ t~t`ll pay tt~ tattles. awiat, xttta, sssd mtiesr gtrs-et~ or fww *
<br />for w'1t~ ptm+ bas tsar tiem ttstede amore, and tviti Y de~trcr t:6e eA6eitl rseesip»
<br />tlsmcfes to ttte taaid
<br />c. lie wi#i pay such expenrxs and fern as may Ire iprureed in the proteesion and maiasenauer of raid
<br />prnpPrty, itteludinfi the fees of any attorstev employed by the martgagrr for t#se co#tectiort of any or a#i of
<br />the irukbtedner hereby secured. or tar forrrlaepre, by mart~sFee'a salE. or coast prooeediatgs, ar in app ot$~
<br />iitigat#an or prrrreer36pfr aA'ertin~ said premises. Attotne}na' fesn re~aewnalrty incurred in spy ather.aay shall be.
<br />paid by the tartortpa¢or.
<br />tf. For better aeeur#ty of the ipdrbtedttrtp hrrrtry secured, upon ebe rtigneat of the mortEaga, its aue-
<br />eeasonor arigp>4 lte share esecute mud rlelirrr a suppletntntal mortgage or mortgages coreriag any addit'ironar
<br />imftr+s+remerrtta, s>3r limttrrtpeta4 made to the property hreeinabasar deatcribed : nd a#t-propertr aeggired by
<br />it after Sete- daft heraof 1 a!i in fffrtn aatiafacsory to mortgagee) . Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to care
<br />spy default in she psrmept of a p3#or or iplerior encumbrance on the property described by this ietatrumenty
<br />mortgtgo: hereby sprees to permit tnartgaRee to cure such „#rfauht, eras mortitagee is not oblittated to do so;
<br />atpi srreh adsapers shall became part of the indrbtru#nees secured by this insirumrnt, subject to the same
<br />ttt~ and Bandit#aru.
<br />r. "f5se rsgtitr er_ated by this etrerYrrance :.era## remain in foe`s force and elect clueing ape poatpanemr-nt
<br />nr rxtrnaiora sxf the: tirnh cri paytrtrnt +s{ the indrhtrdrsr..u r;~idenced by said pramisaory note ur any part thereof
<br />securral hrrrhv.
<br />(. fIN iriii contintrurrsly maintain har:ard inriurapcr. urf ;asscft type r,r tvls~ and in Hoch amoupts as the
<br />tttortgattre rrtav' from tttrsr. sfl time require un the inaprtarevnruttn now Ter hnrealter erp paid graprrty, and
<br />gill pay prpmptly when dae spy ptsptitapna there.fos. All iappraatpa shall lac car~sd ip owapaaiea a,eeeptablt
<br />to wee astd ilte po~#irirr ape[ rttstetrsta tb+rtraiaf shall' bra Geld by mortgasatm and bare att~basd thereto
<br />isw payablt clattstt ip farar of sad in foam acceptable to the mortgage. In Trent of lor, morEtts~titr xill Eta
<br />ipnm+di:ec n~#uc in +rrititr~ to ramt apd +enare~a~ee mar make proof cif tow If Hat mado gt~spilt by
<br />~3 asultaeh intarapse rxmP~7 coa:•ertud is hereby autbaeiaetl apd directed !n mske papmesi for web
<br />last dirtsattlp uo ~ iargsrd of to moryittgas and rpartRtrace jairtily, apd the ipsstrapce pe+ooees#s, or any
<br />psrt tberratt, msy lac- appfisd bt nwrt~ttgess at iq option either to tbt redottiott of tits iotkbttxlamas bart'ay
<br />sraarmd or to she rstixtea os rctsaitr of the Prr+fe+mrty drupa~ed or destmyrd. tp Brent of fotzclostus pf this
<br />a ,~, ar other tssesfer of title to said property in rattinttttiiattrpent oC the indebtrdtaeew aaeettr~asl berebyr all
<br />4 titles, stud ipirrttt of the t~ is and let spy itsturaaet palieirr then ip force .hsll par to tbs
<br />pet^rhasrr cr martplagr~ err, at rite optiran raf the rrttrrtt[attrr,„ mar Ix .urroatdera.# for a rrftund,
<br />~. eft wire ~ccp ,:II ~ritdis Fml crS#:er iterprt;=errs=teas ore ,rand fert+rty i:s reared repair and ditirrc;
<br />will pernxit, errrrtrrit, ~.r ,tr~rr rnr :.sate, itnfrairmr~it„ rtwe:ri.srate:3es stf seed party err arty part thersrsfa
<br />in tr£s~- ie-~aa# ~,€ `piie;r ~.i zip zee-+~~x'~ 1s w,€:`~ i^= ss,iuire~n €rrz -ate ~it=F~ifre~a aa~r tir:.iac er~.e~l +f -
<br />pr~uetai. ter raprcrsrcr~rrpts rire>rrop, ire good re;raic-z, iiaar r~rrzgaft.an +mar rw;ti<t siren regrsra as r-r its alaarPiian ii
<br />may !lrerar rwremsata for the proper prrawarraatit#a thereof; and the full amotmi of «aclr aml every wch paymept
<br />shall hr. itparxdiately due setae payable acrd =hall he ~.etrured by the lino of thin murtRagr.
<br />k. lfe sill neat rulnptarily crests of peetuit to Ise created agatittat the proptrty subject to this martgage
<br />any Lien or lietta inferiet cr astperior sa the. iierr <tf this rrtortgage without she wtittetA couarnt ref she rtwrt-
<br />gragee; arst# fttrihtur lee will lees=fr and naait><3aits tlrr rarrw fern. fruan tlu rlaipt of all prrsorta aupplyinlt I:sbor or
<br />rstatssia#a for :.~ruatrtse.tian ~f any and a#! hasildings t~wr sarlrravrats+rtats craw loving rrrrtted or tea lrc crr'cied an
<br />said prrrpiarx.
<br />i. ftr will cwt rent or asaiytu am part ref the, rent of {aid msrrttCagrd property ur drentrlish, or remove,
<br />of pubttant#sily alter any hurldipg withraai the ~r dtaicn rcennrnt of the martga~cr,
<br />f. Atl atarattls ref dama~rs in ert>prssrtirrp aitlt attr cssrsdrrpnttirrst fur isublic rr of or injury to airy of the
<br />P +iptriy'rst~rt tae tltia-trsarrt~stte aar hsrrrbs a..~tpard and .hell era paid. ea rsturtso, Salta pray .aptly ~
<br />aasrstp ps~rrramtt ttae iasttrlts~ear,last dt+t tmdrr acid Hate, attd tnorl~a~ im #ttarsby aettlttatittttd._in tht
<br />tgmr of ehe ntortgattor, to ±+seeute atad detirct valic~l dl~tfutttances thereof and to appeal (rogtt anY sttcls award.
<br />fC. [2YG ~ sltal~ #raYP t~e ri~~'tt to ig;~e_~,y~.t t~#' r4~rrtli~4+~ ~r+p!$~ 3t ~~v r~~3Lr~3~1? tLrt?~~
<br />2~ 1`i~egfatrlt im,aar-,td the, t-cxaertants-ar r;~otnlitiOns wf-ibis +rnstsvtaer+t ter tr€ the nste ur loan aRrewmertt .rcure.l
<br />llrtlf trxxssi~sc iYte cKVrtsxgur'.a tjt,Sek prratrsr+. tom, t erayntt <rf the trs#rwttr', at the t>gts~n :rf eha
<br />i~ra tr h.. ~ tit laeiar.~ agreed that ihr riaart¢ag4r sbal# have aueh ri~ltt until defsu#t ). t"frtrn atx~ rnc}s
<br />a~tl:ate tfttt taac shat! t~erc.nte the u+rtter rsf alt flt the rsnt~t and pra6ra aeerrsitatc alter defsuit a;t stv~uritr
<br />fritt.t~ ipdal3rtarsr serrsrrd irrrcby, soetlr tltrr rittht to enrt~t~:t~a<rt sai+~ lrrtrptrsy far tltr rove#r~er of rnlfrrtinft awch
<br />t?dtttts apd pro~~s. 'f`Itia ittstrtrprept i+hall rrpart.;~es at ssa waiEnrMtAt app errrtais on call property to shat rxtsstt_
<br />