<br />?,'tatt+vvs CtSVi?.',i.sH`75. 13orrawet and i..enetar covenant a~ agree as foibws:
<br />i. Pay[€seat o{ 1?rfne~tl ~ fsRra"st. Borrower shaft promptly pap when due the principal of and interest an ihr
<br />iua:dsttdtreo evident~d by tta; Note, piepayntant arzd Pate charges as pravide~ ir. thx time, and ¢fx grincipa2 of acrd interest
<br />ors atr+ Future Advances srcartd by this fNortga~.
<br />B. i farT~ ~ fame. Subjec[ to applicable law or fa a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to 7.eetdrr an the dap manthlp itsstalttaants of priacipat sad inirreat arc payable under the Note, cool the Noie is paid in full,
<br />a trv€t (hrrrin "Ftrnda'7 egos! to one-twelfth of the yearly taxer and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />~+'47€~, acid ground trots ~ the 1?mperty, if any. plus Derr-twe3fth of yrar3y promium instaltrnents far htuard insurance,
<br />pitta ot€e-twrffth of yearly premium ittataliments far martgsgr insnrarxt. it any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to tirvx by Len&r an file basis of nssrsansrnts and bilk scut reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />'fix Furndrt, shall be held in an ins[i[mion [iir depersiis era - - - :;,,r; ° i:sttred ar gnarantecd by a Federal or
<br />state agettey (iticltraiiag Lrmler if Ixoder is such an ;tistitution). [indrr shat! apply the Funds m pay said tarts, assessments,
<br />intnrrtmce ixrrrtiuma artd gronr€d renu. Lender may nut charge for so balding acrd applying tfie Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or vrrifyittg acrd rnmpiling said essessmenut and bills, unless A_etutrr pays Borrvwer interest on t!u Funds and applicafsk law
<br />permiu Letrder to make €trah a charge. 8arrvwer and Lender may agree En writing at thx time of execution of this
<br />bfortgage the*. interest an the Futtds shalt t?e paid to Borrvwer, and unless such agreement is made or applirabte Iaw
<br />rap-sixh interest to to paid, Linder shall nut he requittd to pav &snower any intermit or earnings an the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without Marge, an annual accouming of the Futids showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />pt[tpase far which rsch debit za the Funds was madr. 77[e Funds are pledgrd as additional security for the suites seared
<br />by tkis Mortgage.
<br />If tt~ amount of the Ftsada held ha Lender, tagrrher with the future monthly installments of Funds payabk prior to
<br />the tiuc dates of fairs, assessmenu, insi[aance pmn»utns and ground rents, shall excerd the artloun[ required to pay said taxes,
<br />assesmnmts, insurance pesmivma amt graiind renu as they fall due. such exce« shall be, ai i3orrower's option, eithtr
<br />pronaptty rrps~ W Borsnwrr or credited to J3orrawrr on montfvly :rtstatlmenas of Funds ii the amount of the Funds
<br />}Sep h3' Letrdar shat! sot M stn"$aieet. to pay casts. assessements, insurance, prrmtuats and gnand rreiu as tfity t{ail due.
<br />Ittsrttrtart shaft pay to f~er any amount aeeessan Ya rnaRe lip the dcficre~ncy^ within 3() days firm tht daft notice rs mailed
<br />by Lender to Barrawrr rt: dtr~sring payment EherraE.
<br />Y.ipan paysttc.nt. in furl of alt s°urtis sec'ii.rrd by then Mar€gagr. Lender shat! promptly refu€rd to Bnrrawrr any Funds
<br />hard by L€:ader. 11' under paragraph i& hermit nc~ Progeny rs sr5td or shr irroprrty :x cthrrw~se ucqutn:d by ixnder, Lender
<br />sbafP appEp+, rsa tauv than nnmediaicty prior io the salt of ttue fi"toprny rrtr hs a~t:gmsrtton by l.codrr. ao}' Foods held by
<br />l:.andfer at ¢Ixr time of sppficatian as a t.rrdi[ against fhr sums sacutrd by this Mcir¢gage.
<br />J. rkpptieaN~e o! t?aytnerMt. L'nfesa apghcabk Iaw prcrbidrs othrrwise, all paymr.ms rrccrved F.ay I.cndrr under the
<br />'+tote and paragraphs 1 sad Z lxsraf shall br apglird by Lander first to payment of amounts payabic to Lxndcr by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 lterrof, turn to intcrest payable un the '_wtr, dice rtt shr principal at the Notr. and then to mtur'est and
<br />prinripat an any Fuiurr Nuances.
<br />i. Ci~a; f3kgs Borrower shall eay af7 taxes. assessments and other .:purges, fines :+nd +mpn<_iuans .utr!hutahle to
<br />rite Property which may attain a mtvrity orrr this Mortgage, and Icaschnld paymrnts or ground rents. it any, in the manner
<br />proviairai under paragraph : herrof or. if not prtd m such manner, by Borrower mating parmrnt, when due..iitectiy to !fie
<br />gayer thrrrof. ilarrawer mall promptly furnish to I.entkr all ounces of :rrnounts dur under this paragraph, and in the event
<br />Nrxrowxr shat! snake payteunt drrecdp, Borrower chart prernptiy tunitsh to !.ender receipis rvsdetneng such pnymcnts.
<br />&:-ti'iv«-c M'ra.: rar:y at~z arty K,: .. „ „_. , ... ~.~ ,,..~.. . i3: ~., -.~i{ ,
<br />rra-toted io <fesihs_ree ~ such lice sa foxt¢ as ~Burrawer tshatl aterre m - ~rrE uciiu,the narsuent ' t he c,bhkat t++n scoured itY
<br />such lire in a matvsar acecptahk to finder, or shall m gcnW Ranh ce..nteva such loco t+y. .•r dcfirnd cnfnn°emeat +r! such hrn :t+..
<br />Pegaf tirtixerdtag% wiissiz <sp~•ate to prrvrnt the €msrcrntcnt :~?S the hen .+r IrstlersuYC ,*( shr tar.;gert 1~ +:s :ut4 part !hereof.
<br />&_.~_ a r?'.-.a• - eh3 -_ _ - { Y r~~t
<br />.-. ~ ~~.- ....~. ~... ,.ter ~ r r. ..c
<br />amt i~ €,y dtY, h~~ insfaded ,=rtfnn th€ iet~tt "^st~-t~r- -'.? ~^ra e,c-- ,! ~e rr ha d : e r-1rr ley regsure
<br />a~ :m s::-::.,_ sT.. r__ ~_- a_ :~..~: ..a: _,i.:.. _: .., : Q_.,., .i_ _ e-. 3.. ~ _,~ [. __ sr3.a:. , ._
<br />9in4:fe i~a1JCl~attR rxeeed that amOnnl :;ft CUYCr$QL ftit4r6'ld ftT pa!~( Itgi: '.V 6rglp..~, sAn:nl'tl.d ny ihli i~tiurr({ajtc
<br />rhos ~-h a:~ - - t _frxn ~a f~ r- h.= ~ 4t ~.r! -.~ ,, r,- ~ _ - ...:.-. F -r.~ i:ar 1 -.. ,.i~ nsa:ir:Ur
<br />pfuvtded curler gatagrapte i f:r,'rtxf ar, of rrvt paid to sssh mnruier, l:y iim€nwet :iixiturg payntrnt, wncn duo, ,i: rectip to tkr
<br />itrsstra:srx carrirr.
<br />All fnautttnca paticirs and rer[rwats imrevt shall tx m corm eeerptahlc w L<rnact ami shall :u<ludr .+ ,tandard tnu! tpagr
<br />cfausr in favor tc[ and =.n farm accrptablr to Lcerai«r. lxntkr st=.ail bare the right t,: iroid ttre policacs .roil r.: rts•wnls !hcrrr+t
<br />a€u1 @o[rar.-et sha17 pratupiiy furtnah to f,endrr all r¢newaf nvuc'as and ai{ rrcetprs ,rt paid pmntuxn,. In the cvcnt ul L+ss.
<br />t~rrawer chaff glrr pranipt calcite Ea the insurancr caterer »et<i ttridrr- Lender rosy nraFe ptt+at of ivsa :t nc+s macfr prompuc
<br />iAy liarrxvrrmr. - -
<br />Utxieaa Lettdrt and Baaowrr ntherwrsr optic +n wnhttg, mauratxe ptcx eeds shall t>e mpphed ro trsturati~m ar r~frau of
<br />tlir Fropcrtp daoragtd, pravis~d att:fe tC+tvratnrn .rt rrnarr is c•.:a,ratim itaily fra+i6lc and t!M >ccurriy of tht> Mortgage :,
<br />~ titrra@y impetrd. It' such restorstenn ar rrpau +s not eeuoamtcally €cacible or d shr securiy e.i the Mortgage re uuid
<br />br impaired, the iusurancc prarrrcis shelf fir apptiecl to the sums srsuresi t>y thes h4vrigagc. :+uh !hc +:>,<>. +[ .toy. }*a:el
<br />rn ~azto+~=et. bf t~ p,o~tt}. is ,,t,.anlnY,rd ts,, ue,. re>wee. „t- ,t ?3;.¢r,,wrt l:.+i< tc, .._alx.,r..t , , t , ,.d,-s w-atiua its .iar, i r, ,the
<br />date rtateer is martial by Lrrrder tv 13arrower that the msuram:r atirner tfcrs !u kttl a claret t t nuuninc i enrnty, 1 codes
<br />is awilWriaxrQ to eotlecY and rtppiy shr msruancr procrcds ai i -ndaar i optroa either vo rtstut,ntun oa :r. fsut .n the I'na><rr}
<br />ar io tkr suds s ~•urcd hs thrb ?,€ottgxgr.,
<br />~n Lesukr and Burrower alliatwrsr aerie i^ wrstir-g, ;ai:y rad'h afrplttataaar of p -~~~><is to !_; ~tpal . aiF ;:ut r~ucnd
<br />ar pos'igatsc tt~ dttr Saar rtf shr munth3v instalivarnts i'rterred ro u+ oar br phs i .rndi' heecot +. .`barer st+k,e.:.+n.,um „i
<br />s~lY tst~Prt~rst~ it uasle,t paragraph in 3iete- - af;e Fn,,fYratt t~, +. qu+rcK't t} isndc . =1i r:,ch4 -d - =nsl :ntrresi ~=i $ott+=w cr
<br />in aqd !o any ituasraacr yli.~ita and in ~sf to rise praxavvls therevf resulhieg Irons damage to the Ihapet t} t+raa t,+ the :.,ill
<br />o[ aa~ruarh~ti sftrit pa3s ie f.,erafet is Ikre extestt ±>t the +uiers ~caret9 i=} +hs= lfnt tg.ag_ +=trio<a2!ateip ;• .,r .. -ue~h ;-tle ,x
<br />is=gtda`z~-a.
<br />b. i7leeervaiiaa aa~ 4frdafeusace uE t'rvprrir: f.ra:srirulnt+; tirridrrui(rrioriix: L"fauucd [;xiit ih-rei+ipiru.nia - _.,,7sr,;s
<br />stuilt karp ttx; frrt'aprrty i.~ 3~ repair and slint`t not commit ,y sir s>r paravt :nelsztement ct .~°teraarattnrr of the '- r.rp,eris
<br />sspt k ccnapfy v*uh the prari~eas of auk lease ='f ibis h[nrtgapc += on .+ Ir~b~ki- It rho 3fittgs~z as ,±a ~ outs m ,,
<br />U<~nium urn ,rlangrd eirtst drsciapttieut~ flarrew-cr abut! hortorm .tU of htarauwcr s .;i`hganons rr+dcs the dcitaruum
<br />or cavauauts crraiing or governing Yhr cvudamtnium a+r l+laoned uatt uc, ek>pnrent, the=. by-{aw :cad regtdat+,-m, .:f shr
<br />ciuttoutlitiutxl nr ~nard uni: drvrlUpmCnt. sad constui~u .isxurncnu. II a andirmmiunr m' }~Uanned chit de?rL,pmcnt
<br />rcdar is ~cxrcutecl by Barmwsr and recardrd tugeihrt tau}! thta iiortgags, !hr ,:ovetutnty and [igl sense•ue., ~,! .a<h ;,+Ic:
<br />sl[all.hr :ttrospuratrni ititu a~.t wha'J :aired :erd sufzpiri:tcui she _cee.=nauts :;rid agreertieots c?I tt::<. Mortgage .s. ,! !hr :ufct
<br />*a'r4R a part hrrvat-
<br />7. P4+~ac~ata siE Ire~rr'a ti~~iry'. fi t3osrowrr ta,1< tr! (mrisarm the c.ovenaarr, :and egr ~ntcnts _oruaured ur stn,
<br />.Ptdet{gam. crreE ant atakcir, ;n {rrve:eeaYU[t +- ca;nnseo.~°ti _.hwtr ntnreltsiie ,riiects t..euetrr~s imereai : _.~ +.,.
<br />isk&,hEd/rAi~ Pa{:# rKM finiii~ ia, eme,x,nt darssain, orbs?!rilti%Y• +t`+-'-~ eoi,=Revn_tit, wr ar rxil~:~neut5 rs i,rx et^dmys ,r «..,, nt a
<br />'t~,U.krurr4 axx drrrdratt, t3xrt L=ender a! l.entiet's op[i~,at, utx?u n<xttr ta, £#u=rv.µcr. sr±a} eru.:Ftr s;;~h .-,l,to-,rt; utt.ev..iiat+ut,,: :,:, it
<br />Sk".Sf#~ take siM'b a:,-ttcnet ap to noc; axi}' tG DtG+tayi P@rc#~rs ;»trtrsl. uu:UCtr„~, Eu. n,u am_ac.i to. d,a6urearnent +~I
<br />reasuxsl?~ gktc+tti~}'•s tame s?id wtuy up,±:: tlU: f'rogcci- to ni,:.i.=: .Ith,r.. ,. ,,.._. r r_., +.,, wage <sut.a:+. .. ,
<br />cuadisitjn of asakrtYg ¢tat Paan ae,:utxaf tn~ rive ?+t,tr[gage. E3>r,....es -h o,y +si -_n r e: ~. -u-.,~ri+d e t.:,+, e;,c#r
<br />~.z :,...tee e w.z,. -,...~ ..._._ n, ..... , ~, ,,.-~,~...., ~.,. ._..,..n._... ...,...., ., .,.. ._a .__ .. - _......°e-t , _-,_
<br />