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<br />. 3. '}'l:r rnartgagor eaversaats and agrees tYaat if lsis shall- tail to pay sand ittde'~tedtte~ or arty part tltrsasf Giae>~ <br />Here, or +bal1 fail to perform any covenant or agreement of this iastrumeat or the promissory trots secured hereby, tfie <br />entirr. iadeblydttesa itcreby aecurtd aha}} imm¢diuely become due, payable, •and eoihettibie wrthtiut natiee, ad t <br />~xi'aH at t}te morigagee ar a:siRtas, rcgar$lese of matnrih~, sad the mortgagee or his a~igas enmy befere oe:afxrr eati <br />ae~ said property without appraisetrttot {the mortgagor having waived and assigned to the mortgagee all rights air <br />eppraimement 7 : .. <br />f t? at judicial as}r pursuant to the proroiaions of 2f} Ei.S.(:. 31101 e a t : or .• - - <br />(n) at the option of the mortgagee, either by atrctsoa or by aolieitatioa of ee:kd bidt.'tar the highest <br />bens h}$ 2ampiying with iha t¢rau of ask sad rrtaaaer of pay~rteat epee}Red is t6te publ~he$ twxiee of ask, &rat <br />tgivir-.g font wtrks' notice a€ the time, terms, and pimce of aur$ stir, by advtrtieemerrt not lesa`thaa once <br />dnrirg each of said tanr weeks in a newspaper puhiinhtd or distributed iiti the county in'whieh aYtiB property <br />is eitwte$. all other tt~iee heiag htrcby wttived by the mortgagor (sad said mortgagee, or sap perwa oa <br />- behalf of acid anoHgagee, may bid with the uapa}d iadebtedaerr evidenced 6y said note). Said wk shall be <br />held at or on thr. prapereq to be w}$ as at the Fedcra!, cossntp, or city caurthouae for the cauaty is wh}eh the <br />property » located. Thr mortgagee is hereby authorized to ezeeate for and oa behalf of the mortgagor sad to <br />del}ter to cite p>kat}ta~r ae such ash a auttiriea! canreymret of said props: tq, whs"¢h coasrysase :hat} ccsiaia <br />txaritaia rat to Ehe ltappeniag of th¢ tP~tfault upftaa which the attseutiaa of the power of sale herein graaw$ <br />dtspept$a; ttaei-tot! sati$ nstartgagor hereby rtrnatitutes and appbinea t}ae mortgagee ar any spent ar attorney of Ylao <br />. ' fi'~ ~a{gitttt acrd: ~attoraey is tact of amid matrtgagar to asake smh meita.'w sad to eztro°ettaf said <br />cMS>swerctkaee€"i~ld }aare~}s crrvraauts and ag~~erts that the r«'w,atala so mas#re shm[1 be e~eeruat} xet bar a}I e~rya~}ty or <br />t~g~px ~t e~fi+~aili8i, i~Sa~tea$, dower, sad rt} alter ura~emptirans of cite enartgagnr, all of which are h¢rebp <br />ax~trra~ils",traiveSFay"IFn~`'c.ranxa+ged to the tnarigager or <br />[tn) 4af€e=aat'~i~itxltarappropriatt artuon put+uant ea vtatc ar F'edaral axatute a}Sher 'in slate or ptderal <br />court ar othrrwix toi^ the +iiepeayition of the pmperty. <br />fn tlee evrn9 of a sale as fttreirta}save pre3vid~+}, cite raor?gagar +sr anv tsa•rsan'n posarssion undrr the mortgagor shall <br />thett 6.•came utd hr truants ho},iron over aril =ha}1 forthwith deiivcr petae~sion to thc. purchatrr at sue}z gale ar be <br />summars#y d;+poaaesarr}, is arron}ance with thr pmvitiant of Raw applicably tar tenants }snlding aver. 'The power <br />and agency tterAttrr sraatrd arr. roupled wish an antrre•t.t and arr irrrvoca6lr b.' dyntM or otherwise, anti ere Rranted <br />as c~m~}atisr to the rerrrrdies for cnileriion at said indebtyrlnrsa providrd by Imw. <br />~~~ 9tt'wrcF'rrm at aEag iaiai aafr ~ properxs is atxordanc ~ watts tt~,., ~prer^edirtg paragraphs sltmli lie: app6ad firmt <br />io pay tha casts sad ettyxrtasys of said tale. the ettper~aa its:x'rrrTd b9' fhr. tt§nrtgag¢¢ #ffr tsar- purpatar of pmtrateag-tix'maia• <br />3a#._tErtr tats ~>•?v t.-i = ~=-t-i-!= . - -' F±•W: ~::::,:°*, : 3„s .... as}:: s: e.....:<-,... ~,,, .,rr.i i7~r;rrnr inn sit rr~+inv, <br />t.e cta~y any ~. vr{3tas =tr carer- t€. t~,€ ~r±~_== 2r ,~._:~t°R 'caul}e -astir€ra?• t c:~ta. <br />a,. lia t.iSa +event gaud pim~perTy is ao}d at a iadigial [:srec~.}.~+YV.a s_4r: _ warsaasa: :v :h= w~~: s?i' aat~ _3~isnk_= <br />Fsantcd, a:$ t:.e p:q;~:3~a arz not snaRitrtt iw pay t}a¢ caul iruitbtedata treurrd by this inatnrment and evidenced by <br />acid pr,ittsitttorq note, [hr margagee will ba tntit}ed to a detteiencv jurigmeat far tisr amount of the dr}Frf«ncy witfaoat <br />rej~ard to app++aiaameu. <br />h In t}rr errszt thr na:srtgattor tai}a to par nor f'edrra}, Ftatr, ur eocui ta< asst+snrrnt, sncumr fns or uthrr tax iiccn, <br />ehargr, fry, nr ocherr ysirettar tbarard aKaautt t}tr praaprrev, ttfr rnort~aKa•e iu bertha antkaoreard at ts:x ,a,rt i+sn fo pav <br />the snare, !Sur •ttma sa paid lap tfae mortgagor sha}i kar ad+leEl fa and 'd?eran:e .: part <sf t:sr prencipsl amount of ihr <br />intiybtedtiess rvidresrer} Isq -ai.l :sort. -object ta> t€:r >Jtu*• t:-rn.s :sad resndisivat-,. 8} ehr aazcrrt~ayar »€aall par an€} <br />diethargst the iredr}tttdns•aa rvidcn.v<} 2ar -,aui pratmwory noit. .u'ad aleali par surfs Nona, au+.f shat! .3i-so}tass:a al! txxea <br />~atNi ilexae and fide. coals, ft.+en. mod rspeneea of making„ CtifarrinW, an.J msrrann~ flsia rraartya{te. t.hyn this marF{ale <br />~dteil Aarratacai¢d sn$ surrendrrfd. <br />. 'i'he cuva;naart. h.;r,~-iie .-ontaitftil any 1 uinc} sail tke }zcnrfata tad :t}varta7taa ai..aii ittrem to tha seapeetive sut- <br />ressaota and aaaign- of ter partief hereto. "~'hessr°tr used, the singular numbtr a6at'. include the plurt+l, eft« p}urn} tht <br />rl+a', amt that use of say gaia$er shall iueiiade all Panders. <br />~. i'fa taaiver ._3f a~,.y .^^a4t h¢ri`ia ae a:` =, hy~ a?u}igaiiara rar.~uryv} }serfb= aitzai} at ;say tiros thrrrata, r }h hr}tf <br />to }v¢ s +maiver wf this taraaa fret : - t ar of tiye nett ttrure:d hereby, <br />9. Ia tmttp7eatart wiih aea'tfiwa }Ot.l f d) of the Rules and Regulattona ut thr ';nnall 9tustwxa .Adminiatratran l }3 <br />-~=R, 113i,1t$€ j, tea i~rttrament is to 6R csaiatrurd and enforc+ari in ac~.rt~.z. ><•it#, apptu~hym !'~lera} taw. <br />1f3. lti jcsdiy5+yi dseraea, ratvt-r, or jaslgrasatt hat<}ing any pray iaian ar trsrraian of this iuatrurneut invalid ar tut• <br />,a sh+l} nut is atiY wxp ttapai ur prec}u€}r tlar castors:-•eneu4 of thr crtnasnitsg taruvttiarta ar portioafa of <br />t#ea imtearfxarrtt. <br />