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~{~-~ i~f-~8~ <br />l. '1~a+rssas~asadaggaeta.~atSrta-: - - e, <br />d 1£e .rah ~ prr tie • etidenced h7 a prttmdaetxy mtte M the tams ~tttd Ba tbs <br />8. ~ -pay .~ tam. Haar , sad atknr er mtattaapd atav~sr jai R <br />~faf~aeaar ~ wts~tr ptnsraaaata has trot t3eaa made hmeiahafa:e, sad ata$ pxnmpttp daiavet the clBed tenaigda <br />therefor to 6he aadd m <br />r. Ae vvifl pay wcdt ettpmxrr and fete as may be inettrred in tree protection and maintenanm of said <br />property, iaetadiag the fees a( any attorney employed by the mortgagee for she catteetion of any or alt of <br />she ' taera#g stxatxd. or far f~reeleewre by asattftagce`a sad, nr wart pevseeedattga. ae is any arbor <br />tit3gatien or ptroreeding aRcetintt wad premiaea. Attnrtuw' foes reasonably ineurred in any ottxtr way shaft be <br />paid by taaa tssartgsg¢r. . <br />rl-, 'Fay 6citer esrarity of she istdrhtedttesa berrby »eeured, upon the regveai at the martttagee, its erte- <br />esasaaa ar auigna., he a]'ta11 es+reutr and deriver a wupptemrtesal martlCage or mortgagee coveting any additions. <br />ietp:ogc~ttta. as ixttarerte:sta made to the proprrty heninabave rter_tibrre :nd alt property act•,uired by <br />It oftgit` it'se due hereof lall in furs aatirf'ae~tnry tra mnrtgagae'~. I^rt~.rtb~rrmnre, ahoutd mortgagor fait' tnetrre <br />pay ifa'fmmtp it the parratent of a prier a~r itiferiar rncxutnbrautare can xlre property rteaerihed by this, inatnttncae,. <br />eassrsgagxsr brrs~ agmea to permit rrsrxrtgakrr to r-srrr* uarlt rlefatska,„ but anoregag+re is ratst attlittated €n its oat <br />anid »inu'It adrancea ahait bnur>rtte part of the i.ndebtw.^rdnraa ses-uurnrr] by Elbe inatrtsmrnt„ aa~bjr^rt to Tdie sarnc <br />tuernts acrd tmaditi~s. <br />e~~ 'Yarn rittftta rrcaterl by tbia es,mvsrvanee .l=al] Nn fiu11 farwe and eNTer.^t ednr~fng any puetttnnernent <br />ar ea ewMnainsret esf tlrz teYne rd' trots nn< z::.=f the saxaJrbtrrdn a +en u,husrxwMru! d,ua~ w:uid prnnri»reurw mate ur arty parR Cbnst?m~f <br />sretsm3 herelrv. <br />/. lfc wild a•uruurrtwu»le rnsrntain haaard rn+a ranee, of +urh type .u tv]>F.e and in ;urh arnunnta as the <br />rttart~+agee mare (tone Fxmr to txme rratuirc un the impmwemrnta na» ar brrraitrr ors +aid praprtas•, a=id <br />arat] pay ptsmpily when due say ptemituna therefor. Aft iosntmtsee shall be carried is coatpanies aaxptwtale <br />to martfpit and the p~atitties amt rttrectralr thereat stroll fx befd hp tsangattee and bare attachmd eherew <br />~ payt=bta rtatiara is favor of and in farm acseptabta sa she ttsnrigttgcc. to evert of tam, reortgagor .rill gire <br />aataca ~ saw io ttaarrgsgirrt, serf mortgagee :stay matte pruraf sxf Iota it taut made prompYty Coy <br />nrartg„rtt~,ar, atYS'': aaaatsitraeea rpasy rxarxstir is ?trreeasy a~rrsrtttrtria sad ares:#a•~ to rttak.e pay~nsettt for attah <br />ttaa reutEs to mwtgagse iaaietd oat w taartgar~trr attd martgagaa jainttpw and ttta¢ iaaYtt•aaa+ pa~oiraerts, err snc <br />~_.,t thy. ;ter=_ ;'ts a~4 fay » at its mat:..._. r!~tauar to ~ ewadrsesiast ~' te=a 3sds:~ her,~rhy <br />u~ud +~ ~ t +~ re~iP ed tlta prsrpxt~t •~Frtea,sgr d err •!~trsayert. In areas? ,sf €a.€w3esae ,~ i€tts <br />+rtortg~~agrY~.. or autrr i>?nta~sr at title is ra.~id errrpert!€ in extaasRraiahrse~nr• or nc~ ~iruuiunteiitaeas aer:u~rmd herrcity. a'es <br />.a~..t. Ees,,,_s., a..a,..:~~.:_. ,~ tom- ~.=,...a. ~ ~ to a:e^ ~naae.a-w• dim-ia- t9;sa: 6: e.~_ .~.uau ~ nr t~ <br />pstreYna_sir ar tax°• ~a 2r• ag ire atsriY~ of tbr~ anv;rtp;n~re,n rvray-v F , y>Sr~reaeletx.~r~$ fcrr a x~rc~(tued. <br />~. ffa will kemp all buildirrtLa sad atlxer ivtpravrrarnt» wr said property irx good repair and eanditidr: <br />riff permit. commit, ar auger star waste, imfruirtnent, drtorsaratran of said prnlxrrty ur env part thereof: <br />en Stxe evrna cf failure of tfre xnurtgagar to keep flat 6nildinga xsn xai,] prcnst=acs and tttaee erccecd un said <br />ptvmiats. ar imprsrvr:szrenM thet'c nx, in X,:oa] rtt>air, flat. murt¢ayicr may make wr..h rrpairr. as in its direrretian ti <br />may ckt•ke -aaarv fur ttsr ,arugses prc~rrwation thrraY=f. and td=r furl r,aunt ,~€ r~~h aera€ rvcre eaacb pavane-nt <br />ahadl Ise imasrdiately der and pssaMe sad altalt Isr .,rcurrr] by thr lire of atria rrsort;taer. <br />ft. `}~e irit] out valut.tarilr crr..ate ar pernttt is frr created attainai ihr prnprrl4 nuiajer4 4o tlxia taortgagr <br />aaq flea ar tieparr inferont rrr sttperiar to thr Iirn at .tti» snaragay;e ~.~iihorxt :nr vrittYn cesnaawtt <># for morn <br />eattee: and fnrtber, lte wb1] kaeep and maintain tltc xanrr free from tl;r ctatm of ail prraatu supplyisrg labor ar <br />materials far rerttatrtretiun of one and stl buitding» ar iaxpr»vetnrats nux. !,store rrrcted nr t<r Ixr rrrrted un <br />sal=l peemiara. <br />f{rr wilt ¢..,i rrnt ,+r avr=fin env y;art +t# tizr rear .,i '•atri r.r.xrtaa;Cr<_=. I.s :srrrtw .., .ie*nfa]ials, ,., re.nuve, <br />ar alty alter arxy build~g rvithaut tFto wrrtien s^unaent eft the xnuriRa}.rx--. <br />j. 41t aasstrds of dmxa~s In c~asertian wash aav eandrtarnattoa far publtr uxr etf ar injury to uxe .,(the <br />ftsaPest3 aatts~s sas tlt4e mazlgage are bs:relry asuger»st acrd alto!] Ire trail to rnurtgngee, a'hu airy attpty the <br />t~aattt tat Batt of tttx iossa3t~nttatt laai diss aaad n=rte, and mertrar$,ra i» her-eb. aut~iuriaed, iu ttst <br />prix u:" Etta? ,iacak#asg:.r, iu r~.r*ris x~' <s'~eeire€ vatis't acquiitasuea ?isercut and to appear fr±.m a ±ns. awas~. <br />{~. - eh;2t] have right to it»r pct t~ tn,irtgagad gz'lFniaaa at any eea:.zrtah]? rinse. <br />. ~ - iw sag 6.3 sfnY Cuvrurrnta sw e.~n=iitien~ts ro-t t$tiF inrtrutnsttk of trot res.te :ar icran attmr'srrmt +rrurewr] <br />s~taa31 stc ed~ Vim'"s sigtii to peasc~,i,-m, ,Sw. sort rajttrnrertt of trot p+.,fr€te, +t rift oyeti=sn of the <br />set kia seasi {it bash atgn.*ed that tIw martgaaoi ahal! Isavw .seeds right until .Ietavlt}. lipraa ;lacy web <br />~„ th8 ttatcettgagee ra9att ^,-rtrrr tlrr zwrrrt of ail of the renia and pru£ite aerrxring after defaait as arrirrity <br />ter the axcarr~~ ]Ear?tlYV, ~itlt Elte right ta-rrttar tip^un said prrsparty fart rite Irurpaax of csrileiintt attrlt <br />-. ~ it rawrwat shat] aPrsenttet as-ati aemrgsttttrtax of any tentafa un said prrsperty to that. eceent. <br />