<br />fi4.ar»~Sgosr.arsmartat~a~a+ea.~€~ias:
<br />°- ~ ~ fY~7 paT ~ er3deaced ~ ..id proaairottp trees u the times std ;a eh.
<br />6: ire t,#1L pad all teava, a.as.meng, t.t~pr Hein, and adt~ sernertueent.l or mmairapai ehatt~m, f;ma., a
<br />f~taimrt~t proves haamt haeattmda heaaim4efeae,.ad trill pttrmps{ptlei3rvv the oliraal teeeipet
<br />thtere[er to the :~ rmertgaaee.
<br />c. Re wilt pay srreb espenaea tad fees as may be iacrrrrerf in the proteniion and maintenance of said
<br />property, ineluditig-dke fees of any attorney employed Sky the mnrigagem for the co3lection of tap err all of
<br />the indthtadaeaa hereby assured, or tar forerlesare try nwrtttagtee'e sr~, or wart prot~diaga, or in aay other
<br />13tigatiao or proteedieg affecting acid ptcrrtises. Attorttws' feet reesaaably incurred is aay other way shaft he
<br />pa#dby the trwrtgager.
<br />d. Far hetttr stnurity of rice indebtedruaa hereby sectrrtd, upaa the rtqueat of the mortgagee, ila ens
<br />~~..., ;.e shall r'te and s3cls. a aw"-3ea-Hertia3 mart- ar ma
<br />..~ ar our""" t*P F#gr rigagta covering asp addit3oas,
<br />imptavtmenta, or beritrmentn malt, to t}se property )tereinabo+r deat:ri.bed :nd all property ar:qufred by
<br />it after tht due. kreteaf (a)1 in farm satiafaetory to mortgagte). Furthermnm, .shov3d mortga{!or fail to cure
<br />any default in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance ort the property d~xcribed by this inatrrkra~nG
<br />mortgagor hereby agteea to permit mortgaget to rare sunk afefault, tart martgagte is not u3r1kgated to do so;
<br />and rWelt advatuea aha13 became part of the indtbtednrna e~rcured 3rv this ixtntntmrnt, subject to the same
<br />terms and emktf3titma.
<br />e•. T'he rigftb created by thin conveyance ,=hall rcrtraun in iu}t f+>ru•e and eifett during env imatponement
<br />au rsterrsion ref tl:e time of payment of the indcbtet)neaa eridrnred by said promissory note ar any part thereof
<br />eeenred Ltreby.
<br />i, fle xill rontinoauelY maintutn hazard inaursnce, of Hoch type! .,[ tvpez and in Hoch amounts an the
<br />mortaagce msv Pram time to time require nn the improvements nmv or )rereafter an +aid property, and
<br />will pay p~ptly w~ dse aay preffiitems therefor. Ali imuraaae shall ba eatzied in caanpaniea aotxptable
<br />to raartgagee and tFty policitn and reaewab thereof shall lke head by rrwrtgagee and Gave atleched therseu
<br />tau pagslk~ c3at;ara is favor of asd is farm a~ptabGs to ehn trkarlgagee. fa Brent of ion, mongagar will give
<br />im~x#i tt~~ s westing to n~E€ and tit, :gam Wray r~ali.e praarf of i£ Hat made f=~P~Y by
<br />martg~ar. and trash tnarance tumpaar rAaaetaed is Frereby ant3rortaa# utd dimted to matte payrn~at far snth
<br />itrw dirtctiy Ea msttgegee instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jaiatly, and the ikkaaratxc ptoeseda, to any
<br />part tlar;~, may ba a}kp3sral 3ry mtui?Sr¢ee st its optittu eithtr to the reduntian of tba ittdelrttsdnesa itestrbt
<br />~?~ :>r !_ !~ .-~~ .-:= r;< u t,~ ~-_~=..y da~€a.~ed or c~#.~k:.~ d. l: enter :;f fcW:::ak~ a: t~.o
<br />matrtgage, or otbar trtrasfer rrF title to acid preptrlty ir+ ralinauialtm~rart of t}te indebittduau sa~cttred_ dk~el v, x.31
<br />tvght, firm, and interaat rd tht ma~rtgagw is and to unp inarlraaet puiiciwt then in farm etkall peas to ~tbe
<br />purelvaaer or mark~tryte ~, at the option trf the mortgagte, araY be aurrrnd€:€af for a rzE'und.
<br />g. Ffe will keep all building and other improvemrnta on asid property +n gntrd repair and condition:
<br />will pemril, commit, ar eu6tr cto waste, impairment, deterioration of avid property or any part thereof;
<br />in the event of failure of the rnortKagar to keep the buildings nn asid premises and tFtaac erected on said
<br />premises, or impeavemeata thereon, in goad repair, the mnrigagte may make Hoch rnprirs ss ire its disc-ntian it
<br />Huy dertn nrrxesary fur the prayer praiervatian thereof; and the full anauun! of eanh amt' every suelr payment
<br />shall 6e iuurrt+liately date and payable eked shall be seeure+2 by flee lien of thin martslage.
<br />h. Fie will Hat valuutarily ereatn nr parrs! to ltx created aRaFnst the property strbjcct to this mortgage
<br />any lien or liens inltrior w aulxriar to the lien of this murigeaa without the written consent of the mort-
<br />gagee; and fuethen tte. will keep and main(ain the sartae free from flee claim of all pervurts supplying lobar or
<br />materials for tvutstruetiam of any and all buildings or imptvYentema n.rw }reing erected or to }rr rreetrxl otr
<br />tlktd IkkeHUS~.
<br />i. F[e wild nut rent nr assign an~ poet of the rear =,f aaici ru~frtp,aged prc:prrty nr demolish, .rr remnve,
<br />of substantially alter au} hui3dirkg without the written cunveat „f the ruort:,agee.
<br />%. All uwalxla of damagna is eatuut[ian with any earrdensekattnn tar pubhr use- =rf ar utjary io as;y of rho
<br />i~lY aua~€t to tit;Y tsvHrtgxge sr: itarrLy aarigrted anti .hail lest pain to nscrtgagen, who auu! _piaiy the,
<br />earns to uaynuat a:l the. ir~tal3mtnts tsar ~~ under seed r:atc, and tutt.~gatcr :s bvr€bs au`-h-^ria~, is tku
<br />name of flee mortgagor, ro eses~use acrd dclivtr valid aequtttancea Ilse roof and to appea3 from any sur.6 award.
<br />k 1`1te rntutgagae aha3f have the xight lu inaprc! the rnarlgagtd Frrtatisc?r at any reasirnalzle trine.
<br />$. l.}adtlul4 in ally ttf tike ruvenants or cartditiwty of this inatrumnnl or of the Harr nr lose: agrc<^rercat aecurrrl
<br />herrabp altall ftrrtt;Halt Elte runrt~tgar's riy,ht is goat rssiarr, uac, mnd rtt}a}tnent of th,• pratrrrte, ut the rrpti.rn crt the
<br />ttwrtgagrt ar hit asaigna iii lining a¢ereed that flee mortgagor alesll here snch right ::ntsl default;. 1'pcur aay surfs
<br />da#~tult, flea mortgagee slsaii hecamr the owner of all of the rents and prahta accruing alter dtlault as sm•urity
<br />fqr the indelrin+lnr-ss :~rfured itarnby. 3vith the right to ¢ntec upon Kaid pruperts fnr ttte purlroac of ctkllrcting ouch
<br />eggts attd profits. This instrument shad apera3a as an aa+igrtmsnt of trey rentals ou said property to that relent.
<br />