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<br />.~~..3. 'fhe mortgagor eoveaanta and agrexs thax it he sftall fail to pay said iadef>xedaass or any part thcieof trhaa[ <br />dhx: err sftal'tt~il-to perform gay tovensai or agreeate!rtt mf~eh'rti.btstratnoat er e}~ protninsory gore aeetared_hcrehy, the <br />esltaba irrde6tedneas heraby acxuted a#talf }mmediately bceo®e duc, pavahrk:~ Laid rnlleQSible withtnti nafiea: at-the <br />of tfte ttwrtgagae oq aaxigaa, rcgardkaa of maturity, aatd.tfte terrrfR{ca}!ee or Iris assigns may 1,t~ittrc ora#aer ening <br />stdrf property withottx appraisement fibs mortgagor having waivedpaad ataigaed to she muitRagee alhl righu of <br />ttp~aiseareaaY: ~.3 ;a ~ ~ ~ ...#il ';nr <br />t: <br />- r t r at judiaia[ aa}e pur»uant to tier proYisinnr of ~ f?.il'. ~tXf3 ~ a; : nr <br />! ex) a aptiap oB the aiertgsgee, either by aRnetisa or by ealicixatioa of aeakd }titb3,~iw the.H3glrax <br />bat bid tromplyiag with the tetvta of xak and manger of pastaeat apata[iad iat the ptt~futred taoEftx of srk, ItrK <br />gEsing fear w-~rtr~r notire of the rimy, terms, and p}atr of sash sale hi advertiaemtent not Ia~:tLan nrtea <br />daring exh of said four weeks in a newapaprr publ~hrRl or diatribaatad'it4 tha-coLts}• iar arhi~h xidpropertp <br />w xitaaxxsd. aA other ttatiae being l~tehy waned by the mortgagor (and said mortgagrx, Rn anp paaaon tw <br />SreLttli of said taoregagne, mar bid with the mipaid itxtkhicdam eridcarced by said note). Said sak shall be <br />held :s or Rya tfte propertp to be Hold nr at the Fcdernl, county, ne city marthotrx, for the cotmty in which the <br />parrpaxxg ~ faeated. 7'be mHtsgagre is herrby authoritaed to eaerote for gad on behalf of the mortgagor and to <br />deBever to !be parrhaeer xt such ask a st$xiaat rnareyanee Rtt Hid property, whicb eonveyaaco shall tooia#a <br />ra#xala ii is ills happening o{ the dafsait opoa which tine raa:ratioa. of the power of safe herein graaxmd <br />dapaiaRfa; aua# fhr said taortgagavt finerehy tYtast#iatrat aHd appErinta ibm annrigagwe or any agent ar attarttay of ifm <br />axmx~Egsgaa; ehr ttgisa Ord aritreaey is Lxct of said mtrrtgagsr to tm~wke rtaeft t.eeitafs gad to eaatnata said <br />aaasatianrn gad ~y rravneiia aat# agenxa tftax tfr- rt}r~ita}a aH madr rhafl be e~aatmal tH ba''r .all rttairy er <br />rip:fti rn4 trdetaption„ botttaxtxcpwfs dosser, gad alf Htfter etaeestlaiisrrta rxf rffe enorilgagnr, all o{ wfrioh are ht±nFhy <br />expressly waived aad wsrcyrd tH the xsmrtgagtr; nr <br />t. ptE I rake sa?r ntfter apt txsgriatc srtirtn parsnasn,t tru rtintr cat f'"rrlrrrsl stators eiefrr,r in atafa or b'culer•l <br />r"~attxt or otkerwiaa #'~ ibs dia~~atitra of efts property. <br />la iht eeran4 of a ralr as herrinabure prpvidad, the matrtttaror nr gar prawn in pnsrresion under the ntnrtgagor shell <br />thin bxrawte irtd be truants hakfing r»rr aHd sha}} fnrtftu~itft +irfivrt prrareesuun to the pnrrltaacr at tack cafe er be <br />at~imsri}y r};ypaaesacsf. in aerordattcs t.itk the provisions of Eaw applicably to tenants holding over. The }rower <br />and agtxn-r herchr ttranttd ara rsntpItyd with an intrust gad are rrrPVrH•able by ,bath nr nthrrwisr, and are granted <br />as camwiatire to the rr-ascdiet furt~}farctaxn o{ raid indrbtednean pm.idrd ls7 lax. <br />i. 'l'ha ~ ~r gale o! aaird .ty is r+ra wink iftr•" lt-~~e-tdi t"t.all ~ t:.pp~li~ bias <br />bs part' iha ~zsafa ~ of spud oak. the ~ irae+arrarSdbt}e tba enorxg~tlgrrac for ifta ptrr~psat~tt#-proteetiag or ettafa- <br />t~aa~'erta'tt said tAr'1?~yitrt (, Atrd, trrHinina#tk itetjrn~`-tf; ilf f: kaaXlM,tklil'~, RMiY }xlnb t~Yt" ttp~llRYlytCYlnl,"b WY"n Ttd ftC rr~tV i a9@+!l [h1M'd Ey_ . <br />to pay ttsq asrgilus sr ex ttx tht• pet--^Rs. nr }ae~r+~ttr~ „Ifyr r~tRY.~}r,Nk~ t~~ri~rs~~ <br />~, i~ tfra Ns ~_~, ;~:= ~__ -E s -~ as a jirl f~>at:l.°p aa.'t«n its p~ix~aaatst to `,', ~r od salt' }~arreinttit'rEtie <br />''- _~' ~ - -.. ~ i ~'~~-`~-~ ~ p+~'•'~ '~+t~l :a+.~`an~, uneas uettretf isy titir instrvwtent iiuy yried 8t' <br />grid praari,.wy traxa, tha smorigagae wifl be catitkd ea . daheiatret judgment ter the atewunt wf the dyfiritmfcy roixhoar <br />~ea~. <br />tn. fa tfnr ereai !tw ravrt}tagsr tails to pay am Fedrra 1. state, or Inral tar arx.aHrrnt, mrvntr tag nr rrthrr tax lien. <br />charge, tea, ur ulftrr rapetst~. chargaf agarmrt the }tropertt, efrc martttag._a rs Ererrb+' aulh+rrixr+f at bin ,spoon to pxy <br />tfta agave. AaY +wetts rrt pahd br tlrs tn:arlgagae attslE f-,x sdded to and }svrartnz a part ;.f tltr priHerpai amount of the <br />iHdaE~trdatesa crideaseed hr .lid rwEa, ruftpeet to the ~aetta tarnta egad rutnfittruts. }f the ntnetgagnr sha}l par and <br />+#tachirgir tha iat~Ate~zltte-aa t~isA~nrref Its swirl prunttiaaur^r .aerte, .rRtti r}eai} }gar yurft numx atuY shall Rlir •harge al{ iaxon <br />aai lixnMF tNtRd tfte ytrnae, #eank a..d a~.~ .r{ ma!~i:: -ntt~,„-s-, and a. a t.str - gage. Han zhts murtgign <br />e. ~ ~ r< °~r:#, -- ' mart i' <br />akall Zia 9eatrxa>lad gad asaraads red. <br />.. ",1'he r:.,rvaartrsar `sdar+aitt axsoWinrd sfatRlf bitwf axaai the btrtr-ftt3 aut+i ir,lvanta„~•m t;ha[l ltture to ttw r-rapF;etitz at:r- <br />axxaaea and tyaigws tr{ tlxa , YVheneyor ~}, ~ atagttiar Harsher ,RAi#i iaehndi efts pfaral, the plaxa3 tba <br />r#taRlwW'r rid epra aaa of tray gaadar aball iarlttda alf gendara <br />t}, ?3a waiw~r ~ ~y•~~•-~aat ~ ~~ .,: ~ tlta ovfigaii9tt sccutwd hea,rf,y aAa#f st any i ~. et~+_....•a<t!-r ~ }.rota <br />~ eaa a wa~ser of xhc tertsaa htrra+rt or of thr sore r~r~-strati herby. - <br />~- la+uwwptisasa with tsreliear 191.1 i d) of eha Rnlaa gad Rypptiatiotts of tha .5mail Daainesa Admin}stratios ~ 13 <br />C.F,f'f. f1Ff.i~d)}. tfds i is itffi~ awl e~ is ardaat~a w~~t applicable fr'adaral law, <br />lg4 A. jYdiaial daewur. wider, or jet ho#tfiap any }rrovisit-os or pnrsiwr cat this instrutt+yni iHaa}id nr ua- <br />ahafl tsar iq aarr tray irtu¢fair or ,ACaxlue#n thz rrtforec~ent u€ tlsrt reatainueg prnw~dana or postieum nF <br />+axt r'a..r mat t~ra!r _ , _ <br />