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~4~.5~ ~, ~ ~ '~ <br />UHrr-t~ttctx fovbt+:vr~cs. Bosrawer acai L>;ttder savenant slut agrce as fioLlowsr <br />I. ~ sad fatetaM- Bartatver shall promptly pay when due the prirxepat :sf attd itttereat on the <br />i evidenced by the NMe, prepayment atxt lam charges as provided in the ;Vote, and the principal of atsd interest <br />txs ~iy Pttwit Advaenrs sxura- by this Mortgage. <br />T. frsr Tsttws rod Ionrraraete. S'u6ject fa nppiicabk taw or to a wtittatt waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Leader ore tfx clay mantfsly irtstrWttrenu of princtpai and interest are payable ender the Nate, ruxii the Note is paid in ftdl> <br />a enact therein "Fonda"} etpual to one~tweiith of the veatfy taxes and asseasmrnea which may attain priority over this <br />b$ortgage, atuS grntutti rents txt the 9sttperty, if any. phtt onlytwelfth of yzatty premium instalitneau far htszatd ir®arattce,: <br />amt•[wcTffh of y,aarty prarniam inatailmenta far truartgadee imurarrce, if airy, ail ss reasonably eatitoated initially ami from <br />time to tune by S.amder on ttse basis of ass>~unems sad bi-fa and rtasonabte estimates thereof. <br />Tha Fttntis shalt ba held in art irsstitution the dePcxis or atxa(nts of which arc insured or guaranteed bY' a Petieral or <br />state agency { including I.tttder if Lends is such an imii[utian?. tender shat- appty the Funds to pay said taxes, asseumeata, <br />irtaaranoe premit[tres am- ground rrnts. I..ender may not charge for so holding atx! applying the Funds, analyzing said account. <br />ar vertPYing ami campiting said aseesasnteota and felts, trnlt~ I„ender pegs lforrnvrer interest on the Futx(a attd. applicable !aw <br />permits 1',~am-sr to males such a charge, Horrtrwer aced Lender may agree in writing at the tirste of esecurion of thin <br />Martgaga thaz imerto[ Ctrs ehe Fuade shalt be peat to Borrower, and untesx ssrcfr agteemetrt is meek or appNcabk Ian <br />tires such inir3rest to tx paid., Lrrsder shad tux rte required to ¢try Borrower artp intezari nr earnings on the Fatet#s. Leader <br />shall give to Harrower, without charges an aernusi tscmumitsg of the Funds thawing credits sad debiu to the Funds and the <br />ptlrptme far which ~ tkbi[ to the Prtnda was tttadc. The Furrda are pledged as addi[iattaf security far the stuns scarred <br />hY this Mattgage. <br />If t>m atra'ntnt rx tits Ftttuia heM try trader, ttsgsttter with the future tnrntthiy irtstal(tneata of Funds payable prior to <br />tt~ dice daiLt of taxer, asaFttrs~tts, ittsttrn©ce prorrtirttns attd grauod rrnta, shalt oxread ttu atoount regCtire<t m pay said races, <br />..., a.,...., ....: ;is-y tall drx. st::.F t:e a shat! . ~ at °..,,t- rro=sr's c~t..icn, et.. <br />pmrapaly refgid to Harrow+ar or et,adired to Borrower nn motschly in5tal33nsttts of Funds If zhe amount of the Funds <br />-aobtl tsy Lrrukr shalt trot be sasfftciettt to pay taxes. asaessmeata, insuranco premietms and gmutsd rent! as they fall due. <br />Hrrrower shalt paY to i,cnder any rursrwri tta^easerv to male u¢ the deficiatrcy wdthin 30davs Prom the dam ttoticc is tstaiiad <br />fay Larts'er to Hnr.~.ver tegttesting F~Ytttent :txs'oaf. <br />Upon payraeai rn fur! sit all strata ~eu[ed ny this Mortgage, ]_ettder sisnH prom¢riy refund to Harrower any Funds <br />:taeid by L.ettder. If uttdm paragraph t tt trereaf the f'rapeth rs sntd nr the properrr ix othetvrise acqutrcd fry I.ersder, Lender <br />ahald apply, rte ta[er than ittstuodiately prier w Lisa seta rnf tone 1fraltl:ny of ffs at:quesitran by Lender, xny f=unds bald hY <br />L,aetder at ehe titue sit apQficmtion as a cretit agatetat the xumx vetursv! hY this M-angage. <br />3, Apgl6caCkm d PastoeeY. U,nleas rr¢pfieabk law provtdstt tatharwite. x91 payrtsentt rtaceived 6y I_endttr utxter the <br />NMe sad pttragraptts ? slat 2 tstseof shalt tx app-zct- by ixttdcr tint rr. payment of ar•.ruunts paYabk to tender by Hnrcower <br />unrkr paragraph trrawf, thta to taterest paXaWs nn Ehc Note. then to the principal of the Nate, and then to interest and <br />pritxepat nn attX• Future :ldvatttxs. <br />3, L' Lines, l3nrrnwrr xhat! pay atI raze. asaeastnanta arttt knher rhargrs. frees and tmpoantona attnbutaMt to <br />the Property which Wray at[atn a pnot>:<ty over thrx Mxxtgago, and lcanehalJ paymema or ground rants, if any, in rho mentor <br />provirfrrt tttrckr paragraph Z hsrrtof :,r, r( rtat paid to such manner, 6v tiormwer making paXmont, cabers due. Jstretly so the <br />paXae tirsrtvf. Ba:ewer shall ¢roropaly furmah w ixnrkr sit notrrrt of amouma Joe under thra paragraph, and in the went <br />HornswYr chart make ¢aYment elrses-tiy, Horrowsr ,tsa{I prumpity tumrsh to tender receipts evidencing such payment!. <br />irurnrcer affai- pct-auperr +tiacitargs any iten -w_irrr,h hex 7+rnxity ,+vcr thi, ;+turega,gc: p-n.:v+Jed, that floc newer shalt not bG <br />r~ ;r.~.t t,a ,{fit .~ ~tX ,...-t, tom,. _, v,~# s, t~±rc~s~€r ~haf! ?y'~ i^ rs z;tang t , tttc ~~A9~ms-nt : - vEag„t - - rzd t,° <br />xttorh ltm trt a mentor atrxprtttt6e to I.ssafer, ,~.r sttatf :n pearl latch .otrtsal trati:h turn hy, or +hfend +:nfunenunt o€k~xtrch~lien en, <br />tau Fmq~~2ea[ts whrs~ ;~xrata se prsvent tttx cnturccment of ?hs 16crt oe 'oti:rrture of tF,e Prupeny ox any ¢art thereof. <br />s. ~~ €a. - - -. -- :crap r,R n;prr~erezrtia nrtrt x,. r;ng r.a ~,araaitc.- erczted nn the Property rrrsurai <br />as~a :vat tt•}fa r,y ate: kaz>rda rr<,eex#~ svnSa,a ;tx t«^rnz - tit€rakt _~:v,rr~xgs ~~ au1 ~-rt_?± ?trtu h;trards rep i.e*itfo. ma} rwtiurr+s <br />....,,r ie.;.,... ,.. ..'1.% €.,. ,....t; r..~,....., as 1 e...ikt 6~t.,ire, ,.,ai I.~EUtfrr nit „mot rcvu„r.. 7ttat , ,G a-,.,•ual u, <br />such c~~avrraq~C cuca«r! titre anxwn[ of cnvatagp rcyu;rxdito pay the ununts scored II«}. rhnfMurtgage. <br />-e, - _ by LEYtdeii F.tnMit~d, <br />r~ tvaESS-arcs.-~ ~~ris: ,.: :-.--~~~ ~ mstsrax.~'•:Faui i~,~ rr 9~ry P+csrnra-s.€ .trait :^ a¢F.savat <br />~~~? ~i =:x '~ ~ ,--,~~. -.a pi-~atsa3 :~ t~at:.arre f~t;£•.ts'a s,*,-a;~4 to pa~f : c e,'.~~ rrtan;t~ <br />prnvuied trra~r Feungraph ttaiev( .rat, ;f trot tratd in xue:tz rriannet, by Ltcxm,vu mai;ntg payment, when due. Jirsxdy to the <br />igataraaCe l"afrxxr. <br />AH irtaarasmr psVutea tUtrt raoea.tds eharn,l strap he en form accc¢tahic to t-crr+fer anJ shat! itxlttek n ,tandard mortgage <br />wtsrtst is fawn t?f attd :n fmtn aceepaabk to L.cndar. l.ctukr shalt bare €fss nght n, hold the txitie--tea and rstac-wals ihersuf. <br />and Bcrrotvcr shall promptly f;antah to t..esx1er tell rettewa} rwtx:d amt aF! recctpta nt paid {:rcmtunrs In :he evcm r,t late. <br />ttorterwar shalt gnus ¢rrt?r+pt ttuttr~e [cr ttttt i~ttatttt ratitst tittnl Lender-,3t[ muy rnako ¢rtrrri <•t fuss tl nr+i ruaals pre.rnptlX <br />t9r Bonc,wnr. <br />Untasr fender and Barsuwer nttrerwt.s ttgist ~n ser+ung, rnsueami pexss,ts shall Ex applmsl tt, ta=turatrm ,~r rspair nl <br />tfte Ptupsray st~tttsged, ptovtdssl xrah ecsuttata+n <x re~rr tt scarnmrcatiy tsatatrde arri tare xx aruy sit thrs Mcngage ,+ <br />rfat r12Mety If sus:)i rarxr,tatrun ar repau tt nut e4unumturiiX tcmattttc sit ti' rho sscunty t,t ttus Mortgage waulJ <br />!sa rmpaarakL rise er»wam-c ¢ra.•aew shrd- he apptted to the ,carts sa•are.t hX this vtongags, as,th ;he uncr-.s, ri any, pard <br />~:toa~•e tf ttte war~~tf. • al;attiar~- bX Ht:tre:x. ,.. ,l He;tr:,;set la.Fa r rapurnt t. l erw'er w;tttrn :h days l :+nt the <br />date rttptr.-s rs maF-ed to Lxttdac to tkta~rawar !}rat the uunran,x uarrttr atfar+ to actUe s etamt Crtr ~nsurattcr benefits, t_cndor <br />is aut3stxrlad to ualovt and apI"lX the mtutaotY prttxtvts at LcndcYs siphon ctt-tct to reaturwhon or tspau nl the Pro{tarty <br />tx~ tt~ ;4a 3Yttta sx+;ttmt tri: clrts kiort;~te~t. <br />1~nkaa Leratrt rand Htttrtrwer aihersuiac ag»x rtr wtihng, anX €txh mpplxatra,n rt[ pros:txxtt ro prux~:prr3 ,hall nut sntsnd <br />^t tnwtpc~rs rtes due lots st ttm zrnttnhty ra-talmcatts rttertect m ;a para;prnptra 1 :utr1 ~ honour sir ~hauga the nneoot?[ nt <br />awes tr>ltstitncnra. lr urteier paral~ra(th t h ltuetai r~ Pro(,srt} ., asyurrea f,y Esnder, tdi ^ght, utis attd intsrrat <N Hotatw'or <br />in armor to atey stxattratu-e putitaas atW in and to the proceeds thermos rsauRmg from ua~.rago m the Pnt-xnr }n,ur t., tl,c srJs <br />w a:tuw.4utr sttrit party to Lssxier to rtss ettr-sit a' €#~ soots .ae;utrrt h} ehrx aic,ergage ,mrrudiataly prior ru ,tu:h xak r,t <br />~. <br />3, Areaua-rte t>~ ~a_ q! rtr: t.rt i' Pfaetne4 f.lest !Y!~e~',trsaafs- r+ar ttrvtr <br />shalt `gip star f'repetry ig gi'std rrpare .xnd shall clot cctmntet oasts r*r psrentt tmpatnneot sir Jottriuratton sit ttu; Pr~ttsrty <br />and bra-I ~txrrrfz4y xi3h iNe ¢rttvisutns a,t arty !~ rt ihta h:attgagc ;r <rs a ;catrcl,ald. If rhta ,lit:rtgage re sin n orut rn ., <br />C{Wrt:.atgt}ttWnr in a pttatisad ttptt JsvslPpttaxl[. Haf74wpi httall prtl ofat all Jl Iicxlnwst-S •rh}IgattUna UtrJet rite[nixxt <br />ar crtveuanra s-[caiipB or yntvsgnurg the ttnrrtaarimum rv pianrtsd uan drvektprtsent, the bylaws acrd rerulauun+ :d rho <br />cv~tsrttssttitturatt .yr planttpd tout .-eve;}ctpnterxt, and cY tuuu,oent ttta;uutcats iQ a .antdurntnrUrtt sir ptamtect ~.«rot de+ct„pntcnr <br />tsdex rs cxa.sted !zy Bararowcr :u:d r~arded trsgstlret ,srth thrs ?rkxtaagr, rlx~ .nvettanCe anti .tttrsement+ „t u;.:h r~Jar <br />shad! t'~ 1BfRf'pi~;atdt into arhi shall -et. md;sau7 tuppk:nent the covxnant, .moot alttserttsats of +tu. ,Lt art.{tage ~rc ~t the ,t,}cr <br />rpfi a pelt ftsiwuf. <br />'#• Ptnerlrr.•s9na of f.larl~'s §~aay. If tferruw~t faits ?a prrt..~tr. t!x wssraetta arrJ agrsenssnts -snumrrred ;ra r!tty <br />fMril[age. a-r lz anX t44'ti[rtt id pakAtiftg rR 3rntfrtertcaTt e+tFlch maltrrrti5' tf(eti l4 t cY}d{ri :nterEax! tYt ItM' P=~'prrt Y. <br />rra4Etrititsg, }st r~arl iirnn#te- to, rminatu aiatetam, znxoiwsrn-y. t+fsbr enta>r errtent. •.,r - rranrcnrsnis ,r nnrcerdtngs ;nvuly«ng a <br />6arknt@t ns ttrzadelnt, r-tsts f,aew,-ar rt 1.6adpl's .,ptstrn, aprns ttexrsr to Hurrxzwee. ,ray ;:ease -o+x:tt :«ppeararnes- s7.shutx such <br />ssatrFa sad tal€a atsc#t actarat +ts m aso~ssartry to nrrttpct I_cnders ottxrsst- ireciustta~ bars rr<rt tits nsd to. ,],ahtrrscrn_vtt ,H <br />at#tt'Ray'1 fpaa nrsrY r-K!!'n the l'rrStlsr-ty ,s; make rtpvrr= 4t t~.sra~r r€r{nired axsrteage :nsaseuni~r as <br />:<+,+ctdittars t'# ataB.stsi- tttc isrsu ?~s~s:rarad !?y =hut ~itmg ttorr==v*<•r stmt! !*aw the gramwns r++r2urrsai to maintarn ;t,s;h <br />t'~$,i oR ~_ .`d .way $. :tom is.,~r{'r's~ai51 t•Ye iii{:s, iYa~ii(r3ia iiiRra~air~ v., a,.w~+~iw><2 'wi{.'q 1jrN#i XSI s 3iat <br />