<br />3. 'Che mortgagor covenants and agora that if hr shall fail Ro pay said indebtetlataa or any part !hereof whew
<br />dtzc, oe +hail fail to perform any covehtanr or agreenvat of ibis iasirument or the promiatorq note secured- hereby, the
<br />ea46~re indebtedness herchy etenrtd steal! immediately become due, payahk, and collectible without notice, a! the
<br />aptlaat4 of tl#c mortgagee or assigp0. regardle~ of maturity, and-the mort(ciraree or his aaeigm may before or after entry
<br />stsyl-said property withetut appraisrment !the mortgagex hawing waived and assigned to the mortgagee all rights of
<br />aplasaiaemant) : -
<br />f t! at judicial sale pursuant to the proviaioas of 'W81L5.t;. 2ffi1 (a): nr
<br />(u) st the option of the mortgagee, either by auetioa or by soiicitatioa of eeakd bide,~lor the highest aad
<br />beef bid ct#a#plying with the terms of ask aad mat#aer of payment apeei5ed is the pubtsshed a®tix of ulq first
<br />giving tour weeks' aotirt of the t-me, terms, and piare of each sate, by advertisesarnt trot fees than Door
<br />during each of said four weeks in a aewapaper publp[htd or distributed is the cottaty in whith said property
<br />is aitttated, all outer aati« being hereby waived by the mortgagor (aad said mortgagee,' or say penes eta
<br />behalf of acid mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedaeaa evidetttxd by said note). $aid oak sha11 be
<br />held at or oa the property to be sold or at the Federal, county, or city courthouse for the eotmty in which the
<br />proptrty is iaeated. The mortgagee is hereby auihoriaed to e:teute for aad oa behalf of the mortgagor aad to
<br />dekver to the pnrchaaer at such uk a auffieieat conveysasc of acid property, whi~ti ~seyaan-doll ~,a~
<br />reeita6e r to tin happmiag of the default upaa which the execat#oa of the pawn of sak herein granted
<br />depends; aml the: said mortgagor hereby toaetitutes and appaiaM the mottgaga or any agent ar attnroey of the
<br />mortgages„ the agent aad at#amey is fact of said mortgagor to make st#ch teswls and W execirta said
<br />axa#vtyaace and hereby t»vraatta aad aigr~ees that the rrsitals w made sha}l ktr.Q~e#ltat~ieCrl,9tar all rgaity or
<br />right of rrdemptiot:. ban#ratrad, dower, and all other exempti.ms of the mortpr all+ni~.jgpfr~~arr hereby
<br />ex,presaiy waived andronveged {o the mortgagee: ar ,,
<br />i Mtti take say other appropriate action pmaoant to state or Fcdcraf statuilt eithaor~~iaatate orV:Fedezaf
<br />court or otbrrtviae for the dwpaaiti~ of the property.
<br />la the event of a Bale as hrttinabovr pruvdrd, the mortgagor ur any prrean in possession under the mortgagor shall
<br />then become ant! bt tenants holding over and shall forthwith deliver possession to the putcleseer at such ask or be
<br />summarily diapotaeeeed, in acrontanre with the provisions of law appiita64t to tenants holding over. The power
<br />aad agency herebv granted art rnnpled wi4h an enterest aad are irrevaeahle by deaib ar otherwise, and are grantai
<br />a. cumulative to the remakes for ntiltrtion of said indebtedneu provided by law.
<br />°l. Tf~ ~ of asp sak cr# said praperiy i» aerordance with the pracediag pangnpbs ahalf be applied 6rai
<br />to pay kbe onnb and r:pesxaaa of said ask, the expereaea iaeurred by the martgagat for the pterpase of pro~teetiag or maig.
<br />wining said property. aad ttasonahlt attarneye Errs, sttwtdly, to pay she iadrivtedettss strurrd ftxrehy t. aad thir:lip,
<br />to pry any surplaa ar rx~ss to tlrt ptrsou rr persotq kgalfy ratitkd therrio.
<br />S. fa itm ~~t said praprrty it, said ai a jndirfal farociosurt sak ter pursusat to the power of ask hercioabova
<br />t~raaied, arzrf #be proud. are trot sut~cteat to pay the rate! indcbtrdaexe s~-need by this ittatrutnent and tvideated Ley
<br />said proaaiswry ew1e, the mortgagee will be eotitkd to ~ dtficiener judgeaeot far the aatouat of the deficiency tuitf#our
<br />ro~ard' to apprarsanas#t.
<br />ti. in the event the mongaaor faits to pay any Federal, state. ur local taz ssaeeaeunet, income, tax or uthtr tax ken,
<br />tharge, fee, or other expense charges! at[ainrt the property, the owrtgagor is hereby authorized at his optiw[ W pay
<br />the caste. Aay suttut su paid by the mongsgee shall be added to and breams a part of the priutipal amount of the
<br />indelrtrdttais evide#tety) by said Wort, subject to the same trrn#s and cunditiotu.. It thr ncunKngor shall pay and
<br />discharge the indebltdtx^ss evidenced by said promiswrp nett, and shall pay such sums and shall discharge all taxes
<br />and fleas sad the tt~ta, fzea, attef txpttates of mailing. enforcing, and rxec-uting this nmrtgage, then this mongapr
<br />sh+tll be eanrekd end surrwndertel.
<br />7, The; ravonaah fete«:r. rantsisied chaff F=nd and the btnrBka and advantages shelf inure to the tapcrtive sun
<br />oeMtare a~ aaaigku d the parties berets. ~tltascvatr nand. the singular uumbcr shall ic.:lude the plan!, the plan! the
<br />sftgtthtr. and efts the at sap 6andar shall inrlttde all geatb#n.
<br />& fYu;rai~er of anp cortnant bevels ar at the ::f:ligatia,n soured herataq shall at sap #ime thereafter bt itrld
<br />to be a waiver of the terms hereof or of the Hate sixured hereby.
<br />9. -arotapfittnrawilhaeayionlOl.itd)attheRuleasnd Regulrtions of the Small 8mine#a Adminntratioa (1~
<br />GF.12. i@l.14d2), this is #a be ranriraad aad eafatvxd in aceordaaer with applirabk Federal law.
<br />fU. A judieia4 tfecrer, order, ar jtidgnveot holding any provision ar portion of this inatrumeut invalid or ut#-
<br />tatfatreeahk ahaEl eta! in any way impair or preclude the ewfarrentcnt of the rt#naininR prariaior» a: pottiotu of
<br />Alts 4aauaaatrat,
<br />sa} r~ ~€ to-rat .. .._ .
<br />