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80~~'63~~~83~ <br />L'raaaers~.~oruoas.r+.a~ia~eea:,rteHm.: .. ._.,_... <br />a Hr trill peemptly pay the fsdteLfedtaam evidemed M acid promirrey oete at the timer and is tie <br />ttaamta.r tbtaeft. pttr.idsd <br />8. He will pry a!1 tear, atrearretata, triter t:tesr and otleer Roreereneeul or tusnieipal tdtrr~ea, finety m <br />itopttttitirnr, tat «hieh pto-Liira br soe been ts.rde 6eeeinbrlttee, and will promptly thdirer eie aidal tttetdpu <br />thardw xe the said <br />c He will pay ave6 expmees snd fees w may be inenrred in the protection and maintman« of wid <br />property, includiaR the tees of ary attorney employed br the mort}ta6« for the collection of any or aU of <br />the indebtedttew hereby s«ared, or for foreclowre 6y mottgsg«'e wle, or wart prttcxdmRs, or in any other <br />litigation or proceeding aNertiag wid prtmtiaes. Attorneys' fees reasonably incurred in any ether way shall be <br />Arid by the swrtgrRor. <br />d For better atteurity of the indebtednew hereby secured, upon the request of the raortEa~eoe, iv twc <br />censors ar awitma, hs shalt ezeeatr sad drtirer a aupp(emmtal mortgage « martgaga corertaR aey addit(oa+r, <br />iaprosemtsetta, or bettermmU made to the property hereinabove described +nd all property acgaired 6y <br />it after flee date heneo( loll in form wtisfatlory to mortr,aReel. Furthermore, should morytaRor (ail to can <br />tmy de&a(t is the payment ~ a prior or inferior mcutabran« on the property described by this itrtrureent, <br />mattaagor hereby agrees ro permit mortgagee to rurc ouch default, Ina mortgagee is not obligated to do eo; <br />snd surlt advaace shall become part of the indebtedness aecared by this inetrumeaL subject to the acme <br />toms and eo~itiorw. <br />r. The righu eresttd by [his eartveyance shall remain in full force and eHM during any postponement <br />or eatettsion of the time of parmem of the indebtednew evidenced by said promiworv note or env part thereof <br />secured hereby. <br />f. He will continuauah- matmsin hazard inaunncr. of anth type or rupee and in ouch amounts as the <br />mortgagee may from time to time regalia on the impravrmrnts now ar herrdtrr nn acid propene, and <br />will pal psostptly rhm dru aa7 permiutns therefor. All ittaann« sha(1 bs carried in eomprnies aooeptabk <br />to teortgrRee atad the polfeia tad renetrrY tieeeo[ shall 6e held by rnortRapae rod Gave attached thrrsto <br />kaa payable tlrwee in fagot of and in (ore aeeeptabk to the taertgrRce. In event of {osw mortgrROr will Rive <br />irsmudiaq tootles in srntinR to atrtigrRee, aed mortRrgee may make pros[ of ks if not made pemaptly by <br />s~ cash isatenee tempray mtrreraed is hereby authorised and direeeed to mike papmmt for rush <br />krs ditst#ly to assrtRrgee ieaeead of to maeigrgatr sad tvwrtgaFer jointly, snd the innrran« proceeds, or ray <br />pert thnrwf. may 6a applied by taortftagee ai its aptiaa either to the. reaiaetiaa of the indrbtedaesa hereby <br />aecared or to the rerYw:tion « repair of the property damaged ar deruoyed. !n event of fareckwre of tbb <br />tattrtRaR'z ar arise trenafer of tick ea said praspertr in rtttingaishmra! of She iadabtedaew seswred brushy, aft <br />tigftt, titk, sad interest o! the utter to snd to any snatrrance policies then in (ores she(( pray to tlu <br />purchaser nr mortRrytee nr, at tie opting of the mortgagee may ht aurrendersd (or r refund. <br />g. fir rill k«p all building and ether improvemenu an wid property in good repair end coaditioa; <br />will permit. commit, ar suffer rw rolls, impairment, detenuratiun ui said property or snv part thereof: <br />in the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings on acid gremlin snd those erected or srid <br />premiss, ur impraremnnta thereon, m good repair, the morytaRee mar make such repairs w in iu diaeretion it <br />rtuy dorm rmeawry for tie proper prnervation thereof : and the full amount n(rach and every nosh payment <br />shalt be imrnedltttcly dtre and payebk aed shat! be aexttstd by..tbe lien of this mwtRagr. <br />h. He wit) rtol voltmtarily crcrtr or permit to be created ittainst the property subject to this mortgage <br />ray lien. liaaa ~fsrmr ar. sttpenar to tlx lien of thu rtwrtytat[a avithout the written caasent of the mort• <br />gages: amt (artist. he wilt keep anJ maintain the name free from the claim of all perswns supplying labor or <br />mrteria4 for rotWruHiaa u( env and all buildings or improvemrnls now lrrtnR erected or In ktr rrerteJ an <br />.aid prernisa. <br />i. Hr wi8 trot riot ar aw+tn an• pen of the rtnt of raid mnrtgageJ pmptrty ar demolish. or romove, <br />sr subruMirlly aher any building wtthaut the wrttten cun.ent of the mangrgee. <br />j. A}( awards of damages in teaneetimt «it6 aay condenutatvaa far publl:.- ,~~ ..f =sr ia:j;arv e~: aay of the <br />Pr°I~" wtb}tet re tiffs mortRr~ are hereby asaRexd and :hall be paid to mortRrRee, who tray apply the <br />our m pryatent ai tie irtataf(nwnM last doe mdse wid pate. sad rnartRrRee is hereby authoris,erf, in tl.r <br />Hems of the mottRwpar, to execute sad delirrx ,slid xcquutanvra thereof and to appeal from my oath arard. <br />k. The mortgytee obit! beer the riRhi Io inspect the mortgaged Prasti+r+ at +oY rssswtrNe time <br />.y. OMfaaft is rttn rf the curgllana ar tetndititter of tltia inatrumrnl or of tlr- Here or loan aRrevwent secttreal <br />h't'~! rhrfl Mttmlas4t the nwrt~aRiar~s rtgit to puaarasum, use, sad rnjnyment n/ the property, at the option of tke <br />wwtgsytrr ru hie awapm tit bring atltv!rd that !fie martRSRat shall have Hoch right uuttl default 1. l;paa any atrrh <br />tlalatdt, tpx, '^r'*Vt+lte'r .hrti breoatr the aw Her of all of the rtwd and profits accruing after rie(rult n seeurilr <br />fM the iadebtadnaav rrrarrd lterrby, rkh that right to etnttrr tttpatt aarud property fur the purpose a( roLleetint each <br />tors ata± pnsf4tLa. 't'his ia~ntnrne ale!! aPsent ~ an ~ of any rentak as said prep«rty to that rirent. <br />