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<br />I: °Ckemoas~agnrcavenanfeaii$:~ga,aidfoilgtda: • _ . <br />a Se trr6ll praaaptiq paq the indektedtitew evfdettced by said promimory note at the tiiaea asd'ita tlati <br />mammg t6®aza p-ai: <br />6. He en'tll paq all taues, aaseemmecte, carter razes, and'oahcr govcxamental ar tettaidpal cidar~`fenttq ar' <br />impositions, fot+trhieh peovia'cun has not bees made hereinbefore, and will pramptlq deliver, site otiieial te®t5pts~ <br />therefor to the said mortgagee. <br />r,. He will pay such expenses and fees as may be inewred in the protection and mafntcnance of said <br />-property, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the coltectian of any or all of <br />the itidelttedneas hereby secured; ar for forecltretire by moregagee's sale; ar court preteeedinga, or is anq ether <br />- - -litigatitm sir proceeding affecting said premises. ~Aitotneye fees reaaaunbly incutredin angat€ter-way shall he~ - <br />- paid-by the mortgagor. - - - - <br />- d. For better security of the indebiedtteas hereby aecnred, apon-the request of the mortgagee, its sua <br />ccaaors or aseigas, he ehaii t:sireate and deltwaea supplemental maetgage ae mortgagee cawtsaing araq, addtions., <br />improvetttents, or bettrrmettts~ made to the property hereinabore described :nd all.proptrty acrp~ired E9y <br />it attar the date hereof tall 6a form satisfactory ua moregagaa). Furthermore, should martga;gar ~a;l. to care <br />any. default in-the pa.p-meat o€ a prior ar inferior ensdun:brance on property described by this atuttrumetltt, <br />amrtgagor hereby a~rexa to permit mort~,agre to curs sneh tlrfnult, but mortgagee is net obligated to du ea; <br />aasd sneh advnneea ehail hrsonre part <sf the indebtedness secured by this inettvmon4 enbjact to the same <br />corms and conditions. <br />e. The rights created by this canvsyancc shall retnain rn full forte and effect during any postponsmeni <br />or eztertsion of the aims of paement of the indebtedness wide:teed by said pramisaory note or any pare thereo[ <br />xcnred ltercbv. <br />J. T'le will rrsrtinaoaaly maintain haaard insurance, of sneh type or types and in such amounts ns the <br />mortgagee may from time eo time require on the improvements m-w or bsreafter an said property, anti <br />will pay promptly .rhea due any premiums therefor. All insuraace shall be carried in corerganiea acceptabb <br />to mortgagee and the palicitx and rcoawala thereof shall be held 6y mortgagce and have attached thereto <br />ittss paq elatass is fartx of sad is form atcegtabTs to shed asartgagxe. Tn erect of Tor, marteaffor will girt' <br />isnttaadit:-ka a cz Fa writit:g tr, ma:tya~e, sad rttortgagee may tn:ae proof o€ Fuca F€ scat made prtamptly by <br />ntartgagar. and eaCla ittxnrraur~ ~-r~g~y eort~rncd is horttbv uau~thoria€d znd dir;•cted as make gaym¢nt for au.3t <br />'!+~ d3~_~aty - -== ~'--`-.` 1 of t~ -~sso-~ . _..:3 z _e.t,~~'e~ -_ .,?Vr_ ~=t il~ y_~=_._?+~ prr__~_=_d~ -- =_i-`°- <br />-~~r_t t~~. tr- _;xt text by -tom=- its _p.t__ ttter tot ,3 ~t-art € fi•c sad,e~ ~>=>y <br />aees~tosin art tea the re~sorntirtn oz reaair of the ar~agcrry damaged or' destroyed. fa ceeaat ref ro ionsre of rhia <br />m ,~~,..._~Ea: f utla .,~ Ala ,_ ~rttnt~,ia't:.~.~,. art tt~ i d;4M~n~ ~~.sK~l l~ ~ .tt <br />ri;~"'~ ~~t_€e, asr_l ~tea•±~ of tfxe sanrtv_aa_4:rte a,~dJta a~w4 ~uaranac+r~ toli~=~ tb~n a Ceres ehail oa_ms to •tlus <br />purritasrr art martgayr.•a nr, n3 the ufrtimt of t€te mortgagex., ruav iar± surrettdcre~i for n refund. <br />g. lfe will keep all buildings and other impresvomenta an said property in hoar} repatr and condition: <br />grill permit sonamit, or :wlfcr n<t wears, ienpairntent, detcriaratiota of said property s_,r any lx:srt thsreef; <br />is the ea~rni of failo:r of the rtsortgagnr io ksep the fuildings on said premiaca attd thus rrrctcd oa said <br />ltx tail or iatt+ro.'etttertta therexnt. iu gr3od repair, the assert ;epee a~ttay tua4e ettsh xpairs as iu its diarrets.m it <br />may +.{ere necessary for fhe pretfrer preservniian thrrrel':.+retE t4ar fuT! arsmauni of each anal eve=ry such parnaent <br />ehalT be imtaetlintrly due and payable and shelf lxe aero.r+i ltc the ilea ut 4hie mu;tgn{te. <br />h, llr will net vaV:ttndarily create c,r petrtt to ire created agaitz_t the properly subject to ehia rnr,regat€r <br />any 1trn or llerrs iattlriar or stttxrior to site- lira of thr+ morttagr, witltont the wnatetr rma.~rrot u! the uznrt• <br />$agrs: earl Inrthar, Eta will keott and maininin the exec fees freun the claim of all fxerstena sttpplviadt Inbor ur <br />taeterials far €tit.etruutfen of arty eat} all LufTrlin:ts +sr iuaprurrtn~cnts new k•.ing crcrtrrf .,r to h<~ erected ors <br />sal' p?asrrist~. <br />i. Tie will nut rent or a±st;,ra asry part of the recce ,>f aatr2 n.urt~~u~,a•.l pruprrty or ~lernalfeft, ces reroerr, <br />- art--syitatantiaily alter ang° lntildintt without the written ct,nsent <,f the rztortjaY,vr. <br />- j, A.~l€--arsat`tf:+ of d?mn in cnttitfi3--tics wills anx e,:uX.dr-rtuucti.3n ,ur pu3,41E. uFe .,t ..r rrtlury za guy of the <br />-- ptx•,pnrty ~b~rt err this rttsrt$ag€ err rtereitf araignex€ au.t eltnfl he Ir' i : to ux>rtrnattx`e. ;;:Flo tnay apply s!ts <br />-. __m_ -,.. ~__.~__. _r .t._ ,____sr__-._ a.... ~-- _ -. ,.___r_. _...n.__,__..x n,..t,a <br />a .a ~. ,~ ..>~~:,ar.r+~s>* t~::v-.~_- _- ' ..a _~r. s ~ers~~.- =>~s-~t~: s~ <br />nanta of the :nttttgay;ar. to z?><rrut.-t, aasd d:3.rer }aliXi argattt3.-a >=a tlr~rrt,.f anti to s(spcaf front acv ectttlt award. <br />- -- ,~, '?` raor+~a ~itald tt-aa=z the rt;,ht as iaraprc& t4tr euuea~a~€el s:r~etat~~~ at :utv r~as?vyalie tirxao, <br />- 3. 11`~'saft :a-axy rs# the: et;retratttt a.r rotxd2ttorts of thFa• irtstrttmrtt: c~-+=( t€tr nvt€r oe foatt sore-:::eat .a-: error} <br />lfiarr-~}:-sitalal.tsaxtatitt~.axXt+€tr'~.ri~ht tv pcux:•.asiu€t. v~r, atz# cn6•,.anrtu .rC eE;c prrwt>r~rax, at thf ;,c,3i.v; .rt tDn <br />Ns'striagrr .sr isle assign++ tit hrir,~ ayTxr .ct thaX the nt:trt€;a;srfr }3a,al i+,:+x rnt•h cigltt o:tttl cl. fa+>Itt. l,It.,,rn ., : such <br />~f~~ft:, the eu;,rtg,.zr;,ee abald i~tvetstr tRee owterr mt alt u#' ttt,s r-motets ant! prot'jta ac~rn;iex~, af3rr rte:atatt as »erceettr <br />f:a: t.,. Indtlrtedt:::art rx~ur>E,d Irrrrb}', e,$ib il-ra riebR tat sntartttrou +.u:d property far tnc parp.rsr of . urreing sneh <br />rnst+s att~ pr?tsttx., "l~tia ittatruntettt .lull operpta es a,sa+s~ig:at~teE ttlt any rxF.niafs ern swirl Croperty to rtxat ext=^nt, <br />