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a6+~~Uti <br />853-= ~lE~°~$3~ <br />3. The enorigag>K ettresarr& and egrets thu if be shat! [oil es-par rid indebiedttzr or ant pater thereof when <br />dt.a, at shah fait to prrfoem env rovenant of agmmettt of this itatrntttent or the protniattetty note scented hereby. the _ <br />eAi~re ittdebtedtter hereby serorrd .hall istwtediately liedbate dtre, W9 a}E7lytlAict»1itr7tbtbitt~ant notfee, at'the <br />of the mortetat[et or aaaigna. regardless of maturity, and the melt~a*e or his awi~lYO'm[frbtlfere or after aNt7 <br />ael~ staid property withatt apprai.etwrnt (the mortgagor having waive+~d and aaaipted to the~tenortgagee ail rights of <br />tl~aa~sentene): i ~ '~ ~S 1 y ~ fJV ~~v <br />-, - t t 1 ai ~erdicial sak pseaoaet to the provisions of 20 L! ~.t:. 2001 S a) : or <br />{ u) u the optiees of fire reetgadee, Miter br aaaaioa or by selidtatiaa of aarb~.bitls.~fetr the ~ atsd <br />betel bid eastplyit~ with the tersta ~ saM asd taaatam et Pal`~t a!a's4~ ~ ~ P watioe oEsaia, fret <br />giritrg font wreki ttotiee at the lilac, terms, and place of soe6 rte, fir advet'NterlflltM set let tbtm ogee <br />during cseh of asid four weelu io a newpaper pvbiuFtad or diuributed-iu=ihraawatit} is rdltieh acid property <br />-ia aituatsd. all other novice 6eiag 6are6y wtetved b7 tba eneetgagor (.tad rid raetgaese. ar u~ press ast <br />btdsaN of said mortfra®ee. ray bid with the tmpaid indebtedness evidameed by said ttotei• Sam aaie shdt be <br />hell u or on the pmoerty to br soid er at the Federal, county, or city conrtitowe far She twsst>• is which the <br />proFarty is heated. 't`he morl¢aKe is hereby aothorised to ezteate for cad oa behalf of the teortgagos Bed to <br />deliver to the pteteharr at ranch rk a attlBeieat conveyance of rid property, which cenray'awee .hail tontaia <br />recitals r to the happening of the detach t:poat which the ezeentios of the ewer of ands heads geaated <br />depmda: and the sap) tsstngagar heroby eoowitutr cad appbiots tar rortRagar ero asy rgamt rte attorny of the <br />tnartpger, the sliest and attorney is fact of acid mortgagor to mafse such rardRah cad to ezaente ns~ <br />oonveFasec rtd heedr, and ageata tMe the reelttais se wade shell he edeetaal to her ail a:gaitT or <br />right of rtYiamptios, hnsartead, dower. cad all other ezemptiams of the mortRagoi, cif of which arc hereby <br />ezpreasly wa P~~ta 1~e~ltae tRalta: or <br />! tat 1 xal! a~yx'!~r ~" Pennant to state ar Fcdetrt statute either in state or Federal <br />court ar atherwrse ~ disposition of the progeny. <br />in the event of a ssk r ha.eiaabova pm+e,lzd. the enottytaRar nr am prmrt in paresston u»der the montG+tgor shall <br />rhea basromr cad be tenants holding over and hail (onhwrth deliver posaeaaion to the parchwr at such wk or be <br />asatmarily disparered. in ar:;ordarwa with the previsions of lar applicable to iman4 holdittg over. The power <br />and agency hsrebv ttraatad aro esapied with v iMeerst asd aro irrevoea6la by deuh or oihaetrisr. and are granted <br />r e~nlatir€ to the .ea+rdir• ter raihwtios d said imtebteedsas prortded Iry law. <br />l 7Ae praesteds of sett' ria at said prepeny m ascwdasee with the Preeedleg P~aPM anal! be applied Ent <br />d pay rho Berta tad ezpesar of nerd rho the azpesrr itersread by tlr ew the peeper d prataatiag ar mir <br />tttisiau Bard progeny, sad reaaanabk astormrv+ fees; seeattdly. to pay the indrbtedans secured heroby: and thirdly. <br />to pay any aar~te ar xa~ to tl^a paat,nn eK ptx+etrt Itteadly entitled titaret+A <br />~, to rite evtwt ss3d propsrry k said u a psdiwl fatac3srnte rk or -psrw~t to the powez ref +rola !~ <br />greeted. cad the preeasds rte not ettieiset to pay the teal tadehtednrs seettrasi bt this inttsassat cad evidsattued bT <br />acid ptataaarsrr amity the aaetgptsss waA bs eaeitW to . defreicaey ~adgatrst for the attesrwt d eke aiaFeiawry anisbwt <br />tarter to eppratiassatats. <br />b. la the even! the moregattur tstls to psy say Federal, auto, w iaral lea usseaaatrnt, tetrstre ua or other taz list. <br />rhrsgr, (er. x atigv aaprnr ebarpd attarnse the property, the :nertgrgr,r is hereby aulhartmd N hie apttan to pay <br />the Basta. Aay stars se peed by ehs nterytsgae .hail 6e added w asd bsntre s pan at the pnacipai srtaoent of the <br />iadsbsrbeeaa awidASeed by Baal twte, +abjaM to the «are teruw aed ,w.diliotw. If the mertaattar phali Wv cad <br />dtsdtstsgn if:a i~ rvidrnresl by +sid ptmetswry +aatc. and `hall pay such earns cad ahali diachuge all razes <br />cad; -issa and the realty far, +ta.l eapersr of ra-iaR, eafereitaR, awd etteeatiag lhY tnartgatle, rhos thin eaortgagr <br />aiaii tro awee4sd aed wrrssdaaed. <br />'. 71ta eevarasrr htavtiM eatralaad shttll hied asd ~ betaaiM anal askmtatess sbaU iwan M IdM tsaMrsrura aaa~ <br />nesters ad rtgpts erf tot partir htswtss. Rrlrosera used. the siapaiar asttsbae aAail dead+ada tits phterJ. efs phtsrd the <br />siylliRrs rrifita ttsa at slaty rrdrr aiasii_Lsbsda a8 radra <br />td lVis aaivee d sty eeveapN hreia er e,t tiro abligatiaa savred hereby ahdl ai .ay rite tMeraftx be held <br />~! ~- a tlrtbrat ai t~a eN~a bras( as ~ ilea atete +settrad harabr. <br />rlt aarpbaaaa wa- let-t!d i et dte fttthr cad Rrgai.tlaa. of tkro ~ssall Bariaar Adaisissntias (to <br />C.~.14 lid.#!di ~. ~a ~ i~r to La+aattMard cad aadataaai iat .sear~iaaas with appiiaaYb €edrrai tor. <br />f~. A jadlsiaf dares, ardor= as )a~~ hair nay pssrisiea or parties d tbir iottrsaaast invalid w trs- <br />ie +iteli ctrl is atH 'sat iatpwr or pserAria the tatsrrieat of the :wasianyt prorisiew or psetirar of <br />1tMk itartwsaet. <br />ss r Br aa-err .., . <br />