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~Q-fIC;;5i~1 <br />Condit s w:ttttn agrternent or appiicab2e law. Harrower shat£ pay the atrwum of art mortgage insurance premiums in zhe <br />mantter provided untfer paragraph 2 hermf. <br />Any amounts disburssd by LenCrr pursuant to this paragraph 1. with interest thereon, shaft becar€x additions! <br />indtb?edness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amattnts s}tal[ t4 payable upon notices from Lender fo Idottawer regtr¢sring payment thereof. and shall !rear interest from rite <br />date of dl~bt=.rsemznt at the rate payab-e from time to time on outstanding prindpa[ under the *Iote unless payment of <br />Interest at such rate wau[d 6e contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shalt hear interest at the higtust tale <br />permis5ifile under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shat[ require L~r to lacier any expetrse or takt~ <br />airy action ixreurrdtr. <br />g. iaapeettrar. dander may make or eaust to he made reasanafile entries upon attd inspections of the Property. providul. <br />that i_endtr shay, give Borrower podce prior to any such inspection specifying uasanabk cause theiefor reFsted to Lender's <br />intzrrt in the Property. - <br />9. Corrd<ncr~a. The prcrcteds of any award ar claim far damages, direct or consequential, in cannrxtion with ang_"~ <br />eondemnatinn or othtr taking of the Property, or part thereof, nr for cnmtyance in lieu nE condemnation, arc hereby assigne~- <br />and shalt t+e paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a iota! taking of the Property. the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the o:cess. if any paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unlL4s Borrower and Lender <br />n€hera•ise agree in writing, there shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mercgage such protsort[on of- the proceeds <br />as it egos[ to that proportion which the amount of the sttm< stctered h}• tfiis Mortgage itntrrediaNtiy prier to the date of <br />taking brats in the fair market usher of the Prnperry- immediately prior to she date of taking, with thebalance-of the proceeds <br />paid to 8arrowts. <br />(f the Property is ahan~rntd try Borrower. ar if.'aft<r notice by Lender to Rarnwer that the condemrror offers is make <br />an award or settle a claim far damages, Barrawer Eails to respond ro Txnder within 30 days after the date such rmtice is <br />marled, Lcrrdtr is atrtharirad to rnBect and appip the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sssms secured try this '<fangage. <br />- Ltnfe^.s L~tr<'f.°. a, ~' Bnrru.<zr ;;K agr~ ir. writing. any suwitappiieai:+rn of proceeds to principal shat[ Hai careen <br />orprrsrpone rite due dare of the mamhiy instai[ments referred to in paragraphs 1 and ?hereof or change the atrtount of <br />suer instalimrnts. <br />f9. Htevaw<r Net Rei<med. F_ctension of the time for paymtnt or m~[flcation of amortization of the sums scoured <br />[ry tfris Martgagc granted by F.enoer to any successor in interest of Brwrrnw<r sha11 not optrste to release, in. any manner. <br />ihr habitrty of the angina! Harrower and Borrnwtr's svc'ges~st+rs in inmrest. Linder shall not he required to commence <br />prasrrxdinas against such successor nr refuse to extend time for payment nr othtrwise modify amortization of the sums <br />sac~ared by this Mortgage >syr reason of say demand made-liy the. ar'r¢inat Borrower and Borrower's snecessars in interest. <br />t f. Forbrartmrt by tixnder Kul a W~nirer. Ant i'.t?nc~arance bey Lender in exercising any right or rtmedy hereunder, or <br />orbit arsse aifo.rded by appiicah[e~ taw, she![ not he s waiver n! or peeciude the es~ercise of any such rig3tt or remeety. <br />The oretvrcment of irrsvtatsce ar the pat~+`~.-rt of taxes ,-.r other liens nr chargts by i.endcr =hail oat he a waiver of Lender's <br />right to acceitrate the maturity . f the indebtedness ,ecurcd by this Mortgage. <br />t2. Rertut Ce~ntetire. A!1 ramtdies pmvidrd in €his !Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to an}° other right or <br />rorne=,h• a»dtr *.Peis Mnngagc or alinrd¢d by ia~ ,rr equity. and may- fxc exercised sancurrentiy. independently ar succtssivtly. <br />t~. Saccrssers sad Astons Boaad; Im3nt sad Severe! t.iabi7lty; Captions. ?'he covenants and agreemtttts herein <br />s~nrttarittd shat[ hind. and the rights ttereundtr shall enure to. the suecessern and assigns-of Lender and Horrowec. <br />subject to the provisions c>f paragraph i' hereof. ASi cavc»ants and agreements of Borrower shalt be joins and several. <br />"ilre captions and headings of the paragraph= of this Mnngaec are for cnnvemerce oniv_ and are not to t+e used to <br />i:.tcrpmt or a#$nc the provisiots hereof, <br />~. ''-.Srkfe~- P~-epi for any na,i~-r• required tt»;:;er appiicah?e Prawr yr art Icrvtn i» another manner. t;al any hence to <br />Hnitc:wet prayided for to ihi; ifartgage shell hr givom f`y nr;ulitrg auckt noftct by certified mail addressed in Horrnwer at <br />p~fir, Prap<ny AJdrcss or at such aehtr asdciuss as Brarnnwer ma+~ dawiignatr try nonce to Lender as pravrJai herein, and <br />P;hi seer rxs?#ce to t,encicr eita[i ?+r given h}' ctrtifitd n?aii, return rccep0. requtytr !ca [.sncltr'c address stated herein or to <br />4x-rh qsk~ -:ddress -,s i~n~r t^ay drigrtatt ray naticv : Bcarcawer asu }srtsvdad hrri'rer. Any norstcc pmvidad for in this <br />RfurtgaPc .strati ire deemed to have recto gwr.n 'a tic'+rr't?we.t ur i ._.ndrt w~iren pz; v'cr, in rhr mainirr t~signafed trerei». <br />tS. flei[errn 49rcrre~e:; C: .ems' .~ ty.,.-. t_~.~eralFS~.s. ~r~,• r.••^, :ai' •••.°:••asr er ~r,!:i n~ nmfnra: c .. ,,,,n.. ~..r „ate<:nal <br />trsc and nnn~rrmEatm covrnanr,. wsth iimrta:i vanaricwtre by .ueradia~ticu €ti, ,-nrneMrute ct uniform securitt rostrums°°»t covering <br />rest Rroptrty. iris ~frrtgagt sFtah isr ~+v?vrrned !rv the law ,;f the ;needle-tine r! wh±ch the Praprrty is tocafcd. [n the <br />ruin[ that any prrrrision oc ciar;st of this Martgagt ur tht Notc rnntdicts with ;tpplkah}r law, such conflict <haii not a$ect <br />other pruvmir;uts of this Mortgage or ihr Natr which van !r< givtn atTett ~=irhotn rhr ;ronflieung provision. and to this <br />cod the pravisiorrs of the Mangage and the 'unit err dictated to tst- ,everaMt. <br />16. Borrow<r's Copy. Btirrowsv shall hr flrnnahtd a cantcrrnrd ;npy nI the Nate anJ of rhr. Moagage at rhr time <br />of txecvticM ss atttr nn:ordatian tcertof. <br />i'. "!'trtnsf<r of the Prafrtr4yt Asaerapttua. tf aft srr any psn of the property srr an intrust thrrtin is sold or transferred <br />by Borrawrr without f.rrrdtr's prior written in?rsent cxchrding lot rhr creation o[ a 6cn or cttcumbranee sutxxdinate to <br />:hoe Martgagt. th't the cuauan s.t :; purchase monty ucurity ~ntrrrst Pot hnusehnid aPplianees, ;cl a transfer by Jrvist. <br />dasttni or by o~rat~n aP law up+~r rhr d<aih set' a }Dint tenam or rd; rhr gram of any leatehaid iverrest c*f three years or lass <br />rnx containinrd art eririlnn to purthast, [.entire pray, at [ cndei s c+ptrou. Jtclare all rhr sums soured by ihss Mortgage to he <br />unmttkiateiy due amt payable. t-endtt shalt have uurvrd ,u.h <.punn to ac.e[cratr rf. otiose to the ,alt ur transfer: lxnder <br />and rhr [tenon ur whom tree Property i. tq tse wl<t yr transfrrrrd roach agreement m ur;ling rfrat the creJn of arch pers<?n <br />is saEistactary u+ ten 4:.urd th:u the imerra parerblt wt the snms scn:rad hr this Mortgage shall he a[ such tart ae i.ernler <br />shaalt r<aTt~st if l.errdrr hat watceu the up6oa to sc.eitratc previdtJ ut tbu caragraph i7~ aad It 13arrt>w<r's sttcce•ssor in <br />ini'trcst has etrs-vtes! a written assumprrrvr agretmcrrt accept<d in u ruing by [ enter, Lendtr .hall release Bnrrawer from a[I <br />ahtrnxtrcros tt~der thu M-~rigage gird t€rt .'vote. <br />Ft L,craier txtrcista such option to aseekratc, i.cnder shall mail Hanawer »tXirr o[ acerieratian in accordance with <br />;-au'utir~zph hcswo-i. Su.Jr noti:u shtrit provide a {r:ru?il t •t a lcs5 t}Ya» ?U JuSs from rhr date i[re ounce s ensiled sr ithi» <br />xshieh ~irrr+wcr rnav par- t~ ~arins d«~iared ,due. [t Bnrrou~rr Exd< ur !say Hoch ,t»ns prurr ±a the rxpiratlan ~ ;~ uu-h ,r=ru+d. <br />~.-r--,+~ =~--. ==,_~s.= .~.E,~, s,e..r_~ .~: i?~a owe 3a,-ec,wrr. rhr ~+i.e an'r resncdics trrsnstrerf 7,r fl3rrg. aprz 1 k hereof <br />_>*t-"v,+sr-rr8ra C:m~-€re.taTx. B.rre<r*srr :r+r,i I.rndce furltter t~s~ccn;srrt :read ..~rrt :,. tullowa <br />2Y. Ac<riaeatfeacra It<tb<aii¢t. F.atcept m provided in pttrepraph 17 h<rt 1f, upaa Hurruw<r's brexb ed nay i'o:<mral or <br />-- - ~ Bflrra--av<r in lbw. Matigaee, iaeipdiag the ccrcettauts to pey s.hrn dire nay sortie s<rured by this tifartgr<at. <br />3~dev P€'itra ~a ar.,ta7tradtaa vbf8 saa~ aatk< to 6arrawer as pravidaat is paragraph IS h+uresrt +pecifyiaa: ttl ih< ht<rrht <br />txy ibr trriiaa *'at to cure stet6 Mrexrttt t i) a daft, t/at lt~s rhea 3b trays from Iht dw< the etWkt is rtrtdkd to Borrow<r, <br />t<~ttr aarh ~<aorra anus b< tar<8t cad ray that irdltue tv rare sarh breach oa su before the date sp<citi<d to rM< ssatit< <br />~Y rrtrntt ter erceYueltma of iLr •trak+ ter,:too} by t~s llerttrCe, fortrles,nr< by ftad&isl ptrx•<c~tnw and salt of ihr t'raperey. <br />'f1M aWiiaar draw fwihrr Wxar Neatowa of for rytht to r<irntete a1t<c acrtktt?tieea sad tht tigfit to ~v<r/ is the Esarcrktsarr <br />1~ ibe ova-ertlt7taawrt ed a dtlt>arU w arty r+itinrer dtfeare of Harrow<r to act'<lerwtWa wed ta<ecfraRacr. If th< hs+<arh <br />!s a4d rt~x4 rear ar k.?Iarr €ba e~fe <pecrHed to t~ rerik•<, t.ead<r• at ixader'a notion racy d<c{are rdd of th< .stns secar<d by <br />dry to ba heawtatty da< sad l~yahk without tartdeer dmusaad sad Wray famMs< by dadiciai ptvee<slityt• i,radtr <br />>drtdl t`yt catf3ro fe caHart is sac[ prerra aH eapearer ai t+u<r:hrsan, incladkpg, hot nW tiatw<d ta, csMkt sr! deearrmaten <br />e«pas'r. titiat<arfa r erqutcr„ <br />19, lar<t'a dirt as Rl4atN<. *:iastithtianduxg Ixta!<r's as:ceFerane+rr of the ;,va< uxnrrd by rhr, Mcrrervatir <br />Btrrtvavtte zirati tftc sight t-v have any prck;eaditrgt begun try is:ndtt fir entOrcc then Mcrngag< .isx:-c=nunue•1 ..a ar» nett <br />