~~ 6)~i ~I
<br />i..sa'fekr's written a-gessszai nr appiicabk ira•. ~arrowsr shah pay ttae amaunt of ail martgage iasuraisce premiums in fits
<br />mattrxr ptbrrdad untkr pa_°agrmpir 2 harsat.
<br />Any atetauttts disixusai by L.evLtr pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest tixtson, sl;a}i berntne additional
<br />indtb;cdttess of 5ortowec secvtrxi by ibis Mortgage. Untess Borrower and Lender a$tcs to other tettns of payment stxti
<br />amOttnta shah be payaiate-upon notics front I.eneier to Borrawer requesting pavrnent €hetznf. astd shark bear interest fmm the
<br />data of disbursement at the rate payable from tune io titrte !xt aufatanding principaS under the Nate unless payment of
<br />iniaaeat at such rate svautd h¢ century to apptisabk taw, in which event such amotmta shalt hear intsteti at the highest rate
<br />permisstbic utrdsr apptis;ahie law. Nathing stxitaitaed in this paragraph ^ sha!i require Lender to incur any ezparree ar take
<br />aay ~tian ttttsvetd~.
<br />$. Iadpeciksa. Leader may make ar cause to i#e made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Proitcrty. provided
<br />chat Tinder shat! give $tirrower notist prior to any such inairxtion specifying roasona6le cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />intCrtst in the Property.
<br />4. fao~ma~Idne. The proceeds of any award or claim for damagss. direct or cbnssgitentiat, in conttection with any
<br />sandsmnaticsr, or other takinc of ttce Property. or part ihersof. or fur conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are herony assigned
<br />and shaiP he paid to Lender.
<br />- Tn the event of a total !eking of the Prni..:-ty, rite proceeds shalt ire applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the szcsxa, if any. paid to Sorrbwer. In the event of a partial taking cf the Prapefty, unless lktrmwer and Tinder
<br />xhrrwite agree Sn writing, there shall hr applied to the sours secured by this Mortgage such ptvporfian of the prbceeds
<br />ss is egttal to that prapartfori which ;fie amexmt of tier sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prier to the date of
<br />taking hears to the fair market valor of the Pmpcrty irnmedeately prier to the date oftaking, with the balance bf the proceeds
<br />pa&! to Tkurr>vser.
<br />Tf tree !'rtgrerty is attandaartl! Say Bcarrower. a it. after notice tw T.cndtr to Bnrmwer that the condemner offers to make
<br />an aeuard nr -tile a claim 'nr damafi~ss. TTartower fails tr, respond tc Lsttder wftttin :tQ days after *.he date such native is
<br />mailed, fxtader is mvihe>:srcd to ec43sct and apply the prvcteds. at Lender's srptrean. either to msteration ar repair of Eire
<br />Prtspatty c#r to the stems secunod im thhis MnrlTtagt:.
<br />TJnlsa tinder and 131xraraver ntherw;se mgrsoe in writing, any such apptic,acinin of prnctests to principal shmEl nni exisrd
<br />nr pastp~ans l,re doe date nt eht mtaathty mstattmrntx referred sn in yaaragraphs i :and '_ hereof or e.hangm the 'amount of
<br />such ¢nsialiments.
<br />fg. Hsrrmeer hlei 9t:eiaiiwed, Fztsnsian of the time doe payua¢oo nr modifla.^suian of amortiation crf the sums secured
<br />try tbts Mortgaage gtxrttsd 'a!y I-endcz to q#!y xstt;t::eswrr to imrre~:a of Bt:Hrrowr.:r shad! oat npea^atl: to txkaa¢, in any manner.
<br />ttrc RiaT>ility tsf the asrigtnaf Tfuatrl+w±m land g#srnrwer''z sul.uissrsr~s in 'xnrtarest. E,,.endmr shall u:ot trc required era actmman+ce
<br />praacdings against such sutssst~car :arc rs-fast to ssarnd t^mr t'o~r pay'nretrt ;+r otlxi^v.ise modify amnrtizatlan of the sums
<br />secured by tisis Mortgage tzy rearm :,f any Remand made by the :trigtnat Iibrttawcr and itorrawcrs cucttssars in interest.
<br />9i. F'oraspatms:t by Y<mder Nut a Waiver. .Env fnrhearancc hp i end^_r in eserctsmg snv right err remedy hereunder, or
<br />_uhersvise af{.~: r~i M{ ,s~scabir aw, sa,.., .->r: tx a waiver :rt nr prec•!txie the e*.ecriae ui ¢!rs such right nr remedy.
<br />Ths pr~urtrnsrt ~ tmasu•ar•,.e :.x iiic a~.~ 3cr~t t.! taxr, nr ,xher !=anx ::r charges by f.endzr ,hstl oat trz a ~~aiver of i.erdet's
<br />right tr. aeceierala iht martasitr at the a:ctehtcdncss ,: ~s:und by ihts Siortgagt.
<br />t~ Ra~w!{er (' Ati rt~sfrts pravrdtd ,n this Mengast art dislin;:t and .a~mv:.+_tivc rr any nth€r righf or
<br />nclrr<tv :m+3cr this'dtsr;aagr =:r sRnrdtG by la~+ ++r rtuny..sud may Fx rcercr;eJ cx+m'urrenNv, irsfependert!r~ or eucecuively.
<br />T8. `------ aid .$raipa )stmt aed 5ars~nl LiaB~yi Capes Ilte cnvrnants and aereements herein
<br />i'nn m.^u~ : r-lzea '~+^t. sod tr°x ¢?trs here^_nd4er shalt ~:7;rrc so, the r*speetll rL .. ~rrlsn--rs and a~sstgns e,t t.cndar :and Harrewcr,
<br />"~~m ,,,3 t... ~: ,. ~ 1 -,_ezy:~a. t $r. c, _, :tz:rt., .~. :t:rfz.r . . _ .- <n' -..
<br />"T'Ssz ::a~tuts!ma arsai i~ast,~n~x ~ fts~;rat a~~a, is <t .°~is Ma~rt,;ags.. .err 'fa,rr rrnw+ctat:ru.c :vale ~: J :.ce~ m:t e.r t'e ~ISedY to
<br />iutat~lrsl e;,e d€~irae ehrs «k-ms xtz:at
<br />st. - - ~., .~:;. „~ ~t r`+~ ., tic : .a.w. nom..,.. ,,.
<br />+as5-ai }r.. -~ f .. :rs .s,~ *~.-'=pT, _.. ! t~ ~ 3 +ak~ :i_a ,~, „t~.lx ..:_r d.. ,:r- fez, ....o,.:.u--r.. _x-ct ,t k3<:. rc 4_. :ti
<br />e.. ue;i= ....,~ .~. .a.
<br />iF:1 a~c9y^ o:wrtice ro L.cndar +tta~tf be g;v~am h. ~i.-eri:Ctt,d rn~a,l,~ rm6aa~n ::vm:}:7 ¢eq:.wlallvmd, f I..nd~r,°,r ~w adllresu stmlcd hrra:in nr to
<br />~~~;x ,t=ut. ~~ - as 's.~rt~r ,-^.aY =~ea.Fe ^- ~. ,.= hs~-t: - as f.~ ..rx.: + -s -.~, ,vti~d ;h:-
<br />"rig U:dEsrw *'t Gatreee~q T.awi tievetrWffitr. 1hn t+rm nt ninrraage c.^n#Finrs nmfl:rm .avenar#es fur naUOnat
<br />use a1#d ran-uttifortn ~nvtmm~is with 4imocu + axt:er•.rs t.o : re tad:altr+e rn ~ .~#,tulc a uuaforrs avunlV rnstrntnent covenng
<br />rest pr ~teriy, `iltis MartFags shall hs gsrverned by the ':aw .,i the Iurrsdretrete :n uhb~>, !hc prnperiv rs kxatctl. In the
<br />e'rffni Thai ><ny prdvi8#on est e#avse of !his yfaft#ta`ge nr in< !'•<.,,re a,+#xdic - ,.tih apllii<ah#e 1 - .uch anndret snail nut nffea~t
<br />at?rar 7ievt8K#its c+F thls rUlc+rtgagc .>r the Nrtc •xn:ch c n t+c ;raven elfect w:#hnut the santi.csag p;'c+visiwt, nod to this
<br />sad the nroviratrns a£ the Mortgage sod ttx ':.xs acs dceisrnf to t~ stvstatNe.
<br />t6. $setswer'a Cspr. ifarrrwer strati ere iururrnsd a c[en iz>rrntd copy at the Note sad of ihrs 'btans;ue st the time
<br />frt aieCtifilwi at site{ tc.-brdstitM herttilf.
<br />T't. Tr~ida"a€ i '~' ~Yi %t<"A.'3' r y+•w.. (l atl (`( a.^.K par::1't ttM: irrizp'Krt: t:i ,i:l :RtrrL31 itY..Mrn i° lt:i4 :fr 4f£n3F~rr~}
<br />Tay Ttt,+reUwer w&thSUtt L-6fht!<t"5 pry<?S WTt#Rtn t'lMYnt, r}('!t({}tn~ !d!~ (hC LTFIlil~I#{S ~t :s iiCn :!t GnSllYifbi'anCS aaiMJKRtlnii![ to
<br />tries 4ftM1rrgage. ihi She creation of ., purchsx racq*ey .rcur!ro~ interest fur nnlasehaid appliances, eel a transfer by devise.
<br />t=-=°: i : ..~rmi~ .,. ,..A upon, tix math .,. ~nant -,. „+, ,-n grant .. - t~~ts:,;d ir;i:;,Gas •, . , ,.r z;.
<br />:set contautmg an nptiltn to purchaae_ f.srxkt rnaY. utFl~endsr's .~p[lun Ldtclarc aril~tthe'sums se-cured by thrsAMOrzgagt to he
<br />trttmedlattty dot amt payaitle. i.endcr s'stali have uatved vuc't npnun !n scctternrs :1', i+rine tct the rule ..r [nosier, Lender
<br />a'_~t t~`~ p~-~ ib +vF. i~ T-~.~'sy sa s, rte ao1=! tr~=<.si=€rsrt =3.m._h aagre=~»~r! rn .+~-.seise th-st tr;e ar~_se a.. _uh p~iti -
<br />~,ttsfassar t r ! ^.ndai and tree, tix i.~tts payxt=Sr .:n th„ s.+:;#v ~?t.~:tt<:& hg rein 'e!a zest ,hxE! :.e : such :eta .:, [-sudcr
<br />atsaii=tr{s~sL ff f_rneLer Lisa waereai the uF:uon to seer?erat:t pxcrvrdc+l :n thij paragraph t?, and :t Lv+rmwer's sa>:ctsserr :n
<br />intar¢53 has cxc~ruttd a wr;tt4n assstmptnw# agtzenwnt aceeptsd itt ,a rieintF by i.evdar. Lang shah r: #easz-: Aorrawer tram ail
<br />csblyatttMy vrrt~ r ihtE Matia~.t awl the ;w+cxc.
<br />if L.eads<t sseft Fah aattN,tt re acct~icra;r, I etr3st .hat? mast Aar cosec natl~-s~. f acc:aieratinr.:rr a.e:r~rtianct with
<br />;hilt i.i ~3~2'ai- ~JsT, .raer_~ I~Yt! p ?~'tA~le a n..puKj n; r+_[ [tcc ihMn iii tlaVy !r!.Kn t.._ ~?ai€ rh+- r!!?Ik^ 1~ t.idit?d M'ninn
<br />whccl# HSrrtUwet n2IFY cav the ~saru+utctxs<x7 d#a*. t( t'strtv~cr ~ Sa +,. ~,tev xllcit +elrns . r =~s in thz esCitatixua t tv.h ;!<rcraai,
<br />Ts, -.t~`€ ma., +zcttx...?at tt}ether nUtkc-e..er r#zma!?d n• ft? e-, w.:r, .u --l:,. a,rr trluedtes i!crtn,tied tr}- par~rmp+h i h h.,tr+:.
<br />~i~---.:5;?vz°atl~ t°~v€~aafs }k+rcc+atr sal i c;*e~r furtFrr;r .,,**~ena:s, t;n:,t ::g::yes t:aStcaws~,
<br />t$. ~t Wrreartims. k5ssefet ma pnsvtdad hr paatsgsvgap t7 aertaf, upsta gsrrawrr's ttreach of awy csvenaat !x
<br />sf TFxrowmr lea t6ta !hlee'gpyU¢•, lazksilog ttu cuvcttasts to pay »ltsa dae say sneas aacsred bX tMa ltorpRagt,
<br />ladaa Reiat: ate ate tat~Y +serirt is fMirrsrwtt ~ prs.rided is g~rgtrapH io hxmat xptciip3egt~ #t} the trtearh:
<br />t.gf eke as~ea ts9 tm Ca:la sasA EreecLt t3) x eta oat Tsym iris J@ 8a3's ituea the dke the nekirs is matin! tee $rutasrer,
<br />h! +ata€ei aaisis teraaslt t ht ewa,~ sad H! tAst tadfeta is sera soh frrearR ere w t,atste Cleo dais spceibed to the nttiice
<br />' saae# Sat ad the taMaa aKmrmd bS tea Risrty{agpe, f+xeeit»wre t'!y tsrdis'ded ptncrrdia~ aad saiz art tip Praptrty.
<br />'i'ts: fset4trr .b~$mrtm fir atsnr s€ fbe :tg4f ie ae7;~taEe ettea r~•cebtrmttieaw swat t~ :esht su .t to ikc t~-rs~kxiare
<br />u?sa assaeat~xezt n# a dafaartt st !wy at~r ie'feaar of Ratrr•*.er to aceekexwka*s asd totaeMnttre. tf the hreack
<br />^ etas emaia6 ate tar ®mietw abs ! trgrrmad 3n the tssttks. T.taa~ ai F.Irndet's ept;was many dflrlate miS of rise swm etcttrsd br
<br />~ ~ Om ha leas Red psyati3a +•itk4isr taud:at dmewnd amd Amy twee°#eas by {ti~tat p~cp~agt. T zxder
<br />atae~ 1te eaerl ~ estgtati es wch T~ ~ eapssaaa sT fatel3tssatx, ier-t, leer-asi laeeiled tn, oasts art dsenresetary
<br />o ate +.rg$Aar
<br />s4 FFaT~R ~ ~~.. .~_ -d. }~~ ...~ r .-- .. ._ f s s-
<br />