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84-: ist;~~ ~ <br />2. $'he ma¢eda~ar eoaoea>3~ sad saran as fta~ata: <br />a. Re aitl pzatmptly pay the iedebwdoamr e+idtmed by nand pe~irtery mte u elite times std i~ i6r <br />tautaaatr thereat: provided <br />&. fie riff pay all Yrttsea, maaaaneete, water ratan, and other so+reramentaf or att>mdpal elwrgts, finer; or <br />impastias ,far whieft provisos ha t~ bttm wade hereinbrfore, and will promptly dtx}frer the ta6taal tttttxapea <br />thereGir to Che said raorrgcgax. <br />c. He will pay such expenses and teen as maq lee incurred iv the protection and maintenance of said <br />property, including the fens ref any attorney empiayed by the mortgagte far the cnliection o! any or all of <br />the indebtedaeae hereby secured, or for torecloaore by mortgagee's axle, or evert praeeediags, or in any other <br />litigation or proceeding affecting said premises. Atwmeve fees rrasonsbty incurred in any other vrw shall lee <br />paid hq the mortgagor. <br />d. For fiettei security of the iadebtedaear hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its sat <br />to _t...n ra-cxtter a ry du-lie~r a.,.., t~a,.,.,ret e, -_ ....,... °° co:z ors- -- a,'.d~ <br />.n~....~ o. a".t~., .~, n.~.. - rp......•...»......rthafi, r..t7,.a 5 ar _ raaariao, <br />iapraveattnts, or battrrtturnur made to the property hereinahova dcaeribed•:.nul all prapertyaaegttired by <br />it attar the date ~laaraoE fall is fxurm satisfactarv to martgaRrx 1. Furehrrmore, shauld mortgagor fail to sure <br />any default in the payment aF a prior or in(eriar enrvmbranee un. the. property datacrihed 6y this insteviaeat <br />ttsortgagar hereby agrees to pcrnrit mrtrtgagre to rune such default., tart mortgagra ie sat ahligated to iia eo; <br />and aarh advanrrs shall brranre part of the indebtednrse secured by this inatrumrnL subject to the same <br />terms and coaditians. <br />a. The rights created by thin ronvevum~w_ shall r:•nrain tar foil four .md rdert during nay prxtpoaentaat <br />or eztr¢tsion of the time of payment of the is+irbtrdnre+t evidcxn-rd ire .aid pramiasury note or any Puri thereof <br />accvrad hereby. <br />). He will continuously n. _,; train hazard innursrrce, of aunt tvpr +:r tv{>ea and in aurh amounts as the <br />mortgagee may from time to nnu• require an the improvrn:rnta now ur 6rrratter on said property, and <br />ril9 pay prataptly xha® drx any pserniuaa therefor. Al! iasueaace shsil iio rarrieri in companies aeoepiabla <br />Gr taartga6ee sad the policies and renewab thereat shall ba held by mory;agr:e sad lure atettrhed thareGr <br />1~ payable clam ~ favar sf attd iu fe.-m arcepsahl:` to a?;r°,€r. is e:eat of ?cxr=, rasrtgagar will k~Ta <br />immediate trotixle is vrrirJ to *-'t'~'~~~, arsd morrga~av++x• rasw ntal;e pr~zf r~ i+~ ifs t ~-ti~ F'F z'y <br />aart~a~al, read each tturtrattre rwnepmir eattrcernad 3 a lae:reliy uatltonasd and directed to aralte payttteaa far each <br />lac dirtxlly to aaatt6a{poa instead of to asortpagar sad tttortga{ttee jointly, and the imvranae praeaed~, ar any <br />pan thereetr easy lee applied by ~rt{ta}{ea at its aptiotx either tea tar rrdaetiaa of tira iadalrt dry haan~by <br />st':~rred er ea r+~?:~ ar s+ a.=:r of t~ F,~Ytpr~rty ai;:ttxagrY! e:: ~~t:rsez.a'. tv. r.~t .,r as a !ter of :ice <br />tnertgs{~, ar since irstaafer of titir+ to said pnrprrty in ratin:guixfttneat of the iadr'~htrdnear+ aarurad larreby, all <br />rsgbz, tiels; sad into-rat -~i flan ~trartgsgrrr in cirri to nay etraursnra pcrioai~ t#tan in form's shall pass to the <br />pvrci seer ar muriFattrr or, at fhr rxptiaut of tar rrxa rt}tattrr. mar' frr =nrren,lrreri fGt a retanrl <br />K- Hr will keep all bnildinRa and other improvrmrata ox: sal+i {rroprrty in go<nl repair and rnndition; <br />will permit, rrrmrrti4 or stiffer nu wxate, ins{raimvmt, dctrrioration of raid proprrh' ar anv part the. rent; <br />in the event of failure of the murtytagor to keep the hui{dinga on said premier. and those erected an said <br />premises, or improvements thrrraa, in goad repair, the rrtertgagrt Wray make. such repairs xs to its rliscrrtiou it <br />may Berm neeeaaary for the praper prrarrv anon thereof ~. and the full unaunt o{ rack amt every such payment <br />shall lee i»rmrvliatrly due and payable end shall ixr *rcutrd ba flee flea ~f this murtgart+•. <br />h. He will nut voluntarily cersatr ar penntt to lrr created aa,xinaF the par{reefs nnbiert to thin ntartgagr <br />anv lint ur Iirna iniarior or au{wrtar to dre lten ut t}ris ntorr,ga;;r withant the• writtrxs nursrnt of the morb <br />gager; and further, ire wtff •i,rrp and uraxntain fhr. +anr*~ free fnrnr the claim ut :tlf {rrraona supplyixtK 4abar ar <br />nralerials ku rrmal ruction of avy tad elf buildengs ur tut{rruvnrnxrnta uow hrnyt rnrctrd ur to hr rrrretrd art <br />said premises. <br />. Ile will urxt mat ..r asti~n ass {xart of the rent a}" 9ard xnortgattx-d proprrtr or <irmrxiish, +ar rrr»ovrj <br />Ot au8tutaatialiy alter any huilrlia~ withcnn fhr ~ritirn c+ar.rat of fhr nn!rt;tagre. <br />j. All awards of danragra in rannrctiav with any candemnation Tar {r-~~hhr oar of ur ir+jurv to anv at the <br />r`'`-= ~• ~ - __ ~:.~~a~ a~ .~.. - _- sgrr~. eau shal$ rr, ea nrvr:ea~s.e, rear x. - . afrpitr tar <br />x$ to papmani of Bier irraisiimen4 last due rondo said carts and uxortgaar ,, is herrbv authxrriuu-~ to flee <br />name of tier mort{Yagar, to rxecatr= and deliver valid xerlurnancr~a thereat anr{ to appeal ircun ens su+?r :venal. <br />E. `Ylm mortgagra ahal} leave tire, ri[#Itt fo inspect fhr mortgaged prams. sat sus reatwnablr time <br />`?. lasilt is-aray of t{;z ra:srrrants rrt :<rtifr-f+tisn. of ibis 1trairrUmnt ur ai ttrr Hate or tuaxx agrrenw+nt ...curers <br />heraa{y:!iwll Lbraiaatr fhr inart{tagare rtg}rt tCx poanrssirnr, use. and en{avmrnt „f the firaprrty, at fhr optinn uE fhr <br />r»prt*af¢ee ar hta xaxtgna lit Frrirrg xgrrrd that tlar marigagnr nlraFl bare six='h nght unt+l drfauh i. L'prra any aurh <br />dafaiilt, flee marrtt;agx shalt lw~errnre fhr a rer n! off of the rents sad prafite arrettu+r after +frfsult ax sr. rrrrty <br />ter the iaclrbtrdaay+t tweured hrrrbv, with Fhe right to carne rraoa said praprrly for fhr per{cane of r~ullrrtixx>; such <br />rents sad praGrtr, 'this instrexmrnt shall Gfecst;a ire as saxigrsrnarat ref seer rsrrtsf, ors aei:l {,ro{wets ter itrsr rzttnt. <br />