<br />3. Titr nt~nri8a~ar ravenamts and a~rera that it he sits}} ~anl to gay as}d fndetitcrtttesa ar amy Part: theitirot~irl~t
<br />duG. ~ eha3} IaiF to prriortn ant ravrnant ara8reerttenx of this-ireftrumrmt or the promiraart.nnte aeeored hereby, xha~-_
<br />a~ttrr indeittedrteaa hereby aretired she}9 itnmtediate}v heconrr drte pasaiffl!. ~{tt3-gn}~ecttblc aaithont-noti~A, m! fiat ~-~
<br />rt~ear of the tre!.rtRaxcr. nr aasiRus. rrrardiraa rti matutitr. amp-the rs6r[~a~rttor his ass}~tnt roan' betare or aiter~eut'ry : ~,
<br />aalreaid praperfiy without appraiaememt {tire tnortpagar havins, waived and aaaipued to the ~tisitrtglegte aifl't'iphtt-at'~-`
<br />agsprniwemtmt? ; e n t . ,
<br />i r _ ,~{i q?,,tr
<br />t t) at judiriai as}r pumuant to the prorisiona oi.'.8 t=.S.C. `..'l30~1 f a 1 ; or
<br />{ u) at the ogtimt of the tno;t8e8eo, eitinar by atection or by sa}ieitati~t ttt aeaied ,~t~ the ht~at a~
<br />hid catnptyitlg frith t}ta tsttns at safe and aeansrr ttt gayttmtt ap~35cd u the pts~ieiaed uotiea at tale: Srat-
<br />8ivimg four we8&t' ttatiee at t}x time, terms, and ptarr of sot6 sa}a. F#vadeertteadnant oat feat then Dace,
<br />dnrimg each of said four weeks in a newspaper pub}iairr+l ar distrihvfed in the.rannty.- in which said property
<br />is nitaarad, a}1 attar ttotirx- hran8. hensbg .rained Fay t}sn rseszaga8os {asd said -manaager- ace sup p~aara~,sa:
<br />' behalf otsaid tuartga8c+r,may hid with the, uagaid ittdthtedsr~ eridruced Ly said uoleF• _Ciaid ta~att4atl he-
<br />herd at ~ etx ihe grag€rty tea ~ etaid nr at the 8ederat, ratmtp, ar rite courtbaeae for the rannty in whkDt the
<br />=r^- i =. 1= ~'•~.• ? ~~ M ::w~a- : }i~'rrhy ~.rwr-isod to c:EC~i to f-- auw vn a`az`nair of ihe ta~aasn~ atad to
<br />de}free to fhe pnrehaaer at such as},r ^ w!~rimE eomvrp'ance of xaiyi property, which ronmepr:tes aiitali eoulaiu
<br />raei~~tala ~ to the happenisi[ of the default upon which. the execution al t}ee power of ..k barais ptraated
<br />degreadat sad t}~ said swrt~aaor hereby aoatstitnt a amd appJrimta #hc tnnrt8at;ee ar any a~t~f as attuaruey of t~
<br />the agent asd attamer in fact of said atsort8s@ptrr to tna}te stab reeitala anal to e:eente said.
<br />eonveyaaer aced hetrebr coertansnta and ary}rrra that the rrritsta ao made aha}} be eStvetna} to hoe sit eyatily ar
<br />n~ht at redrmptian, ltomeatead, x}awtt. and ail at}ter ra«nupeia*na xt the rotert~aror, ali of wiaitdt arc hereby
<br />.,. , ~~_,..4^,~,-,v...-.,...~.~...._ .
<br />r:a'itrraa}F W at~lri} #ttd f.'tHivlC'~hd F41 PhC rYAfe Y~t~l~ep: nF - _
<br />ttttt take sop ether apprxapriair a€tiora ptarsnant tc. state =rr i`z4>irrs} staiiiitsr.}lttar }6.atate ar €edara}
<br />rx~ri or atitetwise tar the ditrpoaition of the property. ~ - -
<br />}s the mast of a xaFe sa hrxeittalaavr pra+vid~, t}ta raortgogar cxr an;~ ixrxwx in pasaarsstate andrr the taarira8vr shat}
<br />then beeontr and br lessors fsu}+tin~ orrr and nlaa}i forthwith +iriirrr po,nrrra+tne to the parr}tarr.r at suie}t ulr nr be
<br />rtts:amari}p disgt~3. itt cecar=}sore. ~ceh ehr irruvia:mrs ni !aw spp}icah}e to tertautx ha}effort orrr. `}'6s p,owrr
<br />ant agemp hcrrtry granted err easrp}rd with as rntrraert and arc :rrcaneaitk i+y~ dearth pr athrrwaar, and err ttrantref
<br />e€ -~L~ti4_ _. -'-~. r~~~:-.: .-~ _:.m-Sim: t: ~..u . ;,.r~€uu=~ y-,~i:~ ' = a-.
<br />prtrreeda of any aa~ tat said grspartp itt arrardanrw with tip gra ~3ia~ pitra€rtp~ 7F ~.. at~-a s~
<br />to ~ y tiaa etex~ and craw cat aazd t~ apt ittst=•-sed ~ t>=y ,__, _~..e° r~ .tom _ s =,~~j= _~~
<br />xaimiur >€a,.t+4 wx»t~.r~§'. attsi arax~aiai- _:teyr:r. ~ - ter., _~~ d . t~ ila t. - ,orrr-k ~ .,e.. - t ~._ _ ~ __,. ,
<br />T r ~~ - «.. °~;~ a ~'3• ~::-~a.. -.:.: a 2.•~s::+°~ .. ,..:.h~tfl .tartr~a,
<br />'a. Yta zits svaatS -." ~t ~ aokZ at a j-udieiaF ia.~;t~:are ss}e~ ~SQa. to t}as prrrar os` sa}r }tsreinahttva
<br />ittaueed, and x6a praetata arc s+a! ss+~rirnt to t+rp the. Ewa} at~~-r; ar } hq t.4ia im,:tstttt at.s e.i.#a.t4 nn m.
<br />acid pr+awra xasas. t~ typar wiFF tae ~ttiited to c dehritmep j~t cos the stmatatst+at fire tr ri&i#vscy tritArraai
<br />rp_~ Fa ,
<br />G. la ihe evroi t}er-tetar~s~atCSat rafts to pay any F`rdetai, +tatr, ur hzrai i.ax ssreoaai«ret, +nrtxmyr tea r.,r uaitrr tea Beet,
<br />eh3rgr. €eR, yr #t3tPr espresso a}tar~eti aaainrt x}te property, the teturtttagrr to hcrrfxy autitarasre} at @tia .xutiars 4t peg
<br />tSaa settee. qsp soots sax feaed by the storfl[o8arr arts}t he sddni to and }teecrrrte a part at tFer prrtu;ipa} ;tutaumt at tine
<br />iadeitica}mraa rvit}zresed hp saiaf ttote stt6}ert tm the aarrtr Errraes and c+xtt}itieeaer. }} the enartBaBtrr nhaii ly+tt +taari
<br />`!'°'~t.~.-'-~ Sate itt~to:e.~r.s~.- er~i~rcatc~rsi iaf ,*.aii }>rrxtuia+nsry male, ansi aitaFi pay ar:c}x nt4ena xntl ahzii diaeharX« uFi taasa
<br />attd li+xna and 4he ruatty ices, atad exjs~Faatt of maFtinp» rntwr+aar, arty! executinr t}ria ntnrtraltef, t}tare thi.t rwurtryre
<br />tiuti4lga esaiee#rd and aara~txttered
<br />_'', ~l2xe rat<anaaki. tri#1; etaratsiacxt elan}l hind anti the berreFt3s amd atFesrfiaaes a&aFF irutrn to t}tr rra~;etivc sttr•
<br />t'emaeyti sad of tAe gartiea hsr+cn. ~!+'hst<rrrr us. A, the sarspsa}ar our ahaFi iueFude rise }r}vra}, tip pFtrxwi t~
<br />e+set~t~xma~,{ay ~eudas shat! l aii des.
<br />~' ~° wai~zx ~ ~s caveeartt heratu or ct£ the ohligatiou i>~u^efF hrretry sits}i art auY timer. thrreai#er Foe }:oFd
<br />to a trr3+txu at tla~ sa€raa itrrr~# >rt erd 24ea a~sse r~reat~d h sue.
<br />#, to-- - xi~a~l~tt_}ddiattt~Ptyri~rsad r`2rgrr}atioma at thr.:istail ~aairaaas Admittis#retiou IlJ
<br />lief 7. SF~ar. ` is to ba oonacrttad orrr! enfsrccd is aa-ardaaee .rich appSieab~ t'ederaf }aw.
<br />t~. A: i~gae#a$ mare o, nrxlet, ~, j~,t tialrl}rsa :top proria}an rrt partirtt c~t th}x iuats~n»trnt insa3id ar uo-
<br />_ ` - ,abtt-aot-ictt stay eras itaxttair or }areritede chr. avttwacmxent of the rernsinittft pruviaianar or }rattinnt at
<br />this Frsrirtur,fz<f,
<br />