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~` : _ <br />.:~: i S1~' ~~.tGCI'eiilt~''Rt ~(i8~ <br />tNe~.a~ <br />~~~° art e2at ~rigi~sai. <br />--3-- <br />5. The Sellers hereby agree to deposit with the Commercial <br />National Sank and Trust Company as escrow agents, an eDstract. <br />of tithe and tax history, showing a merchantaiale title of <br />record in said S€21ers and a good and sufficient Warranty <br />iAeed of said land so as to Convey khe same in £ee and un- <br />encumbered to said Buyers, su2~jent, however, to a21 taxes <br />anu liens or titles there+un~ler a~cCrued nr lev%e:d a:i'.i~er~ this <br />date„ and subject to all Bens ne tran~:fers ptasle oe suf'f~~ed <br />to ba 'made by the Buyers. <br />~. If Buf~ers shall fail i"nr six months Fre~f due elate <br />to make any payment nr perform any agreement herein contained <br />or .shall breach arty of the covenants herein Contained, Sellers <br />gray at any time after such br2aCh or failure, at his electioa, <br />~a~i_are khe f3~ll .trt rem: ir:i..g ur~~.wid o:: said purwhase prime <br />together with unpaid interest, t,a~e$ and insurance pre~aiums, <br />t~ ~~ ili~~$y due ,. ~ payab3,~r. Th€: ~e~l'rs uay furthar. <br />au tncr wptinn, at any timer a~E~,4~r s>TCh iailura, Consider and <br />w ~3~ T~ s~ a~ YY.~3L, 3Fi~ 7~~Y rv~a~n 9i~1 ~>=e Y~r ~S1Fti 7~~ <br />1 <br />#een pai+i by the Buyers as their tenants. holding aver without <br />permiasinrc after the expiration of said sfx month term arzd may <br />tak+a immediate passe~sainn of the said premises, and rem«ve the <br />Buyers or any perae~n holding under th+s:ia therefrom, and may seii <br />a ~° c.,..vep the aa;.; la~,ds a neiiver pnsseswion therenz to any <br />~,ther persz~z~ without liatrility to the Sayers kherefrre, <br />~. It is agraed that time is €zf the e,~sence c,f thi:~ C€antract <br />aril it shall. lee so con:~tr~,v~cl by ai,l courts, anti n~ ~raivur a7~ ti~rie s <br />F <br />nx c~Y p~rfrr~e i~sa2% be i,li>~n c?r ali~ Lo e~CUSe z <br />a i <br />a tat.ur= irs perfcsrret?~er~~ unless sum, waiver he ire ~ariting, <br />signeei try the person against when it is implied nr ailrxyed, and <br />that any ju~r~nk ~nliav~r of Sellers srcl ac,iain:~t Buyeru for the <br />said t?urnhaaas price.. unpaid interest, taxes arnd insur~:nee paerazums, <br />nr ariy Bart thnreCr., shall, rfnt cc~nstru~d ,i:~ a perform~::ce Ijy <br />_~ ~r~ ~~ 0~4~ r.N. r <br />;~++YL~ri, A{A!$1 <br />~~5;~~^~ <br />