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<br />~~~ #1t'.8~~ <br />prior to entry of a judgment enforcing Chia Mortgage i€: ;a} Borrower gays Leruier all sums which would be then due rmaer <br />;bis'~{ortgage, the iVote atxi Hates srcuring Future Advances, if any, had no acceleration occurred; (b) Borrower curse all <br />hreaohas of any other cTn.-~tants or agraarrtetns of Harrower contained in this Mortgage: ic) Borrower pays all reasonable <br />expenses incurred 6y Lander in enforcin± the mveaaa[s and agt'xtnents of Barrawer cantaitted in this kortgage and in <br />enforcing I:ander's tatntdaes as provided in paragraph i & haraaf, including, but riot limited ta, reasonable attorney's fees: and <br />(d) Horrowar takes such actian as Lender may reasonably require to assns that the lien of this Mortgage. Lersdtr's imarest <br />intha Property audBorrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Mortgage shall contimte unimpaired. Upon se[eh <br />paymen[ and ears by-Harrower: this Moztgage and fht obligations uwred hett:by shat! remain in full force and etfact as if <br />z>a acceleration had occurred, <br />~. Asf!ga~tettt of Ret~ Apptda[msent of Raceivtn; Lender in Passa. As additional security hereunder, $omoaer <br />hereby assigns to ixrmder The rents of The Property, provided that Harrower shall, prior to acceleration under paragraph 18 <br />hereof or abandanmen[ of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents as they becorie due and payable. <br />Upon acce{arafiion under paragraph ig hereof or abatxlontttent of the Property. Lender, in person, by agent or by <br />j[ulicially appointed receiver, shall tx entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the Property and to collect the <br />nests of the Property, ircluding those past due. Atl rents cot{ec[ed by Lender or the receiver shalt ix applied first to payment <br />of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not limited io. rtttiver's fees, premiums on <br />reeeivtr's bonds and retnana~bieat[nrney's fees, and then to the sums secured 6y this Mortgage. Gender and the receiver <br />shall be liable to account attly for tlttxse rents actually received. <br />2I. Ftr1~e Adraaeta: 17pon.rt:quest of Borrower. Lender, at Lenders,option prior to release of this Mortgage, may <br />make Future Advattcas to Baarowar. Stash Fo[ure Advances. with interest therenn, shall be seared by this Mortgage when <br />4-i~ntxst by promissory ttotas sTatimg Chas said sorts are secured hereby. At na time shall the principal amount of the <br />indebtedness secured-by this ~Martg»ge, Hat including sums advanced in accordance herewith to protect the scarify of this <br />..TkStsrtgagt:, ezcasd ttx urigit:n~l amount of the Note plus USS. S.G'0.~ OLt ......... <br />~'~. Rte Up<m payment of all ssTms seared by t^i- Mortgage. Landry shall discharge this Mortgage without <br />charge to Borrower. Harrower shalt gray al! casts of reconda[ion. rf any. <br />p'W SfJlzx, W[[tlaettF, Harrawa:r ;fuss executed this Mortgage. j~, <br />a. ~,, ~ <br />T~rifi. ba..~ .' .. ~e~nu~'~~ .............. . <br />-eorrwwar <br />~.~~..t~:~,..-1 .................... <br />-lo.rower <br />sss . <br />C~JttFl?'Y [3B ~.. S <br />t'hs inst:.['umtant was acknowlndged be1€nre rye ttt,is ~~~. , clay ot:. <br />. ~;r . 1y84 ,y . I~s.^~? W Skt~'t~ ~t~3 F~rx+~' J. 9Ytat ttt~~x3 <3rxi t~TiPc <br />5'r.i re~~~ ~} tta'.F.~ ~a~' ny'?t.2%S-a~ 5@31 3t;. ,~3~. 3.5.L1~tId . _ _ _ . <br />let k~„ti,~,t t,~.==it='. *_he ~_t:e vl`: rge :i~. <br />Nara X}' YUhi 1C <br />!4y £::nmvirsKion uxpi.rea: f,+x, / ;,i.$~r'~''I ~~ <br />~4L~"ahte M tgpuq <br />IMt1~n. rsgr, Nqu. 1a, ;W1 <br /> <br />Ir~e~st ~~ t+: ~r ~~ ax~rTx4, tra:<. ' t~'+~':~ins1'«tt3..'~3TSk :ir_~~~,t~ 7s1,:1. <br />"1+61riq€rC~"? it e' ~G4a3 .anti v3AttakYla! C.Ux;:~idnrat icxn ~o it 1. e1 hams etia:i i?y :.^e Yei!ra r: ar ?;ctrt- <br />`~ .°-t,r'tat':e ?"u~r3, _~=+';xeSSZa~sl uni+[rr '.l;u 's aaFU :=t t~~ ..tnk~ f ~zSraxhka ~:x+.saknn+~„.. ,ht: <br />[~ew#s;=: -... R.,..~..... ..~:SY:.d r~.~,u„ iter~l;y sciltt=.rrlnsi4uu. &c~+vm naz€=t~y .-.~-;.qr, ~.=elks€ar, sad <br />tt~C flea vs~E~r h0sir#tt~as a2.y .tx righ»ts, tl.Yae, end ia:erest an and t., !~tsas c~erta xn !~tort- <br />ttste~+tcr~ ~ t ~5.. ~r~ ~_rxy_;,r. ~ti~~tr t~tx,•~t ~iy~ ,~~~- <br />