.din°s4)~l:~Q~'3 LSCdp{!
<br />S. The enertftaltor cavenrnU and s}cred that if he ahafl fail is pay said indtbttdner or asy qrt thereof when
<br />t~se. ate shell fsi) to perform any covenrne or aRretwtent of this inarna+eat or the ptomisory twee secured hereby, the
<br />e'lll~e iedebtedrteas hembp aeetrred ahafl imweedirtrfy hecerne doe, pa~vsbfs: +nd e-sReetibie~wit8rrt oettice, at the
<br />of the mon#IaRee ar aaaipee, reRardhvr of maturity, aced the rewrf[~6~se or his araigar tray-btdsre or attet entry
<br />ral~ tahi property withewY apptaaemem ithe inorlpRor Mav~ wsived and aaaipted w the enertaaRte alt rigfhN of
<br />r~s-sirtaent 1 : n ~. ~ ~ '
<br />s t i at jtrdecid eak pntwant to the pmvisims of 2II l'.S(:. 2(101. a i ; or
<br />(n l st flee optics ~ the nurt~a6ee, eit6et by avetirs or by selimtatiss of srakd bids,~trs else bisbrrt and
<br />beat Bid oratphffe6 with the terms of ask rod masses of payment apmibad ~ ttre peblJiNd ttatiee d ask, test
<br />prita6 feat weeks' notice of the time, (error, and plrcr of ouch e.k, br advertitaaatmt tut kaa than Dees
<br />Aurinp each of avid four weeks is a neaaprper pttbliahed ar dtatriheted in the rotnsut io trhich said property
<br />r aitoatetf. all ether aegiro beita6 beerby waved by the eusrt6a~or teed (rid moRgRre, or a.y prtrsr m
<br />behalf of aid totutdadee, say bid with the mpaid indabtedatw evfdaoeed by said nets!. Said ask shat! be
<br />held at or oa the property to bt sold or at the Federal, county, or city roerthottae for the cossty in which the
<br />property is hxuexi. 77ae moettlstee is hereby anihoriard to a:eevte tar asd m behaU of the enort~r~ar red to
<br />delim to the perchraer at nub .ak a atr$irienr convey'srtre of said property, which roareyasee ahdt aroatrir
<br />rmiuh w to t-e happmtioa of the ddauh apes whirb the ereentior of the power of uk berets 6rasted
<br />dtrpeedr; eta! the raid mortgagor hereby eoaatitetaa and appbinss the tarrtKatter or any afpeot or attorney e[ the
<br />taoet6s{eae, the west and dtorttry io fret of acid meretgagar to make atrch eecitaL rod to etteeute grid
<br />trnveyaatre atsd hereby ceneassU end aXreea that the rrcitr4 w made shall be r$ertnal to bar all egaitp or
<br />rixhi of redemption, luutertead, dower, amt all other rxrmpeiotta of the mongtr}Car, ri! o! which arc hereby
<br />nrptrrrly waived sed conveyed to the mort~apee; ar
<br />i rte! take asy other apprepriaee arum pennant to sate nr Feder:l estate either in stets er Federal
<br />awurt er athervriaa for the dispttaitim of the property.
<br />In the eraM of-a+sk as hresitaabove provided, the manitatter nr env person to porsr..awn under the mortRaRor shall
<br />then become sad be tearttU hoWiatt ever and shat! fnrthwnh deliver posaenaon to the purchrrrr at such sak or 6e
<br />twmtnartly diapaaseeard, is aetordarrr +.~ith %hr pnrvutane e[ law applicable to tenants holding ores. The power
<br />a~ agescs hereby ((reefed :re toapled N-rth an ,ntercat and arc irrevoeabk ley drrth or uthenriae, and err granted
<br />u craranL~tirc to the remedies for roilectwn of rout indrbledttea provided M taw.
<br />4. 'flte prorarda rf asy trk of aaid,praporty n arteardaattae with the peeeedi»g psrr$tapbr alrtfl hr applied furl
<br />u pry the esw attd aryrasar of asid rrle, the raptmrer itamrrnl ley the martRagee for the }teepees of proteetiai or maim
<br />ta~tietti said propert}. rted reraosahk rttor~r.' free: rsrwvdly, to Itay ihr tmllrhtednraa aerurrd hrrrirv: and thirdly.
<br />to pay any aurplue er seer-aa is tke perroa or prsztnN fr~rtly «otilkt~! 4hrrr#te.
<br />S. fn ersttt said ptoparty is arhf st a jadksat farttaloauee rrle or pevsaast er the paver of oak herranabova
<br />greausted, red tats pneaada are mn traieiant tr pay tba toul,ineleBledra+a aeanred 67 thu iaatrwrent red evidenced by
<br />raid pratairrry sale, the nuetgagee will be erttitkd to . dedriesey judgment tar e!u aauouat od the deFeiency mirAaat
<br />ra~ard eo teppaaiaewrrrtl.
<br />o. In the evrwt the raortt{a«or faib to pry set Fedent, .Irtr, nt !ctrl tae r.a wamrnt..ma»nt #az ar other ui tiro,
<br />thugs, fee, or usher raperare rh•rtcd rratrW the ptuprrty. the tetortrarrr ,s herrba aathurtard at ha, optiaxe to pay
<br />the aanee, Aay a»astt n paid br the trsortRapre aiu11 be addral to rr.7 ltrtame a pen nl the prineiprl amawm of the
<br />indr6iednrra tvidemeed by srid note, nubjeet to the setter terms and rwedititxu. I( the nnrrtt{rqur ehrll par end
<br />diaclearRe the itedrbtedrtrsa rvtcknceal ley nri J proem.enry nwr, and rhaM! pay path soma and ahrl! diachrrsr all term
<br />end lisw atr+d the eaaU, fern, cud rxpetsaes of mrkint{, rrfurrisR, and rrar~uunr this marls:Rr, ahrn chi. nu.rt{trpa
<br />aBrlN 6a tawesled and twrssadared.
<br />'• 7Yte raav+raama haws arsiaiartd abaL Bird sad the ftana6U sad rdvsataaar shall inure- to the rerpaelive aaa
<br />ersrrrs+sd ataipa of the parties hueb. ~heaasu tread. the unRttlar nuarl#ee aha-1 include the glees!, the pteral the
<br />tis/t}Irr red rlar+tra at r#syt fvad++riall iaalads sll ~edsn-
<br />#: ~br Braises of say eavaasat hettia or oaf the nhliRrliam saeund hereby shall at aa} tiros therratter be held
<br />N 6a # waiver of tba (rotes beers( or at the note ea#tared heredar.
<br />9. is sompRaore eritb aaasiao tOl.l # d) of the Rsk. end Repttlatit#ar of the Srrll Btwaer Ae4aiatirtratiw [ 13
<br />C.F.R. t@l.l(dl 1. this aatsna~tt k tr Bs etryerteed asd ttrkrcat~ is rce+.rdraeoa with rpplirabk Fetkral irw.
<br />fY1 A j.dieif ekerrq seder, or jnd~rcwt hohfiaes any provaiam or partim of tha io-trument invalid err nr-
<br />~ rBa#) sat is say wry impair of pcrcladr the enfareament of the rrntaisas6 provuioty ax porttena of
<br />~.
<br />sss as.r, err <w»t
<br />