<br />U`NrWaJf3d (•ovaustr7s. Borrower aced I ender cevt,ttaat acrd agree as fotiows:
<br />1. of t~ aN8 Iaftrest: Harrower strati ptomptty pay when due zhe ptinetpat of and interttat on the
<br />indnbi€dnr_?a tvitfenoetf Uy ±he Natn, pt'epaysr[nnt and late ckarges as proritSnd in the Nate. and the pr<xipai d steel inierast
<br />raa any Future Advances snored try this A4ortgage.
<br />2. Fmts~ for 7`~tr asei Iseseuce. 3uhject to applicable kaw or to a vvrittnn waiver by Lender, Borrower sha11 pay
<br />to Lea~,r an t~ day tnaathly itfsfaliments of pritxipal acrd interest arc payable under the Notn, until the Note is paM in fu#i,
<br />a start (Itereia "Fuan~'") equal to arr~tweKth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage. arfd groaad tints on the property..f any. plus anotweifth of yearly pterrthem installments for hazard insuramx,
<br />piers ttsvelfth of yearly premium irkstailittenis far mortgage insurance, ifi any, all as rcasonabty estimated initially and froth
<br />time ta lime by t.etrder wt eke basis of assessrffents and hilh and resatrnabk estimates thereof.
<br />`f'Isa Funds shah lee bald in anrntditution the deptmits or anctwnts of which are insured nr guarantetd by a Federal or
<br />stile agency iitu:kdding Len~r if Lender is such an imtitution ). (.ender shad apply the Funds to pay said.iaxes, axsastttnnts,
<br />irtaueaace premiums a~ ground rents. Lender may not charge tar sa hnfdiag and applying the Funds, anatytsn¢ said account,
<br />ar vmtitying sled compiling said assessntenis and !xii}&, unless Leader pa; s Borrower interat un the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lemfer to make such acharge- Hnrrownr and lender may agree in writing at the time of extxtttitan of [his
<br />A+Iungage that interest on the Funds shalt be paid to Borrower, sad artless such agretaunt is made or applicable !aw
<br />rrquitas intei't<st to tae paid, Lersder shall hat ere ralaired to pa}• t3artownr say internat or earnings oa the Futsds. I.tttder
<br />shall give to Borcawer, without charge, an annual acaaunting of the Funds showing credin scat debits ta the Funds end the
<br />parPaae for whisk na+:h debit to she Funds was made. T}fe Funds arc pledged as additional stxurity for the stuns secured
<br />by this Mott~rge.
<br />If life anaonnt of the Funds trnki by Lzndnr. tagnther with the future monthly mstaRmnnts of Funds payable prior to
<br />rife due daees of :aacns, aazessmnnn, irtaarancn premiums and ground theta, shall excxcd the atstaun[ required to pay said taxes,
<br />astressmnnts, imura~e prt'3nitrms sad ground toms as they tats duo. such excess shalt be, at Rartowet's op[ion, ei[her
<br />prasap.9y repaid ro Borrower ur crndiL+d ra Rrrrmwer on mamhky mstaiitrnents of Funds. if the amtaunt n£ the Funds
<br />ka'kd ~ I,n'ndar w'[alt tfaa be strt'Scieat to pay tatxns. ifasessrttenrs, insurance prntmums ant! gloated runts as they felt due.
<br />Bnnowtrr sbat7 pay rta Laufer any amount nati-scarq• to make up tkn defictnrscy wrzhin .30 days From (tan dau notice ix nestled
<br />by fxm~kr to tkfrrosver requesting payment :boreal.
<br />Iiptatr payrsrerst in fuR crf ati stints ntcured L+y this hfangagn. I.cndt^:r ;shalt promprti} rxfund sir Ikrrrownr sn7r~ Funds
<br />heu&d Mir i.nnder. if uadar paragraph IR £fcreof khe I'rsrperaq rs sold ur the Psofi+erty :s aLthnrw'rse acw}u trod by L.noder. Lendn•
<br />rshialt +rpp1Y. uo tear tkan urtnfediatnty prior .o the *ak krt the Prt+peny Grr its acuutsiuarr kry t.endnr. stay Farads held by
<br />?,:atrdz:r at. tt•~ ttrste of slinaritxn ;u a credit agatus3 the sums secured by then iv3rartgage.
<br />3. €9rpyd5eatiaei ftf I°al' Uniafs apptroable law p~ravi~Yks ,sth'en~atse+. af€ payrrnnnts received, Ibv [.ender uudnr tlpn
<br />t.+iote scut paragraphs i scud 2 herncf shall he apptrcd 6y t_cnder first an paytnnnt of amounts payabtc to tender Fay Horrawer
<br />u.'taer paragraph 2 trxreot. (ken ro interest payabt~ on the !vote. rhea :;r !hit prirr.~ipal of :he ti ue, ,nd then to interest and
<br />prattapat un anY Future Advaaus.
<br />~. threSax I3eq. Barrnwet she!: ;"sv :dE lases, .xsxssmcnu and ,=titer a:harges, axes ;end impastuons atinbu!alak to
<br />disc F#'apetty-'islfai3 c6gy attain a prtc-srrty r,>F~ tkrs 'Hturtgiage, and ieavehaki payments or ground reins. ii trey, to She manner
<br />provided amiss paragtaldr ~_' !retool nr. ~f hex paid ~a such manner. by Borrower making payment, when dun. Jttccdy is the
<br />payee tffnrnof. Horrawer sA-a3l prc'rmptiy tumrsh to Lender alt nattces of amoemts due under tkus paragraph, sad m the event
<br />Barruwtt shat! make payment dtrecity. Ikrrrcwr-r vpatl pmmpHy tunnsh ro Lender rrcnrp+s rv!dnncmg each Payments.
<br />l~'zrrnwer ~iatl (=t4~'ffi:4 ~$~zv ~i €. ~s-F _h z 4.: ia. € -.: _: !^- ! ..;.n2 Y_ _ I~if _ [L rF. _,xr .f.3ft , - 1:,~
<br />tngaairrrd to discharge anY suu~.lf lrsw -o (awe as Ren'ower +ha5i •Ygrok:' e.r wruoeg tr~ rix ,,^.ayment t (lac c,ks£!yair't 'ee~ureci by
<br />such £tnn ;n ,. seer- rear a~r:prsbin to I.c[pinr. „a ehaii to ;;ow.i rah .. crottt.r rY,. t! i:cn t*v. ,~r ,7rtend ttnt<-ernant .,; su::h~. line m,
<br />Iegat FrnxirchsPS srisrc~ aperatn :ur prnve'~at rhr enrar.:~[; r.ua „1 t ,~r,€ lard: ,.e Yr,,rtauane ,.rt +hv Yeaxparty ,rr .sty part tbere,jf.
<br />'~: .~ttr~ f ____--_.. Rarr'nm'e- .tit icY:. -k.. kr. 'rn4„i : ..:v,~= Y.. "' 1'tt tEr' p 4'. F r ~ €C•,,r.r ..: a[,r tur,,;,~,rrv ,*,Sa; 2d
<br />~BaT.~i iC~s~ £lx fflg: >tdr;F~Sr~ T a'r?~-,T -'€ilt=rr t~ rf.,:n --..`~tti~Mtf.lS ,.4 V: iY4 .dn L.1 51,:: .. 1::1t',.^[ tfa2ard5 :F.T +.4 nLt<'Y V;f .k' rt"y'::€t G,
<br />.d~v# !- g1~ ~ =.r( ++_,g£s ]enema 3 ' -;i. ar a,rr_Ee. ,a,1. reu - -a .~ ~. ..:.....:r uk -~
<br />.F"F~k ~ ^°~'t~.s ~._e°i~ i;b'•5= t:,£rta~C :::~jvdfZ:)~' j;YV .,c x4bnY5 viuNKti i' "tb.Gi~ ,.~_-_ii°S~- .° ••,f ,,..
<br />t~~ r~ a.,
<br />-t-' _ s _~
<br />3'dauti ~ers~ ~-¢rcwel hud3 r~ to~ - sat tr •~- hh 7d- ~~tt , -,ryas [ .r-., r~r><~ ._:~ Js! +'_ ._sat , leaf n.as:~r
<br />~~°'~"; r p-r;~--r* z ~•:~j, t ., #;a s..~.:, than,,.,.. i €fa*r,v--e .*ta.:ng t,actnsnt. w-ftcradesc. u,ec-4tiy tar ikie
<br />itlatMaarte cal tfa.
<br />Alt rtKCr[etfce ;.kdK:~ aml tdxwalx tttc€tcs! shall t;c ;ra earth ucceptawte to I-en.trr .feat >hatt rrrc:,:kude ., .tar.Jari rtun (gage
<br />ciargfe to favor a.f arxl :*r fwm a..xoptat+k is t~ni3er. [ ender ,hu4 husa; ttxe ,tglst to •.,utd the Ix, ri:a~, and irnrw.,is thcrr„t-
<br />Batii+.w4Cr xtraii prtsmptly iW[ns€s to I^ntler uiI ;-raewal rttruacs ataJ akl rticrpis u! F.aut ptcrntwn. In !ec <,-en+ r,l los~-
<br />~sa4s sr shat eve lwtiarpt xxztr.c tv the :nwtanax u:arncr and Lander k.cnlet m:r} :naf,c pru.4 a~f I6fa r! r,,,.:na,te pnrEnpt4y
<br />tsY I3orrtotynx
<br />Unka LCA,ier :~f ~trow'nr iribatu rse a>5tts.: ra wetntiyr', nuurua:'e pr, a'eeas rha1P hr ,r[spiied re :cwurnoiou „ tepd:t ni
<br />tbsa r"r~i!prart rraarurgnd, grrarrJ>mt5 sfxas resrarrattan a,r r~pa:r :, cx„oonncatiF ! as,0ie ::.;d ths• •,rwntY at the 1ta+t (Sage t
<br />rgit tl~taby inaparrear tt st :'h rr,•strratr.*n ar rel-.r , ~r.,t r-- us,nuaiiy --,thee ,.t ~t the sYUruy .'t this .'r-turtg:oge w-txtiJ
<br />he €mpa€rrnd, tkE :rrr atslsee prtrentus shall ere ?PF,Kd t.e use surafn s.rurcd ,} this "+fortquge. ,s tth ttte tstica~, ~t ;:fly. [sarci
<br />to Ba2aYrnr,ee It the Y[trprrt•. a aG,iruktrasf by Bar, n4wer, ,,. ii tiorr,wer ta:7s w €asiknaJ to [ ender avtthm lU das+ from rkre
<br />dale th?tNU€ t5 nralkd t3}- I,t:tldnP ter Rol ra)we[ that the ,4SUYalYa,'e t.xrr irr +,fter~ t<, +e!CIC :a ilam, in. !nlllrattCC F.~<fefilx, { eitdtr
<br />it asVtad to cid£pti¢ arn'i apt the ,rnutunrc pe <ex';fa at i ender v :,pooh cat;;a to ruytafxauou ,v :epau .,f !h t'ro[xa't }'
<br />art to t~ vane sc+rtuaf fy etas h;rutgngs.
<br />iSrflle;e~ I.e~r still rfswct s[hCta-erg agrr~ on wr€Emy, can)" ,~tti it aFpiMauo=r ,a yes=>L~ceas to t•nn,.ipf4 sifaki nut cKte,rd
<br />x v-}rc~ene 3!~ u+rr: ate oI_ :t;n roc-e.tti;.- erxstd?Int;rt= retrr!'eif €„ .,, ;aaa ttgtsycr i :r,~i '. !ec: €t,t ,,. ;k:angti: the ai=r„unr .,.
<br />w~'H 7rslLtkil3tlnis[S. fi ttasltr- I~:iyrxph 1# hz=sv4 the t'rn~xm- :, -muses i=t [,ends(, ,eft uylst, uric and rattr5.t u[ Bast, rvs^t
<br />to aad la aaY rtfsiftaacc prr#icrzs acrd ua used to ,aa pttua-vets lksrtrrt resulting 7rnm Jarnsigc to the Yrupertt , clot to !Fie n.tit
<br />ar i+xtiLil xhali [a Lender to tkc uza-n. ~i ins aunts <e:UrGt i,y' th€~ ?turt~g. !mt?reatsarstr- Inx~t :.. vrrh >xic .ss
<br />.~_ ~w.
<br />4. .-~ ;~ ".:~:FLL-na.~r ei r-i~..c~i,: £.sus~+,s`~.: t'vae~rei~n~; I`iau+r€u i'tti[ 5irnc~ftrgtrirntr.. i+.-„ r.,xcr
<br />rffall k~fs £hn prt_yperty ita gi:e~S rcyr, are aced aitaR nxi ttYattnt3 as ..: srntsr uartaua'=eneut art .Sev.r€;+t»tx°3r t tr,- --r.,s,rtr.
<br />a~ sh.tl cra~}pty unit tt:.a pfavtsuxfs at airy taaan :t :hit Afortya~ :, ..n eaa4*h„isa. !! ~hr+ 'st -alra~e- , - nu ,,, ..
<br />t.iu'utus ~ a ;.ira}d s:nu ,~aesaprueut. 4orrower shag #•~.t,ftr;r ;t! .,i .3..s.., xcr , ,~]"-€rae ..,, , : nJrr ~' aies:.Var,et€,•r,
<br />:e€ 6ist.'OBaat~ sEFSsflitg x gsts>rrarrrg alt zsrrxic;ra,rnorrt ut p~anrred unit a relupmrnt, the oy-laws'.,€xi nrrgnta8:wu ,,. ,..
<br />'~icuvrse ssr ptia,S.Y>rn71 utut ckveiopens~nt, need a.a~nsutucnt ,eanumsn!a it ,o ,vu.r,,*m,umtat or !-lanncd -~,.,. acsclut=nte~<,f
<br />r rv r'sc4~ . rru~ a-.re~ ~cc5 sugcthCr .a nh rnri ?c#aing_g ~. *-r=x a, vcn.euU n+4 -ysa^v~w',rnk ~-.f =,:Eh f:aic±
<br />a~rsadi ills ;zratiirpuratad enm 3rtit 3t[ai4 a[rsea4~ asru =ui`pcancn7 t;re 4c„wants ars,± :.grcc.ttrcr,u of ih,~ \i.pngaw.r -„ ~, ~ _ udrf
<br />w'ai'~r a pall 5XV6KSf. -
<br />~. t'eaMasiia~~ aE SRariM1pn''Y Sptgeyr.;)'. [t tt.4ns~•ner rafts !c. t.+°ri s.rn !era .oven uzut atrJ non aches r,ia ..,ntnu+s;d s^ ir,,v
<br />:x , s - rt.. ..
<br />!kISq:3gpg~. <y if at[`,' s;%1Pa"9. rttc~x~at€rv~ .~~:rtrx €xrJ - ..,;e€ea{#: il?«,.. „,:Jet-, .,:t.-t:~: ,r, F'• ;leairx
<br />it'r'$i'i~, d'epi tktN iiZnrt~ 8a i+ftat>;aH cvtirylt~rrz, ~+rscria•: tr4W rtil~ t ,caa=rraot_ A f n-r'ntcxatctt(a ~ °a,~:uealt!tµn rur,cr.q a
<br />:mSikia3n of +mvWS- ;hart i..ba: Scr~ ~ e.nutir:r's apt :n. rf am ,+e:,e~ ~r> Y3orr »"s-v, '~vne ~ ... a,aeh .<[~i'nacnn4c n,0w ar .,rib
<br />{~Y£f¢a, aid €a~.~r idr4'-rY ati'tH}s; a,2 °S A a:f,~Y £-z p£u:&^c{ ~! e3id@r' .fiF~teSr. , :fF_ic€~. " R4rM1,4 21Sirafd'.t'i ,.. .fiAYit Ct;{f"ti.~nC ~ .
<br />tttr[ffmlr}a aa3,rrratb}'s iefw acrd t5rr} .§ >r, ;t=k. £'rrrpsrrw t, realer. sra .t r."3*t,. -yy,.rse±fai -auattgYs' na,wtrsna. :_a .~
<br />:;,?-~tr.3 :tt ..`tafi,3Yr;I. S';•.€ t;TP.t3 r2-:. uf;:,. ,...., :: S .i.jt3gC, 4, ...ow. c• t: .i.F ;;.Ens -r-~ nrx..e .hat,nu:tf at,a tt
<br />