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<br />3. The atoregagar covenaab and aR+rra that if 6e shall irii to pay said irtdeLtrdweaa ~ awy part thereat whew <br />dti; or shall fai(~ perform any envrawnt nr a¢rrenrat of this inatwmrnt ur tFtr promiaaery note aeenreaF(ict~.lrq, tip[ <br />AAirr ittdebsedneas hrrchY gerund shall imtaediateiy beeoaee doe, paya4b' aqd collretihlF without nol6ee; at ti~ <br />aptian of the twortgagee os assigns, rcgardkaa of maturity, and she maatta~e~ orttia ariQt`a tftsp,~fore ot+fier eetft~ <br />sell-rid property without •ppraixment (the mortgagor having waived and seal[[[ed to the'tnellgaga ail righh bT <br />ttpPrwiseaaent) : F Z <br />~ is.a a i ;.~~ ~$• <br />t t) st judicial Bale pursuant to the precisions of ~ [!.S.C...g01 w a 1 ; or - <br />ftt) se site option of the mmtgagey either by auction or by solieitatiow of eeakd bida,~for the higLeatsad <br />Lett bid eamplyittg tritb the terms of ask awd msnwer of payment spaeified is the pttLlfil'ed wotiee of wk, (list <br />[tiring four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and plan of cosh sale, by +td~etYia¢wesrt not katt'lhaw ogee <br />during each of said four weeks in s newspaper published or distribnlatF.,iathnyegfwlly iri)vhich taid-property <br />b situated, alt otter nwiee being hereby waived by the mortgagor lord acid wtortgagee, or say psnoa w <br />behaN of acid °1°rigab'a. may bid with the tmpaid indebtedaeas evidrlteed by acid twee). Said oak shall 6e <br />held ri or oe the property to be sold or :t the FedrraS, county, nr cite eounhotaw for the eetmty in which the <br />property k located. The taortgager is hereby anthoriaed to rzecute (ar and oo b.haN of the mortgagor and to <br />deliver w the parehaer at aneh oak a rtt~reient conveyance of said property, whieb ceaveyaaee shall caataia <br />ra~eafa as :o the Lappsaitag of the defsait upon which the e:eeutiaa o[ the power of eak hrrsia granted <br />depetsda; attd the acid asortgrger hereby comiituts sad appbiatr the mertgagee or any agent or attoewey of the <br />~Oit6agee, the agent and attotsey is fan of mild trwngagse to make aweh rcttitab and w ezeavte said <br />eowveyaace sad hrreLy roreaaata sad agree that the raskak ao tatade alt.fl be e6ertaal w bar a0 equity er <br />right of redemption, homestead. dower, and all ether rsrmptions o! the mortgagor, all u( which ere 6ercbv <br />ezpteealy waived and conveyed to the mongagec; or <br />ittt7 take any other appropriate action pnrauant to state nr Federal statute either in state or Federal <br />court or otherwise la the diapoeitioa of the propene. <br />la the event of a uk as hrrrinabnrr pr.,~.ldrd, the mortgagor or env pcrsow in poaaeaswn under the mortgagor shall <br />then heroine and 6r [coasts ho{ding over sad shall (enhwith deliver poaseasiam en the purchaxr at aurh eak or be <br />anmmarily d'upaaaeased, in arrordattre with [he proviaioeta of law applirablr to Irnanta holding over The power <br />sad agency hereby gnnted arc coupltd with an interest and arc irrrvocabk hs death or nthrrwise, and are grants) <br />a• cumulative to the remedks for coiketioa of said lade&ednses provided br law. <br />i. Tise p+eeeods ~ wy oak of acid property ie aeeerdaw« with the p:ra+ediag parngrapha stall be applud ~ <br />to pay the enU sad aapsass of said ..k, rite stepettaaa iurwrrxd by the asartg#yee far she pazpwe n( proteetiag or maia- <br />talautg aatd prapertv. and M~--~~-~(~t- yttornrvs fr+a; srroadly, to pav the indrbtedrsrw sr.•urrd hrrri» ; and thirdly. <br />err par aaY aot$!ta or ezeeta to the pertaaa or prr.atvs legally rntitkd t(nerrta - <br />5- ~ the ="`-~ =x pr_."srty k ~' i at a j~is~; .ores~srr sslr or Puasaraag io #sr pewee of sak hersriaabova <br />granted„ and tLs proceeds are set sntieieat w pay the tots! tnde~edtttaa actura<d ! s this iastrtrtwsat sad rvidetaced LY <br />Hid premiaaory sofa. the otortgagoa wtli its eetitkd to s debeietteY jttdgmeat for the atwowat of the delictrwr}'ttnrAewt <br />re/rrd to wPPrwiatratawt. <br />6. !n the event the atorigagur fae4 w pav say Fedenl, stale, or total tan +ssessanrnt, Incontr ua ur outer tan hm, <br />rhargr, fee, or oshrr eapraue charged agutrt the property, the tnortgagrr to hereby +uthunaed at his option w pay <br />the same. Any sww so paid by the moetgagee shall 6s added to and become a part of the principal amount of the <br />iadebtrdrtw evidenced by uid wore, aubjert w the same terms and ,anduirxu. !( the mangagor .hall pat sad <br />discharge the indrLtrdaesa rvideaced by said promtawrv Hoeg and shall pay yurh soars anJ altalt discharge all taa~ <br />sad Iiew. and the cwla (ass. sad rapntse» of maiittl~ enforriaa, and eseritinF thin talsrtgag+z, tFiea Chia mortgage <br />sWl Ma cawevled sed eurrewdatevl. <br />T. Tha ayrewaatG harries eontaiaed shall bin•t awd the brar64s wd adrsatagss sba l lours w the respective eUC+ <br />oaatoea sad aaaiswa of the paellas harsta. 7Fhwsever uaad, tin ua;ttlar sawabsr aball the phtrai, else p~ra1 tfr <br />tiwittlttlrt alttl the wan of awy pwder aLal} iwahtde aft gwdara <br />f! ~s wuvar ad say oeseaant travels or of ebe oLligstsoa >~ar>~ itrrcity aira(I at ass time thrrfattw_ he !:tld <br />~ !x a waiver of the tarma hereof or of rho ease secured hrrcbv. <br />q• y eetwpliawyb trill[ asetioa 1t11,1(d l of the Hwka fwd f4guLtiwta of the 'awaU Bawasr Admiwiatrattoa (l~ <br />GP.R. lOf.f (d} }. [fats ittatrnaaewt w t+a Ire aaaatrnad awd rdarred is accsrdaoea rich appfisabis Fadarsl law. <br />I~ ~ jw~eial daertot, order. ar jwdltrweaal hoidiwg my proriaioa or portion n( this taatrumaut invalid or ua- <br />ewtwenettLle ahaH [tat is ary way impair or prerluda the ea(arcetnent of the rcmatntag proristvns or portions of <br />1Lls (Mltrnttaallt. <br />aq few sat 1}ta/ .. <br />