tJ-~l r9 =~ r :~ ~
<br />~. 'rlaa tea asd s~aeaa as ftte~m.t
<br />.. 13a trill paempttf par the isdel ¢+adeaaed lr7 acid protafia~Y ttMa at tha Casa. rend an tfre
<br />ptasrsee t.5aQeia prmided
<br />s. Be trrall prtT all tsiaaar .rum ntea, aaa t gareretae~tal ~ s®idp.f e6.rgea, ~ et
<br />at®gaktiama, for trlta~ pawriaaaat has adt fateara tttrade faeteatthefsre, sad wi11 prtrsptiy ae6vtr the ttsea.l ertasp~
<br />therefor m the toartga~ee.
<br />c. fie will pay such ezpenrxs snd fens ss mev be iaeurted in the prateetioa xad mainteaanee of said
<br />ptrtprrty, incfnding t)x ices of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or aA of
<br />the indebtedateeet hematy xcured, ar Car iorcelasnre by mortgagee's ask, nr coaR proeeediags, or in say other
<br />Fitigatioa or prtxceeding aBrcting said prttnisea. Attorneys' Eees reasonably ixtcurred is aay other way shall Ix
<br />paid fry tfta morigrgtar.
<br />d. Far better secariry of the indebledrtcw hereby secured, upon the regeest oC the mortgagts, its ~~~-
<br />a7eJaora ttr aasigaa ha shalt eaeente and deliver n supplemental mongai5e or mortgages rent-esing any additions,
<br />improvements, ar betternsents made to the property hereinabovr. described :nd all property acquired by
<br />di after the date hereof Call in farm satisfactory tax mortgagees. Fnrthermocr, ahoaid tuartgagor iaiF to cnre
<br />say tf+efavlt in due paymeai of a ptirar ar inferior encnrnasrance nn the property drscribtd by this instrttmmt,
<br />mortgagor hereby agues to permit mortgagee to cure ench drf:suit. Iwt mortgagee is not obligated to do ao;
<br />and allele advetxms shall become part o[ the indebtedness sernrrd 6v this instrument. snhjrct to the same
<br />terms sad t:antlitimm.
<br />+•. The= rights treated by Chia ranveyance shall remaiua in full four and rN'ert during any postpaaement
<br />or ttairnaion of the time ni payment of the indebtetlnexs erixfestreel 6y said prami,nrenrs' note nr any ;part thereof
<br />seenrcd hereby.
<br />f. Ne will coniinaoas{y maintain hazard innuronce, of xuch tvFer err n~Fws and irx xuch amounts an the
<br />mortgagee max from time to time rcquirr +»r the smprovementa now or hereafter on Wald property, and
<br />,rFIF pay promptly when ties say premieaera taxerefar. All imaraoee ehaf! be carried in compaaies atxeptabk
<br />to ~artSag~ and tfxr palici_~ and-ranrwaia thereof anal; !ze FteFd by mar±gagr snd !rave attached th~~etst
<br />Fttaat pryabie ttiaeraa in Cavor of sad in fonrx acreptabk to the mortgagee. in eveat of toes, mnrtgagar will give
<br />i>9s>sx~.~ ~ is vtri€iatg is tt~gra. ~d ~artga~~e ~y ram peal ss! !ten if Litt 3tsde promptly 6#
<br />raore~rtg~ t ~~ ~ ~y s.€t~ i a ~»bv artt~sr+~d ass! dit-n.t~! tc msk- g4v~t ia- x•~
<br />Inca direetlY to mrarte ittatead od W absrtgagw and toarttaag~a jointly, and the i~ttraeca prxeetla, nr say
<br />part thereof, reap be applied by martgeg« at its option either to the re.drtctioa of the iurlcbterlaaas hczeby
<br />az~xtrod err La the rws#u9rra:ea ar rzgrair ui tlt~ property vautageei or dc~ttvyrd. fa . vazttt of forttillusaz}ro of thla
<br />• - - - ,.u~ ,. _ _'e= _? __.?~- to -~3 ~.~ _- -a€s;aguFsrss_n= _~ __.'~ _~'__e'~~ ~~-~-'- ~ ~f. =xx
<br />righ4 title. sad interest of thejtnortgafttx in and to spy irmnra,tce puliw;iast theta in Carr:e shall 9aaa to the
<br />purrhaecr ar morrgaaer or, at the nptia»r of the martaagrr, rstat Fxe surrendered tar a rrfuttd...
<br />g. Ne will keep all huildinga and other imprctvemcnts on said property it+ Rtxed repair astd condition;
<br />will permi4 comaut, <rr suBrr n., waste, impairment, drtrtmrstiUn of soul prexF,rrta ur aav part thereat;
<br />in the event of failure ui the mortgagor to F:erp tttr buildings ten eaxd prrsnisra :tied thxror erratrd tin said
<br />prrmirea, or rnspravemen[s thrtetsn, in gaol repair, Ekte snoriaagrr rosy realer n»clr repairs as in its disa:rrturn it
<br />Wray deem necretanrv fur the peeper prrrervatun thrreni; .snd eFsr fu{F amauxut ui each and creep xuch pavmn-ttt
<br />eha11 he itttaeaxiia[efy der and f~acabFr attsl x}>a{i he .rrorrd by tFtr Isen ,>f then mortKagr.
<br />it, Na wi## rwi seFutxtarily rrEair or permit to Fee a°zratrd a~rainxt the pr,-xtxerty xubirrt to thin mazigage
<br />any Fien or liens inferior »r aufrerior Yc tltr Fien exi tFsia rnaxrtgage without the wrirten consent n€ the mrrt.
<br />gages; snd iurther, hr will kreu and ntasntsin the sanxr free Cram the ciaem of aU peraunr aul>pfying {alwr or
<br />otatrriaie far roastzurtian of a»v and a{F twildings or insprx,vrnreuts non kwent; ,-rested nr t.x br erected on
<br />said prrmisa,+,.
<br />t. ffr wilF rent .?s ~~x~o saes p-ra .,f ±F?c• reut ezf ~ai,f :ressrt aged prot~rty~ nr drnaolish, yr rert:u>•±.
<br />to aubstaattialfy afore sot Fwitding »•ithuut the, written r,sn wet of the nu:ergs€'e.
<br />j. All awarthr of dantagrs in connection with art}' rnndemnation fnt public use of or mjnry to env t,f the
<br />pwp~srts sstbi6et tv tha+ marteaga are lterrln~ aaaigaed and shall he. tai In nmrteag: __, wbo asat~ areas'=• tFte
<br />sa~rt tar paymtext of the i~talaatenu teat due attdcr xaid aut,s., asst rsaortgagr- ix Fxsvrt'-?+ _s,thor.r,=l, is tie
<br />txarae of the maregagar, to €xe+:utr arxd deFnv~er valid acya:uaaces tfecreai snd to alxpeaF front an. sued award.
<br />k, The ._ff.€igager. xllaFf Fsat~e €hw rigfxt to inspect she mottgagrd isretnixts at ang rc+aas»tabka €tma
<br />~. 13pEstnFt eat eny asf filer r•txrrnants or rattd_itint+-+ ,-f list- is§irsftz.rnt or +sf the t_-.,_ _r F,~an -.rre,•sa?,nt =~•__s=:1
<br />harrfty strait tertpiaate rtes awtlgagur`s rtglti to po xsetnn. oats, and rujn}reset oC the rpntlsrrt}, at the .,l,ta. n ofrthe
<br />mertgagrr or his assigtss tit bring agmrd that the mortgagor rhaFF Naar sorb right unttF default Y. L-pun any Ruch
<br />rault, tht murtgtager •}ea1F bens+nsr the utnurr u€ aFF ~.€ tkr rrr,ta ,sn,i :ratite a.crx;,ng aft+rr defa»Ft ax +tra•uzity
<br />ftt- lira intfebtzdnaae serured larrrby, .vith the nght to +rnter npon said prnpe rtv for the trurlstrsr of et+iFnting auc}t
<br />rrErita sued ftrofita. `Chia instrstmrat ehalF up+cr~ as as asrct~ttAtsat of any renlaFa x>:t vas:i prug :elf to lhac rxtesst-
<br />