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$~-= t-~~~9?3 <br />L ?-. tawartttar tetra gtet t faiwa: <br />r. Hr [sill Pa'att-~9 pr7 the lade eridaaeeti M aria prni...q refs ae the tit.. tttrd i. tha <br />ttrotae tYreeit p#+ri8ed <br />8. Ha tail ptq troll ttt#tw„ rraraateraw. t~ rrtea, acrd etthu ~etrreafrJl nt ~ttidpal e.Ynym, fare. rr <br />iattptetfeaa, fes! wLirL preriaioa Loa tact bet mtie hereia6el~e, sad wig pretpdq e&11rer t-s aiad tretudpr <br />thetdrr Y uhe atria taoet6tyee. <br />c. He will pay attrh esps>rosra sad [exx ss mrg be iAaerred in the protection and mainemanoe of aid <br />proprrtg, itteludiag the teen of say attorney empbged by the meertga6ea for the colleetioo of mg or ail es( <br />the irxdebtednars hereby settrrcd, or fm fxtreci~re 6y mnAaa®ae'a ale, or hurt proreediaga, or is say otht <br />iiti fsttiem err prvmeetediaR alfretiatt wad prtmtiaex Attomeya' fed reaaonablg incurred in any other waq ehafl be <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. Fnr better aeaarity ~ the iadab[t:doer hereby neraredr spew the raeptetat rr( the tuorigaReer its ann. <br />scree ar etriaaa, 6e tdsalJ rare:. and +klirer a atapplexatatal mertRatSr ur mortga~aer eeraring ewg add7itinay <br />iwtprnmrteertts, are heltertnenU made to the property hereinabovt-daocribrid : ad ail praprrty _aeafuited 6y <br />it after the are (wereoi iall in farm aatiafactnry to mnriRattx t. l^'urthrraaare, ahewld mwigalwr fail fie cure <br />any siefateh in the-payment ed a prior ar inferiar aaaumhranor nn the property daecri;bmd bg this itutramrny <br />taartga~rrr hrrahy agrees tcs permit mortgagee to cure aarh drfaa h. !wt ennrtRagcr in not obligated to do ao; <br />anti atxit td+ancer shall brrrmrr part of the indr. inrdneax rrrorrel by tit is inatenmemt, wisjrrt to the name: <br />tnrtax and cerraditicata. <br />.•. 1'hr rights a°rrated by thin rrmvrvure°r .bail remain in (nil [Here and +fl'ert during env poapatemmt <br />or estenaurn of flee lime of pavmrnt of flee indebtrdnean rvuirnrrd by .aid prnmiwurr note or any pert thereof <br />tserured hcrrbr. <br />f. Hr will ccxttinuoush mannain haurd insu ranee, of rueh tvi» ur nlsra and in Hoch amounts ns the <br />rnortgagt< may from time to ieo.r rrquirr on the smprovrments now cx hereafter nn raid propene, sad <br />~~ Pr7 P~i~y w'~a doe ray prerixima therefor. Ai[ iawnrcc shall be carried is oomprnir rnerPtaLle <br />to ttttesti~aeee sad tb policies and renewak therm( shall be held by mongasee and have attached theeetn <br />Jasss payahk ekmaa is favor of end k farm atnaptabk to the snort. Ia a+mi csr leroar mort~rpar will him <br />imaaeefiata artier. is rnrtitiryg to muara, tad nsortputpee tang mrke preaf of iwa if ant raadn ptompdg by <br />asaef~srq atttti each iwrraea oempaay raaeenaad i ^ hereby aashoriaed atad dirrrtad to make pageaent fw atadt <br />loss ditoe~lg tea taratfat~ee instead mf ter mnrtltytos sad mortga¢oe jniasfv, and the itrwaaer prosaoedac ar rag <br />part thrrrosf, mq he aftglind by aaart(ta~er ae ttr option ether to the radurtioa of sha iatlebeetdarr lwmabg <br />serrated ear to t t~rrt#oss ar ~paer ut the prrsprirtq :laat,.aeri ar rJeatntyad. Ca ewes[ of fornrkaata of t6i. <br />t4ortgtt~r, w oahsar trtMlar of irtk to uxd property en aatxagarairmeot ref the intleb#edneen seratrr! 6rzelay, ail <br />ri~t, tick, sad mtareat of the marlgatgerr to sad to aar reraranen polireera thin iu force .haD par to the <br />pexrrhaaar ar eaoe!{tagar ::r, at the uptiuxs of the mortaagrr, mar lrr werrndrml far a rrfnnd. <br />g. Cie will keep all huildingn and Whet smprnrrrrrrntr .as easel pmpertr in gtr„ei rrpatr end nsnditiort: <br />will jrrtlni4 ramatil, ur auHer no waHe, impatrmrat. datrrsura4un ni swrd pruprrty ur anv part therca(: <br />in the errs! of failrrr of the martgat{or to keep the hutldtna• sin +asd Nrcmisra and those treated ou said <br />prrmirea>, w aeaptovementa therram, in Good reprir, the nrnetragre mar snake such rrpatra as sn its disrrruoa it <br />Huy dernx nreerary for the proper prerervation thrrrrsl :and the loll amount of each and crrn such payment <br />shall fee itanKaiiataiy dar atr.l pa+ahk sad shall he aeru;,-d by tau Uen of thu murigaar. <br />h. Hr rill not voluntarily rrerte or [seems[ to hr r-rratrd aaairsat the prufurty •~hjert to ibis moregag+ <br />any lien or liana inferior or rnperwr to the Len ,.f this mortgaar wrthuut the written rwisrnt of the ntur4 <br />gagre; and (arlhrr, Mr will keep and maintain ihr tame free from the claim of all pernuns aupplving lalsur or <br />mrtesiala (or croeratrurtinu of am aacJ all haildinpa or +mpruvwnrnin now ksrurg errrtcd or w fist rrrctrrl nn <br />acid prnmue+. <br />c. Nr well nut rent ur aaaegn any part of the trot .sf ~aicl nturegagrd property ur demolish, or remove, <br />or sa6ataatirlly sitar am- building without the wriurn ronr.rni of the mortgagee. <br />~. Ai1 aararda of drragrs in ranrrrtien with anv eondrrmnation for public oar sal or meury to am of fife <br />larairerty ariJajszt to ibis aax#gage are hstehv rwaa.ed and shell he paid er: mortgagee, who may apply the <br />aaaar to pry#aent ai fist ioatt#lauata cant due undEr .std =fines. and murtaagrr fir. herrky sulEwnar3, is the <br />naaar cst the meutitagar, to esrcate sad deJrrer slid aryuutaurrr thereof and eo apps-al !rein any sorb award. <br />&. `f'lea murtEsrftea shall LeSve the nght to inspect the mortgaged pramiecv at soy reaacmabk Umr <br />:. fDdauh W ~: o4-/he r~rrraanu w rawdttetrxu sat this inatrarnrat ur o1 the ra>er or corn agrrrurrnt rerurrJ <br />brawlb eliNrii tatatsiaa#r flan ewr#{(abnr: reg,6~t to puaaea-tert. oar. sad enprmrnt of the propene, at the opton ut the <br />attarytaxe< oe hu aasiaaa 4it bring agreed that the msartgagar shall hart wrh right until drfauL w !'pen awe +urh <br />dti+ah, tits roorigat(cr nball become ihr c:w etrr of ail ut rite ttnts and protila accruma a{tar default as .rruritr <br />fpr the ipdeb/canes[ arrurrd hrrciey. wstit for n~ht to rtatay gpon end Isrr.prrty for the parpaat of rulterttnK xurh <br />atg/a natal psrobta. 77sis iaW:saints[ eshaFl ,upr(;gta as ate amtilMtiatrt of sag raata6 an said prolsarlt to that carrot. <br />