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;~ rs. <br />$; Tt:e s;xcrtgsgar ravextanie and agteea-tiiax iF he-snail faiYYO~.pay_ said-iadebtedttese,_or say part thcreofwa`rhen <br />tee, ~• she!} fail to-pet#ovm any covenant ar agreement sF this inatruinent os. the-prottaisaoey naie secueedlie~tRe <br />i'atire~ ittdebtedneas herahy secured snail irnmediateiy ~Fxeearrte due, paly~e$clet dad _ro~leetible. without notitx, qty the <br />sp?ion-of the mortgagee or assigns, regardless of maturity, anti-theitier[tg,aget,or.liia~atisigna ttiajr,ba•fore or,Hf~gr~ttr}. <br />ae{i paid graperty without appraisement ;the mortgsgor basing waiver[ and`ass'tpted to t}te'martgagee aii'i.ghxa tiij" <br />ajtprdit+etxisnt) ~ f .. a j t ~~"t Q =t <br />-~ it) at judicial Bale pursuant to the ptovisionsof28US.C.~001(a); or - '"~' `a: - <br />- cxa <br />(tt) at the ogtion of the mortgagee, either by auction or by solicitation of sealed bidsi'far,thchi~htmi a <br />-beat bid campiying xith the terms aF aaFe and mann,.r of paymeat specified in the;`:pvhiiehed-iintiat_~ea{e, 6zst <br />giving four wee}i~ notice of the time, terms, and place of eiirh ealE; by adyetRiiement not ]tast~.oiter. <br />-: during sash sf said four weeks in a newspaper publishexl or distrsittttttd inihe-county,in w}iieh aaid'prnperty. _ <br />is situated, all other nottre being hereby waived by the mortgagor (and said tttorigagee. or any ironoa art. <br />6eha}f of said mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said note). Said eels shall be <br />held at or oa the property to be ea}d ar at the Federa}, county, ar city eaurthotsse for the county in which the <br />groperty is lasted. The mortgagee is hereby authorized to execute For and ou behalf sf the mortgagor sad to <br />'-" - -~- -urrhaaer at such as}e -- `said -- ' '- ---`~- '-''----'-- <br />near er iv we p - --eni canverrmre nr pruper'ir, w'razcin can.eyrnca tuxwa wnwiu <br />tvae3tala au to the happrniag of xhe default upaa which the axactuion of rho power of eels herein gztwtcd <br />dapeade; and th¢ said mortgegsrhereby canetitutee anti. appbinta the arartg:gee or say agcot or attatttgy of rho <br />autsrtgagao, the agent and attorttey in fact of said mortgagor to make sari[ mitala and to ace~uta eaFd <br />eottveyaner and herebp rovettaats anti agreaau that the rrr}tals~so made steal[ be eBectna3 4o bar ailet'{uiip or <br />right of redemlY:}on, hrrntestead, lower, and all of}see cramp[}one of the mon.gagor, ail of which srr~hereby <br />rrprasaly waived and cexxtveyrel to the mortgagee; or <br />f tn.j take say other appropriate action pursuant to scats sr ~edera] statute either in state or IFedera] <br />.court or otherwise-for the dxs{xxaitian of the property. <br />In Gale ere,-ti of a sa}c as hxreina}wvs prsx~idrd, the manRagar or auy prrsan-ia pas€easion und~rt}€e ntortgagar shat! <br />then bresme an3 ice tesvaats hole}lag over and snail fun}swirls delirer Iwssrss}an to the purehr~r•at-stirh wale or he <br />aumtnarily dispossessed, in acrordanre with the praviaians of law epplicabt« to tenants holding suer. The power <br />and agentry hereby granted are rnupied with an interest and axe irrerocabie by death ar otherwise, and are granted <br />ae asttnulativr to the rrmrdiea for co}lectian of said indebtedness pnevidrd by law. <br />~. ',pr~~a a; ~,tttg as}e of saia r=zaxperty in aerordarsre with the pveceding parnstrap~ ~}+a}} ~I;~ appfad <br />i' ; ~, v tits cwt? ~p°,a~asaF said aa~, site < ~ is€utredlty the mtsrta+a~~-cur the purpsae aF ixroteetiug orattaitt• <br />_ a _ . _ _. - t_;= t.t _:t.,~ t-r..--_.._wt,~ as putt chc lad htefir;e~:~ryr.,~d harsh: • aa.! t~tasrztl.- <br />~: -r'6 , _ <br />--. t~o u>3= atx- :~~tP.}~ _~ {e t fz-r"-.c;~ o'~rr }=gang ~rxtlt6rti t}~rer~. <br />~~ lea __~ ~ ~-~,~-~i'r at a ~ra'ieira[ iorrtrxiti.ure a~dmlia gun pausuaux m xhe ~txwex eF eui}n heraiaaC{a«ara~ <br />~_ ~eaa ~ xiis~ csa;-~aa art! ~ snt~iz~E to ~Y tT~ *_nta} ~€•vred h, tk.,: isat€~sx ,t =ad ~i:i~s~~ :.y <br />said protairwtrry note, rite tansrlgaRee wi}} be entitled xa n <ieficianrr judgment for the axxtaunt :xf !}xe x:r~rirrt~• uithcst <br />re to a~gnecatt. <br />h. to a}w erexlt rho monga~ar fails to µag env T'ederaF, exate, sr ices} tea :z.n~xterux.:tmroxn ta= ur cstht=r tan list[, <br />clxargr, (en. ur ~thrr catpetxse c}taegaei against the pruprrty, t}sc msrtgattre is lxa:rc}ay rauthorssrti at his apt[+sn to pay <br />t}s?. sate[. say ~ ;.aiti ]s~y sl-vE, rsaortgaacx. xa}} ~ . adds} to and lxraane a part of the }rrsusi}sat arsxaarxt of the <br />iu+'~htrx}aces eeix}cntwc} hp paid uUte, £u6j~F to ti+e -wme terrras sold +•hoditieaas. If t}tN mortgagor aha}I pay xuJ <br />dtrcit(trg,. tsar iude}uealat~ss rvixirtxred lap Said prvnnaiuaey noxe, .a^,l nhali pay finch +anes axxd slxali dias~!xargr a}} taxes <br />_",,; 1(;;w.r. attd the, "°° °, F`~., a u a~.p.:rzsrs trf making, cnivrcing, .xn,i rxtkt'txt ir5g iixia +nangage„ [teen 4fxia tnurigaxr <br />si[[[ll=-a:antuiAd-sled su;M'etaiftri!ai, <br />'3; `l"lte r.;av~axtt= }?±t+°au €antaitt~ ~lt>r}l }sitxd at-ti-} the'tetsz}its axxs} adtants shad ieeuro to tixo r-z,.{„:-sirs sac <br />[masses and aesi; nt the psrtica itrrcta. ~`}xetxeeet asset, tits singular numlxrve shall ip.,luda alxc plxtta}, rise p}urai the <br />taadtins~€~tratyFandare}ta}}inriu+icallasrtdera. <br />R- %y, ay ~ as 7 ~xri:#t.a~t }~-~isl ar aad lets. aat:.z.. ~-„ ~ : ~,~.t..Y ~r~}} ,. _e=,t°? fR. <br />era a watrer ai tFx~ to }cer+xaf rte aF the note .~ tarsvl beret's[. <br />~• {a~rorals}iarssa with wrtios: }{}}.1 I+i } .,; the }iu}ea and }ir,,g'xtlatiaaa of the ~xua1} fluainess :1dm.itairtratina [ 43 <br /> lbl,l (d} }, tFxu irxaalrs>~~xa ;» to ~ ' ~-n;aty in aresrrdaute roach appiiraixie Fetlerai }aux. <br />life t9i, }atlieitF dv,crise, +rrxlt?, :xr judlttneatt }tu[r~1a uay xruv=_= <br />g i i~ ar xs>ax> ai tea irrstraxX~nt r ,=id or u~ <br />rtaftwicitliie rha}l ttut in say way ixnpa}r ae ptcrlwde cite enforcv~tnent a>i t}xe rrrxnamong ;a5avisie:aaa er pf:ttauua +..F <br />t ihattutu~w{. <br />