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I.eodar's wGtten agreement ~ agpl~able law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance prrmitams in tree <br />mantrer provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disnursed by Lender pursuni to this pargraph 7. with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Finless Bcrrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />arrtotints shalt be payah}e upon itotirx from render to Harrower regttestirg payment thereat. attti snail hex. interest from the <br />date of disintrsetnent at Fhe rate payable from time to titnr an austanding prit+.cipai under the Note unless payment of <br />itttarest at sock rate wanid be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />petmisst`61e udder applicatxee law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 sna31 require Lender to itteur any expense or take <br />arty action hereunder, <br />g, inspectlmt. Lender may maize or cause to be made reasonabte emtirs upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that lender shall give 8orrowee notice pricer to any such inspection specifying reasunabie cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Prnpetty. <br />9. Candenttatatbn. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, d;rect or cansegnential. in connection with any <br />condemnation or titter taking of the Pmperty, or par[ thereof. or fot convr:vance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid 4o I.cnder. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shalt be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excesa, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless 8ormwer and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shalt tx applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such propottian of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that propartn-srt wwhich the amount of the sums se~~red by this Mortgage immediately print to the date of <br />taking tzars to the fair market vaS~nc u' the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paw in B6Xrower. <br />if the Property is ahandonai'. by Harrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Burrower thaf She condemnor offers to make <br />an award ur settle a claim far damages. 8c?rrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days afrer the date such notice is <br />mailed. Latu3er is authorized to coAect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Pr'operFV ar in itre 4t]m5 xCglTed h4' tni4 VfartaagC. <br />Llniess Lender and Bareower ot6terw•ise agree in writing. env such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />oT postpone the dtx date of the manthls• instaltmen is referred to in paragraphs 1 and ? nr. reef cr cfiange the amount of <br />such Installments. <br />Lb. Serrotrer tier 7tekatted. F.xtensian of the nme for payment or m:xlification of umonizatian of the alms secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lerner to any successor in incerest of Aarrawer shalt not operate to release, in am• manner. <br />the fa&aiiity of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. f_endcr shal9 not br: required to commence <br />pr<xeedings against such *,uccessoT or refuse to extend time fur payment or' otherwise modify amurtizatinn of ;he sums <br />sct;urt:d ray this Mortgage E+y reason of anw demand made by abr. ori,iraF Harrower and Hurrawer's successors in interest. <br />IL. Forbearance lay Lender tint a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in rvercis;nq .+nv right air remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall oat he a waiver of nr preclude the exercise art any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance ar the payment of races nr other liens +,r charare by 1 ender ..hap not he a waiver of Lender's <br />right to aecelerafe the maturity of thx inrtebtrdness <ectrcd by tRrc 3-lartgage <br />12. ftemedtes Cam~utttttve. .41! remer'<<': prc•.riled in ihi< Morsage are di-:tu:<t .Fn:l :urns~lative io env other right ar <br />remedy under 9his M1SorFgage or a{larded he taw or eyutrs..ted mar he ,err, iv;:<I :nnnrrrcmiv indepcnden@v or successively <br />tJ. .rwceessars and .~ Hoetid; Taint amt Several i,ialattit}•; t'aptions. 1'ne : +venanis and aKreements herein <br />cantamed shall bind, and the rightly hereunder shall more t. 'he re'cpec?nc +:+?~;:cs<rrc :rod a<s?an< of l.cndcr and Aorrower. <br />subjrt to rhr provisions ul. paragraph 1' heteat. ,411 covcaants an;d ~gn~me±?++ ,N It.zrrF„+~=r A1:34i t.r ;; __ _n3 -__ ~cr:t; <br />The «:slpbans and headings of the paragraphs ++f this Mortgage ar ,. :.e*nve -•n~e ,^n3a end arc -.+ t?t uxd i<+ <br />interpret or cetinv ihv prurisians herr;at. <br />id. 1V~kr, Except far nay notice ;xttuired untlCr applicat.+le law t.. he given in aria?thee manner. ;a) :urt~ notice to <br />Actr:cnrocr nmrided for its this Murtg,alte shall hs- f;n n by ^tudirzg +uat; n.aaux be .ut?tied ? es! !ddrr~x:d ? ± Hurrusver a? <br />Hoc Prtatac'fl" Atldrez= <sk~l. eRC. S isa:s 3 r~l},r,. ~:;4 ~ ~rCn'iFc Fv .. ~ ... . en,j~r 3s t ,.tell hera;.tn, :toil <br />Qj)i anL nati .[ la i-.enltcE sna?{ ~ 1-`n na- s=CS.lfi S 11~,., ,±._. -- .. i. I ..F:i ~. ,~~. -- - +__ <br />_ C rr?n <br />` .. '..~.•. '4 <br />tit -.. ~:t.,s. aduiir u i,.,ndv= T=' d_..~l.a,ts 1?' il'.-t 41:~ ba_, r.... t,r; C..,. {n: 'i~ IS :, e .4ec .,.( t ~I. <br />+vcn r--~g.rz;~ =roans i=£ uaz?-- ~ n.1ce -~'~? p ~r?rrnwt a inns ( 2e ke~r?'t-~I _rn .e!, et <br />t lt. L.niiarel linrtpa$e; Gtrrer Lam..; Sgvrrabtttt ! -,r? ? .c-rrea_-.. mh..-., .. f.: , + ., f,.r 't?c?ul <br />use and nz?rt-.,rt.,,,,,, i Gaa.:t: a' h i;ie+:ac,a ~ n. he . , .,.1 <+-+_n tc, ,. ,r+t rc -+ rn + . u.rn nstr+ *nenr vcnnt; <br />real prapcrtt. T>us 1~1ort¢ugt shall f+e gVvrrned~~h. rhr Isw .,C the iurr,dretren ir. why:! ~+h~ Ctotx, rte ,. (n::ntzd_ ~t r? tht <br />event Thal any praviseon ar clause ,at thi< Mortga~ +'r ?flc 'v:are <n niitas •s ith apphe;rbie 'au. ,uch .,~niirrF ,hull not affect <br />other provisions of Ihrs Mortuagr^ or zhr* `yet=t ah+ah <~+ he „cn _'de<+ ~.<n!• u. the -.r il.. r._ +ni.,n. sod ±:. ?his <br />end the provisions of she M1iartgage and the ": ntr arc ,ic<!.+r«,d !nix .tveraMe <br />tb, HarrQwet's Copy. Burtnwcr shalt re firnvahed .+ <.=n iY+rmcd cots of ?ham Yav ,r„i of th;c i~fortgagr: at rhr nme <br />of ccerution or stter recordation bettor. <br />P7, 'Traraeier of tbC ihoptity: AtansmpNrur. If nit r-r mess p,r ri +,t t+•a Pn?pcnr nz an interest titcre•rn is sofa or transfrrre•.S <br />by Bnrn?wtr without Leredct'ti pnr:r +ariHCn ,, nsrnt, sgvl di ~r ~..+! '6..:?<^ai+~•r? t .rn .u :.?+:::n?hr.. r__ -, rt:?t ~tinate ?•• <br />tlsas Marlgagt. chi the ~rcairrrn .,f a pvra'haK ntesc< ua nt4 utterr t r-,r h,nr>rlatlsl -tnfl!irc< ~_ uaresT<<r lw dccrs+;_ <br />descent oe h}' cal~rateon tat law ulv.-;; thz death ++t .+ satin tenant ,=r <br />_ _ 1 .•...IyF n' ..' L; -'}?t .~ c. -.,ii , .a,,,. ..~, ,.v ~ s. .ace tr< , <br />immediately d,nr and payaF~t~r. t ender an,rh h_ t ,+:n, ad v+,.h Dynan o asps k•r +,. i , r , ,+r _. ,:. rransf er f .-ndet <br />and tPic perwin 6+) whom I: htc Pr~~IpnrFa z. to fir ,Dui na .r.rnarrrrd ; ach ,,g tee otter ~ ~. ~ r ~ shat tt?c ,. rr,+it n1 ", n: h ('c•t, <br />:r saE.xtna:t,>rv t.? 1 i.,d€r srri [ :.e! ? ~. _at_ . av-.: ._ .... t.< .,.,,. ~ ...... '< -. r. r.ak~ ,.-.., .. •.. :.~:..: r :..ta-r <br />-halt :r_,c_=t tf 1 zone ltra3 aunt°ate, ,,.~ r I in .. ,a ,< , ,anal , rhr, ~,~ ,.+ wd _ R,,, , , ,a:~ _ - <br />ttiteFC'Jt naY etiCilttCd a wr+tiV:'S7 .'J_41A,fdTr}Tf1EU3 .L~{f.Cn`k`ne abl k~.IkF? •n _ • It r1; i, i .. ~. ! c+,!<< r , _.l.rSt R -,=tut, ril :!!1 <br />aAltgations ?ender Shts Martgx;itr a~mMCf the l`:ate. <br />t3 l,.nmtrt cacP+: ina_ rtre la ~,ndi'i r- ~ _.. -_r f e%.,t,. ha;! m:r! Anrr„>4r?' + u of - .terane+o ~ ardan«• +s rth <br />par~rpn 1,} hcrrtrl Sty It tNti;:~lp biP, t r were ,_ r.?.ayt .t ;, +h v: tit des- _ vn ?ha da?e roe t.,.? .:. .r.nlae , :,_ _ _ <br />wbty tt Bar,,=uwcr rally I<av 3.§wf .anlNOa Jv.. ,=tc,.1 . ,. =3c rr.•K <. .... , p: , ,,, na, pr , i , ra . ,t>i ~ , , ,~~ r+ r , +, <br />€. nsier ncav,wart .- tr_. - , ..a~r::•; _tp»ta rys .--.: H,...,.,. - .., <br />'io>-F-;rtoa±.? t'c ,.s_~tiw-.. if rr..,w::r .+stc? ! ra:+lcr l•,.:l;i, -.:. _.r,Y „ ,+:;d -,'.--?r:; ,, s *r•,xa. <br />tti, Zccrler>wFiwt; L4etnw'u.~ E3sept wg previtltd eft parrvyFr:xtah t 7 herav>f, opens itacirrsrwex s txxva.~h of axtx .~ase;easr9 .?r <br />atdrs'rrextu tai derrewkr ie ikitr Marlylsgte. iw•tngitt{t the ea,vrn:?n!• fu pa><' whrre dnv :teas auarev aer,-urrd t+y ihr.< x[ortgage. <br />Lauder to w#titi! eaait twitcr to ttnrrsxwer as praaidetl in g~rraarwgR t~ here+:! .pea•ifyira~. ?it rhr Rrrarlt; <br />t2) t~ actlsxa rte tI~ `--- h ~°~h: t3? a , =tat ? ~ t~rx y4 ~., s.ean r~,u n~ at=x ry -,._< _-,,t a:, Hs„r„w _. <br />A} arLitrit +c~'it itetvirb tnwfiY 6r rturdt and i•i1 tkat iai6ure FU cute vacR Rrcrrrh eta err hri4rr YRe date sprcrtdrd ut iRc nr:ticr <br />rxeaLr is t~ceieratFpe ?ai tip t,tttaa veratud ha thi±r 4lotigage< ivrccta»aee ltY iudui.d ptacerdirryt nail lair' of the PtsFprrty. <br />LM aBiezo iard4tr a~gl'arnt I~oar+a+rct of ikr r=yt` ht tee t.^iltrtatr alter aa'a'et~ratti.xA noel the rtgRC ;er a:+.rrt in sR~ fcuta{tr.urr <br />rta+fiUttt rhr ~-ri~ta~tx rat a c4rfaeLt +at any uxbrr strdenae ui t3alxrnwu to ac;:cirratinn aa.# tnrac#xtire. It the t:ecach <br />tt net crated iris st tatlfua tba dHe sprci'tled ut tilt ttUtue, 1_eaidrr ut 1.endir'r .aL.rbvtl nla, dry tare all .at rhr .r~,isx ,a•a+srr+I 6v <br />tar rte ittatAL~i) des aia!11 pas's.$te sritttswt Farther deraaHd aed alas fore tree by gtsticia# ptcxet~Ilxsg. t csldrr <br />~^ '.^ :~;t ~,n ~_;,o~ ~ : ~ ~ .,, ......Ra.sea~. r-,...~f. u,.. _.;< :i-;:..~..._,...R.s r:..s.,a H.rr-...... <br />r^+it, ax3=,~~ __~ erg., <br />1~. t~#tdtTMri`5 ~ ht RditF>itittY, !i <,.w+t hot;r,.,i,r i e+::ic~. 4 .a,_ra?;,~r, ... ..,,sr, ,..., t-, .. '4f,•r H,rt~< <br />FUt'F. -_ _a .?q:B.Ii ^_._ ??P` ~rh! ?c ??a .. .-..K :C:Ic ?gs !E`~',.. h-: ..,rt. ,. ,.,,. „^Lt+' 9 .• ... ..1 .,~ - .... <br />