80a. c1Co~838
<br />L TM s~pr eovmtaetti rd des r lelirtw: ,
<br />e. He wi8 proasOdy pep the udabeedaart evidreed M add prerirary aou .: ehe ti~aer teed w tha
<br />te...r t6mteht ~~
<br />b. He will p+7 ~ loiter, asteetasatws„ Crater eater. rd enthrt gwvaeaartal aR aatt+seipal e~ fhttnre ar
<br />frpsitiars ~ arhieh laevLiata hr rt her xarie 6amiaherfatev alai will ptmtptl~ deliver the erias) reseipY
<br />therefr to the and t
<br />c. He »il pay such ezptora and fed a. may be ircettrred in the protection and mainicnanex of said
<br />property, iaclttdwg the fees of am aUorney employed by the mortgagee for the col{ection of aay or all of
<br />the indebtealtcer ixroby secatred, or for forecferarr by raortgageeS axle, er rrnrt pcoceedirtgt, or in ant other
<br />litigation or ptaeeediag affecting wid prmaiara. Attarstrys' felts rearoaably iacurred is any other war shall be
<br />paid by the eaort{,agor.
<br />ef. For better security of the iadebtedaw hereby secured, upon the rrqurat of the mortgagex, its sne
<br />cestoes or assifcm, he shalt czrcute sad deliver a wDplemental rrwrtnge or mortgySra covering oar sdditio+as,
<br />improvernestu, ar betterments made w the property herrinabovr desribed -nd all proptrty acquired 6y
<br />it after the date, hereof +atl in form laWfsnorr to mortgagrti. furthermore, should mortgagor fail to cure
<br />any default in the paymrert of a prior or inferior cncombranee an the property dexribed by thin irmtrrtmeat,
<br />mortgagor hereby agrees to ptrmit mortgagee to curt sorb ,{rfauh, but mortgagor is not obligated to do w:
<br />and such sdvanea shall become part of the indebtedness werured by this instrument, subject to the same
<br />terlna and t»aflltiorw.
<br />r. lire rights rrrated 6y Chu e»nvn~anre .hall mmaim in full force and etfeM during anv paetpo+tement
<br />or eztrtmiem of [hr time of payment of the indebtedness rvtdenrr.i by sold pncmiseasrv ante or any part [hsrcaf
<br />secured hereby.
<br />). He wi^ rontinuuusiv maintain hazard msuranre, of Bach type or n{ors and m such amounts as the
<br />nwrtgagrr mar itom dme to time rrquirr un the rmpro.rments uow or hrrraftrr nn said property. and
<br />»ll pay prrsmpt-r then dote aay premiums therefor. AU irweratuce shall 6e carried is companies acceptable
<br />to taotipgee and the poliexes aead reoewsb thereof shall bs held by mortgagee aad here attached theeeto
<br />loss parable ciaetaa is favor o! aad is (orm acerptabk to the arurtgasre_ is event of loo, mesrtgagar will give
<br />rate notice in writing to aaarlgagee, sad tmortgaaes mry males otrool of !or if sot mute oreacpily by
<br />ttttert~rv aad esseh iaretraaae esmpwr esaeerned is bsrrby sudharued and direcaed to make parmeat for seteh
<br />tart dix«tly ie twattgtrgoa taaiterd of to mortgagw aad mortgagee jointly, cad the iruuratree proceeds, or any
<br />part thernwf, may lee appiecd by maeesa•ee st it option citbrx !o tits redtxtiea of xhe itteiebtexineaa hexeby
<br />aaegrari or is rho tart+aratioa ~ repair oC the prape*riy d,asatpad ear dastrayed, #s resat .?# tare.+<4vaar± of
<br />. or other transfer of title to said prnpartv to eaUrtgus,hmrnt of the iadrbterlae„ .ecrered beeby, alt
<br />riffs t aad "'~°°" at ate rt~rigegor to std is any iasurrace pn{ieres riua le fa€ca shril par to rix
<br />pur?hassr Err ~~ ar, a# tbr~ opi3aas .-,f lice anorigager. matt he surrrndereri far a refarri.
<br />t. He wilt keep alt huiidtnp and uthrr improvemruts on said pruprrty rn gwsai rrp,ir aad runditian:
<br />will prrmrt, commrl, or suHrr mr waatr, inrpaitmrnt..letrnorauoec of said proprrtv or anv part thereof:
<br />is the evrat of failorr of else mortgagor to keep the butldings ao .aid premiss and tfeo,r rrertnl on said
<br />pneai,es, ur imptavrmenta thrreoa, ie goad reyair, the murtgagw mar make wrh rrprtn a« to to drscretroo it
<br />may dxrm nrrrsaary fur the peuprr prrxnauun thereo(, and the full amount of raeh and rvrrv wrh payment
<br />shall it tatcnediately due aad payabit aad shall hs .rcurv.i by the bra of ihrs m„rtzaar-
<br />6. Ne will not voiuntarilv create of permtl to br crratcd again«t the pruprnv subjrrt to this mortgage
<br />acv lien or terns Inferior or sufecrior w the Item of this erwrtgagc rithuut the rrutrn r.u+srnt of the morn
<br />itaasr: aaQi further, he viii keep and maintain the ,sort tree tram the c{aim n( ail persons suppivroq lobar ur
<br />matertaia for rmsirucliun of arty and all buildings or intpnsacnrruts nor bang rrrrtra{ ~+r t„ he rrrrtrr{ on
<br />uid prr.misn.
<br />+_ Hr will oar rent or as«rtn an* part of the rent of said mortgagrd property or drmoiish, or mraovc,
<br />e1r stmt alto ur. truiidiog rtthuut the wr oleo coo.wnt of the murL agrr
<br />}. Alf accords of damapn ra evaartuctioa Kith an} rundsmnation fz`r puhhr u-r' ,.f or u,jur. ur anv of the
<br />'~ ~~--a~4 ~ €~ntg2~ a~ ~:~bY ~asga~[ as:d alc.~:i ~ f:a:cl t., v:,tr;;sg=~., sv«.- -- ----_ ::.'~z
<br />saa'+fe as i.avtias7at of tha< .r.-uiLf~a4 la.i der u+x$rr cold note, aad mvrtKayrr tr i;rroby aurhariard, in rhr
<br />solar of ifv +surrt~atgar. to ra rcutr and driivrr :slid arquit~ances thereof and to appeal frem aay wrh award.
<br />1_ The raa~rigagrr shalt have tier tight to ittsprct rice mortgaged premisw+ at out rrawttabir time
<br />~ f4faralt ire aay. of ilx ¢vvetsaots ea rv,rwiiaamv of ibra lust r;rrarrnt of +,f the r, r. or imn azrrratrni srEUrv+i
<br />hpehy rhaA tet7eittNe the moHgaiyut's rttbt ro possrsswa. use, sod ra{ov went of thropro{acct a, at the option of the
<br />marlgit~ee or his aaeigas (it 6riag agreed that the rnorticagar ah,ll have such nght untai +frfsulr a !'iwn any such
<br />dt+taelt, the mortgagee sfiaif bernmr the nvr nee of all of the mats and profits +rernang after .ici•ult as srcuntr
<br />f+tir the ittdebtedaer secured hereby, with the nght ra eater upon sold iewlrrrtv for t{tr purpuas of rullrcunr wch
<br />raWa sad }uurflw 'F~y iaattY9ryct shall oprraN ar as assigemest u! any rentals urv s„d property to that ratsnt..
<br />