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<br />'} nr taortgaoor cavruants sad agrees if ftr she}. fat} to pas acid indebtedttr~ or a°ty part thet'eof when <br />date. ~ r}ta}} fait to perform any envrnant or agrcerrerrtt of this inatrurnenF or the-¢romiseary Wait sxeured beech};-the <br />etttire iadebirdness }tetchy aeeared :hats immediately beeorite dne, payab#r., and~callectibie without not}te;..a4^the <br />t~t'tioa at the martgxger rte assigns. regardless of maturity, and the mbr€gagre tat }cis aesigcs utav'btfort arpjt~r, e'iatry <br />aefl said property wit}sout appraiartinent {the mortgagor }saving waived am} asaigatdto ihetnortgagee ti~~gFHStxt, <br />tippraixnteset} : •! •' ~ t 4 <br />- 1 t) at juditial sate pursuant to the proriaions of 28 U.S.C. 2041(a) or ' ' _ ~~~ <br />(tt } at the option of the mortgagee, either by auction ar 6y aolieitatiaa of seated bids; for the h~ighese st <br />-beat bid campiyiag with the trrma of oak and moaner of payment specified in the published notice o~sa}e, fiiti'ff:« <br />- -~ giving four weeks notice of the time, terms, and place of such sale, by advertieetticnt'ttut Yeas ~an once <br />. during each of said four weeks in a newspaper published or d'estributed in the county is whith sait~."properiy <br />is situated, alt Weber notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor (and said:iriortgagmr or asp parses ~ <br />behalf of said mortgagee, may bid with the ttapaid iadebtedtteae evidenced by said note). Said eak eh.ll Ile <br />held at ar na the property to be void or at the Federal, county, or city courthouse for the cauaty in which the <br />properly islocated. Tht mortgagee ~a hereby aittharized to ezecute for and nn behalf of the mortgagoe and to <br />delver m the mtrchsaer at .. rh .ale a !!i?~c_;••___ __._ _.. of eats ~ Whith t~. ,.., shall t~ <br />tecitaL as to the happeningxof the default upon whichnthe eseavtion of the power of wk berets granted <br />depends; and the said mortgagor hereby eonstitatea and appbinis the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of the <br />mortgage, the agent sad attorney is Cact of said mortgagor to make each recitals sad to e:eeute stud <br />twaveyaaa sad hereby coveaaats and agt~ees that tht recitab so made shall be e$eetual to bar al} et}vity or <br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of the mortgagor, alt of which art hereby <br />ezprtealy waived aed conveyed to the mortgagee; or <br />(tn) take any other appropriate action pursuant to atnte ar Federal statute either in state or Federal <br />court ar othemise tar the disposition of the property. <br />In the event of a sale as hrve}nabnvr pravid:d, ehr mortgagor or any frersan in poor .salon under the mnrtgagor shad <br />then become and br tenants holdine over and ahail forthwith deliver posstmian to the purchaser xt sash sate ar ht <br />summarily dispaasesetd, in xreordunce with the pmv#eiana of law upplica6lr to tenuuls Lolding over. 1•Me faowrr <br />and agency hereby graatrd arc coupled with an intemat end are oerevaraltle ke~ aieath :>r athrrwise. asxci ors grant>ef <br />as eumulstivc to the remrdir_s for coilewtion of said indebtrdnewa provided by law. <br />~. ate' pig-~.-~ ~` say :a}€,~`aa%d ply n a~i{rdanrg with €hr pr~~ng t,aran aphs ah=ii ~ a~rsp`a-'- <br />to pay the toots and exposes of said soh, the rapet~e inrvrred by the ntartgsgca tat the purpose- of prata°ctisaa, yr raaha> <br />taming said praprrty. and rrasanable attorneys fees; sxa.nelly: to txsy tine tuelebtee}sxr±~ ~rareat herrbv:xnS thirdtr_ <br />€o pay say svrp3vs or exrr-_ €a €he peraou x=r yrrs.enn 3aaelg entt3}rx} ahrre^te. •- <br />a. €K t~ ~ mot; p,~pgt~p ~ a ,v a i~ial fr,rrrclc~avee sate of pvrvuaat to t#tr p$w€r oa win ~retsiare.a <br />gestated, ~ ~ prsaessaa see »ot uat~rfrnt to pas t~ t.,t~} ia.~ekvdfi*~ ~.•~.u ~,r ~ ia~_*>martxni oast •Y,~-*;<•; <br />said promissory notes tees mor+itagde wilt bt tatitlyd to t de&cirruv ~udnasnt for etas ..ab,:ettnt at titr.?Ix4si,<vrv. ~ait~t <br />regsarai:o apprcissmaaat. <br />fa. fn i#ae event t}w nsonKattar fails to pay asp Federal, atxtr, ~,r focal tai s,~.nsasa~ut, cn.~~~aar ;ta ..r ,.=#p= z~a 4+_~t, <br />charge. fcr, ar at}ter expcwr eharaed agauaat the ier~}.rely, tlxr saeariaatzc>.r x~ iar.rbx asat4:c:i sersd at !xt .,testa..:, tar t.av <br />the umr. Aup eaters an paid cry tix sncsrtgagrz a}ea#f Ift x.f.},,.,} to and #»rasur a part .>t tier frrtnespx# amv-une caf t}te <br />indabtrdttras evidenee+} Ity said note, au}t~=t to t#.r >sxat? tertna .end .-~.a.litivtan. }f i3ar ttr~srittxgor ~ha.i }Fx> and <br />disehar~ t}ix Ittdebtrdrtezw evidrnrrt# by said }rcanttxxorp sate, ana# aha}f pa} xueh.s.•tra. ass,} siaa3f etxsra ha=ye ,afl€ tsfit« <br />..mod t' .~.~ .~6,~.. t...... nd _ _' _ '- _' - <br />. -:-=ta, .~., ae, ~at,~-a~a- -. a,erting, rn,.arciug, ;,nd e~zatret{i th(a uiarirg,t}tr, t}w~n tiara rrr;artgagit <br />ehsl} !ar emnne}ed'and aurt~anrtered. <br />Y. The env€aantt }err -t_s cetatsi~t€xt aha}t bind seed t } _ >~tita azxri advauta attall a sere sy tfs ; .~: ti.v ~, n- <br />eesaars and asa#gas of the parties hars~ta. Rb'hrrsavsr , the sa$~kr nttnabar shaft atw-}tp3e t}ta pf.~r3a t}ns plurad a <br />xiagtylsrt seed iha ~ as~y ~r aha}t inettuta alt g,cst', <br />#k tN:t trtti~r of ate, ~-~+aai ie°s+~a ae of the nb}isat}.ut a h~~ ,.3.,,ft ,v - -- .r,_..,.~€~~ x.._..~mt <br />to be a wtuv€-r at the terms }.arnvf err of the pests Pesurea~ hrrcbv. - -.--'_ _. _ _.,,,,,_ ...T.__t...., ~ ..s..~ <br />R Iaorxnptisacew8thsetyfoat}11t.}1d) oitheAutuasnd ftegufatiattm of the ~roaf! #}usitwmxw Adaaiairtratruu (}~ <br />C,F'.R. 2i}l.ltt#} }, the itstt is to ~ emr~:i s1 nrtlnrrr.! Ina ~, +Saara with appliaakr}c fr"esizrai }ww. <br />fd~. rti jttdicial drearaa+, ardor, ur jvdttment }ru}diug auy provisiaxt ur partiiae gf ekes inatrntnxsns irava}id nr ntt• <br />aat#(onealwle she}} out in arty way ittrpair or prec}udr the cufsarcentrnt of the tree+ainiu}t prravasiarxa ~=r ~*arttatts of <br />the iaa;r~twtat. <br />aa.. r+~ ~ +~: - - .~ <br />