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_-2-- Mare nit a;i~ina}, <br />~- '~tnts^"r" <br />pardon of the principal plus 1/1~th theta nualtaxes and <br />insurance. The monthly payments will commence thirty (30:} <br />days after the date of the closing of the sale, and Che Buyers <br />will obtain pose.~asion of said premises do ar before May 1,- <br />1980. It is ssutually understood and agreed between the parties <br />that the Buyers shall ts:€ve the privilege of paying any additional'' <br />ounta s:ith introrest on the date of payment. Bosh the psincipail. <br />tend interest will be p$yable at the ~t'„smmercial l~atiar~al Bank <br />and Trust irsa~any, Grand I;aland, t~'etrc~€ska. <br />3« Said Buyers shall keap al.l bui,ld,ings now on said premislee <br />insured for the benefik of the Sellers ara~nst lass ox da»age <br />t=y fire or lightning in an amount at lea;at representative of the <br />purchase price, and in case of lass the insurance, unless by <br />sssrtua3 agreetsent used to repair or rebuild, shall be paid to <br />Be=-~~ a earx~a an ti;i.s nor€tract to the ~.xtrant of the <br />~c~u!~t !azsoaid t:~~r~£fE. and t=hn. ba;ianca, ~a ~4,..- °~-^°'-~ ~`:.:. <br />., _ , a .~ . _..,,w ~,. ur€~, <br />..F- ~~...: ~ gaad. ~ + ins Quy~r=~: 5?p'~~r€ rf,~~~i?~-'..~~N. e€ ej~~e~¢r€r,:! IC„'y tltn <br />dellers: the boyars shah fur;xi~n ~rf of uaid i€xs;}rand ~~ <br />tha Sellars. <br />~. Srtic3 Buyers shall pay, when due, taeginning with the 19HQ <br />taxes, all tazea and assessments, ordinary and cxtraortiinz€zy, <br />thak may far any puriacs„,s ~ levied or a;aesred or. acid izemiaea, <br />under solar of law, whether legal.lY aasess,eci or nat.. including <br />al.i inatall~aents of sp~rcia3 improuement taxes h~aretofore levied <br />a: riot t;eretafcsre intMludvti in the annual ta,~ rt>ll~, and sxrociuce <br />offi~i~€1 t€v#.dence tbareof te;s :s€tllers on demand. Should Buyers <br />#;1 i ae~ ta~€ ar as.~szs~sent wiser clue, cz tcs ~uep said <br />bui2dinga itraured, Seller; .niy paY thr aaa ~xssc3 hrve tts~ kRui'.diz€cla <br />irs~~sr'. an`d the a~;aur=.ts t~ua exp«aneled sha31 be a Iran vas said <br />premises, ~ adc~e€3 tc thu aa~nt rhezs s::spai::: hereu n, i€e e=ue at <br />tee, ans9 kaear interest €€rrtil paid ttt .paid pwr cent par annum. <br />ill. ,~ar,aolidakeci r+~al ~*stat~s tasse~€ Pr~r tt€e year 1~liiil €;tsall tre r€r©- <br />rat~ a~ of the d~ste cif cic~sin«l un ~a~a 1, 1~~#tt. 1`he Scher a .hall <br />~_.,'i.'a':~_t~~ser~ i`~r i5~7°,3 anti e+riox ~re~r~, <br />v~sxsa~; ~,.x ~-ate <br />+ib a.4a.~€~». €...€+s~s+tw mom: <br />t~~a ~.g x <br />