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<br />1 Tba agBOmsafollawet <br />s He tra"II prtffiptly Pay the fsdebtedactm evidenced by said promi~ory note at the times and is tEtn <br />z theaeln pt»vidttd <br />b: ile uili ploy. all laser, mats, waSer rates, sad otl~r govetameatal or m~ieipaI ehtergaa; ax'" <br />aeapositiaas; far trYticfi provision has tt~ bars ttaade heroitrbefot«e, attd will ptvmptly !]sliver the offie;al tztceipta <br />therefor ao she acid mortgagee. <br />c. $e wiii pay such esipeases and fees ae may be ;etcurred in the proteeIIian and maintenance of said <br />property, including the Ieea of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the rniiection of any or all u[ <br />- the-indebtedness hereby secured, ar foe foreclosure by mortgage's sale, or court proceediage, or in say ether <br />litigation or praceedang a$ecting said premises. Attorneys' fees reasonably incurred;n any ether way shall be <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />a. cur ireiter security of the ;ndehieuness' hem6y secured, upon the re~nest of the mort;tae~, s`ts stte- <br />ceasote or assigns, he shall execute and deliver a aupplemen[at mortgage or mongagen covering any additions, <br />improvements, or betterments made to the property heminsbave described :nd mll property acquired by <br />it after the date hereof (all in farm ssti.fsctory to martgageei. Purthermarr should mortgagor fail to ettre <br />- any defauit in the payment of s prior or inferior encumbrance an the' property drrrribed by this itutrumen6 <br />ntartgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to cure such default, but mortgagee is not obligated ro' do so; <br />attd sneh advanr~ shall became pars a[ the indebtedness seeurecl by this instrument! subject to the same <br />Ietms sad conditions. <br />e. T"ue righU crested Iry this ranveyance shall remain in full force and rifest during any postponement <br />or extensian of the time n{ payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said pmmiasorv Wore or any part therro! <br />secured iserebv. <br />J. fle will rnniinuuusly maintain haaard insurance, nF «urh tvisc nr tykes and in such amounts as the <br />mortgagee mac from time to time resluirr on tlse improvements now oe hereafter an .aid property, and <br />will pav prnmptiy when due am premiuaat therefor. Ali imttrauce shah he tarried in compaoiea acr_xptable <br />tP ~rss`~~ aid tl~s aal;eies sad. eenevvais thereof ehalf oe held by maetaa sad have attatlted tdierea <br />l~ p=i ~tw e~~ ~ fs~ ;~f sad ~ form pes<s'~ to €h~ ~. Fu ~-Y-~rtt ;,f lam, ;~t~a~r iii <br />imtt:edinte tsotdee in irttting to ;asortgsgac, sad fnortftagee mug mako pevof of ia~ if mat matte promptly by <br />mortgagor; sad sash i..... a..' mmpaay coacerttad ie hereby' authotued and direclcd to ntaka~. _~:w:=eat for such <br />l+~a elir+rely to taort~$agea instead of to martgasir and mortgagex joiatlr, sad the i ;sarattor 7?rua~sia, of a:.y <br />..t ~tv..__e ~± ~_ ~_ _ _ _ _- _ - <br />- -__ _ - -_ -_ -- ~_ __. p w ei~tser to the t wu:ti :: i : s::o...,.,,~ ~y <br />aa:nred or to rho rtatontitur ar repair o[ the property dotmaetetd sir ~d~trared. In evt:st of farea;Imu_re atsthsi <br />m«irtgsgc, or other tnmfer of tide to sQ:d property in extingu,ishmetnt oaf the iiudehtrdaotss s~rtuted bereluy, ali <br />rivet, tilts, sad icte*est of the a~rsgeger ;n and to asy its:ara~ pali.^.iea rhea itt farf~ shall paw W ihrr <br />purchaser or mv!rtgsnee ar, at the option of the mortgage. r, may hx surrendered far a refund. <br />g. Ha wi13 keep all buildings and otlser improvements on said property in good repair and condition; <br />will permit, commit, ar su$er no waste, impairment, dettriaratiou of said property or env part themof: <br />in the ervent oC failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings on said premises and tlttear ttrtte<1 au said <br />premises, or improvements thereon, in gaud repair, the mortgagee may make such repsirs as in iw discretion it <br />may deem neeessarp for the proper pr>=servatinn fhereaf: 'and ihn full amount of CaCh axld aYary such pavmNnt <br />shall i>esmmediattly due and payable and shad Iic srx:urad by the lien o{ this mm~gage. <br />k, He will not voluntarily create ar permit in be created against !hr property euisjrrt 4o this mottgage <br />any Lien or Rena ;aitrior of superioa to the Kett of this mortgage without the written eotsarnt of the mort• <br />gages; and further, he will keep and maintain the :slue free form the claim of all persons supplying labor or <br />materials for eonstrtstainn of any and all 6uildin.;s ar improvements uox heioP crretc.:1 or t.: hr rr:rtcai sin <br />said prerises. <br />i, I§e will oat rent or assign any putt of the rent of said :ncertgaged pnelxrty ar demolish, ar r,:move, <br />- - -ar rtzhstaaiially alter any buildiag without the written consent of the mortgagee. <br />A== a4var±?a ~~ ~atragrr. in sm2esQ€irm with any eonti~mrsatiaft f+ar public use of ar injury to any o: tiro <br />ct:gprrty a;aIIriect to t_h:a_m_ art~aa.~ an• IR~r«_h_ a a,-d 9•u! st• •tl >" I•~:a ._ ...... -_ ~I:a :. =ps.l; +h~ <br />_ sates: ~ta:payaaeimf~.of the inat3112etenta,laat due under said oats, and mortgageN is lterehy authorir~d, in the <br />name of tin atiurtgagar, to sae€ute sod deli°er valid acquittances tltereaf and to appeal from any such award. <br />- - -fc. 'T he martgagsc shalt have the right to inspect the :nortgagcd premises at any reaswtahk times. <br />.~ I?x~fault. in. soy of the tuvs^.naats~ ar cattdititnes of this instrument ar of the Hate or lean agreement srtniresi <br />th"veliy 2lsalB,trrm':aato the mortgagor's right to frossession, ssse, and enjaymesti of Ute praptrty, at the upums of the <br />ror[girgs~tp ar Itts assigns fit lseirtg agreed that the atoregagot «leafi have such right until defauit). tipoa any such <br />d~foisali. the ma:-tgag~ shat! beroxm the owner of atf of tltfi r±:nc~« and profess arsruinR after defauit as s'reurity <br />j~ tlr~ itl~d=ltedr~a eseur~vl harrby, with #h> rspht io eaicr-upon said praprrty for rise purperoN of collecting auc6 <br />~` rwt,m proiats. ipi+itcsiracttryttt sitall oparato aa.aa-aa~igterugaet of.atiy.rentala oa said property to [lest extent. <br />