8~-= ii~~~8~'i
<br />€zttder's wa:iten agrrzmeot ar applicable lax. Barrtswer shall pay the attant[n of aH tttortgagc irrsura[tce premiums in the
<br />manner pfavieb€at trrtder paragraph 2 ir_[etrf.
<br />Arty artrrxrnts disbutteM by Lerrdcr pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest ihe[ecm, shalt become addltiaasl
<br />indrktednesw of 'Bnrrowtr assured by this McMgage. Lnless 8arrower and Lender agree to otiser Perms of payment. atrc}r
<br />atsrourtts skull ke gayalslr upon notice from Len~r to Borrosvcr requesting payrtrmt thereof. and shalt tzar interest from the
<br />date of ttisAt[tsetrteo! m tkt late payable from [lens to lime on wns[aadtQ,g principal tinder the Notc tmless piymemt of
<br />interest of Trek rate tvau#d Ix contrary to applicable Eaw. in which event retch •tnounts rrttaB bear interest at the highest rate
<br />- -pensaiara"ble tmefrr appticab& law. Nothing curtained in this paragraph 7 stmt require i.eneht' to inwr arty expeme or ta4e
<br />_ arty acfias hereutuler.
<br />~- It. Lrps-des. Lr~er may maEe or cause to br r ads resaottabk entries upon and insprct3ons of the Property, provided
<br />that trader shall give $anti}wer re>!ice attar to aay such inspect :art specifying reasrfnalrle cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in tke Property.
<br />9. Caadem~{ea. Ttrc przxceds of any award ur ctaim for damages, direr or comegneniial, in carmection with any
<br />__.arotrdetnnation or t~lter taking of the Property, or putt thtreaf, or for conveyance in lira of condemnation, are heretw assigned
<br />and skull k+e paid to f_eetder.
<br />In the wear of a total taking of the Property, the prxrcerds shalt be applied io the sutra secured by skis Mortgage,
<br />with t}rr exctsa. if any, paid m Borrower Tn the event of a psrtiat taking of tht Property, unless Ifarrower and Letrdcr
<br />ukrrwisr agr¢r in writing, eMre shaft tx applied to tkt seems secured bF this Mortgage suck proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportiotr whisk tht amoetm of the sums secured ky this Mortgage immsdiately prior to the date of
<br />ta8ittg beam to tke fair market value of rtes Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the baiarce of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrrrwrr. ~ -
<br />If Ehc P:.~tt'ty is abandured by Barraaer, nr if. a[ser mater try Lrrtdrr to Borrower that the eondesnnnr otfeta to make
<br />ar, award ar seftk a :laim fa: dsasages, Harrower fails to respond to f.emier within 3G days after the lair such notice is
<br />resulted. Lender is authorized to calleet atx! apply t1x pra^eeds. at Ixrder's updan. either to rratnration ar repair of the
<br />Pt[+pmry a:r to the srttns aerated ky skis Mortgage.
<br />Unless Lender arrd Borrower atherwsse agree in writing, any souk applicatiam of praretds to principal shall not extend
<br />ar pa'mtparre eke due dart of the reurthty irrstattments referred to in enaragraphs t and '~ Rereaf ur change the amount of
<br />wank itmraitments.
<br />111, Batroerer :resat Raleaatsf. F~cxs7esion of the time far payment zsr rrnxliflcatitm u£ amartizatian of eke rums secured
<br />try tkis lkfurigage granted by Lrrrder ro gnu suctrssor m intrxeat of Burrower shaft nut eastern ro ralraae, in any manner,
<br />rho; t-ubilhy of th€ criginai Norruwrr arrsl~Barr{nrver's srec¢essurs in intet~tstl_ i.rndrr Shall not kc [equir'ed to oprnrnnncr
<br />prsxeedan~ a$attgt attck suc.--esaar or retr,se m emend lime for payment ur akerwisr modify amortization of the sums
<br />?.r~urc-ti !sy this Mataytaga by rcawn of any demand made h the original Barrezwer and Berrrowrr`s sutte:sors in interest.
<br />f 1. Fesrdenrasce Iry i.raM Plot a waiver, Any tefiearam:e by tender in exercising ant right or remedy hereunder. ur
<br />or[htwise afft~rdrd ky appitesble law. ,f-,..i ;,nt :x a +vaivcr of :rs preclude the exerisr of env such right nr remedy.
<br />Tke pracuremrnt crf irtzurascc ex the n:r. tarot ut taxes or ,stker hem or charges by Lander .hail not be a waiver of Lender s
<br />tight t+s ac<rlrrnte the maturity r*f fix rndtMrdnccs ,=cured ky this Mortgage.
<br />t2. Rtrtxar~ Crime ve. All rsmcJ!es pr_,rr~d i^. this Mr~tga>rr arc disti.~t anal ::vmu}atire tc snq ntkrr right er
<br />remedy ureter this Worgage csr afforded t+v yw ra syerirs~, and may trt esernsrd currurrrntly, indepe»ekndv ur suceesaivety.
<br />l1, Swrreasensa asst A~it}av 9sxait total awd Stvaeai l irtWiQ: Captirvaa. 'Ills covenants arui agreements herein
<br />crrtainrd strait , and t,~ r+ghtr kenrundts skull lanes to, the resprc~nve sutx:exscrs an;! as,Migns of i.crtdrr ;etvl Ikrrrewer,
<br />_~p- .,° h_ r,>r-.,gam,,.. . ` `ss.~ Ar. .sties a..;.t atty.-rsr,.;•..,: Bt„r,zwr _n,et r,r , +rnt tarsi ei2ra:.
<br />'k7rr cap[nura and kraJaogs of the parngrapks a=f rkis~Martgagt arc fur t-anventrrrtr eniv earl are nix t. !re used to
<br />i~ntrr ~s ear de~ue t:rr ra;sr,s hrrsvi.
<br />ff ~€, g'r~` - °°- rn„rtie r-uwr~ urf.-ixr appticabEr law : ; ht ni:,rwx in am,ti.cr rnanrrer. tali a v ran€ice €o
<br />ltc =~: `ta ~ -mod !LY -e et_ Ma~n~`n.^r mss!'- t,e '.?,<ee -1"' '~tiag s:ga.~.h nst~ ?+N ':^*.kfirc makl ai3slr;a,;,ed ro fi6e-rrwe: at
<br />. - - fir..: r.%s,er Tar tirmignatr hip n.+~ri..t ee, ,. grttEer Rr pert*vidttl hr€cin. and
<br />(bi arF nonce, t Isndtr stall lx g an h} certefiad mail. rratuo r[x:tiipu r¢questttd, to 1_amkr's address staled Arrstin or to
<br />-- ~~~ --'ate ~ s.e=~= ••~_~ aeai~:ta[e r.4r€i€~: €~ n. rrtr=~; Wf'r isrssrii3[if t~.reif ~:ti +,~;:#c~ Rr.~ait3~t3 leer it thi3
<br />:°€.~ _~:: ~_ _+~-mss =~ - - - g; Vn .., ~~T;~ u. La,.'~'°r w?r~ ~~ ~ r-`:r r~::srr a:~ ;tti~t1 her~irt.
<br />T 16. GadFerxm Maeltta6s; 6rnaradag Law; geretailRgfy. Fhn farm <,f muregagc rumbinea umfcsrm ,evrnants ter nannnai
<br />errs anal tr:m-unilurm cuvicerarrts wtih kmuer} ,-arsau<mx by it:nvirtitien to ec+nstinazr a umturm arr:vrrty instrument corering
<br />real prap;rtY, Ylrix Mortgage shalt ke gcrvcrrec+i ky the Iaw r,f the ~tvisslitnerr m whisk eke property :. I<x a[rd. in the
<br />areal tkat an+~ tsrra-is~-?n ev ,:tearer ,sf tisis Mortgage :rr chr, liar etrnflxis with appiicakk Paw. suck a~cmflict shalt nut affect
<br />t_gtser pruwrata>rrs r'f shix Martgnrre csr rkn ?`:use wktrk ::an Hr Etrtn tore[ without the camflitting pnvisiun, end to this
<br />end tAe pnrvesiams aFt the llaatgagr alai tkr s:txe are dsctared to he srvrratsie.
<br />IH, Bxvaasr's Cogtt. fiatrawrr skull br furnished a ca+nfernrrd copy of the nets and nt rhea Mortgage at sire ttrrx
<br />r<H rseaution ar elate rreurdatiaxt krreed.
<br />f4. Trnnnfss i~ tlar PeepCty: #1 at! +3r any past of tf~ Prctpertr• tar an tntertc: therein is said cr tratrsfrrred
<br />Iry Aarmwrr wi[kewe Ictrdrr's prate wrine» cerrssrnt. nxc[tafirrg sal tkr e[catiott of a lisle ar erecumkrarac sn[xxdinate t<r
<br />this Mt'trtgay,t. ikt the creattaur rf a patrehast mextty sv;urity inteetwt fix household appliatrt:rs, tct a trnnsfrr ky derise.
<br />.~...~+.: r by =++•- o :s1 tau u~ ; a ~tk eat a txa:.t tenant av fdt c„r bra - anp teaecirciid interest ni Iktr.•e Years or icsa
<br />nett t~aseaaiairtg xrryr=ptitrtt :s pexrchavt,~i.aere[er may. at I.tnder's opitort, akc4aro raft eke stuns ercurtal by thin Mortgage to be
<br />ee[sartdtaitty due atal payakk. l.rmlrx shall here v,~a; real uulr opttam to act:rlrrate if. prior to the sak nr vansfer. t.rtrt#cr
<br />earl zhc pr,sxat t.= whet atx #'['r-K?rrtt t, z=~ 9e >~*tst sx truer-terrtd tr3air agretrrxrtt nr wrung tkat rktc err<in rsf su„h persem
<br />s satsar::'u~ [.~ Sz.^~+ t arx# the.: sip t,~rrst rxyahtr an t.hr soma ,rc~urrai by skis :iotigagr rh al; tx of sm;k rate ai !.endzr
<br />sllGi# rr~-aural tt i nor bets -watraa# ttx cpt,wr #a aeveteratr prt+ridut in this paragraph !'. arrd if Btxmwer's xtKCrssau rn
<br />iaureat !ra; eamtssY.bd a wrttan aasurrrptian agrarratnt aa°cttptrd in writing b'3 t.rnadrr, t..enrkrr skull release Besnvwrr frotrr a!t
<br />r?tst+gwt,aus ==txkr tk.e kia•eti:age s3u4 tkt : r.^xt
<br />If Ltsirr rss€s-esa. zt .?ptt{rtr tar aac>,ttaruac- Candor serail mad 9arro+.rr orates ,•f a,.cektattan to a;.'ca?rdancr wrth
<br />f~~ag gi= - ;,~z:-.af e - _.~ Paz, p;?s-~t~ s per: ~i ie .:.*± leas a€tan t}i ~a}.x Pram €kr date the n1Ntc€ it rnaiir<t s-ritkin
<br />whKh ~3te,::rr.a siuY Via, t'ac ~tibr st~arlal dxx, i7 L~rrcm-er €atls >i pay ~h.-h ~.e- _ .t, zhn «s fuS2trun „( az,:, S- .ci,
<br />Caroler stay ,w;tlra~az -~r#hzr -r,.xne <xe .fs;fhtc;tti ,~. n Fznr'r~cr_ ~a+.ukc :~rsy renrct{erar l+rrm,ttrt3 hx paragraph I?S hrtrc,r
<br />'*i=~-tt~'rt~t i'- texas=a l~:rrt ar and I.rr,.I:,r furtt>,er easrruant amt agree as frdKssva,
<br />t0. #xx~eaaklataz )?stati,l+ r porNW 4s FaealrMM+ 17 Massrf. tgeaa 8arrawee'a breach of n,y cevoeaM ex
<br />s+t Rarrarvear ~ HtM Msr4ilsttt!t, tbt cereeuala to pay ntaea dwa aay rusaa rmcae,sA Ay thhi Mueittaats,
<br />L.+ pa6es [w aa~n aaseB raaal trestle M aarrrsrrsr as peorNlcd to piraRntph t4 htrrtrf vP~h'~= t1) the teexark
<br />17? tdta aa~xse t kt tears .=tar! brrarlq #3! a date, sue last than S9 4reys from stet ~a the rswkt b ara8trd r+n tlasxssrvrr,
<br />~ vr9tfrts sxrtm kaaaxY aerate eta s:a'eerek aetd f4t that in~ea m saes wch Meaelt eta err Aerate tAe doh apeelYad #ae t!m nvilea
<br />saxs8t Dw aaewdYtaatBaar a4 flea ttreeatr avraeai try this ~esMM. lrxarlasltet try jteeflriat ptexeedkslf terN teak ed t6e Pm'Pe+vy.
<br />'LAtt 7rflifeA~ f4dkrt tsfmrm 5eareaveer al dde rtglee h etlalatfitt allot actdea#1as arm tAe r#iltt to aaaeet ih tks forertrwaea
<br />-~ [emu ~t ®f a ar rwy Dept Aetratra of Ymrewa eo arex+keattoa and foeaeGrare. ff the tgsstcA
<br />:e Rai .°°atsc sna nr Ftiaae :r» $as aparftei its ass rauli¢+. I,rridtr at t.radw'a trgHaa saxU daeW,r ati of iMt sreea seaweed br
<br />Bdlt'ge la be ~ drag atwt pq(alsds n fnerltvK daasarW t1M asaf lersertwa k'X ~adfr4ai parx'+x~f[sl• [.endsr
<br />viltdl La eatl~ad to rvr8act 6a eartk ptesetxWlg all taMllelaa al 1`a>~rskxssn, its Aar seat Hearted 10. cotAS esF 6nevtaerMSry
<br />tsi'e.+rs ~ asd
<br />_..,a ~ .... _
<br />fts~ ._ _ -. ° -_ ~.~....=e, "-' ~~.-~ ~-~` ° :s~,. rain - - ~ _. ~h -
<br />~-tasa~r _", i s ,.a rte r:J~nr ~ tl~ ~. -~;.,ffi..._~ a, I. rr>~-+..... r; 5... _ h., ~..r,°tgas. va.~...~..s .. ~3 a, x<,yF
<br />