~~-~ ti CE~a939
<br />l.:eird:,'x ~~-?-istxr: agrr~~rtst c7 agp.ica}ge taw. 8>-+rrewrr sha3i gay thr smaunt of all mortgage insurancr preminms in the
<br />mattrer pr ;s 3drj ,:n3er paragraph 3 ixreot.
<br />.Any amounts dis6ursrd by Lrntier pursuant to this pargraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />7ndy#s'edness a! Harrower secured bs th;s Mer¢agy. Unless Bc rrawer and f.r_nder agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />a7rtoums shelf ~ payaime uprn orrice (rc+tt i.ender sc, Bonou=er requesting payment threes[, and shall tmar interest from the
<br />dart rf disMsssemrrtt ar the rut pawable from tints ra time on outstanding princigai under the Note antes payment of
<br />intetttt ar such rare wonld br contrary t.'+ agpiicabte taw. inwhich event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under apniieabk law'. Nothing ccmtained in this paragraph 7 ;.hail require T.rntkr to incar am' expense ar take
<br />an9 acfian herraMitr.
<br />g. Iaspectioa. f.endrr may makr or cause to be made rrasanable entries upon and inspections of the prngerty. provided
<br />that txtader .haf? give Harrower nettles prio.- to xm~ such inxpectinn specifying trasnnable tense therefnr related to Lender's
<br />mteresi in the property,
<br />4. CaaAeatrmtFra, 9'tr proi-erds oC soy award or claim for damages, ducat ar amsequentiah in ronneetian with any
<br />.ordrnsnatior, nr other taking of the propany, or part thereof, or (er canveyance in Iiru of vondcmnatien, are hereby axsigrtcd
<br />anrf shall i+e Wald to Lender.
<br />As fbr e~-rnt of a trual raking of Shc I"resparty, the p¢okxedx sHaH he appl~ird to 17w: sums sect.tred 6y. this Martga,ge.
<br />with €tat exerts. it ant. paid tt, tkarrowrr in the event r+f a gartiat tlaking tuC She larngterty, zonlesx Borrower and Lentlcr
<br />znhertaisc^ egret in wtkng, them sha:i Era agpl'prei to the sums seci¢nrr'~i !xY thi~w~ Mortgsagu cur^h prnperS'ion r,,f the procrrtkls
<br />as ins rgtsaf to tP.at grer;w:tnirn which that sm«,unt trf the xams ,rcttrrd t+y~ :his Afrsrtgage~ immrldiatriy prior to the date of
<br />" ~takarsg hears to iM. faor market value aaf tfw;. Pnn~rty inUmc^didtelp prku+r Nsr She spur tr; hf ¢aldrgg, withh qhr halitnrr of the penceayis
<br />pa~f tr? Bcsrrawer.
<br />if ilhe prnprrrv ie alsandtmrd by $drrrd)wer. am if, afterr neaice by i..cn+irr t;lv'Borrnwrr that thdr cnne#esanor oifero to make
<br />„. "d - ., a ~ Sot ,damat :. '£ ,--;.;~•a. ~ E.~ ~ rG. g.r i to i en4za' s. ishio 1"t va}-; °t~r tftr ,li;t~. , rza~.s~ i-
<br />rria~iied. Iarndcr is autttrr. izr~d u> collect end appiry the prtnnurda, at F erden'x ogtion, ri,thrr ta, «rrentreraticrn ~nr ragair ttif tdtr
<br />prtrpeny ar to the samrs sre'ured hy- this MnrSg~agc.
<br />Einteas S..eSnaler and Br.,rr~wr~rc othere-rse agar ar, writing, env szmh spphration cef y+rocrycP~a to pr#neigai ~sEaa#t nmt tr'~stamd
<br />ar ~hstpai~r the duv^ Jate of the montMy tnststlmrnts rc(errcd €r,, i. }±aragragbe i ;~,md '< hcn:rrC o~r chanprl'd thy,, ra»tew.€~~nt
<br />stae~h instailinrnts.
<br />'i0, Sarrmp~wer Not. f'Rrfeasrd, i3xtensron .::f the lime rtra~ g~;uvment ar una,diflca7:aa,rs c,af ant,,ertaz'atuGsn r,f ahe sraiits srw.utr:gtl
<br />by thss 114ovtga~g~f, gran[urc! s fvnt9ar t env Rzacca war in mur at ~,.a 6.rrws-er shs6 nctr. opeaam tai r'eteaiie. sx an'Vi muq,ruteec..
<br />the &atuiitl of thy +stig:en-t, H ~rrourr ,rrnd B«~+rr~"ow.;r rc su.. c:„xv,.rr .t. ime~rrsa~ t crcdnr ~ibal! rrtrt M+e rruµa€raid psa rxsrruPold~~ngn:
<br />pF~rrd$ngti aytamst trtaurb sumnrstri~r „r rcfasc tsa ys'srnd nn're iror paymvnr :,w- c+tbm'tlw~iiswt nu+diCv~ nnasrrtia~atlla7n of p~fie swrmtm
<br />sex:utyJ by this A#ertgage by re~sn et ;say drtn,and made i5} thy x*rig.niuq ftorre,~yr nos! Horrso^ser'x suer.-~ss«r•c sa i~ntenxt-
<br />iL l+a~astlte~e by-(snder,~int a M1~"a(vnr. M1uzy fip+rhrararnrc by f rsrotdrrc r~7~t ea.vurvrng am night far rrrnKd~c• hcreunskr. Pr
<br />'.,a'nthc[w i~t +~xt#Cti, b!r°=appFkaYefa law. ~,tal[ .rear f,c was±r { }, rr i rd. nc~ .^. yr~. ^ ,ni .tn- ue:~h right r resaewly
<br />~'i'txer,ptax•,u,-mot of~,#nsrxrati~or for : n}martt urf r,es ou~ rthr r<rrx „v .,-h urf+.s tn. Lrndu r shalt n u I' ~ ~:r wud,«r „F Leads^.r'x
<br />rtgf»hastawc#cratcttxe mrotttxrity-ef the ;nciebtrdnoa: sn°rturcd by rh,; ,'situ'*}IUr:c
<br />- -k@: ~-~ C'~tna#~Eve. A[7 rrmrdi:~ procu;irti iu tn'o, Afartg,agu :vr aN'watin,rl ane% ;. urnsu bonus to env •,r hre, right a,r
<br />ra`lnrdy tender Sfiis Mnrtga,ttr or atR>rdeJ by feav rrr ru[uitv,. anal may he s~acvcono^aB rusans'vur rrruth. rouJytwrndsunth n: suetia+srvePa
<br />€~~. Buraesxpnt aacE Aws~atr Saondt lout artd !ie~a~ersd LiahWi'ity~1 S"uptixcna. '17ric ~n^sculunr, inr.p .,gr m~rnunts hrnurin
<br />:;vsrtryiaq:J sk+slt hind. turd t>sy +?,rfh;~ `+ya•rrrxicr.=hzti ,:ra.e t^_ +._ .-a„,.:..:e~.. r, i,.,o.:•r- .+-te8 a--.~t,s w.....1 i.:r..-~ssr.
<br />suixt~t to the! provir,ix!ns .ti gaaragragrh i' ktrrxzs(. -i1R v^srs~nu4suns a=.: err n.tn°ntp ,:ui' E)s i.! saa.r lu p tx, rexrar stall ~ma;rad.
<br />-f`htz :afx:r+sa uteri 8earh'~npGr Wd' she paray.niri=s a,d ztui~y 41rvurx,~a~}g:: su t: w ._w asr;arut :. ,urns' _i i ,um :.are 1 ~II',I N,r
<br />:ntec'prrt: err Jrp}nrr tPny prat,:isiuynr hszrr;af.
<br />N. 'NaP'9c+R. E?~~c~ampt IFor it111' IRSstki r,~agcPir«.nl prurla~i alal;u4 ,.~t ~Ilc Eiu:a I r u ,,.v«,;a r :.t,nl.Ldxr rttamtcr- :x1 a :,tdru'.r t:u
<br />It ,x«~a.~. ,,,&.dTt~,at f.~ 4pl .yes '"+Fc,,k',e,r+, x;luiP~ t~ ,l,r=:rrh q~. r~r '~rnyp `: •c ~....9. dr. d n:,,.. udwlae~s.uai r #o~i,~.oar ,a
<br />fe:e[c prntnrny Ar3d¢rpa ::[, t: ,t.,,n 1btnCS :.id Y.-:+ .,r 8: t.,:o-;s a:r as tv:. ~'+.t ,. 1, r.r,ti.. r. r p.s. ^t. S€^ , a. _ ~.:,v~;d t >u - ~,-:u€;
<br />'? 5 e rR t bat i s x&* v tvV 'd" s t i n v q-a uz ti r n u Ir r- a4i a t ~ f r i' r
<br />~M t; ~_ ~ i l.,.s vY 1. n,... i,.v, ts.: ~ *e°:.g,. A,,,- ka~,ur,.aa :. , is rr,,,nr, -,ti ;s.~-~:. +:T,. rrr ,,try ~r { rr.,~ir car ,.,~ .~~ r. sdr
<br />Ala rl-v+ngc~~a~~n~x@,6 tpe r3p!grFnul~tl t+, i^~a uia Ifrer.n f;n«uin rn AMdn uu~,rw,lr rr~n I..~:rdcr ,~, fvu „ s u u: tr ,aa u:eu~r i~uLStd t t.~Lt. ~
<br />i~. irate-~ A(~; Gnretaits; [.ate: 3e+rrs43Sitp. ?* .,.... .a,,a ., ur. s, r .,.. .,, ,... ..,.~,.« ,.~,
<br />trse and ntxraniCarm eovenanta -xnh iimc!rd ,nr,ahom t~s vtr:xi„eon i+~ s nstrhnc n ;emfarm , :rata inatnrnrrnt r. rvynnrt
<br />real progcrF3=. This bior[gagy shat! 1x govicert..•J t. [he law „i Frye ~ ..: w-!a s_h ! F're,lr its I;anted in thr
<br />e<ant that soy pa,vrsism or clttuw o{ r§iv Alert gaga r the 'V«rfe ~: nilr;t, ~ ,.tlz niry8ieahte !aw ,zu-h nu,dret ,.hstl n.n ailr,,r
<br />ottzer preovtsiv~n. q! the htotrg,age or she Vets whmh ran he $rvcn rHcet wrthnut dzr :orrflr.ong pr<rersi.n+. .ueJ !., thin
<br />anal t=he provisions ot" tin: Btarteagc and tAr ',cxe „re .l~i..red to f-z ,rtcrahEe.
<br />Ili. $t3rroceer's t.:ops. &i: tower Shalt I°~z iurn„1+esi .a .r}nt.rrmcd .olrv .ri the S~v otc ,rnei „r [izr, '+tortg;,gr ,+r the 1=roc
<br /><st esr •ution c+r aPtcr r~;r±rdafion heraaf.
<br />L7. -S'aaif6~R*~ t~~ pr'aitrr~My: A,~Nnptdnn. 1f w}I or arxy {+.+r. rnd ihu ?rr*p~riY or mrn ,agere,wi tlit+rnr,n rr tr,,tah~ =,r trwm+terrard
<br />ttgy 73aaraowb:r w~ithau1 Lr'ndrr'a print 5afrpten ¢cxusent: rscluding t,el thesq ,.rvuba'•n ,rf ia~ 4r~,°w ,+; mn~rrprtiurar~r h ref .'sate !::,
<br />ih:;i•hlartg'agr. tG3 t?xe c'roatk~ of a rw'sa s'har»L rms*~te~u .rsr,rtts forte rrst fs,r h~naerh,aJ ,ppltaneai,, id:f a rran.te -s ~r;evrs rr
<br />dleWent. ax by c~pyratirm a'~d law u~~n t}qq. ;'ldrath oY a q+~rnu tvaranu «wr rely throe ;ai and r',Ir arr?r Icuuiu:Ira,Nd untereat .af thru sa~,sr, or is^sn
<br />net; coivtu'vning sn utrtaCm tr parchasc, 7 r~unier +atauv tt T,~ndrr ,~ptoaau~i.. dr°6rrs: r,rlV they sutra, ,~n wrnrJ }s~ rthv~r ll.t rvgta(tc' n, !*e
<br />tmrti¢tii. iat3y dtte at~xi pajy'abie. i,endo: vLlall fsats~r r 4 rod a+.nad r~pcru',rrr ter t- ;dr'r~itc .r. Priun I+. oh+.• ° id~r nor isanshtr- A. cn:Ead'
<br />anJatue i?t€sott ice whurun t?te~ E'ra!gerty 'is Ire tre~ sr'tki on ariaRSkcer aB trees^i aiG rr^rnrpunt rte s~rrtrryt Ihlrt -tw ,. ~a =.ednt t ..u,.h prn~drirr
<br />is 531Y'~iFlEat;torr trt #..¢nsrer •~~ Ifest the tntlrrevp tna~,ynl~+la ~on ;hm ~i rat,, ,ula¢:;ti..e~,dl hs 9'Prrv Rt:;rrt}.t}ya~ ,,htaRl Rxr a'~t snR.,'St rate .,c I aJiar
<br />shaid rgrgarrst, Cf l,a:oc@er htai :rraiveii rhr d.i*tion lcr utu~aelev~elr preav rJea9 nn tpa, ia.a rt.$rzapha 17.:+n<'~h' +' H*rr rc,M:cu'a >racrr»s,+r rrr
<br />satc~atrsi has execasted a wtattrn teasumpfieyea sgrt~teient accepted in wrung by f.trndxr. i.rrtdrr shall release Harrowec trenu wil
<br />oliNigatrods andrr this Mortgagr and the AEute.
<br />ld La:ns`a°t cxrr.~ti..es such aptioat to dues"¢.r'.r: ape, Le:e.Srr ,hag: maiP~ ficnrr.,rzsAt ncrldr. r, ai rm:.eteratinn i~ <nrian.~c ronR
<br />gaa'ra~rapft ?d hrres:f~ Such not'dcr shall nrnvidr a psyricat nC a± ~t trs< thxtt .?4 Jess tram >.he da>r chi n,,..~ ,_ r;taii~„ witty.,;
<br />o~~~lskit Blal[mw`rt rosy pay the samx dose€zd dric. lY' H-!rnn.-dr zBs ,o p~ah .rehi ,a.rma nr,.ir Lr thr •spu aurae . i 7 -r:,i+h
<br />I:.,d^,rxi€a ntla. w-irh ~iG f,3rxrwr nU!i+*=r i? ct=,mirx c;: ?te:rrc:zer. .; n;,.,, a,z: ,t,.~~;3i~r> !ter tart r,n ,, r.,q;.apR 1 ncr,or
<br />'EJora.Utvtt-ara~ ~I:'ctti•etca.,txg- Tiorrnw~~r arn3! i, errGkr further a«rs~vnu na saJ agre~a~ a, fs,linr-xx~
<br />iffi. Aeeaferr#JGirl; ~xares~ea. Fxrept as. pms~iuNyd in paragraph 17 hrceto-f, upon 'itorlruwrr'x breatrh aP any caarraterst err
<br />atfRsaansas :af 8orrovrrr i» ibis Mssatgsgq iorirtdjn^ illy rov enartts to pay when dm any sa+rrs veenrrd hr the tlnrlgtgte,
<br />I.~r prier ~ asaw,.6cration sdtaH malt osttice to Bwrrr»rer as praavieied Fa pyragraplt 14 henzaf cprrihita~: 1 if the 6tearh;
<br />f~S tOte asrB~ aegm4st-d to core sarh hiestrft; (3R a d#e. trot leis fttan Jit riavs from she dtnk shy uof)se ~ rnaiird Iu Hurro»-er.
<br />b} te~le stab hsrayk tnm# 6t cerr+~ aaA tA) ibffi Caitatre io sore stub ttryaeh na or before thr dote specifin{ bt the nMicr
<br />~' tee Ca acx-'~-,°.- . a[ site sates axrsued by this :'liwt~a fsrrrkrsnre 6y jadic"sal pracradir# and salts of the pnopecss.
<br />"fYtr aWfrt tlAa'$ frtariberr itd@rYA flrrtruwer rtf the ifg6i to rriMt#c after sccc{er#pn atui the right to assert in thr {areamic-nrc
<br />¢s'ss for r~-e:.e6as~a of m tEetsrtN or ant rte: detee~,e of $ormaer to a.rsteratioa a~ forrcimure, if the hrysih
<br />is rot ratt$ oe ar btzirxte du QaM sp<s>r%ed br itse aoiirr, [.eodci # Lender's op[ion may drrlare a4 a/ the sotto aerated by
<br />66ii ~ ~ lac trrtmodsrsl? dal atW prytdr3e etiiMtrti ftrrshrr derrrand and lost femtrwr b± jeaiirial prrarerdirtZ. isodyr
<br />sia8 ba sa~rd M ca&ect a>i aa+rb paoca aM eapynrys of forerkxirtrr, fttairediag, tiai aof iiasittrd itr, roars at doa^aateataer
<br />wtisayi, aib#tae#t ttad Wtirr rtpari3, .
<br />'~ ~A ies ;~, tioCrrih.tanding t ¢:x{ex's, an:<ck°saieotr .d Slnc ,:arras xccareai by thrn ~;csrtgage.
<br />mar-~ r a~ a -- _ - _ __3..~ ,.-_ - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ ' - _- _ - .:-ti 3~ . ::ns:
<br />_- - _ - _ - z s _ .. _~_. .. _ .., ~~._ xt, ..._. ,
<br />