<br />--- - $e The mortgagor covenants and agrees i'~at if 6e shall. Pail to gay said-indebtedness: or any part-thereat-whea°
<br />- due; or site#! tail to perform any covenant or agreement of this instrument or~the promiASOry note secured hereby; ihs'
<br />-- entim-indebtedness hereby secured Shall imtnediately become dos, pajra~,~°;_-and ro}}eetible.arithout notice, aF the:..
<br />option of the mortgagee or assigns, regardless of maturity, and: the isibr;gages ar t:is aa>,inttP me~~ beSore oratter entryt
<br />eeli-said property withouCappraiaement (the mortgagor having waived and assigned to the mortgagee alt.t•ighte_ag:.
<br />appraisentent) : ~ 9 ! `t ' y
<br />- t t) at judicial sale pursuant to the pravisiona ot28 L}.S.C. 2001(x) ; or
<br />(n) at the option of the mortgagee, either by auction or by solicitation of sealed birL,'for the lirighheet_and'
<br />-best bid romglyiag with Ilse terns at sale and meaner of payment specs6ed in the prtllliatted tzoticeoP osier firer;
<br />giving Four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place of such-sale; by advetiiscment not lese':tbaa once
<br />- during easfr of said four weeks in a newapapcr published or distrileut2t# inthe'coun[y;in which eaid:propertp-
<br />is situated, all otbsz notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor (and said mortgagec,.ar any paraou_ aa_
<br />6ebaN of said mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said note). Srid sale shall be
<br />held at as on the property to bs sold at a! th8 Frderal, county, or city rnurthotrax for the snooty in whisb the
<br />prapartq is located. The mortgagee is hereby Authorized to execute for and on behalf of the mortgagor asd to
<br />deliver to ties perehassr at nosh sale a aul~cistrt conveyance of said progrrtv, which crmveyaaes sbaSi rsntaii;
<br />txxilala as to thm happening of the default upon which the execution of the power of aa8e herein grafttted
<br />depratda; and the said mortgagor herebp mmslitutes and appainta the mortgages or anp agcat or attorney of the
<br />ttfortgagr~ the agent and sttarttsy is fact of said motKgagrsr to make such reeitala and to ezsetrts said.
<br />srntvieyan+ee and hereby covenants and agru:ss the! the rreitais so mauls shalt ba e$eetual to bar all ealttity or
<br />right of redemption, lmmeatead„ dower. acrd all other rzexnupticrns of ehs mortgagor, all of whislt are hsnsby
<br />sxpreaslp waived and conveyed to the mortgagee: or
<br />(tttl tales any other appropriate action pursuant to state or Federal ataente either in elate or federal
<br />court or otherwise fur the disposition of the property.
<br />In thesasiit of a.sale aahereiaabave provided, the mortgagor os ant prrt:on in pasarssion under the mortgagor shall
<br />eltet>E bfo#mrtfe atfd be tenants holding over and shalt forthwith delivee possession ao the purchaser at such sale or be
<br />summarily disposaesxd, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable to tenunta lralding ur-cr. The power
<br />and agency hereby granted are coupled with an interrst and arc irrcvocalrlr br death or otherwise, and are granted
<br />as cumulative to the rrmrdies for co}?retion of paid indebtedness provided by la>e.
<br />4.. T,na prima at any Sala rr! said 1rra;Yatty in acrardunce vrith ilte prrasdeng puagrapba shell bs utppHed first
<br />to pay-tc aaxl:-~ of acid sale, ih$ €xpartaoa incurred by flAe mexrtgagrr for the lturpass of laratexting-or mais•
<br />to :s51: p:,~r'==" ~ _ ~ ~ ::e ..,.._ . ns: ,N,~„taiy. i., i i :- fi;wa tni- -- Sn>•r~ rrr,r rrri zawr- irk ; ~rnri rhirdiy,
<br />fn = r,ny' aua~~ or +~~ _¢ _~ pr=s~=~ p;==none #a"i rc'if'JsN39 tluar°;^tu.
<br />l~ eta >"vr~t ~ µrs:rK„ i, ;~>d ~ . a.,.tu~yf fe ~t~•r~ eye a .rr:-~~ - - - -` -- - ~~-~.
<br />graoietl; and tlta pr+arasr.'ls era cwt s©ient to pay rite foul iudsbtednetrt sezurrd try this irtatnxrrterat acrd evidencexl by
<br />said prmrissory Hots, thr merigages will be entitled fa n :leftrirrrry jud~trn3 far t}sr amount of ihcde}~rrisart' wi:hon:
<br />rtga~ to ef#tfrsiiAme~.
<br />€s. In the ev-ent the mortgagor taiPs to pay any "t=edrrai, aialr, nr ixai tae asarrr.e,rrut, income tax or nthcr tat #ien,
<br />rltargr, ter, or athtr rxprtfac ehargrr# a{faiast thr praperiv, the mortgagva~ is }frrrbs authorixrd at tern option to pay
<br />the satuc. Arxy sutras sec paid by the m©xtgages s}ta}} Ire, addcr# to and h-ramr. a F=a:: rf thr Etrirxb};:..:at,ruxt: of the
<br />indebtsdrr evidrttessl lrs *aid fuxer, srfhjecf t~ tits aamr f~rana acrd ctarxditi~xs... #( fhr ruarigagor a;xa.# pas and
<br />dixlfarRe the indebtedttsas evideneu•,l by said prom,iaaary ootr~ and obeli pay sacf+ Buena and shall rtisrltargr a!1 razes
<br />and }'tarxr. and Yh+c crsstq,. tees. sad .rapsrfsss of tusking. enforcing, amt exeeutiatg, ibis marixaptr, Bran this nmrtgage
<br />sbnll'}rs cancxtli+d oral surrernkred.
<br />?. The ~.vewants irerxiu ennutined s}exlf hiuti Bud the lrenelits anti ac}vantages s}ta#} iarrfrc to tier. res#wrtxvrt mor-
<br />¢tt~rora afad ~ tb. gartias lie¢~ter. ~ltfaravcr tt~sod, the singular number shall iaslude tics plural, the plural eha
<br />aims+y sad the rase at ~y ~e+tdsr abatdt gncla~ al} g~eds,ru,
<br />~, ~-=-# -u" -A:~.~r„`,. ~ - ~ ~ .„:° Lire ehisRatisrts serer=zt} }se:ra6te rha4i :tt ~s :• ts-~re ttrx~r€af2r-. ~ =tw<l+i
<br />err her a x+aitvr xrt--e. ttrs~a lnerert ar u[ tere r• =fr sorurs,i {rYrrby,
<br />~. 1ne,siYnpllwaer.wltltseMyN;+nflll.ltd} uithe4{u}eaand t{r#tuEatistxut ut the '1tua9l tiwraoasu r4dnsini:atrrte:r~r (13
<br />~.F.,r"--v rs~vai,l~s} j.. ie+f! is to l~ ,rttrftsa.[ acrd xntorccd iaf ac.~•or.~3tt= wiE6 appt~~~ 4'rl~~t ~,~.-
<br />l0:_ --jartli,¢ial'-rlt~r rrrua-zr,f of jo~wt Frebdrag a-ns prnvisior: <sw portion ref shvs -0nstrnrncui inva}Br} nr un•
<br />s~Por-it~#}idv. fir}t ttrnt it¢. auy wrv ira;rair or preclude a#;rs rr:#oxt-rw~nt of the remuning prmvraiorw ar perrtiesns of
<br />## trsat~xM,
<br />