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~~ 4~~'t=~83~ <br />I: ~`6~sittr.>dr+rdit~tt~d..cs~rtw~t .. ~ ... . <br />a ~e wi11 ?~f~T itaJ the ~ eYfdr:aeed M paid promirory rtote at the times atad -ia t6Mr <br />tom. f+ <br />b. ~e .rfl1 pry all tatrutr atse.ttesasb, .rater ntea. asd other {faroesetomtal os muniefpal ahat~}es,-finer, ®[ <br />jmpsr #or,.bfa~ pr®s hu trria htlce made hueias-befeae, and ,rill preargtly aeliYe: the ofSeial <br />therefor tts t.6e said mma~a~ee. <br />c. fie will pay ,;nch expense-a and frea ae may be inenrrtd in the protection and maintenance of said <br />prapwrty, ittc}stdiatg the fees of any attorney emp3oyed by the mortgnEet for the tolleetion of any or afi of <br />the itadtbtedtacert increbY secured, or for fortxirsaetre by rnort(taiCee'n Bale, or mutt proteediatRn, or in any other <br />33ti~atimt or pttrctedin3t a~tcting aasd premises. Attars-yn' fees rraaonab?y incurred in arty other wap altall be <br />paid by tha t[airiga3tor. <br />d. Pot better security of the tndabttdneaa htrrbv secured, upon the zegaESi of the mortgagee, iW aao- <br />.,~....~,.r aaaig. a, h-aha3! ex.~:rte and d-3}Y_._ _ __r..L~...,r~i ..._ _r_ __ ___ _ ._ ____. _ e n.llie' <br />improvrattata, or betterments made to ehr 'prnptrty 3tenrintbimve dtscri.bed end ail property acgaited by <br />it after. tits data hereof i a}i in form satisfartary to [n:ortga};ec'p. f'nrthrnnnrr, should mortgagor fai3 to curt <br />anv default is t¢tr. aaymtrn of ak prior or inferior enc~umbraare stn ehr. pro}xerey dtecrilred by thin inntrrarneat, <br />mnrtgagar itemby agrt~ ao permit mnrtgager ut rur[• each drfaxtfi, beet rnnrtgager is tart obligated to do ao; <br />and such wdvaneea shall 3recome part of she indebter}seas ea^rtaarrrd 6y this instrument, aubyn,t to the saint <br />Ret'nsn and conditions. <br />,r. '77ur riRhta treated Ly this conveyanre +ha}3 ra~•nasin in fe#i3 forr•r and eflret during any poatpo[temeat <br />or exYenaia6 ad the time of pavmrnt :sf the sndr3sie?3tws-K evidenerd by s;tid pretmisaorv note nr any part thereof <br />secured hrcebv. <br />(. Ht well ronttnuoua3r masntain haaard insnrxnre, of Quch tvpr .:r tunes aru} iu Such amounts as the <br />snortgagre mac fmm tssrtc rr. ume rrgnirr nn ehr tmpn»rmems rt<tw ur i,rreaftrr ,ne said property, and <br />~ars3S pay pramptiy arhtn dot say prrmiurna ihetefar. A33 insert-sties= shag; bt carried itt as:apaoira ax«ptalt~ <br />so inortgngte and the po3icies and rentwsla ehereof sits}? be head by tnort;agec and havc attse3trd thereto <br />Q=y~~s ristrr~ i : fav~ of a.-d to fat°a s~pt~la to t.}se ;mss: taa. is aYrat of ir~a, ~.,--:-gagrx R il: F ve <br />-,.tom ~-~i° ~ ,. ~ to „»~ ~-a>-~.:~.i rt~tP.~ may zna~z f'ir~f ~ I if :zee tnt~~- pr~Qilg by <br />maatgag~, atasi each itraurarrte ttimpany eoncertu:d in }terefty autiraraatd and diretird to stake paymant far each <br />}can ~ds':rett3y to rnerrtEagts iraKtsd of to mortgagor and rnortgagot yoittt3y, rind the imnrnart prorxtds, or nny <br />f? ter`, army iaa appliati $~ ~rt~, at its aptioa, rat#irr to €ht rrdmotion o: tlpe ~-:.=%A-,~•-••••~ irtnby <br />s d..._ .t~ ~„~..~ _- ~__ ~ = t t _---.~-~a .?._.;, `r~ f,:r .sratry~4. i r:~.3 ;f es=~,_I,~~ of ° <br />ttgrr1':gagn rrt' Cititer tnetftr ,tf eitit to aid prottertp uip <•ntintyu ustrearir.n! of t}ur kudri;trdt'au;w recurtd htrc6y. adl <br />ri}}faf„ tit}e, sad iateraai of leer r®arigagor in :ertd to ,any #turuira':ota itolic3tsa tltto in ftitet shall p.aa its t$a <br />}urri:natz ter itissrt; a;,r~ ¢z, ~R the n?tti*_tn ~C the marlpa~cr, na«v *x nusrc.rr<trrry f:.r a s.~[nat1. <br />g. Ht w'i!)}, a!€ hui3dingn arst3 ntfstr improvements ott satd ptu}ratty tan ginsd €cpatr and eonditiotr; <br />will }sennit, commit, ,re suer nu wnatr., im?taitnrrnt, deicnnratian of said pro}re,tty ar airy pare thereof; <br />iu rice errat of failurr of rite mortgrgor to krrp the huildnrgs ore +aid Rtrrmntisra sort thoar rer,>ted an said <br />preu:ir+e>s, nr improvements [hrremt, in gcsos3 repair, the m<rrtgagre rosy make such repairs ns in its discretion it <br />Wray drem rtettsaary felt rise proper prerrrvakto[a thrreof :. and the €ul3 amount of each and ev€tv such payenrni <br />:hall t.r mnrediatc}r dur and R.av>3.},, and eha}3 be aecurrd 3,+ the lieu .>t this m.istgage. <br />h. Ht wil3 nua su3untari3y create +rr ?rerwit t<s }x ~ rralyd a;eaiat-+t the psnprrty subject to thta nanrtgagr <br />asp lien ur }leas inferior ur nu}>rnor to the hen of than innrigaga; with~uR the written snnaeni ,>f the mort- <br />gagi'r.; xnd furthrr, hr weft krr}t and n+aiutarn the ...ate ?rrr from Rhr ,~3a;ni .,f al! pe=rr,sns suir3+3yinq Raltar ur <br />male-riala for eonsiruciton ,+f aoo cod ,:Il brn ldings of impna rmuaia now 6r+ng ,~rrcta•d ur to i>r- rn-a~ted uu <br />.asd }:rr. a3tines, <br />. ?i:- :i33 -.. ,. u, .,,,sits . rt ,.ark :rf ehr irnt ..f .aa:3 r.:.i-ia3i.~ <i 3.r<r R::.,. ,,+ ~.. n+.+.=s+.;. ,=€, <br />or ranhat.antiallyt~alter anyr•ituiidhrg widknut the writicn utnsrntruf tits mnrtq _ger. <br />j. Aii award# of tfnmagca in comteetinn wstit any condrranation for 3=n3thr <:--,_ ,t? :=r nrjnrv to axs- .rf t}xe <br />S~'iasr-tv sitYr,{~vr to this muri~rgg am itk.r~izy aseignr,i «na sitai3 irr }tarsi to rners., q. ~- w-h a -o - 4hr: <br />-is ;±=r:t :~r ,h« ina:d;di~tt~~a- 3At d•~, u::zer <aav ::_.,., a:~t ::.. _. m- #,~r~. ,.,.r.4,<..i~~sis:r ih~ <br />Tama of the rtartgagaz, to execute and s3ehver rr3id aeyutltane- ihereol'~rrd in appeal freest any sac}y, awaa~ai. <br />k. Tlee mortgagee a}#,l31 havc tht rig3xt in irta}raxt !hc mnrx„ayccd preuaiee« «a any re^asnna3x?r brut <br />~. ~sfat#ft-iu arty rf t}y. t-aveifants ru eeaniltions o? ibis in.trumrut nr of i3rr suet or 3oa±: akt.•.•nre•vu sv~a ite.l <br />bcrskty ~%~ tertminatt tine tuursat's rig3lt to }tUSt+rsSien, :asp, and raa,>tsrecnt .,F sett i:rsperty, at ehr ~.irt3nea of the <br />tn+~t}fagte or his assigns fit bring agrerd that ehr nrzrtga;,»Peltnl3 haee :such re~l:t ruelit .?r?aa,!k ~. ! -poilaay .rack <br />~fast~t, t}rt mrutgag+.x shall 3tecurrtr ihr ox npr ut a33 of ehr trnia and pzafitn ac::rttin{# .after .3efau3t as <ecu tits <br />fp; t>~ n~rt4thas:t;ttr,;,; secured hrzel;y, wit3: t}sz zig3u tc; ,.site nai.3 F `:sp~eir f.. t';e i:ur?:as.::af rv13+F-;ling aup.f> <br />zit and ptt\,,f}#a. ~f7its igattttareq:~ #}raii oppraf& a+ F# asaigrlFnert[ of rap cnta3e ,.n 3si.f prof rty to #3tst ectrn t. <br />