Urtrr*txnr CovEffnr+rs. Bttrrowcr a[td Leader coverrari artd agree as foitaws:
<br />1, ~ M ~ tmd fatsrest. Sfarmrosver shalt promptly pay wtten due the principal of and- inzsresE art the
<br />indebted.'tsss svidettced try the Nate, prepaytztsat and {ate charges as provided in the Nats, and the principal of and inza+est
<br />on any_FtRare Advar[sss sscursd try this Mortgage.
<br />2. Faads for'f'axn t~ a6a»sce. Subject to applieabte }aw or io a wriaen waiver by Leader, Borrower shalt pay
<br />--to Lender on the day t'~~ottthty instaRmsms of principal and interest are payable under the Note, unlit the 'Vote is paid in full,
<br />a sutra therein "Fvttds") sgtsaf (o otto-tweifeh of t!~ yeasty taxss and assrssrttsnrs whisk tray -attain priority aver this
<br />Motzgags, ared grattrrd rtnzs on f}8C Propevty, if any, ptas o(ts-twelfth of yearly premium irtatattments far haaard insuratce,
<br />plus one-twelfth rsf yprly-premium tt[stallments for mortgage i(rsuranca. if any, art ac r:asonabfy estimated initially and from-
<br />ams €o time Pry Lender on the basis of assessments and hilts artd tcasonahk estimates thereof.
<br />'Ihs Funds shaft be held in ar. institution the deposits or accounts of which are irrsvrsd or guaranteed by a Fsderat or
<br />state agency (ittcttxfing Lenderaf Lender is such an irtstitu:ionj. Lender sha!I apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance prcmivrns and ground r¢nis. Lettdu may not charge Yor so hording and applying the Funds, analyzing said-account,
<br />or verifying artd compiling said assessments artd hiris, unless (xnder paes Borrower interest on the Fumfs and appiicabte law
<br />permits Lerufer to make such a charge. borrower atul Lender may agree in writing at the rims of execution of this
<br />Marfgags that intsrssi on the Funds shall be paid to Borrnwcr, and unless such agrsemsnt u made or appiidbk taw
<br />rr~uires sorb interest to he paid, Lender shalt rat he required to pay burrower any imerest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give w Borrower, withoU; charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to [he Funds and [he
<br />pmptsse for which each debit to the Funds was made. The- Funds are pledged as additional security' for the sums sst:ured
<br />by this Mortgage,
<br />If flu amour[ of the Funds bald by Lender, together with the future monthly inuallmen±s of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dtts raatss of taxes, assessments, insurance premit»fts and grc?urrd rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />sssesstztents, insurancs premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall he, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower ar credned to Bormwer.an monthly installments of Funds. tf the amount of the Funds
<br />Stead by Letx~r shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fat! due.
<br />Baaaa[sr shat: pay to Isaufsr any attraunt rxrrssary to make up the Jeficiencv witFu'a 3Q days from the data notice is mailed
<br />try f.tmder to Borrower regzusting paptnant t}tsrea!'_
<br />Upon payn~ttt in fait of all sums secured 6y this Martgagt:. r,s[eJcr shat) promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />bald hY ixndsr. If uudsr paragraph Its hsrea€ the Proper} is void or the Propeny is otherwisu asqurred by Lender. Lender
<br />' shun apply, no later than i[nmcdiateiy prior to the safe of the Proprny <,r tea acquisitron by Lender, any Funds herd 6y
<br />Laander at the- umr +~f applicatiat as a credit ag~stnst thr sunny ~sea~,urod~ by rhts Frtortgage_
<br />3. Applkstbt[ of lfaytszetds. Unless apprtcahlr !aw provides cnthan [wdse. ail payments received lay fender under the
<br />~3Me and paragraphs i and 2 hereof shah be app{red by f'.-sudsy not i~~n. paynuni of amounts payable to Lender 6y Borrawsr
<br />tttpdttr paragraph 2 hexmf, then to interest payable oft ehc+ tiara*., th+.ra r,e,r the: principal of the Nnte. and t7ten m interest and
<br />prittcipil on any Future Advances.
<br />a. Ctts~t Liam. Borrower shat3 pa} alt waxes. assessments and ether ahargrs. fines and tmpusinons attnhutahle to
<br />tits Prv~»y which may attain s priority ov¢r this Mortgage, ate lsasehnld payments or ground rents. if ary, in ihs manner
<br />provided under paragrapfi ~ htteof ar, tt nut paid to such incrust, by &,rrewcr making payment. when due, directly to the
<br />payee theazof. Harrower shall promptly furatsh to Lender ail nuu.:rs v( emintnts Jur under thu paragraph, and in the event
<br />Borrower shall make paynuni directly, Burrower .hall prompt!< Iurm.h to I.rnder receipts eyadenctng such payments.
<br />Harrower shag pr(xttp[ty discharge any hrn.wntch has prtaruy r: er ;his Atorgagr; pnx~:ded. that &rm,wer ,halt not he
<br />rsqutrsd to dtscbarge arsy such flan su lung as Harrower chart egret ter ~.. Hung to the payment uE the :t6ltgauon sccure.d by
<br />w-.h ;its (n a manrzr a,xxpia6is to I.enc#er. Vr strati is gxxi fauh .ontcy:..uch i,-rx Fy. er dsfenJ enfnreemen[ „f such lien m,
<br />lb-gai prvc~ wAfeh afx~~e tc pr>Gren[ cl±€ enfatcerttent s! the eteta4 s.r f~tfcttttt^e of the p•,,pPrty nr my pan tha!re?f.
<br />~.. )<~aair@ ttattsetmee. BVnuwet sttatJ i;esp tha ,mpro,rmrot. t.e:u cry rsuag .sr hcrrat tear ctrcteJ on tlse Property un, cared
<br />.agaittst 3tsss by fete. hazards imfttdxzi w[thtn the tst'm "c, tendcci rc+re.¢argn.... and sucks ot8rer hazards as t.cndse may rrganre
<br />. s,.~.. ~ - t,c. s. -~twer .n v ,ry„,re: t . :r.€{.r... rh+., i cna~ ;,a...: may., -~ tha.:hc ..rsn...,,,. ~.€
<br />at~h. :>'.~r:a~c e~c°Yeit t[sht ar~-~rtnt Wi=t a+-c.ag_ r,tar:-d .: .hc ,::rt~- ~_±_._~+ t: ~ ifortra~•c.
<br />t;F. sae,-ranr.~- .srrtc"t }rzvs;,og the ~trt~Uranca.. - ,x ti}, kbarra a, ,rbtrt:t ,app,a i by i. cr.Jer pr,ai...i:::.
<br />that such ~aggmvr{ shill oua btlr unreasonably withkteid~ .rFi vtentrunn~ie nut inxm;utoc aotiuacs ,haftahc void m the manner
<br />ptxritf :nor p~r~r~ys ? r or. =f rxtt paid its nucn naa.trtet, krt €7c.Er..=war mtsirt7g yrtxymctt, -afhen drys, Jtrectty to the
<br />-a-.si::,~ titer: is"'r,
<br />All insuratxs pc1FK;ies attrt reacwats thrrcot strait hr ur karzn Saept:ablc rr> ! cn.}.r anJ shall rnetudr a .tamlarJ mortgage
<br />etatl~ in favor a,f and to fu'[m :ttiR`ptalrie to I.rntfer, I.ensar shall hair the rtgnr !,+ ho!d the pulrcire anJ rereew;n+ theCeof.
<br />and 8arruwsr shill ptwmptfy furtttzh to Lettdsr ar4 tcorwa! rouses at;J all ru:etpts ut past ptemtunts. In the rvcm of loc.
<br />Btsrruwer shalt yivs prxampl iwtiee w the utsurarace 4an:e[ and t.endcr- t_sndtr may mai,e pt aa,t of toss rt na,t rnaJr Pmmpt€s
<br />6Y Batt7wsr.
<br />Ltnk:~ C.vttsirr atnf &a;(c+er othrts++eyr agree en +sr:ung. enst+raucr prtxred+ ;trait try applxd is restoratiust ,ar re-pair of
<br />the Property damagrd. prrwtaied such rrttxatu.tn or rcparr rx e.:erxunicaliy trastblr and the vscuruy of thin Mortgage ..
<br />rtatz 3hCietYj itnpaa(ed. It stx:h resuszat+un u[- re}~at ,s u.xt c.tnatw..alit teastts4r .n ,t the secutni .~# thrs 1~tcrigagr w.+ulJ
<br />$~ t[nprttrsd. tits mauram-e prassds affaaf bs apptxd to the sutny created i=y thta ifortgagc. ,rah the excess, if arty. pard
<br />to Btst:uwet. ft the Pru~tic ~ abaadottect hz fta(rowrr, nr i€ tktr(owsr tart. t„ rcfparni to t.rndrr wuntn }U days tnxm tkre
<br />(iota ttoUCe is metkd sty L.sttdsr to BCYrra=wet that thr ntsurant,e earns[ vtiern t.. aattir e siann 3'u, msueatat.e twrtefita, Lender
<br />is auiitrrited to cs>ilsc[ amI apply the tr+suram:e. prxeesis at t.eryier~, +rpttan eetitcr to rrstvr.zuou .,r repair of thr Proprny
<br />ur to tltc mass sscwsd tsy thu Mortgage.
<br />$.lrtttra, f.stxkr artd B{wtcawstr a+tlKtwtxr agt+,h• m •,, :ung, any >u;€+ spphaatu+:r ,,i ;~r+•~crrts t„ pnrxtpal char! na+t rvtrnJ
<br />ur 1>,_gtprata star d~ eia~ u tt~ ttK',nthty instaltto:•c-ttx rtfre rrd a. +~t last attrat:ho ( ,:;,f ~ hrr¢.*t ,:r a_hangz tine amanrm +~t
<br />~w:h iat..taiiis>rnt.. E{ urui~r YaragraPtt ! ~ itsrri+t rite P*crperts :, :-,t c±zi i*t 1 r .-- ter, -g_kt. t:tir anJ tnterrat - i4orr::wr!
<br />m aatt !o ans irmW a[K'e pVtiCtai ataJ Hk di'W Iaf [eK pli>.:tY%th 4fterrrv[ ix'SUiting ItU+kt`efanra~.~ kr the I'rope[is prlari tU tltF v.1ie
<br />of ttsyvisiCtua '<Ita4t ntss to L.^s>strr to SM: retrrxt r.t for ,trm. securrd 'w th,~ 4t,~n yagr ,.napxitately ?rmr r,• vrz~h .ale or
<br />rCt~tirivr.
<br />- to £~*~- vF p'- • __ ~ .~ z~;r~: ~~>rcs •, . trrg~rc- .,--,-..-~k;
<br />•sepe~F`, x. urn c~ s(: a'~c-*>F - ~.
<br />:,:-~[ t#x f".x;tg at gc'rv# 4p-a[r ar;d s.,,a., „ut .--.rrtett.t K,as r -- tts:rs, t~.tt€n... .., u, . , ehti , ...tgrt-r
<br />atkt%Eataail ci~itip?y +ritt-h tzxc pttrristcasa a+( auy kasc rf tfta 43.±rtgat,. ,. , -r,+id. t3 ,. 3icn ak ~ .. _. :ru:t ar. ,
<br />R.,vrdoneinsum rrr a plattttsd and crfeeSc,+ptttcnt, ikrrvwet sJraii {frrt,rsm .4i!, otaEiutt-~uu;~s „httgao<ar.a >.r:rdrr the dcdaraErar,
<br />_~ caasrtasttsarea€rug ter govt: Haug sift earntfarae=triutr? t {:in;r::td -. es.yrnvrn;, t€ae +;-iau*. .+nct r,gr,t,ati„n: .,€ ,~
<br />i-~4i1Pt19±nf1~ ar frtiiSila9J unit ih'b'V(LsfNttarnt, and fan„VitUCrta ,iar,'unrcnh ~7] a aVZtddtnitucrn at t+lunrted amt Jc^,z-intHUCn1
<br />,rttfRt z'rs rxecati%2 h) Bt}tnaw'a't arttt rtrosd.ai tarplr[httt .,rah th:r ~1,~rtgaga., the wvrnants and .tgerentrnn ,•t ,matt rutty
<br />-~av3f ire irricc.Z'~c.~a#ai a6tca and 37rad ametti art.'s cu}p:.cnn:+ri q'k..,,,tn,+n4e carat agrtmrrtenis of r*n, ~4tnr.gnya= es <r [hw n.r,:r
<br />wary a ,part tane+rr;tf.
<br />'r. N'mtaetippa rat I.suakr's SazvsiA€~. i! 1SarTnu~er tarts tc, tscrt.,rm tin. caavruanrs .rt:.v .ekrarntc,rts auntarueJ m th+,
<br />~, fxS If any 'aCllxvt or prkK'eSaitftf rs itdmntdnle<t ahti#± a2atr(ialts nifty is t en,7er-, :nfrrcat in the 4'rvlKn}.
<br />a~Psttft, beta ,+vk htts}~+! ~,, tttuuerv ~'cxzt~ n. ,n:~t6a ,c~. =..~+lc .,af,,,iaaw:xt =- . ranti s rt,ts rt pr,>tc~ufar~s .nvnlrrng e
<br />banAtr+pd ar d~ti4dtptrt, tfinen txeradsr ai l.tadsr'x ;,kxezua. +.ttn>n a:,ttcc to Ba,r:e~.w.~r :r ., ,r.:wz• ,uch uppearaners- Jtyhur sa .u~.h
<br />r'•1rti~ and taka atMCh artxart :af to ztysmsa[i, to pcvtrat Lenr~r''c x •(est- , r ~_~ r+ut r,,..t r+rartesd ter, .19s6ur~ezaent „r
<br />'£~+HaMa?rtaaM'[kt a}#f5r'n$~ s f s#d @Aitr} uG~W tht Pt2peS,7 to rnakr au. ~ t: .. ,.r atai;a^,.i :!tt =taaae .rsux.mae a,
<br /><ctvc,te. of taadrnag. lass. a>a.,atred try this Rlcsrtgaga, B:?re a-~vt sit;: .,, c°axruet:a e~ya:y'ef .. :n,t,r,t-r:.:r ~, r....
<br />attatt~r~ [N rrtfl%'..t f-319A'!l AA~€'tY9[I!~ rl6 :(ii ti'3{i3trk`Ftt4rlt ~i?r >U4^h .d3niFan.e 't .rE~'a ~.l etGl.rltdt'.r' w,tra ~,er'-. uu :rru
<br />