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BQ--~~(.i X892 <br />t: The tnm+g~nr enramsmb ausi tsget>Ias as follows: ,,; - - <br />4 13e will prt~prtly pay the imdebtedmeaa eridaneed by said promissory Dote at ebe ti~a smd im the ; <br />mattmer tlinein provided . <br />b. He will pity apt fates. aeseaamemta, avatar rates, and Defier govertt»aental or twemittlpaf dtattgesr fmnet os <br />#mpasit%oaa, for which paoriaiaa has sat beam made heeeinbefore, and will ptvmptlp de8vea the o~idal peoeipAa <br />therefor to the laud mtsttaagee. <br />c. lie will pay finch ezpettete and fete as may be incurred in the protectitm and meintasance of said <br />proprrty, inclndirig the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the wi}ection of any or all of <br />the indebtedneew hereby secured, or for foreetoenre by mortgagee"a salt, or court proceedings, or in any other <br />litigation or proceeding affectinK said premises. Attorneys' fete reasonably incurred in any other wayehail be <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />,~- ~e_ ~..,tt-r ~t~ ~y ..f t>u, ~d~t~nti, its-reby t~atYd, ~po2 t}.t = ~t „f e~ mnrtro ",., ir. >d.e. <br />ceaanrsor assigns; he shall extenie and deliver a or mortgages covariutg~.any,additian0. <br />imprdremente, or bWtermenu made to the property }tereinabovadesrribed .ttd allpropony~.atxlwired by <br />#t afterffia date ltttreof (all in fnrm satisfactory to manXagrel. ~'utthermare, should mortgagor fail to cure <br />any drfaulf in thts payment of a prior or inferior enenmbrance,unthe prapeny described bg this inafnametst" <br />mntRg~agnr hereby agrten to permit mnngat;rx to rare each default, bnt mortgagee is not obligated to do an; <br />and such advanota shall becnmr fr~art of the indebtedness 6earured by this instrument, wuhjeat t.o the same <br />terms and' conditiotn. <br />e. The rights rreatrd by thin ronveyaacr shall remain in full force and eBect during any postponement <br />or extension of the time of payment of the indrhtednese evidenced bs said promisson' note or any pan thereof <br />secured hereby. <br />j• He wit} cantinuquslr maintain hazard insurance. of 6uch type or types and in such amounts as [he <br />mort_a;,rr, mar front time to time require +r» the impr»vrments unw or herraftrr qn said proprrty, and <br />w#11 pay ptompt#y when doe any premirrrna therefor. A1} ioaurance shall be carried in eompattiea acxpta6k <br />fo aaerrtgttgta seed the poliritba seed *raewab: theread shall be be#d by mortgagee and have attached theaeto <br />lass payable clauses in favor of and in form acceptabLs to rite mortgsgte_ Fat stmt of lose, mortgagor will give <br />immaditafe notice in wolfing to tnatRgagec, and mortgagee may make proof of lac if awe mado promptly by <br />mortgqu~r, amd asefi inannnor company amoaerned is hrrektp authorixttd and directed to make payment for such <br />stays dityx+ay ter m~tgagtnt instead of to t»ortgttgrar and utnngagee jointly, and the iamnraare prttocedr, err any <br />part xhermf_, easy ba a~anlicd by te+rr±~ of its aatisa titltt- to the r .d~ti~ of the ittdabted~ra. h:,•y p1tY <br />s.trtrl ar to flee yrsfttrafioa nr repair of t#ie prtkprny +#amagw# +ar deetruyfd. to event of fturv+clatsnsa of this <br />or r trtrazas+rr ~ Title to said prap~aa•ty in txtittguisltu~tant of rite irdebtedrtetwr securzt# #teraby, sl1 <br />-zzilis. as~ia~wf flee rn3riga~r in sea to :nY ita+ursratn policies then in forte shall pass to fire <br />pnrthaaer or mongapee or, at the option n[ the mortgaarr, rosy Iw: eurrrndrred [nr a refund. <br />R. 1fe will keep al} buildmtts and other tmprnvemrnts on said proprrty in Rood repair and rnndition; <br />will permit, ctmtmit, or suffer no Waste, impairment, deterioration of said prolrrrty nr any part thereof: <br />in the rornt oC faiiurr at the munXagor to keep the iruitdin$s <tn sai+l prrmise6 and those erected on acid <br />promises. at improvements thereon" in goad repair, the tmtragagrr may rnakt such repaisv as in its disrrrtion it <br />may deem nrcr+ttary fur the proper prerrervation thereof: a»d the Tali amo»»t of each and every sash payment <br />shall be immediately due and payairlt and stroll }x 'reared by the lien .ti this mortXaXe. <br />h. He will net vgluntarily rrratt or prrntit to tr rrrated against the property 6ubjrrt to thin m.rngagr <br />arty lien nr iien6 In/ei'IUr nr 6Ulrrrlgr Iq the lirn at t#116 nkan XaKC wilhuat thf» wrilir» rnn6rnt of the fttart• <br />gakCer; ant- turthtr, tar. weft keep anti r aintaru the as»yt frrr from the clurm uI all ixr6un6 supplying ishor ar <br />materials fnr ronstntction of ens and all lruiidinXs ur it»pr+rventrnt6 now f» ~ntt erected or to F»~ rrrrted q» <br />said premi6ta. <br />i. Ifr wii! nqt rent ur asaiysn any pert of the rent of said mnngagrai property nr +lemolia}t, ar :~nrovr, <br />tyr subatantitdly alter essay building without the Written r+"narnt of the mortgagee. <br />. ill „_~ ff ~° ~:.~~ felt au- -- - -- -ttbli~ t~~r of .~: r.~ary t~ -- . :~ <br />ptvtperrty strbjeat 4o this mnrtgagt art hereby aa6tgatrd and shall;ht aaidito mortgagee'. who mar apply ilyr <br />saAte !~ payment of tint in~llhnargs last due under said Dote and raartat#ger is hereby anthoriaard" in the <br />name of Elte taarigsgtx,. to rxerutn and deliver valid arquittsnsa~ fltereaf a»d !o appeal from arty such award. <br />k, The. mortgages she#l have the rirht to irtapect the mortgaged premi6f: at soy reanantablr time <br />-- $. #~3s#asth itf anq of reef eurcnani6 ar rtwdtiia»a of this in6tnn»e»I. qr of the »otr or loan agrrrmrnt srrurn# <br />lavra$neahall titraiti`VaaSmThtntostaagor"a ripltt ie p+rxrt6eiun. tr6t, and enfavmrnt of the pntperty, at the option of tier <br />rMrslgrage~ ar ltia as;tgne tit haittg agreed tltai Tier tuurtgagos .half 'sea<e m.»rlt right natii default 7. i'lwn soy surit <br />S~l:;#kti'Rt. flit mxnlfatter 6ha~ll breams yha owner of elk of t#kr rents and nratit6 atrruing star default as security <br />fat t&!p ity~pdrt~a6 taltrtreti dtere);i}, Wish t4+e right try errtex u}'rgtt said pny»>rty fqr fire irurpoar of r•niirrtinX 6arlt <br />t'ro±va pr~rrs. iris iostvuri+snt a$ai# apatite as sn attai(tstmt+tni_gf env re»tais sat said proprrty to that extant. <br />