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~3-~~~#~ti ~v~ <br />E~'T~ramsottgi3~oreorrmattLa~dmrsaafiillaia'at ' _,. ,. ~°' _ „~"~ ' <br />Le trip pmmptlg ~p rho indetdeditaes erideneed by said promiaeorp rota at tlto tisrm and is the <br />19la '~,er LtleTC1R ~*9•}yf"{!d4'.~ <br />b. ~e will `pay alt taxm, aettettar water rates, and other gorernmenu] nr maaiiapal ehas~ar or <br />fmpaataona, foP whieb provi~lon has trot beta made $ereiabefore, and wilt pt»mpdp deliveniht titlicial eec~pta <br />tltemfor to tale said taottga®ae. <br />c. He will gay Hoch expenses and fzes as may he incurred in the protection and maintenance of said <br />progtrrty, fttziaditig the teen +sf any attorney zmployed by the mortgagee for tbo eolleetian of any or all of <br />the indebtodnaaa hereby secured, or for forieloaure by mortgagee a sale, or court proceedings, or in anp other <br />$ti4#ation or proceiding aftezt#ng said premises. Attornepa' fees reasatrablp incurred in any other way shall Ire <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />al: b'nr latter seeuritp of the indelrreduess hereby secured, upon the requzat of the nwttgagce, ire aue- <br />erssarsaar aaGignx:Irz'a`wail execute and rraiirzr.a suppleran4al mo.-trag¢ ar mnrigag~ ¢or+srs:sg .anp additi„ns, <br />iratpro+retnentl~-or itzetermaen~ made to tbo property h~nernabowa desttrihed{.pmparty nctyuired 4ty- <br />at~`ter-the datehartKaf-fall in formsatfsfactorpto mortRai,cak, k'atrtltermore,should-n:artgttgor,foilto cure <br />-arty dafattlt-in•t'he pnym,~ertt of a prior or inferiar zocumltttanee~,on„thepmgertydraerittad,Lptitie;imttznnteu4:,- <br />mor!ffia;gor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to core stash drfaaBt„ but mortgagee is not oblig~ntzd 'to rlo so; <br />antd such advancza ehaif bazamc ryart of tltc Bndebtednzas wcrnre.d' key this instnmtertt, subjtrt to the same <br />forma acrd canditiona. <br />e. The rights created by this zottveyance shad remain in Bali 'force and a+ftcct riwring any pa?tpunemont <br />or extension of the rimy of payment of ilae indzbtzdaeos zvidenced by said promisson~ Hate or any part thereof <br />secrrrtd hereby. <br />f. Ifs will eontinuausiy maintain haaanl insurance, of sash tpgr or tepee and in each amuuats as ihz <br />mortgagee easy fnm time to Efine rezl airs un the improvrmznts now or hrrrafter nn said property, and <br />wiit pay prompEly whet: drys any prumiomas xherzfon Alt itretrnaroe shaft be carried in eompalziea acceptable <br />to tnortga and the poliriea and scracwata thereof shaft lye head by mortgagee and have anrched ihnrtt3ar <br />'tats gsps~ clsu~ in fsvor of ~d in fetxs saxrpiabt'e to th.C mortgagee. is rvz•nt of la>~ mtartgagor will girF <br />~uars€a is u~~ try ~€an, and ~tortp=. stay m~aae proof ~ sus.: if feet ~sdo p.apti-g <br />atad esti: ;~•rauoe c+onpsny a+nzr€ard is hetelry aurhtttiaatd and directed to nsake payutant foz such <br />ts:1~1r to t~~_±~!4 '-"~~rsd ~ to ^•^^!="--s" ~aad s~.rtt'mecte iointt_r. xnd tlss ir_-u~~r=-nee trrrt~a'ts, nr sn~r <br />g~-# 'mss, y ~ asspliar? °~ a# its optio_,a ~rt',be~r to s-ita rerfuet3c~it ~»£ ttte i~b't~ ia;~? <br />x ~ : ~ -- rR. u~~ u :r~ir o ,, s ~yar~3 :a~.pi?~ai tr .~i.- - -- ~. fa o - t w[ :o:.- ~ a s- <br />_ ~ othu lrartaler +~ tiffs to ..i.l n u ».re_tr ~ c><ti.s uG~rvx uTt~f ttv_ io.!•~~,_ - rd~ h~sree6r_k all <br />r9t, tiffs, and intcreat olf ihz ienortgagor iu sad to aaay inaurartze t>oiiaiza freest m= forez shad Bastes to the <br />ltc:rrt:r~,- or -ruur#gatrr-r* a:, ,t rl;+; ~ oar ?. the t.~r* - ` for a r~f..ntl, <br />_ ~ aurt~.~ <br />g, ffr. will Isrei+ all 6uildinga and ntllcr ianpraavc-meats eat saiel prupzrty la ~uead repair and cenditien: <br />will pt+rmit, czuugait, nr suffer no watac, itnpairrss.-nt, detrrinrntiau of xnid property ur any part tttereaf; <br />in the even[ of failure. of ttte ntungagor to lczep t.ltr 2?uildinita nn acid prrnaisr•s and thnar erected on said <br />nrzrmiazr~ or itoprot enterats ihrremt, iu gsruti repair, tlae axaatrtaattrr array rnakr such rzuairs as in its diserttiuo it <br />easy <la.•eavt orcrsaary (or titp lxrre{err iareszrratiun: thereof: and fire full anrssunt of aac}a and zxzry each payntant <br />shall be iaranae:tiately ,Brae nod f'ayahle :ruurtsa:i ?sr- s.~•ur=..i #;?~ aise i#rn of .i'.is rnurt;;axr. <br />1a. t{¢ wilj na# vrrl.izril€ crrat€ .~r (-~rtle=i to lee rrrated s~air+-t Sitr irr.try~rty slabject to thin aslortanga <br />any liar ar ticas.iufzriwar err eti#xriar to the lieu of siaia snnr't§ta~c wi€Ituut the wriltrn r~ln+aa~ns of the nturi~ <br />}gager:. and ffr##ltktr. lee; wi11 keep and naintain lire rams free from fire riatzn of ell pc rncrns zupplyiutt Icebox ur <br />etiaiCrialr, (ur'urdtxer nl Host atad call buildintta or inritrE>vrmrnts n<:w lrriug rrrrutc+l ur ta+ 1-,.~ arrettd a!! <br />at-id jtreac=.i>. <br />i. fly ardll eta;: e;=t:t .3r a~:z_n ,aer tart ..,f t`rc tr,.. <rf =a a. n,.,r#~„fir+i t,r:tt.Frto~ .=r .ls.+rolisla. c>r rte.=ru. r, <br />a+t sulstantiaily alter any lntilalint{ xirbout !ha rartuen rre:.n.+aeat ref thy. trrvrtisattee. <br />j.:"4t! awards €tf damaat^* in +'ctntaertiaH with a#ry r-+>aat!€~»r:acs;rx+ fc_r Braaisl#=• aa~ of a+r esa}urr trz a!o> of thy- <br />- -~~-'~~~ . is t~ ms.z~aga a~ ~~~"~rs,' as r n - azu- ~a=t i,~ psa~ :~ r- fr~Rv", = ~n ~~y =_FY='~ r __ <br />,-rn:p~~t .. i €b....~.ssiE.~.._as.~ 1n~7„~- i,..~ r. ,. ;i: H_r~, m.,,.e ~ ..-r.~~s,a«_ ~ i.«.rw.5.,, -~,''t~~d_ ~ rfa <br />a:auae -f th.; trierigag,?r, turseatatr su.l ci4livra .t, r .ac ,€a.r+xr-.. t. Per # l:r.s to h~f -ai frets a,-,y such aa-ar~l. <br />kx'Y°jitt na~it~s~tall have tlrf riattt to i€tm~act €L,• muct~stl ptr~ra= ~s at any reat€auatir" tftn!!, <br />~., i.f3g'au3t itt a#Y yet fret. caYta;tnt! +>r _rancfii#nraa at tFS€a Sat-riruuten# ar of .fix at.rtt~ ~{ atastt aytrrrnttnxt -~~cureri <br />l+r€atri,altitit 44skartinai~ tlse,#glrltert's tiplxt. te. }raft aline. uaas aul eta}uplraeut +.f tFtz• praixrrsy. a! the uptimt o[ flay <br />Coot iraglrx or hie aseiltna' 4it lar~in}+ agreed tha# iizf! netxxtargar .l-sail lat,sc nr~tfe r+itt utatal le.lalrltl t.'ir..att r+iav xiaela <br />ifti?I+itr, tl?a<, r+aor#~f'.~Ktft .#tail 1T[!rLrrkkY the a_t4rnf:r Yat dil •af ti!@ rE!ns3- IDi£1 i'ri:t}ts ai'r Ca!!a~ afr~+•r :BE•faull as seiartty <br />for al.. indrlt#5€lt§caa ~e-lrt,i liccstay, w-itlt tlx:. rixle! tv ca#tr.sgacau 4aad isr:n~rt}• f::r the lt:arl:+tet! +xf a~sallerting -ux:ia <br />rruta-cud prsafits.. i'ltia ins#ru+ttratt .halt tat~ra#k ss.att a~uraxatst'uf r un said ryru;.crty to titer Mstrnt. <br />