~~ i"~#3~
<br />${~--~~~=~~98
<br />~. The mortgagor carenanta and agrees thattf he shall fsil to fray said indebtedraera or amy part tLereof vtit¢tt
<br />cite, m• alai} fail to perfarnt any eavenant ur agzecment of tllia imstrntrr~at+ea.tlte psotvti~,e9ry sorts aecnred ianraby, the
<br />orgies intleLtedneas hereby secured shall immediate{y Brcastse dam', piyalrle, slut-cali+sctibk.,withaat ttotiee, at the
<br />ai7timr of the mortgagor or aaaigrta, regsrdiex of maturity, and the mortgagee or his assigns lnay before ar sitee.eniry
<br />,aril said properly without appniutaent 1 the mortgagor having ~rec~}atiglryed~v'th~~rtgagee ail rights of
<br />nrisettrent } • - `~~L~
<br />s t t at judicial sale purauanx to the provisions of 2ti U.~.t:. 2061 t a } : or
<br />f,tt} at rho option of tkx mortgagee, ziilter by auciian or by eoiieiEatian of sara~d bsdas`for rho higlmt alai
<br />beat Lid eamplying with the terms of ask and masses of payh[inttped5ed in tbepytbliahed notice of ask, fiat
<br />giving four weeks native of the time, terms, and prase of sucix:rt+t~ &y~ adsertisement no{ lees than any
<br />during each of said four weeks in a rtewapaper published ur distributed in the county in whieil--acid-properrty
<br />is •ittaat~f, ail ataher sorties being LereLy waived by rho mortgagor (and said rtlortgadse, or'-say pztxm as
<br />Ltdulf of said-mortgagee, may bid with the napaid iadeLtedmaa cvidenecd be said note}. Ssid ask shah be
<br />held at or an the property to be said or at the !'ederal, county, or city courtharlae for the coaaty in which tLs
<br />property is located. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to execute for and nn Lehaif of the mortgagor and to
<br />deliver to rite pureLaser at such sate a sufficient conveyance of said property, which coaveysnee shall coataia
<br />reeitaL r to the hattaseninx of the defaoli alloy which the execution of the trowzr of yak 6rreia aranted
<br />delresads; snd the said mortgagor hereby cortatitutes and appoints the mortgagee ar any agent or attotaey of the
<br />mottdagu; the agent and attarrtey is tact of said mortgagor to makes suet recitab sari to exeettte acid
<br />rontrapance sad hereby toveaentx snd agras that the rceiiais as made shall be egectuai to bar all equity or
<br />ri~;ltt of rrxlemptiars, bornestend« dower, sad all other exrmptoars of the tnartgagor, all of which are hereby
<br />expreaalg waived aaai convesed to the mortgagtt; or
<br />iteti take any arbor appropriate artiun parsuant to +!tate +tr f^ederal statute either in state nr B~tderal
<br />rattrt nr otherarix fur tht diapoeition ref the property.
<br />In the event of a sak as hareinabove pcoxtdrd, trite snerigagor or anv per.on in por++rsaion ender the mortgagor.haH
<br />then heroine and 6e Yenamta holding aver and shall forthwith deliver poserraron to tier purchaser at each sale or ix
<br />armmarily elispaaataaed, in accaxdanee with the provisions of Saw applicable to tenants Iu>idirg aver. Ttse power
<br />and agency hereby granted are coupled with an interest and are irrrvocabie by deeth or otherwiPe.amd are granted
<br />as eumulativc to the rrrsrerlies far roiirrtien of said indcbtednes.a pmvided irv Saw.
<br />#. The proceeds of yap sak ~ said property in sceordan~ce with these preeediag prrrgrapha a6ai1 be applied fcrN
<br />to pray the vasty yard rapawats of asid sale rite etcpenara incurred by tlxe mortgagee for tote purpose ai proteetitt,~g or malts
<br />t:iaireg ,:aid propety, sari ream~taLle attain:sy fees: secsstadly, to pay the in,{rbtealnr;a ~rorrd ixrneLvs an+l thirdly.
<br />to po'y = - =,;:Yid +:. en..~'-„ .~ !~,-~ .^.r s~..~P 1=,:Ilt entit?rl'. tlte.:~t„.
<br />•,. fa ~ ~. ~ -~..`~ ~=~..r ~ --Id az - ,- r-.l fg.~l~a:• a.i~ .rr p..~ -_- to t - .'f $.~ ~•*.~-b.:.a
<br />gratrttd. ~ tx ~ arx ~ atxl~i~tr to ~y xis total i:t=$r~t~r:~ ~~r~2 by Wit,-~-~t FS zap Ly
<br />said promissory mate, the mortgagee will be eatiiled to a tfehciertcy judgment far the amount ai the afe(teiency loilAort
<br />re>]~ to spprsisantatst.
<br />o Its sire scent the rttnr[gsgor fails to pay anv l'edrral, state, or Foes) tax amts.>ratreut, income sax w other taz ISrn,
<br />charge, fee, ur other rxlrrttae charged agrtlret the {rnrprrty, the mortgagee is hereby :ul(hurite+l at his option to pay
<br />the. acme. Any sweets ati pai,• Ly the mortgagee slrr{I tin added to and hen,me a part +z( she principal amnunt of she
<br />tttdebtedneas evulelterd by said outs, subject to Cite earns leans and run+littuua. If tits mortgagwr shall pay and
<br />discharge she imiebtrdxaesa evidrnvrd ]ry said prumisaory r:atr, and shalt pay such numb and ahaU +liacharge all taxes
<br />attd liens slid the torts, fca~a, and rxpartar of m:.kinr, eafurriau, asst! rxesuting tlria nt?•rlTay°,!"~ tier:a shk tauxtgage
<br />shall be ~artr~+led and aurraamaiered.
<br />i, 'i'he covealatass itet~y:io x•erutained shall haul attd iLe laear<Siia and advantages ails 13 lasso to the respective suc-
<br />esw~ and aoalgiu of tkta palttip herald. A+heaerer wad. the singular sambas shai{ inelu'_e eh._ piarai, the piura! the
<br />w~axiarr atsd the tea of ~3' shall iasiude al! geadsra.
<br />~, Ttfo waiver ttf aril csvcnamt hem;a ar of the ahligrtiaw arkurrd Fterdts ahYll at nor times iharrattrr trw f~w_.1.i
<br />ea lac a waiver of the ttrma lterrxtf at of the note arcured tura~irr. -
<br />4. la eraoplianee with aartiwl 1Q1. i t d) of the Ro1ea sari Regaliatiotta u[ ttye timaii Buunrmr Adnviniatrauon { 13
<br />C.It.fi. 1$l,kfd}}, t =~--9~t-i# to bz ca,d awf cnfur,rd it aeeordanx with appiica'oie ~edrral la.r.
<br />]>t. A ,judicial dsrroa„ order, ar judgmcari hnidutg any prowiaion ur portion of Chas :natrumrnt +nvalid ar um-
<br />entorcn:laEs: ahaN sat its buy yray impair ur prrrtude she rnlurcrrft-aei oaf rise rereasatittg pruv:siw:a or portions of
<br />t7idr itzslrtcMae`gi,
<br />roi :year wrr .a-,ae ._
<br />