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=~'r.,af~(i~f39~ ~~~~t3~ <br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that if he shaif fail to pay said in.lei,,tm or any pan thiu+eof vvhEn <br />dtm. of shaif fail to perfoeast any covenant or agreement of this inaxrument or the promissory note aecursd,~ersby, the <br />es'e-irdebtedne~ hereby secured shall immediately bstwrrte due, payablgrarutcoliecsibls-without nagsce,~atthe <br />option of the mortgagor ar. assigns, regardless of maturity and the >ardrt~[a~ee or his.a~~egns may before or lifter entry <br />aet[?saut property wishout~ appeaia~ement ;site mortgagor having waived andassigned to the mortgagee flit eigitte ui <br />- ! [ 1 at judicial sale pursuant to the provisions of 2E U.S,C. ~13t)11 a ),: or - <br />(u) at she option of rite mortgages, either by auciion or by aolicitatian of sealed biiia,'for the highixrfn8 <br />beet bid complying with the terms of sale and manner of payment specified in the gutitished notice af;aale, fitat< <br />giving four wreke' notice of the time, tertna, and place of -sus6 sale, by advertosp_nent not leas than once <br />during each of said four wreke in a newspaper publisheit or distribnffidvt:ttS~~rtintV~in-which ssi$:propertq <br />is sitwi~, ell other notice ttting hereby waived br the mortgagor (sad said mortgages, or any pettioa oa <br />behalf o[ acid t~rtgaget, may bid with flu unpaid indebtsdnesa evidenced by acid note}. Said sale shall be <br />held at or on the property to be sold ar at she t~ederal, county, or city connhouee for the county in which the <br />property u located. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to execute for and on behal[ of the mortgagor and to <br />delve. to ti....__~h. _ __ .,v h aaL _ ..n~'ie~. ~.... `tSe ~ aai't "'LRh Y..., ~ ~ ..e'La:i ,-ao <br />- ..ya. .. pro[,,:. ~T. <br />rasitala as to the+happening of tl[e defanh upon which the execution af~the power of eels herein granted <br />deptxtdr; and the said mnrtgagor hereby constitutes and appuiats thm martgagtc or any agent or:ttarney of the <br />mnrtgtgee, the agent and atsorney in fact of raid mortgagor to make each reeitala and to tzeents said <br />aonreyartct and harsby cnveaanta and agrssn than the nmitais w mods shall its efisctna] to bar sit sgni¢y or <br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all ocher txcmptions o[ the rriortgagor, all of which are hereby <br />ex~preasty waived and ivm veyed to the mortgagee; err <br />! tstlf talcs any aiher appropriate action puranxna eca stator nr If'ederal ststnte either in state or Federal <br />court ar ntherwias far the disp=~itian of 4he property. <br />In tits rrsnt of a sale- as hereinaborei provided, the mortgagor or env person iu po,'€aeaaian under she ntortgsgar shah <br />then became and be tenants ho4ditiae over-;std-:t~liall'farthwith.deliver posstmion to the purchaser at such salt or be <br />summarily diapaeaeased, in accardnnct with the ptvvieiona of law applicable to truants holding over. 'Che power <br />and ageiiry hereby granieA are coupled wish an interest and arc irrtv,nxbir lty deaile or otherwise, and are granted <br />sa eumula€ivc to the. re[nediex Por roiicction of said iadebtednese provr~kd by law. <br />s. 'a ira< piva~s of toy sale a[ said property in.aesort}rutez wittb ai~as frresiaafag paragraphs slxalt be app~iednne <br />sa pay she seats asd ettpesgrs a[ acid sale, the espeatses ittestrred by rite ttsortgass t'or'the pns]wase cl' processing or ncaici• <br />ta~iasrt.~ +,iid pro,. att,_ sad re=_~~.: 4te _ arnev £ __; ~a ~~,. ?^ :'s !t_~ ::tet:b:~is~~.~. ~. . ht<•.~,:b. , a :;l t;:€rxl:. <br />ao ~~1' ate= strr~tt ss r~~ zti ~ ~ixan or pcraar[s legntiv rntitls`:el tlierirc€=_ <br />5.. to ttts svenl said Prsperty is sold ae a judicial £nralannrt self nr •~urx cant so she aoacr of ~~ hareise~!mve <br />F•a :ts=. ~ €3`~€ p>3: a~ rtot .raf[p.serat to pay the totaltndebtedneao aacureei iev Chia iaatritment and evidenced by <br />said premirtory note, the raertgagce wi-1 b+r entitled to a deficiency judgment far the amount of she depticacy sathont <br />regatrd to arprprr~seswerat, <br />o. In the recut Elie nwragagar Pain to pay any t'cderai, slate, or local tae asarssment, income tax ur other tax lien, <br />charge, let, or otht.r txpenee charged egaittat the prnprrty, the mortgagee is lierrby authorisr€l at hi» upiimi W pay <br />the acne. Any soma so paid by ahc niwtgegtx tliall 6o addal to and beca::ie a pare o£ the principal atxwunt ut rite <br />indelatedtttes evidsaeed fry aaill nuie, _; an rile aanrw Irrn+a and rumiitiaitt. if the ninetgagw shad pay and <br />iUacltargs the iadebtadnsss evidenced 6y said proniistury nuie, urul n~ieail par such sunr.+ and sha31 diaclrargt all tuxes <br />and liens and the rests, Pert, and exptnsse of making, en[nn~ing. end executing this mortgage, then this mortgage <br />shall trs n+itteied and snreeerlered. <br />7. The ruvtriants hettia.coutainttl shalt sriud and trim IistaeiNt anti advatiiattea,:hali iuuw to the respective aus• <br />ssaaasa seat tun+lla+s[ the parties Itersta. VVteeaevsr used, rice ainga4r number shalt itrcinde she plural, the plural the <br />ats~p3a*. and eha nee e<any gander abaft iaehrde all g~derw <br />$. Ato wa_~~ of :::. ° ---rani <br />3 .~+ _ iursin:+r of the niriigatian ee~tirvit ficer~; shah at any t€me €ltrrea£trr hs held <br />Eo tae a waiver a[ the urn hsrao£ ur of the note sacutxYl hereby. <br />9. In sarmplsaawe with siieL'eao IUI.I (d l of tbs Rnks rod fiegnlaiiatts of the Smolt BuaiBess Administration ~ t~ <br />G,f .R t#I~.t [d) }, tAjs trraas~utsa sn iwt .aartstxtte.4 aed >nfar~d ~ s~~. sp;,lit_bk I'€r.t la :. <br />Itt. R gtedivial decree, trdtr, ar judgment holding any provision or portion o£ thin instrument Invalid or un- <br />etr[areettb[ts abal] not in say way impair ar preetitde sloe enfurt rnisnt of rite reitrainiiitt prnvcsioata ar purtiooa oS <br />aia!~,s . <br />4er !~ ear ta+ia: <br />