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8~-4- tSCI~$~e1 i ~~cE~~ <br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees the if he sftaff fait to pay.ssid htdebteduea or any part the srhea <br />dse. ~ shad fair to perform any covenant or agreeeheot of 4hiti instrument or the promissory note sexttred betr#by,•the <br />eiiax indebtedness hereby secured shell immediately beeatyie due, paksb!e~snd caflecsibt~lrithout aoteeE, ai.the <br />oo of the ttsartgagee ~ assigns rtgardleas of maturity, and the i4rart~a~{r'e or his-asaigeas tttax before er_s#ter acct}(. <br />k~ said property without apgtraisetnent {the mortgagor having waived and assigned to the mortgagee s,ll 'r%A6ta of <br />-pprafsemtntl: S ..-- - . r :- - <br />~: -.~ .- <br />(ti at judicial sale pursuant to the provisions of 2$ U.S.f_ 2f)bl ea) : ar - <br />(tt) at eha option of the mortgageq either by suaioa or by sofieitatioa of sealed bieta,`forthctnshat ttttd <br />beat bid coatpfyfng with the terms of ale and manner of payment epe+a{iad im the pvft~ished asotiee of pte.6tst <br />-- giving four weeks' nosier of the Time, terms, and place, of weft sate, by adv2ttistxtent mot. leas-than otiee <br />during tech of said four weeks in a newapeyeer published or dietribniad fn the eSiimiy.~ which said proptutp <br />is situated, alt other notice being benbp waived by the mortgagor (sod said mottgagee; or any!; parson, un <br />behalf of said mortgagee, maq bid wiW the unpaid endebtedttew eridcnced by said note), Said sek tahsfYfse <br />held at a oa the property to be sold or at the Federal, county, or city rnurehouae for the coomty is which doe <br />property » foeated. The mortgagee is Ftereby authorised to execute for and on behaN of the mortgagor sad !o <br />deflect to the puechaset at such calm a sufficient conveyatxe of said property, which conreymee shaft contain <br />reeisa~ as 4a ibe happatiag of the default upon wfeirh the ezeeutian of the power of safe heteia granted <br />depends; and the said mortgagor hcrabq eanatitutes md'' appitints the ttwrtgagtm or my agent ar attorney of the <br />motigagaxv the agent and ettarttty is fact of acid mortgagor to malts such recitals and to ezaerate aid <br />otmveyaaot and hereby eswettaota and agrees that the recitals so made shaft be rHrttual to bat all. equity or <br />rigrtt of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other rxarrnptiotts of the mortgagor, all of wbirh art hereby <br /> waived and conveyed to the mortgagor: ar <br />itttl take. any other approprrate artinn Iursuant to state or f^erferal statute eethmr in state or Federal <br />court or otherwise fior the dispmitims oC the property. <br />fn the event of a sale as htreirabovr provid-d, the mortgagor or env person in pnssrsseon under the mortgagor shall <br />then become and Ice tenants holding aver sr:d shall forthwith deliver pnssnsion to cite purchaser at such sale or be <br />summarily dispossessed, in sceordaner with the provisions of law applicable to tenants holding over. The power <br />and agency herebv granted are coupled with an interest and are irtevocablr by death or otherwise, and art granted <br />as cumulative to the remedies for coiiecteon of acid indebie+lnrss provided by law. <br />3» The proceeds at oar sak of aid prnpartY its arrnrdattee wixlt tltc prs!~tisep, ~ra§-r~_~ a,4slf ayrpPf~P zr~• <br />to pvy the ea¢ta and axpettre, of said seats, tfte expesaasteteurred itp she mnrtp,agcr [or the purpose a! prattectiag or maim. <br />coining staid property, and Prasonable rttarnrvs° sets: setartdly, to pay tits idtdrbte.lnres sn•+arrd betel>w ~, ;tmd thirdly, <br />to pa~.r oar surplus nr et[r= _ t xo xlrc pcruwa at pcrnssua Beg„kllp rYttiB.lrxt aherssto. <br />:a slat erg aid s.-rrt? h at a j~;~.ial :e~urt< ~}r cr ~aaatssae€ to €rse prk<xer ; a s:f€a €~sraiaabost <br />a~raatFd; ?~ T'~ ~-~~.~.i= € t~ p=. 'ds ~~, :.'S~`ttri.-~ -~:- r~i-r airi. ~s-tris ~zd a iaer+eeai bs <br />wid promissory sots, the tnartgrgee will bn entitled to s defieierxy judgtnrnt far the amount of the dafw:irney svuhwtt <br />regard to apprsiaensertt. <br />6. In the rveni the mortgagor fails to p¢v any Frdrral, xtatr, ar !seal tax aasrssmrnt, nscomr tax or <rthrr tae hen, <br />charge, Ire, or other expense rharated attaiaat the pruprrir, the mortgagee es hereby authorised at hes uptann ua pay <br />the same. Any ruass w paid by the mart}zagee shall br added to and breams a part of the principal amount of the <br />sadebidnesa evidertee<1 by said note, subject io the :a+stc terms an+l ru+ditions. If the mnrtptagur xhall pay and <br />disrhargt the indrb3rdn.-aw F+F-idrncrd 6r said pnrmia+cory note, atnl .hall pay sorb one»a ,end xlr.sll dise}ta~r, all 3sxea <br />and iicaa rttd the cuerts, fees, and rxurrnn of making, rnfnrring, and rx~cex~ ~ then nn~tg¢ge, tt:4r: tltia utortxsg"v, <br />shalt hr caneefad sttd surrradered. <br />?'. T}at ravtwantA herein contained stroll bind and the benrnts and advantages shall inure to the respertivr suc- <br />txtiaoss astd arigas ad tb¢ parties brrtta. '1Yhattevrr wed, ryas singular number shat! include the pfarals the pftual ~ <br />tittrEttlart sad the tea ai sap gaadar mall fachtda all „eadees. <br />$, Ra i<aiv®r of aa+y rovenust Itrt.e.i•, •~r e~ tact abfit;,tia: see„ ~.1 he.~ng a.}tall at ar.r time thrrrafter br i•-i. <br />~. `~- : ''=tiit~r at tftm ~s~s hareaf or of the note assured herrbr. <br />q, to aanpfixsacse rich aeetsoa fQl.l l d) of the Rukn sad Regufatioru of the Smalf Busi»eos Administration (I~ <br />C.F.R. It31.1(d)j, this ittatrunaeat is eo be eeastsu¢d and egfan•¢d in accoidanes with appti€ab# Federal law, <br />I$, A }md-eiat dartvx, oerfta. w judg+raeot ftaWing toy provision or portion +.f thin instrument invalid or un- <br />+nttiert'aaaalsk slertfl oat in any way iasyair or preclude the: rnfarreanent of the ermsinittg pravesiaos ar fvr2eow of <br />this iw+trosatrnt. <br /> <br />