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~'~~ f3~~~~~1~ <br />I,tn&r's writttn agrtemtnt or appbcable trw. Barrawu sha32 pay the amount of all tttortgage ittsurarta prtnniums in the <br />manner prvvidsd etrder parttgraah 2 {argot. <br />key rttttotmts disbtttscd try Lsrt%er pursuant to Chia paragraph 7, with tntersst ehsreon, shat! become additional <br />indishttx2ness of Hvrrowu stxatcd b}` tilts Mortgage. L?n~a Borrower and Linder agrce to other terms of payrttert, stab <br />atttotants shad ht payable upon nrniee from Lender to Harrower rcgtr~t4ng payment thereof. s•td shat{ bear inttrest from t,~ <br />data of disbursement M t2ta call payable from time to tithe tat ountamiing principal tntdtr the Nate unless payttunx of <br />-inttrest-at arch rate would !x ron~•arf to appticatt2e taw, in which event such amounts shalt bear ioxuesY at the highest rate <br />F-~n~~2c tinder app2ica2sia taw. TVathing ctsrtta2txd in this paragraph' sttal} regain Lender to leave any expense or take <br />'-:any action hrrevtttks. <br />g. - i.cnder may snake ar catrae to he made rsasonabte entries upon anrI inspections of the Prespeny, provided <br />-. that Lender shalt give Sonower notice prior to any such inspection specifying rcasonab?c cause therefor related to Lender's <br />inttresf in the Ptperty. <br />~. C~deao-tsat8rn. The prtscetds of any award ac claim for damages. direct ar cnnsequcntial, in connection witfr any <br />corat'vmnat{rtrt ar other taking of the Property, ar pan thereof, nr fur conveyance in lieu of cvrtdemnation, era hereby avigtted <br />and shall 6e paid to Lender. <br />in the event of a tvtaf taking of the Froperty, tht proctsds shat{ bx applied to the srtns secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the camas. if any, paid to Harrower. Ir, the evrnt of a partial taking of tfss Propesn•, ten2ess Borrower and Lender <br />vt2rtrwi~ ague in vrriting, there shalt be applie8 to the sums secured hq this Mortgage such proportion of 4he proceeds <br />as r9 equal to that proportion which the amount of !fie sums secured by this ~Fortgagt immediattly prior to the date of <br />taking bears ta t2te fair market ve}ue of the Proper!}' immtdiatsty prior to the date of taking, with the bafanee of the prttcecds <br />paid xo Borrower. <br />iC 222! Prcyxr[y 2s abartdaravd by Barrow°er. yr iF, after notice in• Lender to Borrower that the ~ndemnor offers to make <br />an award nr stttk a claim far damages. Harrower Faits to respttrtd to Lettdv within ?0 tta)s after the date sash notitt is <br />rnaikd [seder is nsstlrevix~ r rntrKr ~...i „:,.t., .t.a ....,.....tom r e...m~ r e:.t.~. . <br />Prcspstzy or to tttt sums assured ter this Mattgage, .. r .....•~ A..,..w~. , r ~••, ~••••~• •~ •~~••,••,••,•• •,• zY... ~• ••••, <br />Ltnttxs Ltndu and &~rrower othtttvist agree in writing, any such applicat"rn:s aF prtxtxds tv principal shall not cxtsnd <br />or pastpttnt i!he dttt date ad ilte month}y *.nstaNtttsnCS refernd to in paragraphs ? and 2 hereof or change Ific amount of <br />such irrstalFtnstus. <br />F8. Bsataosrer Yny F3ettta~d. Extension of ltae lime fcr payment or tnnclificatinn of .~tmvrtizatinn of the sums secured <br />try xhiN Mortgage granted by t,endtr to any atrccesstrr in interest of Borrower shalt ltoe operate to release, in any manner, <br />the fiahtil{ty of the original Harrower atsd Borrower's strctessnrs in inttres~t. F._endtr shalt not be rcquirtti tv commence <br />prtrnrcdimgs against such suu~easar ar rtfusc to extend !'tree for payment cx c+thsrwize mndif}r amvttzation of the sums <br />arxvrsnrl by this htartgage by reastrn of any demand made bx the .+ri;giiratt liorrvwtr sad Liorrvwer 9 succtvsors in {merest. <br />FF. Fie in N.mdar !Va a Waiver. Anv fartrearar:ce b}' L ender in exereisirsg ern' right nr remedy hcreuntkr, ar <br />ottteraise atfordal by applicable taw, sha?# ntlt lx a waiver of or prccivde tht exercise of am- such right or remedy. <br />T'he procurement of imurance yr rite pay-*.>= nt of taxes nr other liana or charges by i_ender shall not ht a waiver of Lendtr s <br />tight to accslcrsie tht maturitt• of the indebt€dne<s sscurtd try this Mottgagc. <br />1:. R C2~ataBwe. .iii rtmediss pmvidtd in this Mortgage art distinct and cumuiativc to :,n}• other right nr <br />remedy under t#tis Mortgage nr aHordcd hr law .rr cquin•. and may he rsercised concurrently. indeprndendy nr successively. <br />t3. Saceetaasra and d Booted: 7ohtt acrd StversF I.isWHq; Caytbss. The covenants and ag: cements herein <br />cuntairtd she{[ bind, and she rights hereunder sfia}I tour! to. the respective suctcsenrs and assigns ..f Lender and Bocmwcr. <br />srtt~•t. +~. try Frav=:i.=*z= _;£ paragraph 1' h~~. :~;! v>:itani.s :ir.'-. ag.^:t;tenti - Bcrr r s;s.-a . - .., uad s::erai. <br />Thxe e:aptWua and htat2ittga of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are €nr cc;rsveneeme anly~emd ~o re not•to he used to <br />interpret ar dtffftx: the provisions ttsteof. <br />F9. '.4^ Except fur any itaticc rcyuired under appiivalsts Saw to he gzvcn Est another manner, tai any rtaticc to <br />Ba:rmwe!r provided for in this Mssrtgrtge shall hs given by matfiuta surfs nat:ts. by certifsu :eta:! add: sxsy~;d su 9 rra^,vee at <br />t'te Ptie{ae:.y ,ssv,1rt.., ur ~ r?; addrev as d: rnrwr- roe} des,,grree hr nri. -_• to fanner :ss ~rg~~~fed ittrsin. anti <br />ar art'.y t'taPlCe trt "t_enittr sfiait 65 atri'n by CCiYIt~Y1 'T-tai{, feF_Pn F4'}+_-^-3 ~ Ny.f r,l - r sri Arm` x ,u. ~i tYre:g? .~ <br />-. s _ to r in <br />°f <br />_ ~ r uE.4:• " . - :ra d-->r t:<t€ :,_ ~ e ._. Bt. ror+c, aw pre ..dw..-rr~.a. ^, t.: :saes.. R.r;°. ~,:r•~ ,.,, in this <br />_ _ae... <br />~,.. wog ~ .r.~a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ - <br />.~a..v •sa.c c - . i ~. r .r _ _ s . ~n _n _ - =~aN^ar c~sr„ at13? h_ _- <br />`Muatgt~r: Gtwetadrsg Law: !ixreraTdlFrv;. t} t? s,-f r rtaaa=* - aa,_tus ur t ... _vr•na. t {r natae,r•at <br />~~ !~'*:=3.."^-#F£'-t'._". e~:'4'~^.3^?m `b trir irm:2~dl 13rtat;{5p3 ?1" ~.Friht.~i F>Ei i a:i=iLS..t...t i r e.fti. wS. tift[y inYtf atnCi.r do"vCiffi~ <br />seat proptrty. This Mvttgage shall bt governed by sht taw oC the iurisdicnan a which the Prtsperty n located. to the <br />evrtrt that any prvrtaicn ar c2atrse vF Chia Mortgage or the Note conitict; with appticats}e law, each conflict sfsall not affect <br />ocher provisions of this hFvrtgagc or kht ?Vote which can ht given tftecr without the conRicting provi+"run. sad to this <br />and the provisions of tht Mortgage and the Vats ere des:fared to tx: ssverahls. <br />TS. 6orrvatners Cagy. Flarrowcr shalt t+t furnsstxd » ennfamssd copy of tht Nets and of this 'stor[gagr at the !tint <br />ssf e7te.:ufitNS ar after tti ardat~rt hereof. <br />M. lirsstJsr d tic pmupart}: ArgwttapRan, lF alt ur any part of the Property yr an interest thtrein is sold or transtcrred <br />by Bwtower vsittuwt i.eadet`s prior wrintn s~<msrnt. exchiding rn) the G:reativn of a ifen os entumhrancc sutxsrdinats to <br />thin frTarig,•agt, tbt the creaio+n of a purc2tase nxwrsy security interest for hauseho?d apphaaces, tc) a trensftr by devise. <br />dt~s-tnt yr by c•{strat~+a of to°~ upon e2tt death of a joint tenant er tilt the grant erf any teaaehald htmrsst , t` thtte years ar ?tss <br />nut cvntainrng an option to purefisae. Ltrtdcr map, at l.endtr's option. e{eclure aft the sums tix'vred by this htvrtaage to tss <br />imtnediatsty due acrd payable. l.errder shall have waived arch opt nsn to accnlttrate it, prier ro rht sate nr transfer, {,seder <br />aced t2te pttstrn tv wham Che Ptvperry is to !s sold ar trans<.trrrd agrcevsem in w:tung that tkc credit of such {H nee <br />ss satlsla<tary tv Laradtr avd that the intttrst payable on the suns; secured fay this !ofartgage abet? he at such rate sa Lender <br />alto{! rs^qutst. Ft {. lodge has waivt§i tttt option to accaierats providtd m this paragraph 17. and .f Batrawsr's successor in <br />it#S.ri>=t has c'uCtrtEd a wt?tttn adSnL*t}+tr6n ?~te~TMntat u.'~'epte~ in writ;n~{ h.= ! yt>.tt,. LerE jtr s;aait eels^ax ?3<. rc?v~sr Croat! a?i <br />ohiligatians uradsr this Mortgagt and She Nate. . <br />2f 2.witbr extrriaes steel! option to aC'CCltratt, Lender shall mail Bocmwcr notice of rec.kration in aeeordau.:c with <br />paragrattts :~. ~rtef. `.4i-ia-h :ratsce sloop! prvads a agreed tri ltai Irus than ]G days fron9 the date tht outlet is nsaited wtrh!n <br />t_epsler Aaav+ tc ~tlrr- t ft±±'4rw!r ,at.~4 (*r tfern~rH{?.,, tL .,'~.wer, .:.k_ .. ~ _...C!...~ r:..,. .--...., ; +-a. a,~~-dt=„ 'o t:F.i. i <br />!+foa'-Lirrttctatra t~€sErlaR ra, Barrocver artJ t..ersdsr fvtr2aer cervcnanr and agate as fnl?r;ws- <br />iH. !!t#« ~asg~ ~ +6 r tT area(. app $~rtesraea F~meE cut arty caveaetei ur <br />~ lgerrewtar la htot~~i+, ~tiad{si lice r:ersvants to pas vrhes duo any same srrtrred by Chis iiartRagY. <br />itsirs pIRiQR tie ~ nggU nnx{Ct to Barrarrrr as pravidtd in pst'aRrspit i4 Aerasaf sptcilyisg: tt) the beesrth; <br />(~} ~ ~ aR F,re~h; 431 a . teat Elena ~ days fearer! ? ~ t nat#v`e b tss>iiFad to LFtrrrszaer. <br />2,i ~ a:,a~ ~h ;;:mss ~ egad; a~-r«'3 spa: "-`"-;: €a r,~a sr~rsr..b vw cr brtac i'see asst ~cissd in ehe aaucs <br />` re# ~ aratkrat3aa rtf ttte asraws ttxwred by this 9FurignRe. isreckrwrt b! '}ttdkial prutsei2ng anti salt ref ttx 2'mporty. <br />Y7r:.~tbrt aArdi irtrFiaty hisrm.lutrrawer uF the a-~2tt as tvhgAaae ad'aea ixa~ierai2ua and !fie right to asxsrt is the tarss2asurr <br />bra[ t#r at~s•rt%$staa..t¢ rd a da8e.-dt ar say rrJi}ar dsfaxtat asF iSerrnrrer tr acts2araxia» and fnrrrioasrt. Ff xhe breath <br />2n ratK tta~ avs ar ~ 21ra dttae ~ ht rho naZPCt. tender ~ tura4ra=s as{ttk>a agog dcrfa€e all ,it tks sxaaa stc~eat B; <br />thi4 h'Fatrigs?t to St ~r S3s aid g~yts~ w3x4ksttt taa~rthsr +! arsd farvrt^.r„ by radki.-! prext:dleg. F_end:r <br />t _~ euBatE its i t" ~ tapertasa rd tutttsrxa+rx, IutinE. lrat xsat t&caF te, costa of darawrffists <br />_ _ _ <br />L§s .tea, ~ k. R New rths. ^~ang Ls;.;itr'- a< - - ~,s +: -rrgak~- <br />tiptrtswer sPra22 2tava r2it r2~2tt £.] !rave any tstac~e~d t 8s hewn hs~ f cz*,der cc. cntc,.s hrs tits ri~r,sg,. sfsas JnF.attGrt ~ ., as.S S•sn.: <br />