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~Q--(l(~i~892 5~~~~£1 <br />' - 3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees thsY if ha ahaii fail to pay said indebtedness or any part thereof when <br />d.a, or Shall fall to perform anp covenant or agteemmt of'this"irtatrumert or the promissory rtateaeeured hereby, the <br />gsliee indebttdness heroby secured ahaii immediately bemtxe due, payable, anti collectible without neticq at'thn <br />of the mortgagee ar aeeigna, regardless of maturity, and-the mothg~~ eehre"fore orsfter enYRy <br />seN aa4d propert}' without appraiaemmt ithe mortgagor having waevetTadd asaijtered to-the moiitRagee all rights tf <br />ement): ... _ <br />1 t) at judicial sale pursuant to the proviaiona of Y8 LLS.C. 2 (a) ;for' i i1u tl~r <br />(tt 1 at the option of the mortgagee, either by auatioa or by solicitation of aeakd bida,'fot the bigltMtatnd <br />-beet bid eaatplyiag will[ the terms of oak and meaner of payment npecefi~,en the pu6iishod notice of sale, hest <br />giving {our wreka' rratice of the time, tertna, and place of ouch eak, by advertieaiiettt not leeat}iaa once <br />during each of acid four wr~ks in a nexepaper published ar distributed ip^the_ county iti~wbieh sai~}proparty <br />' is aitrwted, nit other notice being hereby waived. by the mortgagor (and told mott'~agee; of any peeaoa m <br />behalf of said mortgagee,. map bid with the unpaid iadebtednew evidenced by said note). Said wle shall be <br />held at or on the groperty to be sold or at the Federal, moues, oz city courthotue for the cotmty in which the <br />property ie located. The mortgagee is hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf of the mortgagor and to <br />deliver to the puechaaer at such sail a eu~cient conveysace o6 acid property, wleieb coavey~ ahaii xnteia <br />reeitab m to the happening of the default upon whseh the e:ecutioa of the power of axle hostile granted. <br />depends; and the said mortgagor hereby txtastitutea and appoints the mortgagee or any agent or aturrney of the <br />tttertgagen, the agent and auotacp in faM of said mortgagor to make ouch recitals sad Lo exeente~ said <br />amvevance and hereby covenants and agrees that the reeitala ao made ahaii be ~etffectua! to bar all egttitp ar <br />right of redemption, hnmeatead; dower, and all other exemptuotts of the, mortgagor, ail of which are 6ertby <br />espreaalm• waived sad conveyed to We mortgagee; or <br />itta9 take aey other appropriate action purouant to state ar Federal etalute either in state or Federal <br />court or otherwise for the dispaaition of the property. <br />In the event of a axle as herrinabove provided, the mortgagor or env person in poaseseion under the mortgagor shall <br />then became sad be tenanu holding aver and shall Carthwith deliver posseaaion to the purchaser at ouch eak or be <br />suttrenarily dispoeneaaed, in accordance with the prnviaiona of law applicable to tenants holding over. The power <br />and whh as interest sad are irrevocable by death or otherwix, sad are granted <br />as cum o lion of said imlebtednese provided by lew. <br />~...,.. <br />A. 1'l~ p'+~eada ,'a` any Sala of acrid property io accordance wish the pretending paragnpha ehail 6e applied fttyt <br />is pay the rtwb sad eapmses of Mk, the eapmaaaitn+iresti.,by the mortgagaefor the purpge of prntcetimg ar maie- <br />taiarng amid pnsperty, and, rnawnabk attorneys' Icra; ser andly, to nay the indebtednras soeurad hnreb+.~: and Thirdly, <br />to pay any snrphu err rxeesa tau the person ar perserts legally entitled thnra~ta. <br />5. Ia ifse ttrartt ,dud warty is sold rt7 a judicial torpcioaure oak ar punnaat to the iwwer of sale hereina6ojre <br />grmted, aaa-the arocesds are not au~eieni to pay the-total indoitednep eseueed by thin instruateni sad evitleneed by <br />Mid preatjaaary Horn, the raortgalpx will be entitled to + deficietuy judgmaat for the amount of the dnjtcirncy wetLottt <br />nsarad to spprafaawaM. <br />Ei. (n the event the mortgagor folio to }lay any Fedcrai, state, ar local tax aaueraneru, income tax ar other tax lien, <br />charge, ter, ar other expeme chargntl against the property, ehr. mortgagee is hereby aulhoriaed at his nplion us pay <br />rho asp. Any atrms so paid by the mangager. ahaii kte added to and become a part of the principal arrtaunt of the <br />irtdebtt+faas rvideaaed by said note, auhject to rim same terms and onnditions. If the martgegar shall pay and <br />dischargr the indeh[tvlt~sa evidenced by said promissory Hoeg and thole pay such sums and shall discharge all to:ea <br />aru3 l;~_ need tea crw#s, fan, and-eaparueas of making, eoforeiag, and nxeruting thin mortgage, then this rnortgage <br />sittil bs eantxled and ettrreaderetl, <br />i. Tito eoveuadta herein catttariged shall bind artd the beaeftle and advantages ahaii inure to the respective sue. <br />inassse sad ansegar d t1m pttrtieq hereto. ~hgberar used, tin aitelpehtr nwaber .baU inelede rho phirat, tie plttral tie <br />• ~ ~ vela ~ my gaadar.hadl itMhide all gsaden. <br />& '.'lo waiver of ally aerettaat herein ar of ibo nbligati~ xenxexl lusrair ahaii at any time thne+saitar he item <br />N is a- waivtsr a# tin terms heroaf or of tie aatn encored hereby. <br />4, la eaesplisace with section IOI.I l d) of the Ruts sad ftegolateorr of the Small 8nseoett Adtttiaistntiaa (i~ <br />G.I:fi 181.1 [ ~ ]~ =--• s.-k to Le eoaeenrad sad aaforosd eo aaeatdaeee aitb applicable Federal law. <br />i8. A jttdimial d~ene, order, ar jndtpttettt balding .ray pinwiaion ar partirm of thin inatrament invalid ar un- <br />+4f~1erF ebsll tt4a ie soy wap iotpair or preclude the eafometeai of the remamittg ptrwiaiata ar portions of <br />tltia "ttaitiramtrnt. <br /> <br />