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SO-~~;~~i°~~1~ <br />L `Y'ibamaae~s~ares.mrraic..eda~e«asr,>: <br />~~ <br />a He tm7l promptly pry the indebtedness eridenced by said pramiasaa^y mue at the tinter sad in the <br />tntdeaea tbrs~a pao+rsded <br />6. EYo ttrill pay all tares, eataraoatsstttso leaner Wier. sttui other ~:~,-neeapl of mtmietipsl rizaeges, {tees, ~ <br />imporitibon4 £~ t-hieh prnarfsion has r~ been made hereinbefam, and vilf promptly deliver the o~Feeal eacei)~s <br />tbsrataz to the said mortgapss. <br />c. He will pay such cxprnaea and irex as map he incurred in the protrctioo and maintenance of said <br />propErty, iaeludimg the fees of as:y attorney easplayed be the mgrt~agee for the rollection of any or al! of <br />the indebtedness lserebv sereutrd, ar for farerloanro by martgapee'e sa}e, or couH proaeedirtga, or !a any other <br />litiga[9ost ar ptceeir_dtnR alfceiinR said prs€misea .'-ittarst~ys~ fees reaauttaSly incurtedrn any other wry she!) lee <br />paid!-by the mortgaKor. <br />d. For bitter aecusity ai rhr, indebtrdrresa hereby secured. apao the regaeat ni the mortga(See, its ttac- <br />cf^lsora or assi±r_e, Fie aFtaFF exrcr[kc. a.^^d delie-rr a sstpptrmxnta9 nse..Ra~e ar mort~agra cavarinp any additiotta, <br />iatproxre€urnta, or betterarenss :made to the frraprrt}~ hrreM1.ttahayc dcacrihed .-nd a!1 prnpt>rty acquired by <br />it. aftsr the dune bcmgf ! a}! in form saeaeiacrtory to urrt€rtKaRrr.€n k. Furthermore, ahoultl mort~ta}[ar iui! to cure <br />any defratlt iii the pas~r:€eat of a prior ar inieriar rarrxnrhrance tan rhr proprrty described by this isiatramtnt, <br />mrrortpupn>r Frareby agrc„ea to permit mortpa~ec to <^urr anrh nSt'riaols, Iran rnortµu~rr is sue[ oblieatrd iu do cot <br />and sorb utfvum 5t shall became }cart of tlsr indr^fetrdnenss rura:•snr,vl bg dais iaetrurmrent„ sas'itject ka the same <br />tartns and eoaditioras. <br />a^, Tltr rifrltta a°rruted by this er,nwi•warac« +hall vrnaoxisn ire I'r:li for+`« aura riTeti•t durirrr2 any postponement <br />ar rxtertsiatn c>f t£rr time of pane:«rn of the sndrhte<lne,+.•. uSrnrrd be eaid promi=+orti n^t€ or any part thereof <br />ees:ured hrrrbw. <br />j. Fle as~i13 raniinua+rsSy m.z:nnisin hazard :nau ranee, of .uci, ±:~}«~ a# tw}rr+ ;urrl i« -u. is asrarsr.;a an the <br />nrurt~agee nraw brows time to ume ;r_yaur un ihr unpr,€wPnsrnie now nr 6«n^afle•r nrs paid proprrt y, and <br />-»i3# pay prar,uptiy when due any prrmiama tftrrefor. Aii inaur~ce shall be catzied in rnmpeaiee acctpta6ls <br />to raorlgs}{etr sad [k!c policies sad renewals thttcof shall 1>r fseld by rseort~s,ftce and Frsyr attached tbrurNa <br />>vw ptt~raa`.Fe clauses in avow ,ii send in i~rm mcrcn¢.3'tiir sn th~r :~z=.xrkga~r.«. fs: raaert ref .'-fawn, mor#gaa~ar wi!! {ire <br />`~#.~.=i~~ =°s;-r.~..~ ~ ~~i.~~ tv ~r=.~;i~e. sled :n+sr t,~a},~e:s nxuy mwa.r prtorf +rf :rs if :sat ma3r proatptly Sg <br />r~art~ry~r, sad each insuras€i evmpakig coatewrnetd is her'rby autlinri:seti seal direese. i tmr vumitc }±avuaeaet €nr euel[ <br />}aw dirarrtly to rgart~a~su ia4te,*i e#f to nrartt5sr<ur nail 'aurYr:trr'ae€= _ri+,el+._ _~' il:~ .rat -sue' .,-o`-,r~ s-. _ - <br />~mr•t tSr?:srxrf> tray !re applied ?ry rs9rttea.-,cr ut its a:p[ion :retizar to rhr ~tsaa } .lam _nd ~x.a~ }_~i~ <br />___~,.,-~ _c :F_.n __~~__..,....,. raF:' ;3-,x= F,, sgrsi. e. ar: a ~^a.% =r.r rtrstrravrd. !a evert of t r-rlrr r.Y rt>•~r, <br />tao~:rtgatke., ur ut,her krarsafrr of !i[lc to aid sea _u~+exv --- .:+. Pea+aFrr.__s., ... i!m :.t:~~,.,~,-'~`•..,,~ ; .n..>:~,.: h„° - <br />ri~Rt, this, uar3 iatrrgrt of tFie murtaugurria arned tm+snp 1€€s~LLr~ancvr uYSIscizM t~2>E~r as forte= mealy f=~ ~, •tSx <br />i;>r^}=a+~. ... at{:r:~r'~K .::#. . t.lif' uF.t s,ri •ii tii~ ii,i ri y,a}~•r. mad tsr Wend YYnilt'SC`al •rir a YP[nnft. <br />~. Hr will keep ail bttilduyas snd other iknpres meant. <~ said protec~rEv- in ~ufwl rct„air and .::arndi3loa; <br />will }iYSmit, rain«iis. « Wafter nu waste, in+uaut+ien4 ,Irtrrwsrstif:sr <f -+ai,! fr„i~•ny <,. .soy par shrrrYr£: <br />iu the rwent of fa.iiurr of tt:r «wrt}ta~ur to krrfr ihr Ssu,Sdtu>;n un Kai,! ,, rrnoerx and thrr:,e rrf•ctr:! r>rr said <br />fxrrmisva, or iutpravrnr<s,tn thereon, u, }; repazr, the m.,rt;!R~,ri` rxru::ra>:.e < rrpa.i: s a: :i: its disr,'reae,;n is <br />may rStwm rrrccasarw' fur ihr prop:•r prrsr rs atiun thrre.if, and rhr foil ansensnt o5 ••aoh :usd ••.a•rv sua•l: payment <br />aha!! ba iurax«diaieSr dine= ar„ 1 S.a. a%ile au+: ei,ail Sx .,, orr,€ h: she lien ,i£ itri„ rr»rtkaptr. <br />h. lfa i+°#fl twA =+±latwiar€!- ?rr.tte or yrrn:s! to ter rsrased a€;aiiree ihP f: r;>S>rre, ,,.%+j>-rt s.. thi- «eurtr:a~r <br />at:}' flea ter Si~srs i«feriur o eu{+criur W ihr. firt+ of shi+ nuertk,+~e witieout rhr wnuru w,rrwnt u5 th,- re net <br />~ap}er; a«d irrt tFter, !+r wilt icrrp curl n€augeuu tla• .arz+r frc+- fr,m a€rr, ciaitw e.f nil prrauina nui,pis urn hsfnor ur <br />matrriala far ,vttrzlnr,aiaa of arei ansl all htiildinke ur wnyro v+=sue-nu~r sr.r,. h.`mK rrrct.,>6 ur io he ,rev-trd uu <br />xaid }.rar_.~ir~-3. <br />. Ile se-i!1 nu! r,-a+t +.. , rsi€: s+ a., -art of :€ir r,•ns u.i r.u:f r ~,.e~,r:i }+rxr}Zr.rt- .ss ,Erni,:lss%,, ,ir r<.a:r.a ,•. <br />of ew4rtisurtisii. slier .ar€+il€uiErfiua ken€ir>ut tl+s• w:rtt:-s,.-,snecnt ,r,rfsthr roe+rt-aK.~. <br />j, :~!) awards €sf tfstnayt•a in rt:asirrtiaa with say c;>at+Err.>xta6icsn fnr _t;ublsr ,f.,s• of .:r u+jar; v t» .+«s of tlrc <br />~>y ~h in this iuuri~aer axe Sir. rY;,}ir assign=d su S -!i ., +,.- btasd to roc riaa,ier, whhu may ~ y' fete <br />senor ir> w-_-_-.-t ~i ek.a. t,~gtt=.y,~~ Sus. e::~ ..::,s ez -a. ~.. a,..,f, urnri~rKer e_ ^;r%e%#y ss3siicrix:•: ~, i.Yn #Fae <br />watrie f ttuws€:arrt~a~,cr, t+€ -sea-late and defsyer iaSt S ac.iue.taei+,.,. €hrrara>€ and su ap#.:rai €runi a«1 su*'h arraral, <br />$. Tire ttts,rt~a{ers ahxfl fr.iv a* t%€ti rr~lLL to Itztpe~a•:e She rsxmrtars~«d ~presr iar,,, si a[ri reaaonaltSr EiTUe <br />~. tlrlatrit in stag sf ifrt• r,'+*'<='raxtr ka eer condskirlnx of tlt rr taatrir fs,YnF n; ae£ ihr +rs>ie . r !ran air mess ..,.•c:;rr.i <br />hercbp tJi.xlf teroplq;tr ihr aatrrt}ta,g,:r'a etrtht iu S:>,-0,=rs*i,ra, raze, sod «•ny,wvnarrri .,! th<• {u } ts~. a€ ifsr ,i}>ticir+ r,(kdre <br />irtaut}iR~+>e co€ hsa,tae Eit kcing a;,re-d :ha! ti€r si:<.siHa};ci:"e.rill ha.r .ssrn r+aftl rs:rul rtrfaulsl. l@„na any curia <br />deiault, ihr n:urtgaaer s"ria11 ler~.,atiyY Sire uv. ucr .,€ sii ..f thn rmri• +n.l }x:,,hs; .r,.: ,+r+t; a€rrr ,!r£art St as sr. urity <br />far tler ixisir ht-lrsarm ~. ~ t _rz_f>, iih t :~ r+piist t:r ,"titer ugcsu ;,sd }':rofm rt: f.if €fte f,ueg:+>sr u£ ralteciinft araeh <br />#+#aitss sad pr.>ttN. T`hoa Ynairos«PUt firs! :s{+c-r+riR.e ~s an aasygtt~zis[ of oar rr.e*.ials ari said aroarriw to that «strst. <br />