«aPt•-a s. vv-r
<br />s.'.:~t:w v3ix.: Fa ~'c rrt>src-r atx, z.c~ic~r-r ~~.,rrcara orb fetes :>rs €asios's:
<br />.t< 1siu s+k ~h art heseresf,. 3~.:.3-=.", vt:aFl zrotnnt: gz~ 'zise^ c,x t?x r.inci{rai ~-- and inures: ar, :he
<br />e°vrsd tw 'rfi= tic, pte¢sptexr„nt a~4 :'ate c!aarlss as proviaSed an the Nats, arM the principal a€ and interest
<br />sus aer^}^ Ftsss~.:-.-.. Adw•taaxs seseercrl l~r thrs Lfart;tae.
<br />3,. Y'rttt6 fsr Ttgw ad hwrrre. 5tds :s applccahic tam or i~ a wraten waiver b}' Linder, Batrowcr shag pay
<br />smr fir rmn ;f!t ~y etsnnalhh: iatsialimenrs of pnnripaf and iraereut are payaiNe under the islrxe, untlt the Sate is paid in fait,
<br />a rnfert tla~cisr "'Fuvpk"'? sgt:al [o cxte~ewe3flh of ?hc yrarts taxes atul avsessarents which may attain prrorrity over this
<br />~, ssnd bra rexsCr orr tlxt Property. ;f ar3p. nhts sawiwslfrh of yearh~ premium ittstaBmsnts for hazard insurance,
<br />fu9tn trix-twelfth of ytasly' premium EnidallmsnTS for mortgage inturants, rf any. aB ac rearanatsty estimated initially and frot[r~~
<br />LrJire r,a rims hy' i.eader out the bases of as„;asametris and bilk stud reaut.^rai+ie esiirnatec tftereaf. -
<br />"f@sc Funds .shalt trt held in an institution, the dt}x'st is c+r sec, un:s at which are insured ar guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />stoic atle[sc^y' +: inc}uding t.t[2der if to-nder ns such an sratr3utt:sn;. 1.endmr shat? app[s• the Funds io pay said taxes. assessmenu,
<br />iarsurarres p~•etnirxns sad grerma~d rtnts..1..'ndsr may .coot crtarge for sc hahlimg.and mppiying the Funds, analyzing saidaccount,
<br />ar vi!^ri~$79rtg-arm eampz€irtg e':aid asscasmrnts amM hillire~, umlmsa l~end:ur pay's B.vrrnwer interest an the Funda~and appliriihla law
<br />~pr~rrxils L+errt3~er [o make sate.Et a c•ha.ryts. Barrow^er ~attd l.xndvfr m~:ay :rglr~t^. in w^rr[ing: ut she tGt^na iY w+Seruticrn ~oP ihix
<br />,ham that interest o:r C~he E'umis shall kYM` pgaid so 13nrrower, and imleas sur:h :rgrm+e~menP.. is made ar. appfieahEt law
<br />rwxltrires atuch intirra! tct F>,r pouf, l~rader sitaEf nos he rcyuired to pars- Br;rrrcns•sr auny° mtsrein ar earnln,gs an the F'unds~: f.emler
<br />~~xlkntd' g'ivC tss Borrower, wil'huatL eatargaC, an :mints( ac'crnsna~ing of tlhe FrtaWSi rl'u*wrrng c^rcxl:hx and deM'its to tlm Fu~:nda:~und khC
<br />l purasuie far wiacfi each ds^!i'~¢[ tv the P~iands w;~s ntiade.. "fhe Furtds art p>Ee~dglcd ax a[1di[iunal secunity fur ths.sums wsm'esl
<br />(sy rhos ![aatx$agr.
<br />$$'. 19m ~a'mown of tl': Fdutds hp I ~~ lien, rsrge'th'sr with upte ~fusur^_ munt!rl}^ nsttri4rrw_nPS. of Funds papabt+s~, grtor:t:r
<br />the dt~dates of taxes, assessmems. insurance premiums and ;ground reins, shall exceed the amount reyttirsd to pay., said faxes,
<br />ascents. irYSUrance premiums and groumi rents as they fold due, sxh excess shall he, at Ilorrawer's. option, either
<br />promptly repeal to Borrower nr [:credited to Borrower on monthly :nsta!lments of Fiends. !f the amount of the Funds
<br />~ hY Le~sEer shag maz he safettt So gay texts, as~ssmenis, insurance premntrns and grafand rants as they €al! due.
<br />Haaower slsali pap to Exacter any smount oceessars to ma@c~ up the dcfinency within ~0 days frnm the. date notice is mailed
<br />dry Lemder'ta Barr<nyer reyuestiag paymsn[ thereof.
<br />Upnst paymcm in ful! o€ alt sums sceurcd by this M1inngaue. Lender shat! promptly rtifund to Borrower any Funds
<br />by l,rrdes. if utw'~r garagraph i8 herea€ the Property wv vo!d ru the Propen.- rs othetwisc :[cgtnred 6y Lender, Lender
<br />star{] apply, na Inter than imttsedi"ately prior to tht sate ;,i tE+o Property or ns acquisition by (..ender, any Funds held by
<br />L.utder at [Ere time o1 appticatiors as a credi[ against tht .runts Secured fry titan M1fortgage..
<br />3. Ag~lkatiazq n& Paytaetrffi. Unless ap(nicahle taw pravis€es athr:rwiss. all pa'vmcrnts receiwed by I.crtder under the
<br />Vow msrd. fraragraphs - sad :hereof srtaB be applied `soy 3.endar first m pctyntena r'rt amounts payable to ~t_endcr by lE[xrawer
<br />auxkcr i'earagraph 'Z hereof, then to imcrest pa}~a:tEs nn the Nate. then irr the yiarinctpaC of the Nurse, :md Shsn tart intere:nt and
<br />principal Un. any Future Advances.
<br />@, CSsttgecs: I9ens. Burrower sh:dl gay :ulk aiwxu:n..fs,xsznrrrtxts +nd adYef chttrRcs. Eincs am! uminrsitn'wts tittniaarrablc Iq
<br />¢pte Pro~gerty which mayr attain a pn[xity over obis Nfon'gagc. and Ila~asehoVd grtymrnts or gmund rents. iE env, iu the rrtanrter
<br />provkded u¢sdsr paragraph 2 iYercof or. .1 nut paid i,t sucl't manner. hr}. 11orr,rt+ver rsuti;ing (:ayment. when dim, ¢.irrecrly to thrf
<br />lrsryee thercr.P. Borrowe€ shall !aran:gtkb' furtus#: tea l,xaii;.r aEf :;3.ua~i et' :txnaurtts riur f;nder thr. ;;arar¢raph. and in t3te. e ant
<br />harrower skradl maL:s pavmert d:rccty 11ctrrnwer half r.rnnaiy stun h rr fends.r ~wipts \t.l n:mu h :*aumcnts.
<br />Harrower shalt E+rc+sasptfp ,9tschargc uag ix rt .hr4b 1 os _p.::,r#t} nett th s flo~rtgayc ,taw ~Hrtf. t't.n Bnarnaw mr ~hal9 no[ he
<br />ire~uazed to disch~'gp any auctk Elan so Eanrl ;a~u Elorruwua~ shall free m +vrurng} t.r She l~oa}~nteut ;+.I' the +shlrganon sevu[e~d krg
<br />such tren its a,maatrer asa:eptaWc. to .9~adtr. caa:. ~st:alE m =:cr~d ta..t 4. m,_s! -. f,h hc.n c:,. - rleic~aa.! Y' ~r.eamar,n t r ks tt~tt its.
<br />legal ps'zxd ags szhie!'~t ss~~tc fvs prcr~en[ the -.ur- ws;tttefa t the ?its. -r t:rr7arue • a'it the: f'v:anrtts r,r to rz =rarrr rhezs~r~t,
<br />'~_ :'4w~ara~r:•s. 1±•,..;;•s:er slit!! keep r , - g:.:.:,..,=x, - ~}::- ~_ s rr 2.rx=_t -'.,a. r..~r .~ :,.;i.,,=ed
<br />~a't>~r Eeas by 1S€~. Ptars~ds neluxlew3 wirlhnt r rem, ' rx0.nusd of vcusg a»d ,aa, it tlthcr tltazaud ~+s l,raudu r nrae rculuaue
<br />ar~,3 ~vE if aruvuvels ~s a w_,it~ €-'e.- S. .w :....^~4.. t..t _.'=. ..:~ - - - _ -.
<br />such covev!aec atcmd that a~trat ,wf ,i=+s.ty,:t r_sru ed ~t:t : av .; t _,..,. r... h.. .:..
<br />I3x tr>aurance ^.ar7ier pra~idtnr .he r:t'zt=..ensr sh:,ti ix -hosc.n h Hornns4r znb)t.-, tc, .tppr ~ai h•: t cn+scr. 4'rnstded.
<br />tflrat such apgrnvaE shag no[ tre unreasonahiy- withhrfd. A!I ga~mretees r,o m , ixrt rays -!ea!k be pa:d n. !!r.~ <n:u:net
<br />gravtdsd uatr~r paragraph 2 hereai ur. r€ tint paid in ,uch manucr, b} Hutrsrwert maisrng Pn}•ment. ',vhcn duo. ,iuacdy t<, the
<br />iowtatxe causer.
<br />All ittsurank poiic'tes and renewals tttercu! shalt ?~ us term etccptahte bx i.cnder .+nd shalt :uJ udc ., +r.ardani nrurrgayn
<br />Clause rn fa'tai ,{ sad io form :a:.ceprab;e t 3.enva;r. L~'ndcr :hail ha.c tfx• reght t+~ hold rfec E+\r4i~fc, ..ur\t r x-w at. Chet rt+l.
<br />au:d &srro+Kr stroll ptompfly furnnh to E.encier all renewal nui+ccs and u!i tece:pts ui hard prcnuim=, In nc~ nseut r,l L,s,.
<br />13arrawer shall gtvC Promgt nature ru lire ,z ur::ncc ~arrter .urd Lender. t-en.lcr rna•, maF,c I•r.,.,t .tt I,t>a a rir,1 ruadc pr\?ntpt'ts
<br />hy, Harrrrarcr.
<br />i,!rrfc~c l,,cnder acrd Burtowca oche tw t agrr~~ rra rrtrnrgl r# to tr r, e. ! r i v l: nNS.rl9 i cr +ued i ^nturaAt u t i o.l+;nu i~~i
<br />6faa FFr,~rrcy ~:iStEtagtary„ prtori~ded atnSr re.t u[^aituun r :,.pruu' , r.8aaruttvs rfl) 14,ur~EaEc vrd rRrr ,v rust; .,:i phr b1:rq„a;g~,e n
<br />dfVtt t11e+tnby-'arrnpsired. kf ^rgtu'ih. r~a5tc!e~tgtr:c+at ur reg,n~ar rv n,.tt c~.eart:rute<sd]'r i,.'ar~dlyly nt ! tf ue vcc ua~ ty ~;tt tfui, 3{nrt ,yp:~ w~rauld
<br />~lzn ~, ~iptpmiurrsd„ She ~:itnSrrr'aas-r }airr>r'xsds :hPaati9 Ibc. utp~p:ttnrd u,, r9rr teu'nn setiur 9 f~{}~ ctuis M9.uety'h~tgr. ,,s~ c'h~. pfart a~a, 4'~~:•!.v~ ~f i,mgr k'~ I~'a ~:aE
<br />to fl]coa'Yar,+urer. it LhuE PYIaE'cutM is.s_rmn4 lased iM, I1:r i rr uus.^r,. r;~r i! flnrrowcr .,r+l r i,- ran':µr'atrE dl~u Le~nah;.r uvdYnra ;Vtr Jams Vmnn tlse
<br />d3'kpKl lgtf 4~Ce &5 rnaklsil h:N F.e!Ltd~er uy BI, l: 1'Lrau"er tE1121 ~Ikn i.t~al,ttq[n' a: a: on'^cr d131 (rY'a !„, nu•°.i iJh ~, ::U Ihr frnf rltn.giX':ll1:tlU t 'tno i9 US.,. 1. ~lifr Oat
<br />pus rtr~i'rtrzxss. 'lo c~ir~tec6'~a~+zn~+iu~:Ey thn rxstu:ra~rr~E'::c lnc>aaesda out f<url'::Ys ..~(~na~uta urti5er~ ! rcua:arraurofe tar repn[rr ,.1 rd,r: E'rnhteruy
<br />"M,.a mpua ~suras ~a:aH:'stti~, Iby ctulM~ 5r&orrtggge.
<br />Ulna' iL.emVzr au# B{-0rtyu~w~r d~*flhea"u rra aylJr. r:t w.r714m1 a,€t yr :r.urh. rater a gyibiCtrr of iareeaeeds :a t,rinctpak :1vir71 not esta,YC9
<br />+~ p',>une elrt doe Mats ref t#tq: mamhln iarulpBfnw.:n[^s rell'r:rrad Cu in, pttlragsr::plhrv ! :uuf ~hcrenF nr rhatrgK alhu annuuut ai
<br />hYr, tt'~i341h41EltrrttMS. Ef I[tdi;r psa,'rrgTa::ph ~'S hdVy~y:Ui 1t4C ~9'I'l>psrtV' kG~€IxrtfiriQ Cis !.„erldur- !i r,i,ht. r:ll!C .:nri ,:ktc [a J,t „I llni ft+\tcf
<br />.±+,u[sd~Se a=+, --x- =.x':e ~ -~r~~1 :., 1':= I'_:< a_~a..a.- .r a, i s,,a^ :, ,,rr .,~ z~r -_ .. t,..:- _.e
<br />ar aVrsltaipsi[orrr4 shat! pssas tin fl.:cn6er r , the a'tuq.t,r - I. the wr,ma .r.ureti~ k'+ r_us s1.:rr't~ !,*. . r r.,rd a err i ^:u±' ,,.. ,.R;r, .:,
<br />4U&iltl".
<br />~b<,:, p7alytrvatieap ~aogt ~f~IMd~A4UwIyMSre of Prtrpo-rn',ys lsau!~talurldy„ q'; onelstwgrli~:ntnx't Pletmed unit ltarcEapenenus. 9larro,s cr
<br />sAmrl,~idlepp~tht: Proper~l~y tar gr;vod a'el+:u[ u.d ~~tp,1 ~. -wat~,r~ui ^tu t'..t pe rni ntE,arrrser r +r ,left i ar ti rrt .-i rltti Prr+g^rrp
<br />1'~~wi+~ ~? wF t{%ePn4~ti~iaals ark an]y ry;a.a~ i _m i~ ?+tr rta,ynt; ua^ rnr r r, „uxr,dntvu. (f vhrs hlua ~ng< u. ntr. m .,
<br />cs+ndO:t~[s'utitrm er a pEantted unit de. ciaptaem- Sktrr..we. shat; ~tla:rri all •:;! (3Yrrrowcra ntdrgattunn under r ..ewl.ee.nrs•n
<br />x cv+sea:~rs =ru-iteg ra ~ ctn.s s. _.e _ r - .pt w~V nJ .r r t - - •'.c
<br />°-3?aiENau2t ^_: g-12n~ r3tt .lc-..: y „ `# ~ - I ~ t -t nsn\um .. Jramrs.J , r ~i: uerrt
<br />nder is execsrted ~' Sormwet .s .: rc. ..1w .rt,4- +.. .. ,, r„ !.furtt; a . nc L.s~uarttz .ttvi ,,c;rcentcros , , ...,.h r:.ir•r
<br />s.)ra#3 ire ,trcrrrpsurs[cd tutu ate shat; rrrt~d ~u s;t~~tentrsft rt>; «~=eooars Lan„ =c rzrrna;t> ,,: rhr, ~fi~ttttaya: a. t. eTac r<irr
<br />wets a ?sr[ lsezstit.
<br />'Y- ~ stfr 1.~saAet'a Se+E.. ft 3:,:rrr~e; t , . ant sire csverams an„ agrzrmc'rYts .<uttarccd n c,hrz
<br />d6C.tt~sge, sn am arse,aa =x !vc,.~3,r.!} :* titre a. ,. _ • nY.~:- rr 1} ~ ;rle..- . inset-+ ,f-.:nisi !n rh,,' !'. r\
<br />=;rlrt5 eta 'w,[ ra.A drxrra[ed ++.. e[n.t?ct8 damar^- ... dtiir~.y~ -.- tr _... c `?ctrl. , - :, ..s,s+,entcn;s ,. prr*c ~e,Elul.: v,+r\~n~ :
<br />t++.~s.u w..~~~', t a.ee;:~r n „ ~Xi .:.pt..-:, ~' . s .: d.- <.s s. . ai:c ~, .~!r . tr.:h
<br />•v_. y.x~A s. ~ ~rf _ ". ~-fi Snlt;, .at1t3.,x' +
<br />~u+u~is.5r +c-cts'ae~: :~z ..rx: entt-. -~,. the P -fit;: ..;vy,;r„c rc_ra. .:x .~„ ,„ --~- ~ .-, ~.
<br />~.-~, -: twsz' t w.-rr Pr. , . ti~.rjaa~r \it_:_.. .. .,.. ._ , ,,,~, ,. rv,, .. a. r, r..... ,....
<br />sa ;~ e~+r~ et,t u?s9i ie.?' :,vin . _ .-vy air^nH. wt :err 'P a,ts~ eW r. r - , ,n+
<br />