"W' ti~t'fUe3
<br />€. 'f~a eo'rb mad as fo22asaa:, ... .
<br />a tie wilt preratpt2p pa% the i~tbtedneas eeitfesexd bJ said promiseor% note at 4he ti~m sad im the
<br />mtgrapY fher~irt pzaaidat
<br />2a. 23e tyi72• pay tdt fasces; t~ tiattu rates, and-other gavernmeatet oz mpniefpat chargrtr, Gaeti err
<br />fmpositiane, far which provision Las sot-home made' hateiabe(ore, sad Brill ptamptlp deliver the a~tial reoaipts
<br />fLetefor to the said mortgagee.
<br />c. Ht wiH pay such exptnsea and fees ae may be ineuered in ehe protection and maintenanvx of said
<br />'property, iaetuding the Pets of any attorney employed try the mortgagee far the collection of say to al! e#
<br />the endebtednraa hereby secured, ar for torerltxsare by ttwrtgagee's sate, or court prticeedinQy, or to say otbar
<br />titigatian or proeetding affecting said premiserv. Attorneys' fees reaeonabiy incurred in any trthtr way eha!! he-
<br />paid 6y the mortgagor.
<br />$. For better eeeuriey of the indebtedne~ hereby eecuzed, upon the mgneet of the mortgagee, ire suo-
<br />cr ea-ns nr aasagr-te: he shalt c:ecuic ana scorer a a~ippieraenrai mortgage or rnorigagte carPriae sag adattl4rt
<br />impravemcati~ or bettertnenttt made to the property htreinabnvt described :nd aA property aegpittd by
<br />it. after the date hereof (all in form satisfaetorp to mortgageae). Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to cure
<br />env default in tier psymeat saf a prior asr 4afuior xmcusnbraace an the pmptsty de~eribed by tLisinseratneitt,
<br />mortgagor hereby agreee to permit mortgagee to cure such dtfauh, but mortgagee is not obligated to do eo:
<br />and such advances shall became part of the indebtednera errurrd by this instrument, subject to the same
<br />terms and eanditians.
<br />r. T7te rights; created by thin conreyana+ shall rrmain i[i full force and etTeet during any lroatpontmrnt
<br />ar rstrnsion o€ :he time rrf payment of rhr inefrbtednr.a rvidsmrrd b}` saisi prami>rnat•v- notr or env part tisrrrnf
<br />atrnred herrbv.
<br />,t, rte will continuauely maintain hazard inaurartcr, :af -u,•ia tvpr or tvf>.•e and tr: -asrla amatunta as stet
<br />mor[gagre mar from lime to tune requirr on ihr. improvrmrnts now or herraitrr as Baid proprrty, sad
<br />wi21 pay praenpity alt:<u doe say premiums €htrefor. Ail it~nran:a shall bt curved ix voaa{ aai~a a~plao3tr
<br />to mortgagee sad ihr politics and se:arwaL thereof ehail bt held by martgaRet sad inert attaahad th!era~r
<br />i< ~_ :.,,~ in f;::~;;r :# a; :s fts~ ~r$~a.~'>~ ~ :~ i,,~~t-a~~. - ~. _ ~ s~_ ,F~:: ~ .-
<br />- -- - - _-- a. t~~ to wrist-~+s xt ,.,.,eat;~.t ~, - - - _ r m~L~ __~_t ~ a=.=~r ~_ .u ~° ~:-'
<br />~?
<br />zr, aed ~$ it3pttaas+a erx€npaay coarerttcd to hteehy autharsei and izrrc-trd is r~s§e pz~t fv: st=a
<br />tow dirtrtl7 to taangasee iamtesd of to mongaaas sad murtaagrr Fatutlt, sad tl.e itwtranct erocateaisa err soy
<br />art thf, g 1 Nppli€d ~~`:ga a. its v -,rr 3 rirN - ,.. ,E t~.».o.,~ iriy
<br />mortgsf(e, ar atitez iranr.fer of titer to said pruptttg ;n Tr!tttngwutttirrni .~af lift itrdttatrdtae.a occur.. # harnL-vr. a31
<br />z;fit, titi~s aE:t ~ ~ : R -.~~igkgi P 'n ~. as ang t~~ --~ poiwssrr siren zn fc. rtr rasa pas to iiw
<br />iainrtaa..^r ,:r mrrrs¢a~rv :.r, at the ~;=et;sr. cfrti;r rn.7-~ -` - ~ai-r ~ ,r=--r-- -- = -=-
<br />g. rte will seep dSi €ruiidira~,e atrsi srtlrrr lass€+rxxsrnvr^tt :.ao ,t:ri (=r*>(xstr an e=uu=; €:.ir:;; et::3 r,;a:litt:,x:,
<br />will permit, etrmnnit., car zud'rr oa wae[r, impaitaetrnt, .#et=`rts,r.titatu .,f ras.l p,rai+rttr „t ssi= (,art tlterevf:
<br />in tht aural of failure of tear mortgagor to lrrr(r rhr• b!uldtnt;~. an ass+l pre•trti=ra za€.I tttt~sr .-rortt:i :=tt rsi,,4
<br />premier, or itrrl,iaveanrt!ta the°r,.a,n, in gc~od rrf+air, tlsr rtr+rrigaKrr n!:a> rnai:r su~rat sc.(>asrn as to tie +laax:riia?t tx
<br />may drrtn nrcede•.ary for ihr i>r.r(rar prr~rvattwa titrrraf. an+} tht fall at»oaa,u xaf r-av~h ctrl r.rry ®~rh fx,rrmectr
<br />ehal! ht: itamediatriu due arxd l,ava9rle .!s>.! shall k~ ~•currsi bx t(,,, Et_tt :.f :l;s- i.~ R=Ty
<br />h, tit u°i73 atsri vuipntarily ereate• .=r (r.~rrnft t!a tr a r.•ais+l a; ~fxt-i t€xv :, s,31+3•rta -,nt.4"4! !,r !ism t*-++,+. tt !gx~
<br />ally lien ar 4iena ttrfrriar or 5utrrrttrr to tixe tern of fiat.} tuurt;ta~e w~etlaaut rhr +~< ii.€t :.:e:~.~! r .:i eF:r. rata=rt.
<br />gagt~: scut [`ttrt'ar~r, err ws7t ALrrps anei~ uroioinio tlrr zsme frra- fr+srr rhr claatrt .,f ail (sxxrate4 nu(xlaES!n~', fabxrs roe
<br />tnatsria4s far car!stsuciiaa of nny atttf nli bual+ltn~ ur rmps+avan€zruta now im rug rtrrte<€ r,r !„ 1>= : re-sr.-.l ,=a.
<br />said lare.aniaea.
<br />t. t ~ei# t1~,3 -_:tt ,=r .qc._ tt .;xt !:'. t of fete -f v.~z~f - e~>,,.,! ...u ~-rr# 3 ~a--,:E~.t -^~~f=,
<br />€. r f"
<br />. oz-substankially alter :anc building a~itl:cut tltn wt€tte.ei ratrax-•tai cal thxr r.j.fue,<. ,
<br />1. Att aw~rts ;3f clamagra fn eoAefrctiatt .reith :nv ecrrx2atxsrtattxrea fax l,utzfir „-~ of ae= .ultrtr €.~ a~, ~t t~tta
<br />___ __. . -
<br />; ~;~-. T=~~- ~~ '< * ~ ~.~.,~ a=ir ~~_., _ _.- _ , - __
<br />=°aiwdt _[ii }iay~[ucFil +~- € ia~tat4 41.5 tae r--"'[3 ~t=i u4"~ ~#{~ i~L343~g_~ :~ exec t-s >-ilt.:s.:..x~-o- :#F t~,F
<br />i}araf rf elrr tetr>rtgagcr, to car-~ttie aur4 uela;<x :aiir~ a~a;u.aEasa€e~ Ettrs~r rl. to a},is -.al le¢eaa: ga x -' ecr ~~a.:.€-
<br />1x. '2'2te tttaztgag..e Rh,ail lr.aa,e ihr rrgtt Ea itity.`+~t ttr mortgas;t•d prcrxaa~rr of zoi rt:•artcrrrst,l~ tirrta.
<br />~- l"=salt _'.^_ a~"t. ~ cell s*.~.~n.~ :::.n,,:.;:~;,3s:n ~€ tirra ice.. rsari+c~i or ai tir¢• ua7c :,,r ii+s~ arrrx urzat a,.cuFUnz
<br />boreyg;sita;l t6rgstw#tsNty-the nt ~tgpgor» right to E,uveaatan, m+e, angi rnlaaatetrs of tits (ua,(nerta, as N,c ..pttau of t#ta
<br />tgtsrt.rr ar h4~ a~vigata sit heierg at;rreal tlta.t €1+t m>r:~gatot slsatl ttatr .uelt right untA .lrfauli t i'E,.,n ~anv Hoch
<br />delaatlt, fife martgagre rhali tar,.,.-un:c SPae a:urt:rr rt{ BEE .rf the rrniv sore profits aicr.:: nfa afarr ri,~irutt a5 ~vatrtif
<br />Fat t}pr inttr2attdasrsr srrurr+l itrrrb}, wills tbs. erg€tt tit cuter upon xaid €,sapasrrc far tf,r }?ur}aa,e .rf rolEosti!tg sue. it
<br />rs;~FS anal ttrxsftta. `f hia,ins:ttxrsx~#i Rh-t' ~prrata ar ao aa!+ifttap~nt xtp aes~r rcntxEs cut Basal prarprrte to that txtent.
<br />